My Numer One Fan


Yah I know I should be working on my other fics but this came to mind and I just HAD to write it!

So, this is about YOU and Key of SHINee :3 Now, I've decided that YOUR name is Park Younghae, you are 19 and you make giftbags for SHINee every week, and leave them outside SMTown and run away, too shy to wait and give it to the idols in person. Your bias is Key (obviously) now read on. 



You/Park Younhae


Age: 19

Personality: shy, hard-working, respectfully, funny, kind, caring, sweet, clumsy, easily embarrassed, slow to anger but scary when eventually angered

Lee Taemin


Age: 18

Lee Jinki/Onew


Age: 23

Kim Jonghyun




Age: 22

Choi Minho


Age: 21

Kim Kibum/Key


 Age: 21



With shaking fingers I carried the basket through the snowy streets, my feet crunching as I walked. I reach the SMTown building and heaved a sigh of acomplishment.

Slowly I slipped to the back where there were sleepy Shawols waiting for the members of SHINee to come out the doors so they could go crazy over them. I was not one of them.

I don't mean I'm not a fan, oh no I'm a fan as big as they come! But, I'm very shy, and I think that idols get fangirls in their faces 24/7 and I mean come on, they're only human! They need a break too.

So I try and give them one less screaming fan to deal with. I show my support in my own way. Every week I make a giftbasket, with a gift personalised for each member. I leave it out the back and hurry to school.

This week I have:

For Taemin: a pale yellow teddy bear carrying a voucher for 2 free banana milks at the store i work part-time at (not trying to lure him into my shop or anything I swear)

For Minho: a frog keychain for his travel bag

For Jonghyun: a portable voice recorder (I'm sure he'll have fun with this)

For Onew: a stuffed chicken toy with a gift card at the chicken shop for three free orders

and for Key: a hand-sewn (by me even though I'm not very good) pnik scarf, I read on someone's blog that he lost his in Singapore, poor baby.

So, maybe I should introduce myself? Yes, yes I think I should. I'm Park Younghae, and I'm 19 years old.

As you can tell I love SHINee just as much as the next girl, and my bias is Key, though Jonghyun is a pretty close second.

I work at a cafe in the deserts and cold beverages section, so I handle the selling of cakes, ice-creams, milkshakes, soft drinks, all that kind of stuff.

I have an unni called JungLee and a umma and appa, I love them very much.

Before I go to school in the mornings I always give SHINee a "fighting!" and if its a Friday then I leave a giftbasket.

So today is Friday.

I heard the fangirls began screaming and I assumed SHINee had made an appearance. So I quickly left for school.

Good thing no one saw me.


come on u can't resist my aegyo guys! one little comment? <3 saranghaeyo



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I love your writing style
I'm feeling like watching the real show..
good job dear..
BattyDoll #2
That was such a great story!!
I LOVED it!!! >w<
Definitely going to read the sequel~ <3
my sequl is up guys ^^ i'll post the link soon
Kyaaaa your story is so cute x) keke I also think you should do a sequel xD I love your story soooo much xD
i start reading your story.. ^^
quietchick #6
read it in one sitting. i was really good and cute. you should really consider doing a sequel
Love it!!! So fabulous!!! Very cute and sweet! ^_^ you should have them get married if you make a sequel!
i dun know...if i do a sequel wat should i do for it? i got zero ideas for a sequel, if u can suggest something good i MAY consider it ^^
shineexsmxfamily #9
it's the end already?oh men..
don't you have any plan on making a sequel for this?