Episode 31 - Checkmate

When Dawn Breaks

Episode 31 - Checkmate


Eunmi's eyes slowly opened and she realized that she was strapped to a chair.  Her arms and legs were tied down.


"Will shut up my toy! I cannot hear myself think!" L said as he walked over to Eunmi.

"Myungsoo I know you are in there." Eunmi said with tears running down her face.

"Myungsoo is no longer hear so leave a message after the beep." L smirked and winked at the same time.  Eunmi did not know what she should make of that.  Was it a good thing that he winked.  Was he trying to tell her something.

"L is she ready for the formula?" Xiah asked.

"Yes, Master she is." L said as he rolled up Eunmi's sleeve.  He watched as the needled got closer to her arm, but something happened when it was about to puncture her skin, and be released into her bloodstream.


"How much more time do you think we have to reach them?" Hoya asked Dongwoo as they followed Soryung and Daeryong.

"Not much!" Dongwoo said with a sigh. They are probably going to try and change her soon. I had a bad feeling. Also, I think Myungsoo's time is going to be coming to an end soon.  He doesn't have much time left."

"Is this where she is supposed to be?" Hoya asked Daeryong and Soryong. "Why isn't she here?" Hoya asked in a defensive tone. 

Woohyun looked at Hoya and shook his head and walked next to Sungyeol with his arms crossed. "Are you still mad that Soomin chose Gyu hyung?"

"I am not mad Yeol. I just wish that I didn't waste my time.  I could have been chasing other girls hearts."  Woohyun said in a tired voice. "I am giving up on love for a bit, and if you ask me anymore questions about my love life I will hurt you."

"Fine! Be that way." Sungyeol crossed his arms and pouted.


Soomin sat in the hospital room and looked at Sunggyu's sleeping body.  She could not understand why he would do something like this.  Why would he agree to let himself get hurt again because of her.

She remembered when she almost jumped off the school building and he stopped her. She was stupid back then and was a child who thought everything would be better if she was with her parents in heaven, but she was wrong. 

Tears started to form in her eyes and she felt someone grab onto her hand.  She looked down and noticed that Sunggyu was awake. "Don't cry Soomin."

"Sunggyu this is all my fault." Soomin watched as Sunggyu sat up in bed and pull her arm.  She was now sitting on Sunggyu's lap.  One of his arm draped around Soomin's waist and he pressed his forehead against hers.

"This isn't your fault stop blaming yourself Soominnie." Sunggyu placed his free arm on her cheek, "You did not mean to get infected by them.  They wanted to hurt you and it's not your fault.  You were doing your job to get the information we needed to solve this case.  We are so close now."

"But I stabbed you Gyu." Soomin said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I could have killed you."

"But you didn't!" Sunggyu leaned closer to her face.

"You saved me again like you always do.  You always save me Sunggyu and what have I done to you. I cause you nothing but trouble. You always make sacrifices for me. I don't deserve you Sunggyu."

"Don't say that!" Sunggyu pressed his lips against Soomin's lips and pulled away moments later.  "You are the only person I wanted to be with. You made many sacrifices too Soomin."

"Not as many as you Sunggyu." Soomin rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. "I hope they can find Eunmi and Myungsoo. I hope no harm comes to them.  If that happens I blame myself. I was the one who sent them on that undercover case. Myungsoo got infected because of me and Eunmi lost her best friend because of me."

"Soomin please stop putting yourself down." Sunggyu ran his hand trough her hair. "Please."


Sungjong leaned against the wall and listened to the conversation that Soomin and Sunggyu were having.  His hyungs were searching for Eunmi and Myungsoo.  He wanted to stay here. 

Sungjong looked at his phone and yawned.  He was tired and wanted to sleep, but he did not want to go in that hospital room. Sunggyu and Soomin were together; he did not want to bother them.  He knew they were in love and should be together.

Sungjong decided to get some milk.  He started to walk down the hall and smiled to himself.


"L what are you doing?" Xiah asked his best creation as he put a gun to Xiah's head.

"I am Stopping you for hurting others." L said with a smirk on his face. "You are not going to hurt my toy."

"L you dare go against what I say?" Xiah asked with his arms crossed.

"I love her and you will not put her through what you put me through." L yelled. "You are not going to hurt her. You're not going to poison her like you poisoned me."

"Listen to me L!" Xiah said.

"No I am never listening to you again you bastard. You have tortured me enough already." L yelled. "I want to go back to my life that I had before I was poisoned."

Eunmi was watching L as he started to look paler and paler. She knew something was wrong with him. She knew that Myungsoo has figured out to control L.  He was able to be both people. Eunmi started to undo the ropes that were tired around her wrist.  She slowly stood up and Xiah caught her. "Where do you think you're going?" He said as he pushed L towards the ground.

