Chapter 7

The Nemesis


Jangwoo took out the leftover soup from the fridge and prepares himself a brunch for the lazy Saturday morning. He has been slogging hard at work for the past few days without much rest. He decided to gives himself a day off and pack his bag for a relaxing camping. Not wanting to camp alone, he flashes out his phone and dialed the familiar number.


‘Hello, EunJung-ah. I am going camping today. You want to follow along?’ Jangwoo kept the phone between his head and neck while stirring the boiling soup.


‘Camping? But I am with Taecyeon now. We are going to the Lotte World later.’


‘Lotte World? Why didn’t you tell me about it? You didn’t want me to interrupt you guys?’ Jangwoo felt hurt when he wasn’t invited along.


‘No it was a sudden invitation and I only agreed to it a while ago. Sorry ah chingu.’ EunJung tried to convince him.


‘Really? Araseo. Have fun with Taecyeon-ssi. Bye.’ Jangwoo quickly end the call without hesitation.


Taecyeon opens his car door for EunJung and asked, ‘So who called? Jangwoo-ssi? Anything?’


‘Yea it’s him. But there is nothing to be worried about.’ EunJung enters the car. What’s with him? She thought silently.




Feeling a little dejected, Jangwoo went to pack his camping necessities after the light brunch. While packing he starts to imagine the scene where EunJung and Taecyeon got much closer after having a fun time in amusement park. Unknowingly he balled both of his hand into a fist.


This can’t be happening. I can’t let that playboy to be around EunJung. I must think of a plan…a plan…YES! I got it! Without hesitation, he took out his phone and starts calling up someone.


‘Hello? Is this YooJin-ssi?’ Jangwoo hurriedly starts the conversation.


‘Oh Jangwoo-ssi. I’m surprised to get a call from you. How are you?’ YooJin replied.


‘Ah I’m good. Actually it’s like this. Remember our date that was crashed last time? I want to ask you out again. Let’s go to Lotte World today.’ Jangwoo explained.


‘Lotte World? That’s great! It’s been a long time since I have gone to any amusement park.’ YooJin exclaimed excitedly. She can’t believe Jangwoo actually initiates to ask her out.


‘Then I will pick you up at your house in an hour. Are you okay with it?’ Jangwoo plans again.


‘Of course. See you later then.’ YooJin ends the call and gave out a small yelp of excitement. Little did she know, Jangwoo is doing all this for one reason – to spy on the other pair.  




After getting into the park, Jangwoo hurriedly looked around to spot for familiar figure. He doesn’t want to waste any more minute without EunJung in his sight.


‘What are you looking at? Are you looking for someone?’ YooJin senses Jangwoo who seems to be putting his attention on other things.


‘Yea? Oh I’m sorry. I am just too excited. Let’s go.’ Jangwoo felt really guilty for making use of YooJin.


‘Do you want to play this? This is really fun.’ Jangwoo took her to the gun game stall. He remembered that he used to compete with EunJung their firing skill.


‘Nah, I don’t like guns. I am scared of the loud shooting noise. Let’s play that!’ The excited YooJin pulled Jangwoo towards ring game stall.


While YooJin is focusing her attention on throwing rings into the box, Jangwoo’s eye is busy looking out for EunJung. As he was looking around, he saw a pair enjoying their ice cream together. His thought drifted back to years ago…


*Ten years ago in front of Dongguk University…


‘Ah today’s weather is so hot. Let’s go and grab some ice cream!’ EunJung pulled Jangwoo towards the convenience store after finishing their class.


‘Let’s take two different flavour.’ EunJung opens the ice cream fridge and start choosing two of her favourite.


‘Yah, why can’t I even choose one that I like? Chet...’ Jangwoo grumpily pays for the ice cream at the cashier.


When they come out of the store, EunJung quickly tears off the wrapper and start feasting on the ice cream.


‘Yah can’t you be a little lady like? Why would any girl eat ice cream like you? You are so disgusting.’ Jangwoo nags as he wipes off the stain on the corner of her lips.


‘Why should I act like a lady in front of you? Chet’ EunJung continues to enjoy her ice cream happily.



Jangwoo laughs to himself like an idiot thinking of the past. YooJin nudge him, ‘Are you okay? Why are you laughing to yourself? Did you see anything funny? See I have a won this!’ She shoved the fluffy bunny she won in front of the game.


‘Just some random thought. Let’s not talk about it anymore. You want to try any other games?’ Jangwoo successfully divert her attention away.


‘I need to go to the restroom for a while.’ She then leaves to look for the nearest toilet.




While walking leisurely around the park, EunJung spotted a familiar back of a man with a woman. She squinted her eyes to get a clearer view. To her surprise it was Jangwoo with YooJin.


‘Jangwoo-ah! Is that you?’ EunJung shouted across the park. Hearing EunJung’s voice, he knew he was busted. Now he had to think of excuse to talk his way out. Turning around awkwardly, he slowly grab YooJin’s hand and boldly walks towards her direction. To his surprise he saw how EunJung and Taecyeon stand so intimately close to each other, he felt pricked in his heart. Not that he never sees EunJung being with other man, he just hate the sight he is seeing now.


‘What are you guys doing here? I thought you went camping today?’ EunJung fixing her eyes on that pair of interlocked hands.


