Episode 4: Will the Past Return Again?

When Dawn Breaks

Episode 4: Will the Past Return Again?


“Yahh” Eunmi said as she pushed the cover’s aside and got out of her bed. Her feet tough the cold tile floor and she placed a hand on the stand that was holding the IV that was in her arm. Eunmi started to walk towards Myungsoo’s bed.

 “What the hell is wrong with you Myungsoo. You used to be different and after…”

 “After what…” he opened one eye and looked at Eunmi, “YAHHH ARE YOU DUMB…Get back in your bed.” Myungsoo sat up and looked at Eunmi with cold eyes.

 “Not till you talk to me.” Eunmi glared at him and was feeling dizzy again, but shoot it off.

 “You are so stubborn and quite hiding the fact that you are obviously forcing yourself to stay standing. Go back to bed or you might end up in the hospital longer than you need to.” Myungsoo said in a cool tone.

 “Shut up and talk!” Eunmi said before she fell forward into Myungsoo who caught her in his arms. “Babo.” He looked at the sleeping girl and Myungsoo just closed his eyes and fell asleep himself.


“YAHHHH YAHHHH YAHHHHH EUNNIE that really hurts. YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Sungyeol said. His face and stomach was against the mat and Eunmi was pulled his arms the way that they are not meant to bend, “YAHHHH YAHHH YAHHHH!”  Tears streamed down Sungyels face because of the pain. When tried to get up, but Eunmi kicked him back down.

Hoya leaned over and whispered into Dongwoo’s ear, “She seems to be pissed off. I wonder what Myungsoo did to her when they were in the hospital alone together.”

“They most likely argued the whole time. They used to get along and worked well together I wonder what happened?” Dongwoo said tapping his chin. “Someone should stop her before she breaks Sungyeol in two.” Dongwoo pushed Hoya towards Eunmi, “Have fun dongsaeng!”

Hoya glared at Dongwoo and headed over to Eunmi, “Eun!” He placed a hand on her shoulder, and he quickly blocked her kick and pinned her arms behind her back, “You need to calm down. You nearly broke Sungyeol in two!”

Eunmi looked down and sighed, “Sorry…” Her voice trailed off and she looked over at Sungyeol who was being helped up by Dongwoo.

“Why don’t you talk to your sister about this?” Hoya asked.

“She already has enough on her plate I don’t need to give her more to worry about.” She said as released her and watched her storm off.


Dongwoo walked up and placed an arm around Hoya’s shoulder, “Eunnie is always angry anymore.”

“She has a right to be with Myungsoo being so cold to her. I remember when we first started working here they were so close, but now they both seem so distant.”  Hoya said.

“Well they still have one thing in common!” Sungyeol said rubbing his back.

“What’s that?” YaDong said together.

“Their fighting style is exactly the same. If they fight against each other they would be evenly match, but with Myungsoo’s harsh words lately. He would probable win over Eunnie.” Sungyeol said. “Have you noticed that Eunnie has been acting strange since the warehouse?”

“Nehh!” YaDong said at the same time.

“I think something happened to her that night and I think it change her slightly. I’m worried about her mental state.” Sungyeol said, “And my safety. She takes her anger out on me.”


Sunggyu leaned against Soomin’s desk with his arms crossed. He looked at the girl next to him and placed a hand on her head and messed up her hair slightly, “What am I going to do with you Soominnie.”

“Nothing…we need to get tot eh bottom of this…somehow.” Soomin reread the report her sister wrote. “Do you think my sister was hallucinating? She said that the mysterious murderer who goes by the name L looks like Myungsoo with icy blue eyes.”

“I’m not sure. She could have been hallucinating!” Sunggyu let out a sigh, “You sister was not in great shape when we found her. She lost a lot of blood and her eyes could have been playing tricks on her.”

“That could be…” Soomin looked at Sunggyu, “Thank you for carrying me home the other night. I never really got to thank you Gyu.”

