
Sherlock's Lost Chapters: V
Kibum and Jonghyun sat at the large oak table, all the paperwork from Lestrade splayed out into a semi circle. They both had a stack of notes hoping to find a correlation. Jinki and Minho were at the library trying to find out about any background information that may link the missing people.

The door creaked revealing the small frame of Taemin. His hair was messy, he had a purply-pink mark around his neck and he generally look pathetic.

Kibum jumped up at the sight of the boy.

"You idiot! What was all of that about?"

He gave Taemin a quick sharp slap across the face and hugged a lock of hair out of his face. Once it had sunken in what he had just done, he pulled him into a tight embrace.

"Are you ok? You worried us silly. How's your neck?"

For minutes Taemin didn't respond, still shocked by the slap. He spared a glance at Jonghyun who just shrugged, slightly creasing the shoulders of his simple grey shirt.

"S-sorry Ki. It was part of my plan, well most of it was. And, well it did work!"

Taemin smiled only to regret doing so as it had cause his red cheek to stings. Kibum raised an eyebrow, indicating for the boy to elaborate.

He started pacing; hands behind back, had pointing to the wooden flooring.

"In that case was a lot of information about everyone who has ever work with Miss Evans. Not including me though of course. It's the only copy there is because she's scared of someone getting hold of a copy. She never thought it was possible for someone to actually take it. But I'm not just anyone."

Taemin stopped pacing, staring through the strands of his fringe at the elder two.

Jonghyun opened his mouth to ask a question but was shushed by that single index finger once again.

"Yes, I know she got the briefcase but that doesn't mean she's got THE briefcase."

The other two boys looked deeply confused. For apparent geniuses, they weren't doing so well. Even if the facts were being laid out right infront of them.

"If you look closely you would be able to see the scratches around locks to be much deeper on the original, moreover the stitching on the fake is completely wrong. The distance between each loop is far grander. All I am saying is, in the time it took for me to leave the butchers and for them to start chasing us I had managed to do the whole switcharoo. Clever huh?"

At the last sentence Taemin had done a small turn, ing his arms into the air.

"So where is this briefcase now then?" Kibum enquired placing a pair of spectacles on the end of his nose.

"Well that question can be answered in only one way!"

Taemin strolled over to the large window at the end of the room, opened it, placed his hand outside and pulled in a damp looking briefcase.

Finally snapping out of their stupor Jonghyun and Kibum put together the pieces.

"Oh the window cleaner! You-"

"-You gave him the case and he gave you the fake so-"

"-So he could hang it at our window and-"

"It wouldn't be stolen back!" Kibum and Jonghyun fought for power of who could speak. Each finishing each others sentence. Taemin just nodded, deserving a pat on the head from Jonghyun who was by the youngest's side, excited to find out what wis in the case.

"Open it!" Kibum squeaked in excitement. So Taemin placed the briefcase down on the table, pulled out a key and popped open the lock.

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OMG It's so tense!
I <3 the previous 4 chapters!! ^^
The suspense is killing me!!!! Go Taemin! :D
Neverland1900 #4
Taemin is such a smart guy!!!
Now wondering what's inside the briefcase. The suspense is killing me now..!*LAUGHS*

Update soon!! ^^
smart taemin!!
i wonder what will be in the briefcase..

so, now the th lost chapter up!!!

hope the next one is around the corner!! :D