Chapter 10

Long Lost Memories

Raymond was beat.  He had spent the last couple of days and nights doing the proposal for the new high rise apartment building.  This project was going to be his best yet with the building being built on a make-shift island.  The idea for this came from one of his dreams.  In that dream he and Charmaine were married and they were living in a gorgeous apartment that was surrounded with water on all sides.  Palm trees lined the island blocking the building's view from the general public.  In his dream they were sitting out in the open balcony gazing up at the stars above.  Charmaine looked very happy and content with her head snuggled up against his shoulder while her hands rested limply on his lap.  He had his arms around her, holding her close, hip lips grazed the top of her head.  It was absolutely romantic and peaceful.  When he woke up from the dream the next morning, he felt empty and disoriented.  He wanted to go back into the dream, back to Charmaine and back to the paradise which was their home in the dream.  Knowing it wasn't possible, Raymond had the crazy idea to bring the paradise in his dream out to reality.  He mentioned the idea to Damien and even he thought the idea was unique and doable.  Thereafter they went looking for the land to build it out and found the ideal location.  At first the owner of the land rejected the idea, thinking it was too risky to build an entire island but with much persuasion and promises from Raymond, he finally agreed.  Now with his proposal in place, lining every spectrum of the build out process, his dream home was going to become real.  Lost in his own happy thoughts Raymond didn't hear Kevin calling his name.

"Raymond?  Earth to Raymond," Kevin said from beside him then waved his hand in front of Raymond's face.

Raymond snapped out of his trance and smiled sheepishly at Kevin, "Sorry.  I was thinking about something just now and didn't hear you."

Suppressing a smile, Kevin went about pouring himself a cup of coffee.  "What were you thinking about if you don't mind me asking?" he said with friendly interest.

Raymond turned to lean against the counter to look at Kevin and said, "I was just thinking about Paradise and how it's going to be when it's complete."

"Paradise?" Kevin echoed with wonder.  Then it dawned on him what Raymond was talking about, "Is that the new high rise you're working on that's going to be built on an island?"

Raymond nodded his head excitedly, "The one and only!  And I'm anxious for it to get started!"

Laughing softly at Raymond's childlike enthusiasm, Kevin asked, "Why did you name the project Paradise?"

Envisioning Charmaine as she had been in his dream, Raymond replied softly, "Because it's a place where I want to live with my wife."

A bit puzzled by Raymond's statement, Kevin narrowed his eyes and asked, "Wife?  I thought you were still single."

Raymond's smile wavered and lowering his eyes with embarrassment he said quietly, "I am but I had a dream about me and my future wife living in a place like that."  He recalled the sweet serene smile on Charmaine's face from his dream and continued, "We were very happy and it felt like being in paradise.  That's why I named this project exactly that."

"I see," Kevin chuckled.  He was about to turn away when he noted the dreamy look on Raymond's face, "And judging by your expression I take it you already know who your future wife will be."

Raymond shook his head sadly and said softly, "I once had a wonderful wife but because of my selfishness and stupidity she left me.  Even to this date she won't forgive me for it."

Surprised by Raymond's frankness, Kevin said awkwardly, "I'm sorry to hear that."

Realizing that he had said too much, Raymond laughed nervously and said lightly, "I should be the one apologizing for making you listen to me rant on and on about my personal life."

"Nothing to apologize for," Kevin said with compassion as he placed a comforting hand on Raymond's shoulder.  "I'm glad that you can share your feelings with me.  It means that you think of me as a friend and not just someone you work with."

Chuckling with amusement Raymond teased, "You mean you didn't feel that already?"

Kevin saw the gleam in Raymond's eyes and matching his mood, joked, "I had a suspicion.  But I'm the type of guy that likes to be told in words.  It gives me a sense of security."

Raymond laughed out loud at Kevin's humor and with a warm smile announced, "So now that we've made clear that we are now officially 'friends', let's grab lunch together tomorrow."

"Sounds good," Kevin said with a b smile.  After a slight pause his face turned serious and he said softly, "Word of advice, don't dwell in the past too much.  You should look forward to what the future holds.  There are many women out there waiting for you to ask them out."  He then winked and said, "Myolie is one of them."

