A Child's Whine

A Child's Whine

“38.5…” The temperature stared back at him, his analytical eyes taking in the digits, “You’re not getting out of bed, Hyung.” He pushed the elder back down onto the bed, a cute whine escaping the other as pillow met the back of his head.  His forehead was sweaty and hot, burning to the touch and the taller boy partially wondered why the older man even fathomed the idea of going to his schedule.  “Come on, Hyung.  Cooperate with me.  There’s no way you can survive with a fever like that.”

“But Kyunnie…” The elder complained, another blanket being thrown on him to secure more body heat.  With the amount of blankets the maknae had thrown on him, he wouldn’t be able to move from the sheer weight.  “I’m fine…” A full round of coughs exited his lips and the younger just shook his head.  Was he being serious?  Usually he was the one all the Hyungs called annoyingly stubborn.  The small male before him was a million times worse.  “I can’t disappoint ELF.”

“You’re not disappointing anybody, Hyung.  Just lie down and rest.  I’ll get Teukie-hyung to look at you when he comes down for breakfast.” Kyuhyun said simply, ruffling the older male’s hair as if he were twenty years younger.  Well, if he would stop looking younger every year and acting with sincere innocence then Kyuhyun wouldn’t be tempted to treat him as such.  “Now, be a good Hyung and listen to me.”

“Can you call Wookie for me?” The smaller male voiced out hoarsely but Kyuhyun manages to resist the temptation.  With his adorable Hyung a rosy red, coughing quietly into his small hands, he couldn’t break now. 

“No, Hyung.  Because you’ll just pull out your puppy dog eyes and he’ll melt and let you do what you want.  And that would be going to schedule.” Kyuhyun shook his head and ended up getting a pout in response.  He sighed.  Could his Hyung be anymore naïve?  Was he really twenty-seven?  He was so chock full of pure, untouched innocence he couldn’t stand it.  The older boy looked like he was going to whip out another request but Kyuhyun quickly beat him to it.  “No, I will not get Donghae-hyung or Siwon-hyung either.  None of the Hyungs can say no to you, Yesung-hyung.”

The lead baritone just huffed out in annoyance turning his head away from the tall male like a child denied.  And it’s times like this that he wonders whether Yesung was the real maknae in their boy band.  “You’re so mean.” Oh, how the fan girls would kill for an image of this.  A wrapped up Yesung, in a million kinds of blankets, flushing redder than ever, hair messy and scruffy, pout pulled onto his petal lips.  “To think you’re the maknae.”

“And to think you’re the fourth oldest.  You sure you’re twenty-seven?  Look at these cheeks.” Kyuhyun leaned down, giving the cheeks a loving pinch, the elder whining at the action.  The tall male just let out a soft chuckle, frowning slightly at how heated the skin was.  This man couldn’t be serious when he said he actually wanted to go to schedule.  He must feel terrible.

“Stop it, Kyu… I’m not five.” He his side, looking up to Kyuhyun with adoring eyes.  He blinked a couple of times, cheeks reddening as another fit of coughs wracked through his body.  He curled up into a ball, savouring all the heat he could.

“You definitely act like you are.” Kyuhyun said quietly, hand going under Yesung’s bangs to feel the heated forehead.  Alarmingly hot, just like how he’d found him sprawled on his bedroom floor this morning.  “Now, get some rest.  I’ll go tell Hyung.”


“Can I…?”




“Come on…”


“God dammit, Kyuhyun I want to give Hyung a goodbye kiss!”

Donghae growled, glaring at the maknae who was more door guard than anything else at the moment.  All he wanted was to give the sick elder a smooch on the forehead and wishes to get better.  And maybe a tight hug.  And another kiss.  That’s all he wanted!  He just wanted to make sure his favourite Hyung was alright.  But the youngest of them all was blocking the way, acting all high and mighty because the overprotective Umma had appointed him caretaker.

“No, Donghae-hyung.  Hyung is resting and no one is allowed to disturb him.” Kyuhyun said indignantly, not sparing a single shred of mercy for the fish boy.  The elder pouted and growled but the maknae felt no fear.  Donghae could barely swat a fly, much less his band mate.  And the cute factor wasn’t really working either.  Kyuhyun could, barely, resist Yesung; he could withstand a Donghae pout.

