
Because I'm With You [Oneshot]

My breath was heavy and the strap of my handbag was almost cutting in my shoulders – but I had no time to worry about it.
I was way too late – and it wasn’t my fault to be precise.
No one could have foreseen that my alarm clock would just simply decide to end its own life before waking me up in the morning.
When I woke up it was almost noon and I panicked – I didn’t even had the chance to make my hair properly.
I practically flooded over the filled streets, ignoring the people staring at me with confused faces and rushed towards the meeting point – hoping that my boyfriend would still wait there.
I tried to snatch more air while running but my lungs felt like they were cut off.

But then I saw him, waiting at our secret meeting point a bit aside from the crowd who were standing there all in one, gigantic line in order to get into the amusement park.
Of course he was waiting for me – it was stupid to think that he actually wouldn’t.
I slowed a bit down, holding my side with one hand and moved forwards to him.
The running gave me a small pain in the side but it would be better soon enough – I already felt that my lungs had a chance to snatch fresh air again.
My boyfriend just raised his head, staring to me and lifted his left hand.
Even though I only saw him from a distance I could see his beautiful smile that decorated his face.

I didn’t have the chance to see my boyfriend Byunghee very often.
He was always busy and I completely understood that even giving me calls was quite troublesome.
We weren’t like other couples and we never will be.
But the little, precious time we could spend together was enough to be happy.

As I reached him he wrapped me into his strong arms and pulled me close to him.
His scent was sweet and I got lost for one single second.
My heartbeat was faster than usual and I enjoyed his little embrace.
“You were running the whole way for me?”, he whispered softly in my right ear, making me blush a little bit.
“I was”, I honestly replied while leaning my heated head against his shoulders. “My alarm-clock didn’t want to cooperate with me.”
Byunghee chuckled his usual soft way, before he released me from his tight embrace.

I lifted my head, watching his soft, still smiling face.
Unfortunately I couldn’t see his eyes because he was wearing thick dark sunglasses, to prevent that people would recognize him.
He covered his brown hair with a simple baseball cap as well and I was disappointed that I couldn’t play with some wisps of his hair.
It was not an uncommon outfit; but I was constantly worried about being discovered with him.
Meeting him outside was always risky; nevertheless he always wanted to meet me outside to give me the feeling of being a normal couple like everyone else.
A small smile appeared on my lips because I knew that he did everything only for me.

I felt his hand softly patting my head before he started to arrange my obviously messy hair.
Byunghee was always gentle – and he brushed my hair softly and cautious with his fingers in order not to hurt me.
I was pretty sure that he only did that so that I wouldn’t be embarrassed – but I would be it anyway.
As he finished he gave me a bright smile again, holding his left hand against mine so that I had the chance to grab it on my own.
The touch of his warm hand gave me a pleasant feeling and I hold his hand immediately.
“Let’s go”, he said with a soft voice, leading me towards the entrance.

I wanted to ask him if we should wait a bit until more people passed the entrance, but I couldn’t.
He gave me so much that I didn’t want him to be worried only because I was.
I didn’t want him to give him the feeling that he was unlike other people – because he was a human.
And I knew that he was happy to spend the day with me at the amusement park.
So I didn’t dare to say anything – I wanted him to enjoy the day.
But despite of my worries there was nothing unusual – the crowd didn’t cared for us.
I just had to turn my head a little around to see at least four couples who were standing there holding hands, and being excited for the day too.
Byunghee stand close beside me while we were waiting in the line, never letting my hand go.
It almost felt like he wanted to protect me even though there was nothing dangerous around.
At this moment I realized that he was as nervous as I was.

I felt the cautious pressure on my warm hand when we were on charge on buying the entrance tickets.
Then he let my hand go and I suddenly felt cold, wishing him to hold my hand again.
I lifted my head and looked to the women in front of us who weren’t even giving us real attention.
She waited patiently that one of us paid the tickets.
Before I could even put one hand on my handbag Byunghee already pulled out his purse.
I pursed my lips in disagreement but it was no use – he would pay after all.

I was pretty sure that he saw my face expression because his serious face changed in one, simple smile.
My hand really wanted to act on its own and give him a small punch for that, but the face of the woman behind the desk irritated me for a second.
I was almost sure that she got affected by his smile as well even though it was supposed to be for me.
She counted the money really slowly, making me inpatient.
Right after we received our tickets I snatched Byunghee’s hand and dragged him along with me.
Of course he was irritated by my action, but I didn’t care.
There were too many people around us anyway.

The amusement park was pretty big and separated the big crowd in front of the entrance in three directions.
One employee, half dressed in a pink mascot costume was standing a bit aside besides the souvenir shop, giving out free maps of the park.
“Let’s get a map first”, Byunghee suggested, reading my thoughts.
My orientation was always very bad.
We walked towards the man who gave us the map with a almost creepy smile.
“Welcome and have fun here!”, he almost sang with a shrill voice.
I almost had the feeling that he was quite suitable for the pink costume.  
“Thanks”, Byunghee answered for me while he pressed my hand.
We turned around and looked on the map, looking for our first stop.