‘I changed my mind when I thought about YooJin-ssi. So we decided to come here.’ He gave out fake smile. ‘Are you guys having fun then? I hope Taecyeon-ssi doesn’t get frighten by our EunJung.’


Hearing that, Eunjung shot glares at Jangwoo, wanting him to shut his mouth.


‘You must be Jangwoo-ssi right? We haven’t even had a proper greeting yet. I am Ok Taecyeon. Nice to meet you.’ Taecyeon reached out his hand like a gentleman.


Jangwoo took his hand and gave a hard squeeze; showing his obvious dissatisfaction. ‘Hi Taecyeon-ssi. I am Lee Jangwoo and this is my girlfriend, YooJin-ssi.’




Did she hear it right?


His girlfriend. Lee Jangwoo has a girlfriend. The last word came so unexpectedly and it shocked EunJung, making her literally rooted to the ground. In the past, even when he dates any girl, she is the first person to know about it.


‘Hi YooJin-ssi. Nice to meet you.’ Taecyeon shook her hand. Still bewildered by the sudden statement by Jangwoo, YooJin just went with the flow. ‘Oh hi.’


‘I guess we will part here then?’ Taeyeon turn around to look at the dazed EunJung. ‘EunJung-ah…’ He shook her slightly. ‘EunJung? Are you alright? Let’s go now.’ She is still in a state of shock.


 ‘Why don’t we go together? The more the merrier, isn’t it?’ Jangwoo sudden suggestion makes EunJung finally gets back to her senses.


‘…Oh? Y-Yea let’s have fun together. Let’s go Taecyeon-ah!’ She naturally puts her hand onto Taecyeon’s arm.


You are sure happy yea…clinging so tightly to that man. Chet. I am not losing out either. ‘YooJin-ah let’s go.’


The four walked awkwardly together; hardly any conversation between the pairs. The atmosphere was rather tense with the constant silence. YooJin who can’t stand it anymore decided to break the ice as they pass by the food stall, ‘Jangwoo-ssi do you want to eat snacks? I will buy it for you.’


Letting out a big smile, ‘Of course I would love too. It’s been a long time since I’ve been treated by women.’ As he speaks he turns around to look at EunJung. All he gotten is a glare from her.


‘How about you Taecyeon? I will buy it for you too.’ EunJung eagerly pulled him towards the stall.


‘Wah, Taecyeon-ssi you are a lucky man. I have been friends with EunJung for over the past ten years, she rarely opens her wallet for me.’ He sarcastically grumbles while looking at EunJung. He can literally feel daggers stabbing at his back.


After a while they walked to the scariest roller coaster - The Dungeon. Taecyeon pulled EunJung closer and said, ‘EunJung, do you want to play this? It looks fun! Ah I have been itching for some coaster ride.’


‘P-Play this? B-But—’


Jangwoo overheard their conversation quickly butts in, ‘EunJung-ah you better don’t play. Aren’t you are afraid of heights? Don’t trouble others if you start vomiting everywhere.’


Somehow heeding his advice, EunJung kindly rejected Taecyeon’s offer and sits at the nearby bench. Jangwoo who also declined the invitation from YooJin taking the ride then joins her.


‘Yah still my chingu knew me the best. Gumawo.’ EunJung pats his back.


‘I just don’t want to trouble myself.’ He said coolly.


‘So…you two are really dating?’ EunJung finally shoots out the question she has been holding in.


Startled by the sudden question he stutters, ‘Y-Yea, w-we have just started not long ago. Why? Y-you envious?’


‘Wh-what? I’m envious? You must be kidding. You didn’t know how good Taecyeon is to me. Where would I have the free time to be envious of you? Chet…You just have to take care of your  YooJin.’ She exploded.


‘Really? Then that’s good. Now we just have to mind our own partner.’ Jangwoo ends the conversation coldly.




Jangwoo stops his car in front of her house. ‘I hope you had fun today. Thanks for accompanying me to the amusement park.’


‘I shall thank you instead. I had a lot of fun today. See I even won this!’ YooJin took the bunny hands and waves excitably in front of him.


‘And also…I-I apologized for what I did just now. I was too impulsive.’ Jangwoo regretted his action earlier.


‘You really regretted it?’ YooJin looks down and start fiddling with the house key disappointedly.


‘Huh? No it’s just that I say it without your concern.’


‘Then can you fulfill what you have said just now?’ She faced up to him and asked boldly.


Jangwoo getting more and more confused, ‘Fulfilling what I’ve said? You mean—’


YooJin put her fore finger on his lips stopping him and said, ‘Let’s date for real.’

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pioushej #2
Chapter 9: update please! i love this couple!
Kid_BunnyMushroom-- #3
Chapter 7: New reader here!
I love this story~
Please update soon author-nim!
I'm so curious about BaekGu reaction after hearing confess from Jangoonim ^^ kkk~
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D
Chapter 5: Please continue updating!!! Love this! :)
HaniCinnamon #6
Keep updating! I like your fanfic (:
baifern #7
Catgoh... keep going!! i like this!!
MomoLove #8
Oooohhh liking it :) LJW & Eunjung are so cute together. Can't wait until they realize their feelings for each other lol ^^ Update soon!