“Hey I’m your friend, and I am here to look out for you Babo ya. Don’t forget that silly girl.” Sunggyu pinched Soomin’s cheeks, and let go moments later when he noticed Soomin’s sad expression, “Ahhh I know what is wrong.”

“You seem to always do…” Soomin said as her voice faded.

“Are you going to their grave tomorrow? The day that your parents were murdered is coming up.” Sunggyu said.

“I’m not sure if I am going…” Soomin pushed a strain of hair out of her face. “Eunmi keeps refuses to go each year and I do not like to go by myself. I feel lonelier and all those emotions that I felt that day return.”

“I know Soomin” Sunggyu put and arm around Soomin’s shoulder and pulled her into a hug. He rested his head on top of her head, “I walked you home from school and I was with you when you found them. I know how much pain you were in and made you and Eunmi spend the night at my parent’s house”

“I know I remember…you are always there for me Gyu…” Soomin said as she moved away from Sunggyu and was going to whip away the tears that were falling from her eyes, but Sunggyu beat her to it.


“Sungjong I want to listen…” Woohyun said as he tried to push Sungjong aside and was successful.

"Are you going to their grave tomorrow? The day that your parents were murdered is coming up.” Sunggyu said.

“Soomin’s and Eunmi’s parents were murdered when she was in high school.” Woohyun said as he continued to listen.

“I’m not sure if I am going…” Soomin pushed a strain of hair out of her face. “Eunmi keeps refuses to go each year and I do not like to go by myself. I feel lonelier and all those emotions that I felt that day return.”

“If you go out on a date with me I will never make you feel lonely…” Woohyun said and noticed they stopped talking, “I want to know more about their relationship.”

“Hyung just let it go. Noona is never going to agree to a date. You’re greasy.” Sungjong said, “Sunggyu hyung and noona want to keep their childhood a secret. Sunggyu knows that there is something in noona’s past that she doesn’t want to talk about, and if he revealed their childhood friendship things might get difficult between them.”

“When did you become so wise?” Woohyun asked.

“Hyung you don’t know me you don’t know me so shut up boy!” Sungjong started to do his favorite girl group dance; miss A Bad Girl Good Girl.

“Yahhhh act like a man!” Woohyun said as Sungjong left him by the door. Woohyun did not want to be caught for snooping around so he got up and made his way to the training area. He did not want to deal with Sunggyu; he is scary when he is mad.


Eunmi stormed off away from Hoya and the rest of the boy’s. She had the right to be mad and take it out on whomever she wants.  Eunmi walked past a few desks and came to a stop when noticed that Myungsoo was sleeping again.

She made her way around his desk and kicked his chair back into the wall, but there was no movement. He continued to sleep peacefully, “What is with this kid! Does a bomb have to go off?”

Eunmi puffed out her cheeks and gripped on to Myungsoo’s jacket, “YAHHHH BABO YAAAA!” She started to shake him but stopped when his eyes popped open.

Myungsoo stood up and walked closer to Eunmi until she backed up into his desk. He slammed his hands down and gave her a cold glare, “What do you want this time? I was stuck in the damn hospital with you because of your stupidity and now you are waking me up from my sleep. You are annoying.”

Eunmi did not even flinch when Myungsoo slammed his hands onto his desk. “I want you to stop acting like the world is coming to the end. If you are having an issue let me help you.”

“Do you think I want your help?” Myungsoo said as he bit his tounge. “All you have been doing lately is causing me trouble.”

“You’re the trouble maker.” Eunmi said, “Now move or I will make you?”

“What am I making you uncomfortable… you let the murder L get close to you.” Myungsoo said. “You don’t like it when I am this close to you Mi” My old nickname he used to call me rolled off of his lips.

“Why? Are you jealous?” Eunmi asked.

