


You strolled into your room with a pink, flowery, happy aura as you plopped down into your computer chair. What interesting news waits on your Twitter account today to finish off your amazing day? And why was it absolutely, positively amazing, wonderful, and fabulous? Because you had just came home from a romantic dinner date with Onew after not seeing him for weeks because of his frustrating schedules. You sighed dreamily remembering the way he looked at you and smiled at you from across the table earlier today. You giggled as your finger twirled your hair as the other hand logged yourself in.
What you expected was some hair-raising, fall-of-chair-worthy excitement. But instead, and to your horror, you found hatred and disgust.
“Who’s this ___ girl stealing my hubby and contaminating him?”
“Ugly, fat, mean; what does Jinki see in her?”
“She’s just in it for his looks and fame.”
“Scumbag, thinking she can steal Onew from us!”
“He doesn’t love her, probably just dating her out of pity. Poor girl.”
There were several more tagged under your account.
You’ve been dating Onew for quite a while now, but it has been kept hidden for the best. Recently, after talking it out, he announced it to the world of media. Unfortunately, it didn’t give the best results.
Though your heart ached in your chest and the tears began welling up in the corners of your eyes, you tried to forgive them and ignore it. You were dating their big time celebrity crush, of course a few of them would be jealous and start hating. That shouldn’t mean you should hate back. It’ll probably die soon. You thought that there was no use in crying over it. It’ll be fine. Well, that’s what you hoped anyways.
“Maybe oppa would like chicken for dinner today…” you mumbled to yourself as you scanned the shelves while walking down the aisles of the grocery store. And yet another yawn interrupted you.
Last night was restless. Your brain didn’t let you rest for a wink, not with those insults bouncing around and being distracting.
“Yah! Yah! Isn’t that ___, Onew’s newly-announced girlfriend?” you heard a couple of girls whisper behind you. Subtly, you sneaked a peek at them, hoping for congratulations. But would you like to know what you heard instead? They scoffed, “She’s not even that pretty. Why is he wasting his time?”
That was just the cherry on top of the cake. However, this certain cake’s taste sent a strike to your heart. You acted as if you didn’t hear them and headed towards the cashier, holding in your tears. Don’t be weak. Just ignore them. It’ll end soon.
“___-ah, are you ok? You seem a bit… sad and distracted,” Onew frowned as you looked up from poking around at your food. He took your hand in his from across the table. You read his eyes, they told you to tell him anything that’s on your mind. But you didn’t want to drag him into trouble that’ll disappear soon.
“A-aniyo, I was just th-thinking about… things.” You mentally slapped yourself for being such a pitiful liar.
He sighed as his hand squeezed yours, “Jagiya, are you sure?” he pleaded as your urge grew higher and higher, but you tried to contained it.
“Y-ye, I’m fine, don’t worry,” you assured with a forced grin as you finally took a bite out of your chicken.
Yet again, you scrolled down the pages and pages of hate on your Twitter. It wasn’t just online. Every time you would appear in public, you would hear gossip in whispers and scowls directed to you. Some girls even dared to throw a couple of grapes at the grocery store and popcorn at the movies. Some fans even managed to find your mailbox and stuff it with hate letters.
You let out a sorrowful sigh as you wiped a tear that was escaping your eyes. It’s been a week already, and by the looks of it, they’re not even close to done. Why must they hate you so much? Sure, you’re dating Onew, but being dedicated fans, you expected them to be happy for him and you.
Your phone vibrated against your wooden desk, breaking the silence and making you jump. “Ah, jagiya~ You wanted me to come over to watch some movies, yes? When do you want me over?” he chimed, his voice jumping with excitement over the phone.
You cleared your throat, “Right now, please!” you tried to imitate his cheerfulness, covering up your urge to curl up into a ball and bawl (Omg it rhymes xD). You sighed after hanging up. A part of you debated with the other, should you tell him? Just the thought of bothering him and worrying him like that disturbed you. You shall keep him oblivious.
With you snuggling into his chest and his arms wrapped around you, you emotionally felt better. But the hate didn’t bother to stop bouncing around in your head. You tried to block it out and enjoy the movie. However, every time it would find a way to break that block.
“Yah, tell me what’s wrong,” his voice interrupted your train of thoughts and the blurred voices on TV. His grip tightened on you before your felt his lips against your forehead. He knew you too well.
“Aniyo, it’s nothing, oppa! You’re imagining. I just need to go to the washroom,” you replied before snaking out of his arms and to the washroom. He sighed with a frown on his lips, knowing that only lies were heard from you. But why?
You splashed cold water onto your face. “Get a hold of yourself, ___. It’s just a few petty insults, stop crying over it!” you inaudibly scolded yourself and lightly slapped your cheek. It was more like hundreds of painful insults.
Beside Onew on the couch, laid your phone, flashing and vibrating several times a minute. He decided that it wouldn’t hurt to check it out. But when opening the notifications, he found non-stop hate tagged under your Twitter name. He read in horror as he scrolled down, reading each of them and having each of them stab him in the heart.
He heard you exiting and approaching. “___-ah,” he started before looking up into your eyes with extreme sorrow. “Why didn’t you tell me they were telling you these lies?” he looked pained to know you were treated this way and even worse, to not tell him.