"L!" She called out and Xiah grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall.  She looked at the man and tried to escape and her eyes went wide when Xiah pulled out a syringe filled with the solution that poisoned Myungsoo.

"NOOOO!" L screamed out and stood up.  He ran towards Eunmi and got in front of her and was stabbed by the syringe.  He suddenly collapsed to the ground and his eyes fluttered shut.

Eunmi looked into Xiah's eyes. "That brat! Now I need to make a new batch, but first I need to figure how to keep you from escaping."

"Bastard you hurt the person I..." Eunmi started but he started to squeeze her neck.

"I would let her go if I were you!" Soryong said as he held a gun to Xiah's head.

"Great the little dragon has appeared. Where is that older brother of yours?" Xiah asked.

"I'm right here. Let go of Eunmi!" Daeryong said in a cold voice.

"You try and kill me the girl dies!" Xiah smirked.

Dongwoo, Hoya, Woohyun, and Sungyeol entered the room. They pauses when they saw Myungsoo unconscious on the floor and Eunmi gasping for air.


Soomin had falling asleep o n Sunggyu's hospital bed. Her and rested in the crook of his neck.

Sungjong quietly opened the door and shut it behind him. He wanted to tell Seomin that they found her sister and were running into difficulties.

He watched Seomin and Sunggyu's sleeping figures snuggled closer to each other. A devilish smirk appeared on Sungjong's face.

He pulled out his camera and snapped a picture of the two lovebirds before plopping himself down in the chair by the bed.

"Please be safe everyone!" Sungjong thought to himself.


Xiah slowly released his grip on Eunmi and she fell to her knees.  "Myungsoo wake up." Eunmi cried and went to feel his pulse.  It was very faint. He was still alive, but barely.

"Hey Eunmi..." Daeryong spoke as he took the vile out of his jacket. "This will save him. You need to drink, but not swallow this solution. Do you understand." He watched her nod. "Only a kiss will wake him. It works Eunmi. We already tested on your sister and Sunggyu."

Eunmi bit the cork off of the vile and drank the solution. She leaned down and kissed Myungsoo on the lips, releasing the solution into Myungsoo's mouth.  She was about to pull away when she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist.  Myungsoo deepened the kiss and pulled away moments later.

"Mi your alight." Those were his last words before passing out.


Three months have passed since this incident.  Sunggyu and Myungsoo were both out of the hospital.  Sunggyu has proposed to Soomin and she accepted.  Myungsoo and Eunmi are dating, but they act like they used to before that terrible mission. The only difference is that they just make out and cuddle.

There were no charges pressed against Myungsoo because he was just being used as a pawn in Xiah's complex chess game.  Xiah was sentenced to life in prison for the murders and manipulating young adults

Woohyun finally found someone and she was his perfect match.  She was a huge grease ball just like him.

Woohyun and Sungyeol allow Sungjong to interrogate more because his methods get information out.  Their maknae is scary and demonic, but it works against the perks because they think he is a sweet, innocent person at first.

As for Hoya and Dongwoo they are as crazy as always with their little couple fights.  Dongwoo and Hoya are best friends and enemies at the same time. 

Soryong and Daeryong are a part of a special ops team and work for Soomin now.  Things could not be any better at the agency. The crime rate in the city has gone down thanks to their team work.

an - I hope you like the final chapter. Check out the thanks page and a list of my of stores. Shameless promotions *Throws Hearts*

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chapter 20 will be out soon


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Chapter 13: Why did she went to the library when it's close ?
naznew #2
Chapter 32: Great story..
i love it..
it suit with my taste..
happy ending..
i wonder who is woohyun's girlfriend..
i vote u
Chapter 31: I really really liked it. You have great stories and great ideas. And the Tasty twins were in it, too. :D

But there's one thing what bothers me a bit, and that's the amount of typos. Maybe I'm the first one, who said this, but sometimes it's really bothering. Sorry. ^^; If you want to improve your fic, but you don't have the time to re-read your updates/stories, then you should look for a co-author who can correct your mistakes.
Rianne2580 #4
Chapter 32: Wow that was so cool! I pretty much knew from the first chapter that it was Myungsoo and I figured it had something to do with an alternate personality. Didn't think it'd be an experiment though. Good job author nim!=)
hellopanda23 #6
Chapter 31: Ahhhhhh its over just like that? At least they got together..... :)
Chapter 30: Omg. y Xiah as a bad guy. I like it. Lol.
Chapter 30: OTL Gyuuu TT TT
Author-nim please don't cliff-hang me XDDD
Chapter 30: omg gyu got stabbed! >o< but it was for her~ -w-
Chapter 30: Myungsoo is planning something :D but my poor gyu >~<