Please Kyuhyun.  It’s just a goodbye kiss!  I don’t even have to wake him.  I’ll just go in and kiss him and leave.  I swear to be quiet.” Donghae clasped his hands together, looking up to Kyuhyun with the biggest eyes he could produce.  To no avail, of course.  Kyuhyun had permission to pretty much monopolise his favourite Hyung.  As if he would let anyone – seriously.  He meant anyone – go in.  If he could lock the lead baritone in a box that only he had the key to, he’d do it.  He’d have to be daft to let Donghae in and sneak in a peck at his Hyung.  Didn’t anyone understand that he didn’t like to share?

“No, Donghae-hyung. You can get away with stealing away my Yesung-hyung when he’s around but I’m in charge this time.” Kyuhyun smirked as the fish boy gaped before resigning to his fate.  Everyone knew not to mess with the maknae in a possessive state.  “And Hyung is mine.”

“You’re so possessive.  And you’re not even dating.” Donghae sighed, glaring holes into the door behind Kyuhyun.  If only that door would collapse from his gaze. 

“But we’re in love so it’s basically the same.” Kyuhyun teased and Donghae almost whacked him over the top of the head.  He gave the younger boy a look of cynic but Kyuhyun remained strong.  The air of haughtiness he had placed was still there, no matter how much of the truth he was denying.

“Oh puh-lease Kyu, Hyung hasn’t confessed to you once.” Donghae pointed out simply.  But he could understand why Kyuhyun was being so confident.  It would take a blind, deaf and dumb man to not see the affection that the older man poured out to the tall maknae.  He like radiated the word ‘love’, especially with his shy smiles and cute blushes.  “Not that you’re doing much better at that.”

 “Hyung still loves me more than you.” Kyuhyun said nonchalantly and found himself tackled.  He was trying to avoid the subject of their awkward relationship and did not expect to be so violently assaulted.  Okay, maybe it was a really bad idea to bring up which dongsaeng Yesung loved more.  It was a really, really bad idea.  Especially when brought up around anyone that happened to be born in 1986 or later.  Sungmin was adamant, Eunhyuk was stubborn, Donghae was tenacious, Siwon was sure, Ryeowook was insistent, Kibum was resolute and Kyuhyun was unyielding. 

Overall, it was just a terribly stupid thing to do.  All seven dongsaengs were not about to admit to coming second or lower in their Hyung’s heart.  They all believed that they were the number one and that would never change. 

“You ungrateful little maknae!  What do you mean Hyung loves you more?  He clearly loves me the best!” Donghae wrestled with the younger for a few more moments, trying to jostle into his brain that Yesung’s heart was his.  He didn’t know how long the little episode would have lasted had it not been for the soft fit of coughs that seeped through the door.

Immediately forgetting about the task at hand, Kyuhyun had basically flung Donghae off him, shoving the door open to aid the sick man inside.  He rushed to the elder who had managed to untangle himself enough to sit up.  His large hands were patting his back, trying to ease the violent coughing out of Yesung’s system.  It hurt him to see the strong pillar of Super Junior so physically weak.  He hadn’t been bed ridden since his fall during their performance of Mr. Simple and that had been beyond painful to witness too.  Well, the bonus was that he always got to take care of the older boy, babying him the way he needed to be pampered with the excuse that he was sick or injured. 

“Hyung, are you okay?” Yesung looked up after his body was all coughed out, seeing Donghae’s worried figure by his bed.  He smiled weakly at the fish boy, trying to give his reassurances but there were tears in his eyes and his shoulders were shaking.

“I-I’m fine, Hae.” Yesung tried to comfort, his fingers twisting nervously against the blankets.  He was never very good at lying.  And the unending headache and scratchy throat was not helping him in the least.  “It’s really nothing.  Kyunnie’s just overeacting.”

“And you and I both know that you at lying, Hyung.” Kyuhyun said simply, frowning as he sweeped the man’s sweaty fringe out of his eyes.  His forehead still burned enough to cook.  “You have a fever, Hyung.  Get some rest.”

