Bonding Time

Bonding Time

The well-cased gadget rang shrilly early in the morning, successfully disturbing its owner from his peaceful sleep.

“Hmm…” Hyukjae mumbled sleepily into the line. Hearing the piercing voice from the other line, the boy sat up lazily on his bed.

“Yah Hyukjae!” Hyukjae’s mom exclaimed over the line, making Hyukjae to pull his phone a little bit farther from his ears.

“What’s wrong umma?” he yawned, unenergetically stretching up to loose up his muscles a bit.

“Prepare your place! Auntie Cho is coming over to drop her son. She’ll leave Kyuhyun to you for a while since she has to attend an event somewhere. Can you do that for me, honey?” his mom’s voice started to sound cunningly sweet at the end. Hyukjae groaned miserably, knowing very well that any objections to this would be rejected without any second consideration. He just meekly agreed to that.

He raised himself from the bed and lazily walked towards the bathroom to take a quick bath before the auntie of his would arrive. While showering, all he could think was how to handle that mini Heechul (Kyu’s annoying big brother who kept throwing nasty looks to Hyukjae whenever they met) of Cho family’s.

A good 10 minutes later, Hyukjae got out from the bathroom and rinsed himself before putting the appropriate wear on his body. Seconds later, the bell of his apartment rang to indicate an arrival of his guest. Hyukjae fixed a smile on his face before opening the door.

There was a lady with a little boy in her hand. That boy had a scowl decorating his small face and his pouting plump lips.

“Hyukjae-yah, I’m sorry to leave you with this little Kyu,” Auntie Cho said after she pulled Hyukjae for a quick greeting hug. Kyuhyun who was standing beside his mother eyed the two uninterestedly, puffing his cheek in complaint.

“How long am I going to stand here? Ain’t I going to be invited inside?” the youngest muttered, gaining Mrs. Cho and Hyukjae’s attentions. Hyukjae snorted secretly at Kyuhyun, knowing too well how snarky that little devil was. Mrs. Cho just chuckled before bending down a little to be on the eyes’ level with Kyuhyun.

“Don’t be naughty. Be a good boy and help Hyukjae-hyung out. Can you do that, honey?” Mrs. Cho said and pecked his youngest son’s bubbly cheek. Kyuhyun pouted and Mrs. Cho left Kyuhyun (still not invited inside) with Hyukjae (who was standing inside, leaning against the door).

Hyukjae eyed the little kid in front of him. So did Kyuhyun as he tried his best to put the fierce glare in his eyes to stare back at Hyukjae. Hyukjae put on a little more effort in staring at Kyuhyun and same went to Kyuhyun. The staring battle lasted for a good amount of wasted minutes before a beep came from Hyukjae’s pocket.

To: Hyuk
From: Fisheuu
Why did you call earlier? I was still sleeping.

Hyukjae rummaged his fingers on the buttons of his phone for a short reply.

To: Fisheuu
From: Hyuk
Come to my house. NOW.

Kyuhyun purred (or that’s what Hyukjae heard as) annoyingly before rudely barging into Hyukjae’s house without being invited first. “Oi uninvited guest!” Hyukjae shouted and closed the door to catch up with that mini intruder.

Kyuhyun recklessly jumped onto the couch situated in front of the big plasma TV and landed his back first. Giggling like a kid he was, his feet were dangling in the air. Hyukjae walked to the couch and unwillingly removed the kid’s shoes. He put the shoes in the shoes rack and returned back to where Kyuhyun was.

“Why your big bro isn’t tagging along?” Hyukjae asked as Kyuhyun struggled to get his backpack off of his back. “He’s busy with school projects,” Kyuhyun replied nonchalantly while stuffing his short hands into his backpack before pulling out a new, metallic, silvery and expensive PSP from his bag.

“Have you eaten your breakfast?” Kyuhyun merely shook his head while his eyes were focusing on the game he’s playing. “Toast with scramble egg would do. Thank you,” the youngest between them said and earned Hyukjae snorting. “You wish, brat.”

HYukjae stood up and headed to kitchen to fix something quick and edible (he’s never a good cook) for him and Kyuhyun. He pulled out two cartons of strawberry milk from the freezer. Anyway, one carton was hesitantly pulled (Hyukjae hated sharing his precious milk with anybody but that’s the only beverage available in his apartment). He then put 3 packets of biscuits on the tray before bringing it to the living room.

