spend Christmas with me

Spend Christmas with me

“Class I’ve got exciting new to tell you ~!” Mr. Kim said literally bouncing out his seat anxious to share whatever it is he wanted to share. Everyone turned to look to the front.”As you know our school likes to go on trips to end off the school year”, He began. Naomi shifted in her seat, and played with a lock of her hair. Not that interested in what Mr. Kim had to say.

”To end off the school year our whole school is wait for it… going on a ski trip oh! Wait for it again… for free~!!!” Everyone burst out in to conversation, all but Naomi who sat quietly doodling.

“Think of this as a early Christmas present from school.” Mr. Kim said, as he came around with permission slips. What Mr. Kim just said made Naomi not want to go on the trip anymore. There was nothing more she hated than Christmas she hates the pretty lights, the carols, the talks about Santa Claus she would hear children talking about. She hates it all.

 Guess you could call her a Grinch though some people would say that’s an understatement. The only reason she hates Christmas so much, was because she lost her parents ten years ago on that very day in a fire. Who would have thought that on a day ware you’re supposed to spend time with family shed lose hers?

A permission slip landed on her desk, she looked up to see Mr. Kim with a  smile on his face.

”Isn’t this exciting~?!” Naomi didn’t answer, she grabbed her things as well as the slip, and left the class room the bell had rung.


“Okay to stop you turn your legs in like so to make a triangle shape, or you could just fall on to the ground that works too.” The instructors said. People began to try making the shape with their skis, as well as Naomi. “You’re doing it wrong.” Naomi looked up to see Jonghyun smiling at her.

“Here turn your feet in a bit more.” She looked at the boy who randomly appeared in front of her, and did what he told her to do. Normally she wouldn’t have done it but the effect his smile had on her changed her mind. “Like this?” he looked down at her skis.”Perfect.”

“I'm –“he cut her off. “Naomi” she nodded. “How do you know?” He smiled again.”You’re the only girl in my science class who isn’t all over me.” Naomi sighed. “I was wondering why.” He said.

“You don’t interest me that much.” She watched other people skiing down the hill.

 “And those people do?”

“Does it matter?” Jonghyun shrugged, he had always liked Naomi ever since he first saw her in science class last year. “I guess-“Before Jonghyun could finish she was half way down the hill.


Naomi , stood against the counter in the ski lodge, talking to a girl from her math class. “Hey.” Jonghyun said, going to stand beside her. They’ve been talking a lot lately, but what Naomi couldn’t understand was why.

“Hi.” The girl Naomi was talking to left. “Could I talk to you?” Naomi chuckled a bit.

 “Aren’t you talking to me right now?” He laughed, and motioned for her to follow him outside.

”So..What’s up?” Naomi asked as she walked beside Jonghyun. He rubbed his arm.

”There’s something I want to tell you.”

“Really?” Jonghyun nodded, and stopped walking. Naomi pushed her hands in to her Jacket pocket, and turned to face Jonghyun. For the first time when she looked at him he had on a serious face.

“Jonghyun what is it?” He sighed, and shifted his weight.

“This may sound crazy  ... But I liked you the first time I laid eyes on you, call me crazy but I think it only took two weeks for me to fall for you...” Naomi’s breathing stopped.How could a guy like that be in love with her?

She didn’t know what to say, other than feel happy. But why was she happy? Did she feel the same way?  All she knew was that when he smiled she did too, or when he touched her heart squeezed.. Maybe she did feel the same way. But..Why so soon? Why not a month later?

“Um.. I gotta go.” Naomi rushed past Jonghyun, went to the room she was staying in, and gathered her belongings. She was leaving, Because of the feelings she realized she had for him which scared her.


Naomi heard a knock on her apartment door and went to answer it. Jonghyun stood in the door way.

“Hey..” He said. She froze. “You left early..” she nodded.


“Because, I was scared of the feelings I had for you..” He smiled, and took out a necklace he had bought for her.

“That’s pretty.. who is it for?” Naomi asked.. Kind of jealous not aware it was her present.

“You..” He stepped closer to put the necklace around her neck, and then stepped back to look at her.

“It suits you.” she the necklace around her neck. “Thank-you, but.. I didn’t get you anything.. I don’t celebrate Christmas..” He sighed. “I don’t either.” She tilted her head. “Why?” 

Because my parents are never home to celebrate it with me..” She nodded. “Mine aren’t either..” He lifted his hand to touch the necklace around her neck. “I feel bad since I didn’t get you anything…” She said. He looked at her. “Would you be my girlfriend?” She blushed, and nodded. Jonghyun smiled.

“Then you shouldn’t feel bad.”

“Why?” He pushed a strand of Naomi’s hair behind her ear. “Because.. you’re my present.” She smiled.

“Spend Christmas with me?” He asked. she nodded, Jonghyun leaned in, and gently kissed her cheek 

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oh she is his Christmas present
nice story
ohkyuhyun #2
so cute! so cute!
ahhhh so cute!
chas_ssmentrok #4
the story woz knda quick but nevertheless it woz so sweet && cute =D