“I’m fine, Kyu.  You don’t have to…” Yesung whispered softly as long fingers combed through his hair, feather light and caring, comforting him in his disheveled state.  “Kyunnie…” The elder practically purred at the gentle treatment, leaning more to his touch.  “Mm… Kyu…”

Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smile when Yesung’s eyes closed, eyelashes fluttering.  And within a matter of moments, soft, adorable snores were exiting. He gave the lead baritone’s scalp a few more caresses and before readjusting the displaced blankets, making sure his beloved elder was properly bundled up.  All the while, totally oblivious to his completely love struck expression.

“It sounded like you were him.” Donghae commented, teasing, as they exited the room, Kyuhyun closing the door as quietly as he could.

“I assure you, Donghae-hyung, when I manage to get into Hyung’s pants I’ll make him scream a lot louder than that.  Just for you.” Kyuhyun retorted, famous maknae smirk in place.  The elder quickly shoved him, desperately trying to get rid of such images.

“Gross!  Get that out of my head, Kyuhyunnie!  I don’t need to think about you violating my Yesungie-hyung… Oh God, what would Teukie-hyung say?  He’d eat you alive for destroying Hyung’s innocence!” Donghae reprimanded harshly.  What the !  Did the maknae have to disclose his intentions of bedding their lead baritone?  Why was he even planning that?  Yesung was cute, adorable and oh-so-very-innocent.  Everyone in Super Junior, especially their overprotective umma, treasured that.  How could Kyuhyun even fathom demolishing that?

“Oh, come on.  Hyung’s twenty-seven; I doubt he’s still a .  And even if he is, I’d be glad to be the one to deflower Super Junior’s precious Kim Jongwoon.” Kyuhyun grinned, pointing out how all of the band loved to dote and coddle their lead baritone.  He loved the idea of snatching the group’s adored treasure and marking him as his own. “And if I do that, it’ll teach all of you to keep your hands off him.” He chuckled, scheming laugh on his lips, “Maybe I’ll do it today.  We are alone.”

“If you molest Hyung I’ll tell Teukie-umma!” Donghae immediately protested.  He obviously didn’t like Kyuhyun’s grand plan of keeping the turtle Hyung all to himself. 

“Calm down, Hyung.  As if I would do that to Sungie-hyung when he’s sick. I need him to be at full health if I want him to survive the night.” Kyuhyun winked, effectively making Donghae want to crawl into a little ball of fear.  What was the maknae planning!?  He had to protect his favourite Hyung!  Who knew what the youngest would do to him.

“Stay away from Hyung!  You’re not allowed to molest him!  He’s ours.  As in, everyone gets to share him.” Donghae pouted, shoving the maknae playfully.  But in all seriousness, they all knew that none of the elder’s dongsaengs, or the band umma for that fact, were completely willing to hand the lead baritone over to Kyuhyun.  No matter how much Sungmin and Ryeowook shipped them.  Ryeowook was probably the least willing to give the maknae ownership over his turtle Hyung.  Or anyone for that matter.

“We’ll just have to change that, won’t we Hyung?” Kyuhyun chuckled, all playful evil evident in his otherwise melodious voice.  “I hate sharing.  You know that, right Hyung?”


Call Kyuhyun stupid if you must, but Yesung was probably the larger idiot in this scenario.

In front of him sat a possibly poisonous bowl of porridge.  So, Kyuhyun had to be retarded to even attempt making food for the person he loved.  Especially since he loved him.  And Yesung had to be even worse if he was actually taking spoonfuls of the dish and actually swallowing it.  Oh, how love blinded one.

“Kyunnie…” Yesung smiled weakly, looking up at the maknae with possibly the most innocent pair of eyes he had ever seen, “I can’t finish.” His porcelain spoon clinked against the bowl, about half of the porridge still left, “I’m not hungry.”

“No, Hyung.  Wookie told me to make you finish whatever I made you eat. You’ve got a bad habit of making yourself sicker by not eating.” Kyuhyun quickly scolded, leaning over from his seat on the edge of the bed to caress the elder’s soft cheeks, “Come on, it’s only a little more.” And Kyuhyun would like to proudly point out that his food was not poisonous.  Ryeowook had helped with sixty-six percent of it.  So, technically Kyuhyun had helped for just over a third of the work.  It was a hell of a lot more than he did normally.  The fact that the elder had the power to get the youngest to do more than one fiftieth of the work was a miracle.  Or it was love.  It could be either. 