“Eat that for now. Lunch later would be better. Or that’s what I think,” Hyukjae said, putting the tray down. Kyuhyun looked up to Hyukjae and saw the strawberry milk and he mischievously smirked.

“I thought you hated giving your precious milk to anybody?” the little snarky 6-year-old boy raised his brows teasingly. “I still remember you cried when Heechul-hyung stole your milk last month during our family meeting.”

Hyukjae rolled his eyes at that younger boy, disregarding the comment. “Shut up or I’ll immerse your PSP in my bath tub.”




“So early, Hae,” Hyukjae said sarcastically when he opened the door only to see a brunette panting heavily, slouched. Donghae simply said sorry and pushed the older out of the way to enter the house.

“Kyuhyunnieeeeeeee~ where are you?” Donghae called out melodiously. Kyuhyun poked his head out from behind the couch and was met with a grinning brunette. ‘Hae-hyung, Hyukjae-hyung’s childish boyfriend. Ah oh, I hate him,’ his mind processed the data queuing inside his head.

Donghae sauntered to the couch Kyuhyun was sitting at and ruffled the younger’s brown and silky hair.

“No one touches my hair,” Kyuhyun stated, groaning slightly. Hyukjae just chuckled before joining those two. “Brat as always, eh?”

Kyuhyun gave his boring expression to both Hyukjae and Donghae. Donghae reached out his hand to ruffle Kyuhyun’s hair one more time. “Let’s have breakfast first. I’ve bought some take-outs for us before coming here.”

Or maybe Kyuhyun loved Donghae for once because of this.




“What time do you always bath?” Hyukjae asked while straightening the crumpled clothes of Kyuhyun’s that he took out from the backpack.

“After lunch usually,” Kyuhyun replied without looking at Hyukjae. He’s busy shooting zombies, sorry. Hyukjae nodded.

Soon, Hyukjae felt a hand finding its way to wrap around his waist. It was Donghae’s. He slapped the hand away but stopping Donghae was futile. “Hae, there’s Kyuhyun,” Hyukjae whispered at the male beside him.

“Hmm but I miss you baby,” Donghae replied, ignoring Hyukjae who was relentlessly slapping his hand off. With a swift, Hyukjae was already on his lap as he wrapped the smaller boy in his hug. “Hae, Kyu can see this.”

“I don’t care.”

“Hae….” Hyukjae whimpered when he felt Donghae’s open mouth ghosting over his neck and his shoulder (why the did he wear large-neck t-shirt today?!).

“Shh baby,” Donghae said in low voice, huskily as he tightened his hands around Hyukjae.

“Dong…hae…” Hyukjae brought his palm over his mouth when he realized that he almost moaned when Donghae teasingly the sensitive skin on his shoulder.

“Ewww. Yuck!” Kyuhyun screamed as he let his PSP slid off of his grip and shut his eyes close before bringing his palms over to cover his closed eyes. Donghae laughed evilly with blushing Hyukjae ducking his head down beside him.

“That’s a free show for you, kiddo,” Donghae said, hand still not letting go of Hyukjae’s waist.

“EWWWWWWW!!” Kyuhyun exclaimed with further groans, irritating sounds and grotesque expressions. Hyukjae had this sudden urge to flip a large, heavy or if possible a metal table over Donghae.




Their lunch was simple after a struggle they had to go through in the first place.




“Guys, I’m fine.” Donghae said calmly.

Not after the kitchen burst. Luckily, no soul was harmed.

The trio sighed heavily, a relief sigh while starring at the burning meals they had on their plates. Kyuhyun sighed alone and the older males stared remorsefully at him.

Even though the meals they had were good enough to be thrown into the trash but their plates were presented clean with no leftover eventually. They burped almost in unison.

“What’s next?” Kyuhyun asked, running his small hand over his inflate tummy.

“What do you think? It’s bath time!” Hyukjae chirped happily as Kyuhyun threw his hands in the air in glee.

“Let’s go, let’s go!” Kyuhyun tugged Hyukjae’s arm, insisting the older to move faster. “I want to get all these sticky things off of my body.”

Hyukjae took a towel from his wardrobe and slung it over his shoulder. “Okay now take your clothes off. I’m going to bathe you.”

