
If You Had To Choose...



(So Myeong Ji’s POV)


“Haeri… Relax. I have no idea what this is about but surely it’s not worth it.” I tried to convince my younger sister as she proceeded to stalk towards me with a large kitchen knife in hand.


I have no idea what I did or why my supposedly “innocent” little sister is trying to kill me, but I know that something is terribly wrong if she’s gone to lengths such as this.


We were having a perfectly fine day! How did it end up like this?


My thoughts were cut directly in half when Haeri decided to speak for the first time since she walked out of the kitchen with that knife.


“If only you had died when that car hit you, or even perhaps when I unhooked the machines in the hospital. –But no! You just had to live and steal away the love of my life.” She said pointing the knife at me. I continued my reversed motion until my spine hit the wall. I was so screwed…


“Haeri-“ I tried, but was cut off again.


“You see, Unni, I love Doojoon, and you being around takes attention that should me mine away from me. I don’t like my attention being taken away from me…” She said darkly


When did my baby sister start thinking like this!?


“So I had a brilliant upon brilliant idea!” She said so excitedly that I would’ve mistaken it for genuine happiness if she wasn’t holding that bloody knife in inches from my face. “I kill you, and then Doojoon will be all mine.” She sang at last, lightly running the knife against my cheek.


I felt blood run down my cheek, but it wasn’t painful – perhaps that’s the adrenaline working.


“Now, dear sister, it’s time for you to die!” She yelled before plunging the knife into my stomach with a sickeningly happy smile upon her face. She looked like she just won the damn lottery…


“Ew, what a mess…” She complained as she walked off somewhere, leaving me to bleed to death on the hard floor.


She walked back a few seconds later, holding the knife with some tissues. I was confused at first but when she places the knife into my limp hand and removed the tissue from the handle it all made sense.


She was trying to make it look like I killed myself.


For a while after that I just lied there. I could feel myself getting weaker and I desperately wanted to sleep, but I didn’t know if that was such a good idea.


“You deserve to die…” She mumbled before walking out of the apartment.





(Yoon Doojoon’s POV)


“Yah! Myeong Ji-ah! Are you home?!” I called as I wandered into the apartment. It was dark in the apartment  -- not that it wasn’t always dark, but this dark was different, it had a dark feeling, like something horrible happened.


“M-M-Myeong Ji?” I stuttered as my brain attempted to process the scene in front of me. Unfortunately, I couldn’t seem to process anything properly at this point. “Myeong Ji!” I practically screamed, finally getting a hold of myself and roughly grabbing the knife in her hand, throwing it across the room.


“Myeong Ji!” I called, she wasn’t dead! She couldn’t be dead! “So Myeong Ji!” I scolded again shaking her desperately. She wasn’t dead. I wouldn’t allow her to die!


“D-Doojoon?” She whispered. It was barely audible but she still said something and that’s all it took to give me hope. She wasn’t dead! I could save her!


“Don’t- Don’t move!” I yelled at her frantically, rummaging through my back-pack, throwing things out of it messily in an attempt to find my cell phone faster.


“Doojoon…” I heard her whisper, her hand barely managing to touch my leg.


“Don’t move!” I scolded harshly, finally grabbing a hold of the slim black and silver life savor.


I messily punched in the numbers for 911 before running back to Myeong Ji and tearing off my over-shirt, putting pressure on her still bleeding wound.


The instant the other line picked up I barely gave the lady on the other end any time to say anything at all. I yelled my address into the phone and screamed at her to hurry up and send an ambulance before hanging up so that I could apply pressure properly to Myeong Ji’s wound.


I looked down at her and she smiled weakly up at me. This was too much like the first time…


“Myeong Ji-ah!” I called “Ji-ah! Look what I got!” I called one again, searching the tiny abandoned park ee liked to hang around at. We were only teenagers at the time and no one seemed to care about us so we decided that we didn’t care if we got kidnapped or killed – at least she didn’t – since no one would be around to pay our ransom if we did happen to get kidnapped, or to go to our funeral if we died.


“Myeong-“ I stopped in my tracks upon seeing the horrible mess before me.