“But Kyunnie…” Yesung whined softly, his tiny fingers wrestling with each other in his lap.  His back was propped up with a pillow against his headboard, leaning back as far as possible from the food.  He was never very hungry when he was feeling under the weather but his dongsaengs always made him eat. 

“Come on, Hyung.  Do you want me to feed you?” And somehow the way Kyuhyun phrased it made them seem like a loving couple.  As if Yesung was going look up cutely and nod his head like a blushing school girl. 

The younger held onto the lead baritone’s smaller hand, rubbing smooth circles onto the back to soothe him a little.  And whilst the elder had a tendency to melt to whatever wishes his juniors had, his belly was feeling rather uneasy and he wasn’t about to swallow any more.  “But I’m really full.  I can’t eat anymore.”

“I guess I’ll have to feed you then.” Kyuhyun sighed, not really surprised.  He knew that the rare occasions that Yesung was less than healthy, one of them had the chore of feeding him like a child.  Last time it had been Ryeowook.  The time before, Siwon.  It was like they had a rotational system of who had the right to take care of a vulnerable, sick Yesung.  Leeteuk especially loved having the duty of caring for the usually strong male but he had to wait his turn.

“I’m not five, Kyu.” Yesung pouted, immediately contradicting himself.  Kyuhyun chuckled and blew on the still warm porridge, spoon feeding the somewhat willing elder.  He knew the maknae was beyond stubborn and trying to resist may lead to some somewhat embarrassing measures.  The elder was still as shy as a girl after all.  Skinship with his crush still got his cheeks bright crimson.

“There, was that so hard?” Kyuhyun raised a simple eyebrow, putting the now empty bowl onto the bedside table.  Yesung nodded just to spite him, or perhaps it was just out of his inner innocence, and Kyuhyun just grabbed his chin and gave either cheek a loving squeeze.  How loving, the elder would never begin to fathom.  “Back to sleep, cutie pie.”

Kyuhyun made a move to readjust the elder so as to help him sleep comfortably, smiling as Yesung growled at the adoring pet name.  The elder crossed his arms and half heartedly glared at the maknae, showing some defiance at the action.  “All I’ve done is sleep.  You can make me eat but you can’t make me sleep.”

“How old are you, Hyung?” Kyuhyun chuckled, his mind immediately likening the elder’s reaction to a child complaining about bed time.  It was really too cute.  “You have to get your rest.  Catch up on all that sleep you miss out on because of my alarm.”

The smaller male blushed a little and choked on his own spit as Kyuhyun winked, not really expecting it but falling for it all the same, “Yah it’s your fault I’m so sleep deprived.”

“Now you have a reason to go to sleep.  Go to sleep.” Kyuhyun reminded as he continuously shifted the layout of the bed so that the lead baritone was tucked in and bundled up properly, the perfect position to get a few more hours of rest.  “I have to go out and buy you medicine.  Wookie said we ran out.”

“And whose fault is that?”  Yesung said, laughing lowly.  They only really had the maknae to blame for their low supply on cold medicine.  He had a rather sickly body and was sniffling every other fortnight or so.  And it was always Yesung that was left with the task of caring for the stubborn boy.  He was the only that could get him to be tame enough to tend to him properly.  If any other member dared try they’d probably get a week’s worth of revenge.  With Yesung, he got a smile and sometimes a kiss on the nose.  Why?  He could never guess.  And it was at that point that everyone in Super Junior had to face palm.

“Yes, yes, it’s my fault.  Now get some sleep before I actually test some methods to see if I can make you.” Kyuhyun said softly and Yesung had to wonder what the younger would plan.  It couldn’t be very good.  And judging from the taller’s personality, it may just involve him blushing until he couldn’t breathe.

“Okay, okay, I’ll sleep again.” Yesung pouted the adorable pout that seemed to work on every band mate, curling his body into a little ball to get comfortable.  “Don’t take too long, Kyu-ah.  It’s cold out.” And he almost lets what he really wanted slip.  Not that the taller didn’t pick it up immediately.  Really, that man was too obvious.

