A/N : READ!!

The One Who Caught My Heart
To all my awesome readers:


I'm  very sorry for not updating for like-FOREVER...

I'm very busy with school now, and it's already our closing, so I have to do many schoolstuffs.

I'm surprised that i have 30 subscribers even though i haven't updated for a few months.

But no worries, I'm gonna update as soon as summertime starts here in the Philippines, ok?

I hope you'll stay with me..

I'm not gonna give up on this story, coz i just love HyoHyuk too much.

Take Care everyone!


( Thanks to those who subscribed to my story! )





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jonginyo #2
hahahah cute one
Chapter 12: Heya after I read the other story that you have I decided to also read this one :)
I have a question, does Hyoyeon also dance? Maybe she can join Sooyoung'a class ?
sugarsong #4
please update this fic.
I'll be waiting.
update this story please....
ok..so why aren't my favorite writers updating their stories anymore? im sad..huhuhuh..update soon!.i'll be waiting..HWAITING! :)
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is soooooo cute udate soon ;D
mesooBad #8
wow. U're GREAT. I just love the whole story eventhough its not done yet.. Keep it up unnie. :) twas really awesome!
super love this update..and thanks for updating anyways..update really soon..can't wait for the next events!.FIGHTING! :)
shin_hyun2 #10
i love this update!!!!!!!!!hahaha<br />
they kiss..they kiss!!!!!!!!!!