There were many restaurants all around the park so we wouldn’t have to worry about getting some food.
Right in front of us we could take a small sight-seeing-ride, but from my decent experience of amusement parks there weren’t that exciting.
I put my forefinger on the map, following the small paths which were written on it.
At the end of the amusement park were a few roller coasters and a hall for some live shows.
Probably it would be the most crowded part of the park.
“Let’s go there first”, I said, pointing with a finger on a spot with some merchandise shops.
He didn’t even complained – instead of that he gently smiled again.
It makes my heart making a leap again.

As predicted the most visitors were probably busy with standing in a row for one of the rides.
But it wasn’t a bad thing – this way I had to worry less and could speak with Byunghee more openly.
“Is there anything you want to see next?”, I curiously asked him, giving him a side glance.
“As long as I’m with you I will be fine.”
His answers were always so sweet that it almost broke my heart.
He didn’t even want a reply – I saw this in his honest face.

I randomly entered one small shop with a cute facade.
Mostly some incredibly cute sweets were sold here, some of them with little pink hearts on it.
I almost sighed seeing it because neither my purse nor my belly would agree to my passion for them.
“Should I buy you something?”
I glanced to Byunghee who was watching me.
It was probably not hard to see my inner conflict –it was almost embarrassing.
“I’m fine because I’m with you”, I replied, giving him a sweet, small smile.
I copied his line, just because it was so sweet and true at the same time.
“I will you buy something anyway.”
He smirked, picking one small bag filled with some sweet cookies.

We followed the path to north after we’ve left the store and listened to the screams in distance.
I got excited, leaning a bit forward to look for the rollercoaster.
“We should ride that too.”
As we got closer the screams got louder as well and we could even watch the ride.
“You really want to ride that?”
Byunghee looked worried, watching the small carts closely which just got shot in the air again.
“Are you afraid?”, I jokingly asked him, but he didn’t answered.
“Could we ride something else?”
His voice sounded a bit desperate and even though he was wearing sunglasses I saw the look in his eyes.
He was really afraid.
“Just one time, please”, I begged, giving him a cute face expression.
The most time it worked – but I was not so sure if it would work this time too.
Byunghee sighed; looking desperately around him like someone would instantly come and rescue him.
“Fine”, he finally agreed but he still didn’t seem too happy about it.

The row was long but it seemed to shrink really fast.
I was standing close to Byunghee, almost touching his body with mine.
It was an unsure feeling and I wanted to hug him – but this was really a bad idea in public.
So I just focused on the small touch of our hands.
Byunghee watched me the whole time and it almost made me blush that he were acting like that.

I was almost relieved when we had to take a seat in the last row.
“I can’t believe that”, mumbled Byunghee really quietly, but I heard it.
I poked his cheeks and he looked to me.
“You will survive this”, I just told him.
And then we started to move slowly.

The ride was faster than I’ve thought.
I didn’t have the chance to be on many rollercoaster by now – but this one was incredibly fast.
Even though I didn’t wanted to scream I had to – but fortunately I wasn’t the only one.
Byunghee beside me was even louder than I was.

As the ride ended Byunghee’s face was really pale and he looked exhausted.
He pressed his lips together in order to say nothing.
It was not hard to see that he tried to pull himself together.
I reached my hand to him and he grabbed it, walking with me towards the exit.
“Was it that bad?”, I asked, looking up to him.
No answer.

I started to feel bad.
Maybe I really forced him to take the ride – at least I could have followed his suggestion on not riding it at all.
I led him to a single bank a bit aside from the small path.
It was really better if we took a small rest, just in case.
He quietly sat down, still holding my hand.

“I’m sorry.”
My voice was weak but I didn’t care.
I just wanted to see his smile again – because I wanted him to be happy.
“It’s not your fault. I’m not used to those rides, I’m sorry.”
Byunghee sighed, giving me a small glance, before he started staring at the opposite direction again.
I didn’t like the situation – I didn’t want him to be like that.
“It was my fault after all – because I wanted to ride it.”
He looked at me again.
Then his lips formed a little, cute smile again – something I wished to see right now.
“I wanted to ride it because you wanted to. You didn’t force me.”
His answer was sweet and gentle.
“I’m sorry for being such a coward.”

I gave him a small smile, raising one hand to touch his face.
My fingertips gently his cheeks, feeling his soft skin under them.
Byunghee put his sunglasses down, trying to catch my eyes with his.
I couldn’t do anything besides staring in his deep eyes.
He leaned a bit forward, wrapping me once again in a gentle embrace and put his soft lips on mine.

We haven’t kissed that often yet – and it still felt new.

The soft pressure of his lips drove me insane and as he deepened the kiss he pushed me closer to him.
I was embarrassed to kiss in the public, but I was pretty sure that no one was around anyway.
His scent and the taste of his lips were almost too much to endure.
I almost forgot that we were at the amusement park.

I tried to catch air, when he finished the kiss, looking deep into my eyes.
He had this lovely smirk on his face again while he put his forehead on mine.
“I’m really happy today”, he softly spoke with a gentle voice. “Because I’m with you.”
“Me too”, I answered him, giving him a smile again.

His soft touch proved me once again that we were like any other couples.

This day was a day that I definitely will never forget.

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So cute and sweet!~ Love it!
Aww so cute! :D
Mblaq <3