“I’ll be right back, Hyung.  Don’t get too lonely.” Before Yesung could even begin to stutter and sputter out a coherent, terribly thought out lie to cover up, Kyuhyun held the boy’s jaw still, kissing either eyelid affectionately.  “And don’t miss me too much.  I know it’s hard, but at least try not to.”

There was mass blushing and flushing, a loud gasp of utter shock but Kyuhyun was too far into his own world to do anything but adore the sight.  He practically skipped – he did not skip, because Cho Kyuhyun did not skip – off, happy that today he could sneak in all the kisses he wanted.  And unlike the other members, he could warrant the most breathtaking reaction possible.


“Hyung!  What’s wrong?” Kyuhyun immediately dropped the small bag of medicine that would probably only last the dorm two weeks.  Well, judging from his health, anyway.  That wasn’t important anyway!  The maknae quickly rushed to the side of the quivering ball of blankets.  He’d been gone half an hour at most!  Why was the elder shaking so terribly?

“C-Cold… S-Shower… K-Kyunnie… T-Too long…” Kyuhyun really couldn’t pick up much more than those five stumbled words but kind of put a picture together.  What the hell was the older boy thinking!?  Just because he took a little longer than planned – stupid long pharmacy line he was Cho ing Kyuhyun, he didn’t wait – he took a shower?  And looking at this product of it, it didn’t look like a particularly warm one.

“Hyung!  What were you thinking?” Kyuhyun worriedly gushed over the lead baritone.  Screw all images, reputations and stereotypes.  He needed to take care of this trembling mess.  He pressed his hands on either side of Yesung’s cheeks, feeling the usually warm and inviting skin burn up terribly.

“K-Kyu…” A soft murmur was heard amongst Kyuhyun’s frantic panic attack, the younger boy looking at the tiny hand tugging feebly at his sleeve.  “Gone… Too l-long… L-Lonely…”

It took a few seconds of inquisitive staring before a light bulb finally snapped in his head.  The elder was so worked up in his fever that he was barely conscious.  It was like he was drunk of sickness.  Well, it was better than when he was drunk.  When he was drunk, the older boy had pulled off probably the iest just for the maknae before straddling him and giving him the hottest make out session to grace the planet.  Yesung was either a drunk or he really just wanted to kiss Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun liked to think it was the latter but it was most likely the former.  Why else would the elder on Donghae’s neck, run his hands up Siwon’s shirt and offer Kibum a ?  Unless he really wanted to get intimate with four members of the group, Kyuhyun concluded that he just got really ually frustrated when he had a few too many drinks.  Besides Yesung loved Kyuhyun.  That in itself was a fact.  Never questionable.

But that was beside the point!  Unlike the time when he had been drunk off alcohol, when Yesung was lightheaded with sickness he was beyond adorable.  Whilst the alcohol driven Yesung was y, and invoked a hell of a lot of jealousy on Kyuhyun’s part, the sick Yesung was a child whining for attention and love.  And apparently, it was for Kyuhyun’s attention and love.

“I’m sorry, Hyung.  Did I take too long?” Kyuhyun decided to tease because this was a rare moment.  He could always torture the elder with this until he blushed burgundy.  That was something he wanted to see.

He wasn’t really expecting Yesung to nod numbly, his bottom lip protruding out cutely.  But hey, he was going to take what life gave him.  If the world wanted to offer up possibly the most delectable boy on this planet to him on a silver platter, then he wasn’t really going to decline.  And this Yesung seemed to comply to his advances a lot more… willingly.  The sickness was probably crowding up Yesung’s mind so much that if Kyuhyun asked, the older boy would profess his undying love for him.  But that would be saved for a later date, when illness wasn’t breaking down his barriers and baring his heart wholly.  After all, the maknae wanted the singer to break down his own walls to confess.  It would mean their love was that strong, right?

“K-Kyunnie… D-Don’t go…” All the maknae had done was make a move for the medicine that lay on the floor less than two meters away.  Apparently, even a measly one centimeter away from physical contact was too much for a needy, love craving Yesung.

“Shh, Hyung, I’m not going anywhere.  I’m just going to get your medicine.  It’ll make you feel better.” He kind of laughs at the irony because it’s usually Yesung that has to practically shove the medicine spoon down his throat.  This time, he got the honours.  And he was so going to milk this later when Yesung was conscious and completely capable of blushing at his every recount of every detail.  Measuring out the right amount of liquid and holding out the substance to the older man he really couldn’t resist but, “Say ‘ah’, Hyung.”