"Myolie is indeed a very nice girl," Raymond said but couldn't seem to find anything more to add to that.  They had gone out to dinner a couple of times and although he found her pleasant and an animated talker, there was still something missing from her.  She didn't have eyes that sparkled when she was happy and her voice wasn't soft and musical to his ears.  Overall, she wasn't Charmaine.

Giving Raymond's shoulder a firm squeeze Kevin said, "You should really think about giving yourself and Myolie a chance.  Who knows… she might be the one to share your Paradise with."

In Raymond's heart and mind only one person was qualified to share his paradise with and that was Charmaine.  Not wanting to involve Kevin any deeper into his personal affairs, Raymond quickly changed the topic and asked conversationally, "So when do you think I get the honor of meeting your wonderful wife?"

Surprised by the question Kevin looked inquiringly at Raymond, "My wife?"

Chuckling at Kevin's expression, Raymond said, "Nancy and Myolie told us all about your perfect little wife and how much you adore and love her.  So being the typical nosy man that I am, I'm curious to meet this wife of yours."

"Those two…," Kevin muttered but there wasn't any trace of annoyance in his tone.  Instead his face seemed to blush with happiness at the mention of his wife.

There was an envious tug in Raymond's heart when he saw the happy glow on Kevin's face.  If he hadn't betrayed Charmaine, that happy glow should be on his own face right now.  "You're really lucky to have someone you love by your side," he said quietly and he meant it.

Kevin patted Raymond on the back and said, "I am.  My wife is everything to me."  Looking at Raymond sympathetically he said, "One day you'll find someone to love of your own.  When you do, don't let her go."

Raymond thoughts turned to Charmaine and meeting Kevin's gaze vowed, "Don’t worry.  When I do find her I'm not letting her go."

"What are you guys talking about?" Ron asked as he stepped into the .

"We were discussing where to go after work to grab a beer," Raymond tittered and with a sly smile added, "Kevin is treating."

"Drinks after work?  I'm in!" Ron chuckled.  "Should I invite Nancy and Myolie?"

Kevin sighed dramatically and giving Raymond a soft glare said, "Sure, invite them."  He looked at his watch and uttered, "I better call my wife and let her know.  I'll meet you guys in the lobby after work."  He turned and left.

"How are things with you and Myolie?" Ron asked the moment Kevin was out of sight.  "Are you guys developing in the romance area?"

Shaking his head, Raymond asked, "Don't you have work to do?"

Ron shrugged lazily, "Sure I do but I don't feel like doing it now."

"Well, I have a lot of work and I'm going to do it now," Raymond stated then hurried out of the pantry.

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HottestVIPSone #1
You’re the best Charray writers out here (:
midnightdreamz423 #2
simcon, are you still planning to update this story? I will be really upset if you don't because you are one of the few talented CharRay writers out there =/
Leemyy #3
Seems interesting, I'll try reading it :D
I knw its been a long time but I m dying 2 knw hw this ends.
Hope you'll be able to find the direction you want this fanfic to go to soon :)
simcon888 #6
All, I have yet decided on the direction of this story so I may not update for some time. In the meantime, you can read my new Charray story "Blood of Love and Hate" and I hope you'll enjoy it. Thanks again!
mewmew #7
The nerve of Myolie to barge in like that. She needs to come back to reality instead of living in that fantasy land of hers. I'm thrilled that the table is about to turn and that her fun is about to end. Yay Kevin to resolve the problem. Thanks for the update!
irreplaceable #8
woo! go kevin. i seriously love kevin in this story. no man would do that for his wife! thanks for the update!
luvcharray4ever #9
Jez I just came back from my long vacation and now .... wow Thanks for the wonderful story. Myolie You are sure a crazy woman. I dont think she will get what she want, she will just hurt herself over and over again. When the guy doesnt love you, no matter what you do it will not affect him or change his mind. Stupid Myolie!!! wake up girl!! The nesw about Raymond really disappointed me but I still support Charray. Cant make it in real life, we cann always come here for more charrayness. Thanks Simcon. I hope you will keep it up. By the way I think it will not be bad if she tells Kevin about their relationship since he's wanted it all along. Cant wait for next chapter.!! Simcon you are sure the BEST!!!!