“M-Myeong Ji?” I asked quietly, looking around. There was a girl with long black hair lying in a pool of blood in the middle of the leaf filled park. I had hoped that Myeong Ji hadn’t been around to witness whatever had happened to this girl but after getting closer I had so wished that I had forced her to come with me to the store.


“Myeong Ji!” I screamed, dropping the two boxes of Peppero I had bought and rushing to her side.


“Ah… Doojoonie, you’re here already?” She asked weakly


I was crying at this point. How could she do this to herself! What was so bad about her life that she had to do something like this! She may not have had her parents but she had me! I was here for her! I would care if she died!


“How could you do this, Myeong Ji?!” I screamed, tears falling freely down my face.


“Don’t cry, Joonie…” She said, trying to reach up and wipe away my tears but her hand fell short and she passed out.


I was so scared and so young that I had no idea what to do. I was frozen, bawling as my best friend and love slipped away into oblivion before my eyes.


I have no idea how long I sat there in a daze but eventually a couple showed up – probably hoping to find a quiet place to make out – and saw Myeong Ji’s condition and myself crying.


The man picked up Myeong Ji and carried her to the hospital as the lady grabbed my arm and led my along behind her boyfriend.


To this day I am desperately thankful to that man.


“Sir…! Sir…!” Someone called, shaking me roughly, snapping me out of my flashback.


I was quite startled and looked around desperately for Myeong Ji, thoroughly freaking out when she wasn’t beside me anymore.


“M-Myeong Ji… Where is Myeong Ji!?” I practically screamed. Seconds away from attacking the medic before me.


“She’s already half way to the hospital by now. You had spaced out and no one could snap you out of your daze so we had the ambulance leave without you – we couldn’t risk the girl’s life.” He explained


I felt so bad. I had spaced out when the person I loved needed me most. I was a horrible person…


“Sir, I need to go, please make your way to the hospital as soon as you’re feeling up to it. Your girlfriend will need you.” He said, patting me on the back before taking off out of the door.


A few minutes after he had left and I was rushing out of the door to the hospital I assume they had taken Myeong Ji to.


“Why did you do it Myeong Ji?!” I screamed, earning a confused stare from the taxi driver. “What?!” I yelled dangerously, causing him to glare at me. “Don’t ing look at me like that! Driver faster!” I scolded angrily, threatening to blow up in the cab.


Thankfully the driver got the idea and stepped on it, landing me at the hospital only a few minutes later.


I rushed into the hospital probably looking like and asked the man at the counter what room Myeong Ji was in, before racing down the hall like my life depended on it.


“So Myeong Ji, you have a lot of explaining to do.” I mumbled at I ran down the hallways.





(So Haeri’s POV)


‘She just can’t die can she…?’ I thought as I stared at my fragile Unni.


“How many times am I going to have to kill you, huh, Myeong Ji-ah?” I questioned her sleeping body, running a finger down her face.


“Just how hard is it for you to understand that I don’t want you around anymore…?” I asked her again, taking a seat on the side of her bed, staring at her.


“Myeong Ji!” Someone yelled as they busted into the room, practically throwing the door of its hinges.


“Doojoon…” I whispered, staring at him, but he completely ignored my presence and ran up to Myeong Ji.


I glared at the two of them.


Why is it always her...?!


'So Myeong Ji, I don't care if you're my sister, if you don't stay away from Doojoon, I'll kill you both.' I thought, glaring at the duo once more before walking out of the room, making sure to slam the door.

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mangobythebeii #1
Chapter 17: Hyunseung is too cute <3
JungHyosung #2
Author-nim! Please update soon! I really want Myeong Ji with
Doojoon! It will be funny xD. Try your best to update :)
XxKay-NiixX #3
@ukisslover KYAA!! I LOVE U-KISS TOO!! Well anyway *grabs 2 swords and a few ninja stars* XD I will murder her with you ^^
so good!! ^o^ I love HyunSeung ^///^ hehe
chapter 4- oh my gosh.... :( that's horrible Dx
That sister!!!!!!!!!! Who wants to kill her too?!
#Grabs knife and torches#
update soonnnn~
your story is so~ good, i'm ^^