Really, his Hyung being sick was really a way for him to be unpredictable.  The elder simply shook his head, affirmatively showing that he didn’t want to drink the bitter substance.  He’d much rather have a nice long cuddle session with his (not so) secret crush.  Lanky arms and infinite warmth and all.  That’s really all he wanted.  And being sick was making him so up in the clouds that he could be a little selfish.

“Come on, Hyung.  Drink your medicine and then you can go back to sleep.  You need to take your medicine so you can get better.  Look at how cold you are.” Kyuhyun sat soundlessly by Yesung’s quivering body, taking the usually warm hands that were now freezing to prove his point.  He really wanted the elder’s discomfort to end quickly and the medicine would do that.  And as much as a childish adorable Yesung was cute, he didn’t have the patience to deal with a stubborn one.  Love him or not, Kyuhyun had the patience of an angry hungry lion.  He just had a tad bit more when it concerned a certain baritone singer.  So instead of a furious famished ferocious feline, he resembled one that was still hungry but not angered.  With slightly shorter claws.  But that was about all Kyuhyun could do.  And that was trying a lot.

“K-Kyunnie… N-No…” And really, Kyuhyun can’t get over that stutter that impeded every word that exited the elder’s mouth.  He loved it.  To bits.  It was the cutest thing he would ever hear and he wished to hear it all the time.  On a side note, he wondered if that was what the elder sounded like in bed, when he was drawn to his , crying out softly – or was it loudly?  Kyuhyun would really like to find out – would he stutter just like now?  And just taking those words completely out of context could be an almost perfect re-enactment of what could happen in the possibly close future.

“Please, Hyung?  For me?” He doesn’t want to pull it out, because he had to swallow some pride when he did so, but he tried out the cutest aegyo voice he could, opening his eyes to a largeness that resembled a puppy. 

“K-Kyu…” That long drawn out stumbled whine almost has Kyuhyun complying.  But no.  Not a chance.  He only needed a little more resistance than usual to not completely obey his Hyung and pounce on him.  Only a little, but it was still a lot, considering.  And Kyuhyun was so utterly tempted to jump on him and bite down on his neck just to mark him with the way he spread his arms, in hopes of a hug.

“No, Sungie-hyung.  Now, if you take your medicine, I’ll do what you want.  Sound fair?” This was really starting to sound like a diplomatic conversation he would have with a five year old.  But if he had to, he would talk to the elder as if he were a toddler.  And if the situation ever arose, then Kyuhyun would have an absolute ball trying to figure it out. 

“F-Fine…” He opened his pert lips reluctantly, still rather upset – was that even the right emotion? – that he was talked into taking his medicine.  When it was all fed and swallowed, the older man simply tugged on Kyuhyun’s wrist, full of need for attention. 

Remembering his part of the deal, not that he’d forgotten, he crawled under the unbearably warm cover, enveloping the smaller male in a cage of his arms.  Yesung, completely oblivious and impossibly innocent, snuggled right in, his head tucked right under Kyuhyun’s chin, breath ghosting over the younger boy’s pulse.  And it would be rather hard for the maknae to say that his heartbeat wasn’t speeding up terribly because it was.

“Happy now, Hyung?” Yesung only nodded happily, savouring the warmth that was now being transferred between their two intertwined bodies.  Kyuhyun led slow, caring done his spine and the elder just hugged him tighter around his slim waist.  How both of them wished to fall asleep in this exact position every night and wake up unmoved.  Kyuhyun knew the elder desired it but Yesung was wonderfully clueless to the maknae’s returned wants.

Soft, cute snores followed just seconds later and the taller male had to wonder if it was the medicine working overtime or the childishness that slipped into his Hyung.  Either way, he decided perhaps a little profession of love wouldn’t hurt.  If questioned, he could always just say that it was delusion made up by Yesung’s ailment.  So, he leant down and pressed the three words across the shell of the elder’s ear not really expecting a reply.  But this was a sick Yesung.  He was full of adorable, and unexpected, surprises.

“I love you too, Kyu-ah.”


