Chapter 2

Empty Space

Youngjun's house seemed to have a thousand stories to tell, and as much as Kwangyeon was not the type to interpret things like those, he wanted to hear ever word that the house had to stay, he wanted to memorize every story that the walls of every room in the house had to tell. He wanted to understand how Youngjun thought and he didn't even know why.

He steps out of the shover, hair free of the blue streaks that he had accidentally applied earlier that night. The shower made him feel lighter, as if three days worth of dirt were all just washed away.

"Hyung, are all of these your works?" Kwangyeon asks, his fingers tracing colorful lines along the living room wall.
"Yeah," He sighs. "Six years worth of painting and it's still unfinished."

He spoke as he pressed a fresh towel against his head, eyeing Kwangyeon intently as he palms an empty space in the wall.

"What are you going to put in it?" Kwangyeon asks, drawing swirls in the space with his finger.
"I'm not quite sure yet." He replies, pursing his lips together when the thought of giving up altogether crossed his mind. "Do you wanna finish it?"

He said it like he ws so confortable with it, it surprised him. Kwangyeon had the same reaction, abruptly turning around to face the older boy.

"I don't want to ruin it." Kwangyeon replies. "But maybe I can still help you."

Youngjun looks at the blond, unsure of what he meant up until the point where the boy starts ping the cloth case of some instrument, something that he figured out by now, was a bass guitar.

"What kind of music do you listen to, hyung?" Kwangyeon asks
"Alternative Rock." Youngjun replies, staring with awe as Kwangyeon sits on the couch, positioning his fingers lightly on the strings, running his fingers along the fret as he started playing a song by Muse. Youngjun couldn't quite put his finger on what it was, but it was nice.

He completely forgets about a lot of things right there. He sees how this kid transforms when he's playing the bass. He sees another story behind this kid and he doesn't know why he's taking such an interest in him. 

"The bathroom's free. You should go shower first." Younjun blurts out, not even sure why he interrupted him mid song. But the boy takes it lightly and nods, asking for a towel as he dragged his backpack into the bathroom. He sits by the empty spot as soon as the boy disappears, his lips as he uses the borrowed pencil to make a rough sketch of what he was going to put in it. 

His hands moved on their own again this time, and he told another story. The story of that night, where so many odd things happened. He was smoothing the lines when Kwangyeon stepped out of the bathroom. He blinks at Youngjun, he looks at the drawing and smiles, curiously taking a step towards the artist to see clearer.

"It's nice." Kwangyeon says simply, running his hand through his hair to keep it out of his face.

Youngjun looks up to see the boy's expression, seeing a scar running down his left arm and a bruise on his right.

"What happened to that?" He asks, standing up and dusting himself off. Kwangyeon rubs at his arm and looks at Youngun.
"Abusive stepmother." Kwangyeon replies. "I really don't know what to do with her anymore, and I promised my dad that I'd take care of her. And I did, up until she started throwing bottles at me and hitting me. Heck, she even broke my door down so I couldn't escape her."

He spoke like it was no big deal at all. Like it was his fault any of that happened, or at least, like he blames himself for everything. The boy didn't look like he was on the verge of tears, but somehow, Youngjun had the urge to hug the boy. 

And he did. And it was awkward because he hasn't had any real human contact in more than three months, but he hugged the blond anyway; partly because he was glad the boy was out, partly because he was so passionate about what he did and he needed passion like that. 

"You know what?" Youngjun began, patting the blond's head. "You can stay here as long as you want. I'll help you out with your mother sometime."
"You sure?" The boys mood lit up greatly when Youngjun nodded as he stepped back.
"On one condition." Youngjun said, smiling awkwardly when the boy looked at him to listen. "You have to play the bass for me"
"I'd be glad to, hyung." Kwangyeon replied, already stumbling towards the couch where he left his bass. "I'd play for you everyday if you wanted me to."

It was nice seeing the boy happy, Youngjun noted. He told himself never to mention the scar of the bruise again. He told himself to take care of the boy. He told himself to make sure that this kid, got to play on a stage with a band, and fans by the thousand. He told himself he just wanted to make this boy happy, no matter what.

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Chapter 4: how cute...
*sigh* if things like this would really happen...

Will you make sequel please~??? <3
omg this fic is so cute i kenot orz
LEDApple fic is like the rarest fic ever existed orz
anyway thanks for writing this up orz <3
I haven't read LEDApple fics in awhile ^^
..partially cause there are barely any on AFF =___= (but LEDApple is such an amazing band! T^T)
so now I'm reading all the ones I haven't read xD
And I frickin' love this one. It's so cute!! ^^
I love the Youngjun x Kwangyeon pairing so much~
Well technically, Youngjun would belong to me. But I'll make an exception fo Kwangyeon cause he is so adorable xD
Great job with this! It was great to read (:
cUTE... though I got confused in some parts... maybe because I'm sleepy...hehehe... this is the first time I've seen a fic about LED Apple. I like their music style! and adore the 2 vocals! so random^^
Omo.... O.O
Please update soon I wanna know what happened next