You saw that your phone was in his hands and figured out that you saw all of those Twitter updates about you. You snatched it from his hand. “A-any, ani! I… It’s ok! It doesn’t bother m-me. I know that th-they’re just jealous!” you stammers with unstable lies slipping away from your lips. Frantic and flustered, you tried to think of any excuse. You pretend to glance at your watch, “Ah, look how l-late it is! Maybe you sh-should go home and rest for your c-concert tomorrow!” you insisted and handed him his jacket before forcing him to the door and slamming it behind him.
Watching you be treated like this, having you lie that you’re ok, it slowly tore a piece of his heart, one at a time. But it also made anger boil inside of him. How can his adoring, supportive fans treat someone as special as you like that?
You bit your lip as the guilt nibbled at your heart. Or was that the pain from being hated by hundreds of fans? Either way, you were no longer strong enough to hold in the tears. You let them pour down your cheeks as you hugged your legs to your chest.
“I’m sorry I kind of kicked you out last night,” you mumbled as you fumbled with your fingers, your head hung low. “But I’m fine, it doesn’t bother me because I just ignore it! Everything is ok, araso?” you raised your head and assured with yet another forced smile. Onew’s hand found its way to yours before entwining fingers. He bit his lip, but decided to take your word for it. “Now, good luck out there oppa! Amaze me with your singing and dancing as usual!” you pecked his lips, forming a small smile on his lips before he flew to the stage as the audience roared.
After a few minutes into the concert, he danced his way closer to you, sending you frequent winks and waves. “Omo, is that Onew-oppa’s girlfriend?” a girl close standing close spotted you on the side, backstage. You pretended not to notice her.
“That’s her? That’s it? He chose her?” the other spat with disgust.
“I can’t believe oppa is wasting his precious time with that thing when he could be happy with me!” another sighed.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure with someone like her, he’ll dump her very soon,” the first one snickered.
You clenched your fists and bit the insides of your cheek, holding in the urge to either release your anger on them, or drop to your knees crying.
“Yah!” a loud, angry shout blew over the speakers. You looked to Onew who had stopped singing, staring down at the group of girls with extreme annoyance. The music stopped. “How dare you talk like that about my jagiya!” The girls’ faces had a hint of fear painted over the layer of shock. “How do you have the nerve to say that when you don’t know how happy ___ makes me! Do you understand how much I love her? Do you understand how she is the most special person to me? Do you understand that she is the only one who can make me feel like the way she does – loved?!” his voice was raising, raging. You’ve never seen him blow off his top like this. “You don’t ever know who she is, so how can you hate her? Do you know what an amazing girl she is? Fine if you don’t like her, but you have no absolute reason to hate her! If you hate her, that must mean you hate me, you must hate my happiness. Do you?”
The girls frantically shook their heads at the angry Jinki. “Well then why do you hate her? If you really do love me, you’d be happy that I’m happy… with her!” he looked up to the rest of the crowd. “That goes out to all of you! If I see any mistreatment to my jagiya once more, I shall remember you as a hateful fan, and forever will you be disliked by me!”
His face was red as he panted. Slowly, he turned to you and beckoned you to come. Hesitantly, you followed. As soon as you were close, he pulled you into a hug. “Look at this girl! Isn’t she gorgeous? Isn’t she glowing and sparkling? I’m in love with her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her personality, her hugs, her kisses, her. How can you hate a beautiful girl like her?” he spoke into the microphone as you were drowning in his eyes. His hand reached up to sweep hair behind your ears. “___-ah, I love you. That matters more than what anyone else thinks, right?”
Tears formed in your eyes. This time, these tears in no way expressed your sadness, but instead, your happiness. He just stood up for you in front of all these people while it’s being broadcasted live. Your arms tightened around him to show how grateful you are, because right now, your mouth couldn’t produce words.
Onew leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. It was full of warmth, sweetness, love. The SHINee members applauded – still on stage – which triggered the supportive part of the crowd to join in, and soon, everyone was cheering.
He was right. Why bother wasting your time crying over some worthless hate when you know that to him, you’re his world. However, the hate did die down. But it was hardly to your interest, you were too busy being showered and serenaded with his love.
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THANK YOU!!! as an avid MVP I want Onew/ Jinki to be happy
viechu #2
wow, this is great :D I hope haters realized that idol is human too, they absolutely can dating everyone they love. :)
Onew is right: How can you hate someone without knowing them? It's such a strong word. You can dislike someone, but hate is too much. And people who hate on others for such shallow reasons as "he/she is dating my idol" or whatever are the lowest of scumbags.

I do like your story <3
This actually reminds me of a past relationship with a friend I had.

Well, we weren't dating but he was my best friend and he was popular and girls around me would just hate on me and gossip. Lol the freakin girls were jealous. I didn't get stood up for since it never bothered me or anything but anyway, I really liked how in the end, Onew stood up for me and complimented me<3 really good story!
Jinki...., oh god why do u make me cry everytime? I'm reading every story that u write~ I really like your stories ^^
Wow! So cute! :') ♥
cocchi01 #7
This is so sweet!

this is sweet!

thank you for sharing.. ;D
Just what I needed on a horrible day like this.