Omake (because I’m feeling awkward today)

“What?  I really said that?” Oh the embarrassment!  He’d had the strangest dream that the love of his life had confessed to him and just when the dreamt up Kyuhyun held his face in his hands, about to kiss, he’d replied and said those word back.  Two breaths away from contact and he’d woken up, red in the face and completely and utterly embarrassed.  He had hoped he didn’t sleep talk as he’d been notorious for doing.

“And when I got back from schedule I had to practically unglue Kyu off of you.” Leeteuk chimed in cheerfully; he was just doing it to spite the maknae.  He was just being extra careful, just in case the younger decided to pull a fast one.  The leader didn’t know what he’d do if Kyuhyun managed to make grabby hands at the lead baritone and succeed.

“It would’ve been better to stay glued.” Kyuhyun quickly reprimanded.  Perhaps his undying love for Yesung wasn’t known to the man himself, but his teasing, undying affection for him was. 

“Kyu!” And when a feather light kiss was ghosted onto his rosy cheeks, he swatted at the maknae, practically exploding out of his seat and rushing to his bedroom.  He decided a nice long comfortable talk with his turtle would help.  Maybe.  Because the second he got out of his room, Kyuhyun would be draped all over him again and Yesung didn’t know if his poor heart could take the constant overdrive.

“He’s so cute.” Leeteuk quickly cooed, ignoring the blatant glare Kyuhyun decided to throw at him.  Screw the maknae and his apparently everlasting love.  Kim Jongwoon was his precious dongsaeng before Kyuhyun even began to come into their lives.  Leeteuk was allowed to be a little selfish. 

“Just because he’s cute doesn’t mean you can take advantage of him.” Kyuhyun growled from across the dining table.  The other members often found the fourth eldest’s undeniable adorableness as an excuse to touch him whenever they felt like it.  Clearly, the youngest didn’t tolerate this.  But until the two of them officially got together, and it was only a matter of time, he could never complain outright.  The elder would just stare at him inquisitively, tilt his head in a cute fashion and whoever was molesting him would just glomp harder.

“Yah, I’m the leader.  I get a murder free pass.” Leeteuk chuckled, sending his famed dimpled smile at the younger.  He was going to relish these days.  These days when all of Super Junior was allowed to share one certain male.  Because really, those days were coming to an end.  Very, very soon.  “So, when you going to confess?”

A/N: Omg this so much >.> I don’t even know what this is >.< I just kind of spat this out.  Lol.  And I found out that no matter how fluffy I make something there’s always some reference to Kyuhyun wanting to like… Yesung.  Is that weird?  I feel like it’s really weird.

Now, I’m going back to trying to spit out some sort of YeHyuk for Hyukkie’s birthday and YeWon for Wonnie’s birthday. 

Word Count: 4 836

Word Count (+ Omake): 5 286

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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: So sweeeeet!!!! I love Hae and Kyu conversation too LOL thank you for sharing the story <3
Chapter 1: So cuteeee ♡
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 1: what? what ? this is very much cute thankyou so much >< cute cute ♥
ysismine #4
Chapter 1: Super ultra extremly cuuute >////<
OMG !! how i love all the sweet scene here and there ;;A;;
God ! Kyusung is just too adoreable :33
Love the way kyu treasure his baby hyung endearingly xD
and all the member seems have their special spot for the certain clueless-yet-adoreable turtle lover here :33
Yes yes please write mooooreee xD
@^#%&#%&*^@$& that.was.too.flipping.ADORABLE!!!!!!
LOLOL Everybody just wants to get their hands on Yesung xD
I totally dont blame them....i mean who wouldnt want Yesung for themselves?!
I really love how Kyu(and the rest of Super Junior xP) is just so caring towards Yesung >w< so sweet!!
I just totally love this story!! :D
Keep up the good work!^^
so cute...

why I thought that every story of yours involving Yekyu/Kyusung deserved a sequel??
Really amazing! I always like when Yesung get all the attentions xD
This fic is amazing *o*
Can't wait for your YeWon OMMMMMMMGGGG!!! :D:D:D
Thank you so much, you really are so great ^^
suju-elf #8
fighter #9
kyu is still evil here haha.. YeKyu is nice but i like YeHae more. :D update soon