An Almost Confession

The Man Behind the Screen

When Mikyung opened the door to her room, she couldn’t believe the sight that she was seeing.  It wasn’t who the people were, but what they were doing.  It was Jungmin and Kyujong.  Jungmin had his hand clenching on Kyujong’s shirt, against the wall.

Mikyung looked for her parents, but they were gone.

“What’s going on here?” Mikyung asked.

Kyujong shrugged off Jungmin’s hand, “Ask yourself that question,” and walked out of the room.

Jungmin fell on his knees, “Wae?” Jungmin whispered to himself.

Mikyung walked over to Jungmin, “Gwenchana?  You should be resting.”

Jungmin slowly looked up at Mikyung, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“What are you talking about?” Mikyung was confused.

“Why didn’t you tell me about you and Kyujong?” Jungmin asked.  “Why did you allow me to believe that you liked me?”

“Jungmin, Kyu and I—“

“It doesn’t even matter anymore,” Jungmin said as he walked out of the room.

“Jungmin!” Mikyung said, but Jungmin had already shut the door.

As Jungmin walked into his room, Hyungjoon was waiting at the door.  “Jungmin!”

“Wae? I’m not in the mood,” Jungmin warned.

“What happened? I thought you were in your room.  I have a request.”

Jungmin and Hyungjoon walked into the room, “What’s the request?  Is it something stupid?  Do you have some secret with Mikyung too?”

Hyungjoon was taken aback by Jungmin’s question.  “Anni.  I was just wanted you to sign this for a fan in this hospital.  She’s a big fan.”

“Aiyoo,” Jungmin sighed, “I guess.”

As Jungmin was signing the paper, Hyungjoon noticed how sad Jungmin was.  “You don’t have to sign it if you don’t want to.”

“I do.  She’s a fan and she deserves it,” Jungmin told.

“Well, what’s bothering you?” Hyungjoon asked.

“Do you think Mikyung and Kyu are dating?”  Jungmin asked.

Hyungjoon’s eyes widened, “Where did you come up with that idea?” Hyungjoon laughed, “I don’t think he’s her type.  Besides, she said you were her type out of us, remember?”

“Nevermind,” Jungmin shrugged it off.

“Waeyo?” Hyungjoon asked.  “You don’t happen to have feelings for her, do you?”

“Anni,” Jungmin calmly told.  “I’ve just had a lot of things in my mind.”

That afternoon, Mikyung was released from the hospital.  Before Mikyung left, she wrote a note and left it on the table next to Jungmin since he was still sleeping.

Mikyung went home and fed Heulheul.  She then got undressed to finally take a bath like usual.  This time, she did not bring her laptop into the bathtub.  Instead, she enjoyed her bath.

Suddenly her phone started ringing.  Mikyung snapped out of her calm state and threw on her robe.  Mikyung was hoping for the phone call to be Jungmin, but it was from her mother.

“Hello?” Mikyung answered.

“Are you eating?” Mikyung’s mother asked.  “Listen, we are meeting with—“

“Mom, I’m not going to do this blind date anymore.  It’s just ridiculous!” Mikyung snapped.

“Mikyung, I don’t want you to leave a bad impression.  Can you just meet with them one last time?” Mikyung’s mother pleaded.

“Arasso,” Mikyung said so she could hang up. 

Mikyung walked to her room and laid on her bed.  She sighed and heard her phone ring again.  She didn’t bother to pick it up because she figured it was just her mom.

Mikyung put on her night gown and opened her laptop.  She logged onto and went on chat.  She left to get a little snack and came back.

Mikyung came back to see that ‘Jaeho’ was chatting with her already.

Jaeho: How are you doing now?
Jaeho: Are you there?
Jaeho: Did I do something wrong?
Mikyung: Sorry, I wasn’t by the computer.. I was getting a snack. I’m fine and yourself?
Jaeho: I’m fine.. just laying here…
Mikyung: How’s the hospital?
Jaeho: What are you talking about?
Mikyung: Nevermind…when will I meet you?
Jaeho: Honestly…I’m scared you won’t be please with who you’ll see when you see me.
Jaeho: I know you know I’m not Jaeho… but I don’t know…
Mikyung: Tell me who you are.  I won’t be mad.
Jaeho: I don’t know if I can trust you…
Mikyung: I trusted you this whole time.. I trusted that this was Jaeho and when I found out this was fake, I still talked to you.
Jaeho: You have a point.
Mikyung: So?
Jaeho: When are you free?
Mikyung: I have no clue. Not tomorrow for sure.
Jaeho: Tell me one thing…
Mikyung: Anything…
Jaeho: Do you feel sympathy for Kyujong?

Mikyung’s face turned confused after reading the last words.  Did she feel sympathy for Kyujong?  Did she like him?  Did she just think of him as a friend?  Was “Jaeho” Kyujong? Or was he Jungmin?  Mikyung knew that the next words had to be truthful and could’ve been hurtful.

Mikyung: I’ll tell you once I see you.

*Jaeho exited private chat*

“Figures he’d do that,” Mikyung said.  Suddenly there was a knock on her door.  Mikyung walked to the door and opened it, “Jungmin—“

A/N: I'm getting really into it because I've been listening to Youngsaeng's new songs. Hha. The more the idols promote, the more I want to write about them! lol

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rebe132013 #1
Chapter 30: I really liked your story it was really good^-^
rebe132013 #2
Chapter 25: What?!where did that kiss even come from?!?
Mephisto #3
Congrats :)
BlueMorpho #4
Congratss ^_^
Onizuka #5
Congrats ^^
MinimiX #6
Congrats :)
Congrats!! ^^
rebe132013 #8
Chapter 13: I really enjoying the story but im confussed in whre the romance is going hahaha but the story is soo good
Congratulations!! SS501!! Yehaaay!!!
Congrats ^_^