“Jealous of what…you being silly and having someone take advantage of you…no not at all. I just wish I was able to see you act like a scared little girl.” Myungsoo flipped his hair and rolled his eyes.

“I was not scared and where were you…oh wait…you were knocked out somewhere!” Eunmi’s voice started to get louder.

“Being knocked out has nothing to do with what we are talking about.” Myungsoo yelled and slammed his fist against the desk again.

“It has everything to do with what we are talking about!” Eunmi barked back!

“ENOUGH!” Soomin yelled as both Myungsoo and Eunmi crossed their arms and looked away from each other.


Eunmi was alone in the small apartment that she shared with her sister, but her sister stayed at the office with Sunggyu. They were working on something together, and Eunmi did not want to have any part in it.  She hated when her unnie nagged her to help her finish her paperwork.

Eunmi came out of the bathroom in black shorts and a button down shirt. Eunmi only had three of the eight buttons buttoned. As she was drying her hair and came to a stop when she noticed a window open that was not open before. Eunmi walked over to it and shut it. When she turned around L was in front of her looking at Eunmi with his icy blue eyes, “So we meet again Eunmi.”

“L…what do you want?” Eunmi said but before she was able to punch him he grabbed onto the wrist that was injured by him the last time.

“It seems like you heal fast.” He ran his cold fingers over the scar. He suddenly gripped her wrist and took a few steps towards her. He leaned into her ear and whispered, “We did not get to finish what I had planned last time. My pretty new toy!”

Eunmi flinched and swung a kicked at him, but he grabbed her leg and pushed her against the wall. There was no space between their bodies. “Why do you have such an interest in me?”

L looked into my eyes and whispered into her ear, “Because you fight back…I like when girls are pretty and feisty.” He placed a hand on her cheek, “besides…” L pulled out Eunmi’s badge out of his pocket. “I needed to return this to you.”

Eunmi reached for her badge, but L moved it out of her reach, “I’m not going to give it to you easily. I want something from you first...” L said as he crashed his lips against hers, sliding his tongue inside of . He pulled away a few centimeters and his lips. He moved away and placed the badge in her hand, “Next time I will have more fun with you. Oh and none of my finger prints are on your badge.” He kissed her cheek and gave her a familiar smirk.

Eunmi could not comprehend what just happened to her. She placed her fingertips on her lips, and before she knew what exactly just happened to her he was gone. How could she let her first kiss be stole by a murderer, but for some odd reason she was very attracted to him and could not get the kiss out of her head.  

A.N. --> This chapter was fun hehehe. I hope you like it. I had so much fun writing it. Please do Comment I like getting responses because they inspirit me lol! My lovely readers are my inspiration! 

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chapter 20 will be out soon


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Chapter 13: Why did she went to the library when it's close ?
naznew #2
Chapter 32: Great story..
i love it..
it suit with my taste..
happy ending..
i wonder who is woohyun's girlfriend..
i vote u
Chapter 31: I really really liked it. You have great stories and great ideas. And the Tasty twins were in it, too. :D

But there's one thing what bothers me a bit, and that's the amount of typos. Maybe I'm the first one, who said this, but sometimes it's really bothering. Sorry. ^^; If you want to improve your fic, but you don't have the time to re-read your updates/stories, then you should look for a co-author who can correct your mistakes.
Rianne2580 #4
Chapter 32: Wow that was so cool! I pretty much knew from the first chapter that it was Myungsoo and I figured it had something to do with an alternate personality. Didn't think it'd be an experiment though. Good job author nim!=)
hellopanda23 #6
Chapter 31: Ahhhhhh its over just like that? At least they got together..... :)
Chapter 30: Omg. y Xiah as a bad guy. I like it. Lol.
Chapter 30: OTL Gyuuu TT TT
Author-nim please don't cliff-hang me XDDD
Chapter 30: omg gyu got stabbed! >o< but it was for her~ -w-
Chapter 30: Myungsoo is planning something :D but my poor gyu >~<