“NO!” Kyuhyun screamed defiantly, reflexively covering his body with his arms. Hyukjae chuckled playfully.

“I’m not letting you to bathe alone. Your mom told me, the last time you bathed alone, you flooded your toilet,” Hyukjae stated, crouching down to take the pieces of clothes off of Kyuhyun’s body. Kyuhyun grinned sheepishly. “Wouldn’t it be fun to have your own water theme park in your house?”

“Nope. Now get into the bathroom,” Hyukjae spanked the youngest as Kyuhyun waddled into the bathroom ly. Before Hyukjae could follow Kyuhyun, he was pulled backward by a strong arm, Donghae.

“Don’t you think I need to be bathed too?” Donghae whispered while nuzzling Hyukjae’s locks. Hyukjae turned around only to see Donghae was ready to lift his shirt off of his body. Hyukjae cupped Donghae’s face in his hand, leaning closer to give the latter a soft peck on the lips.

“Donghae is a big boy and he can bathe himself,” Hyukjae said, patting the latter softly on his cheeks.

Big indeed,” the brunette smirked meaningfully and Hyukjae just rolled his eyes.

“Hyuuuuuung!! The water is too hot!!” Kyuhyun shouted from inside the bathroom.

“Okay, okay I’m coming!”




The three boys became equally childish as they rolled childishly while laughing on the furry carpeted floor while watching Finding Nemo (Donghae won the battle in choosing which movie to watch over Kyuhyun’s choice, Transformer).

“That fish is so cuteeeeee!” Kyuhyun said between his giggle with his arms stretching in the air, hands as if groping at something.

“Isn’t it?” Donghae asked, equivalently excited as the youngest as he mimicked Nemo, the character’s expression.

“You look like Nemo, hyung!” Kyuhyun shrieked shrilly and rolled on Donghae to sit on Donghae’s stomach to pinch the latter’s cheek.

“Enough kids. It’s time for a nap. How does it sound?” Hyukjae interrupted the excited kids while setting down the fluffy pillows down on the floor.

“Yay! Nap time, nap time! I loooooove nap time!” Kyuhyun chirped gleefully.

Hyukjae yawned and so did Donghae. Hyukjae lay down beside Kyuhyun. The youngest pulled the older boys closer to him and slung their arms over his body, stuffing himself in between Hyukjae and Donghae. He snuggled into the hugs.

Donghae’s arm wrapped securely around Hyukjae’s waist, pulling the latter closer as he raised his head a little to give a quick peck to his lover.

“I can still see that, hyungs,” the little kid said, peeking from his eyelids.

Both Donghae and Hyukjae chuckled.

“Goodnight, Hae,” Hyukjae smiled.

“Goodnight, Hyukkie,” Donghae leaned closer one more time and captured Hyukjae’s lips for a complete kiss.

“HYUNGGGG!!” Kyuhyun growled as he elbowed the latters on their stomachs.

“Sorry,” Hyukjae said sheepishly, a tint of pink hue was painted on his cheeks.

“Goodnight, Kyu,” both older males said simultaneously, snuggling closer to each other.

“Goodnight, hyung. I love you both.”




A/N: Happy Birthday Hyukjae! 26 years being awesome on earth, yay for that! May you have an awesome, fabulous and happy live forever and ever! Keep being awesome. I love you <3

A/N 2: I wanted to write jealous!Hae over kid!Kyu actually, but this is what it turned out to be. I hope it’s okay to be presented for Hyukjae’s birthday. Yes, I love Kyuhyuk and Eunhae <3 My top OTPs. Comments and criticisms are welcomed and appreciated! Thank you for dropping by! 

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Chapter 1: Gosh overload cuteness and all(^_-)*^O^*♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Soooo cute !!
Chapter 1: ertHae! Kk.. They r sooo cute... N sweet... Thanx for sharing dis luvly ff sweety... :)
lgkaupk #4
Chapter 1: Lovely<3 Thank You!
esmeberta #5
Chapter 1: Aww they were so cute <3
awww kyu is so kyute [LOL what am i doing /slaps self]
kyute really kyute [why am i doing it again?]
Trololo14 #7
awwwwwww that was so cute :D
MintyCoffeeFTW_13 #8
Aww... So Cute!! Really loved the ending! :D kid!kyu is Kyute! :D :D <3