Some Sort Of Sick, Twisted Fate


Taemin, Key, and Jun Hye just want to have some fun in New Orleans for Mardis Gras.


Minho and Jonghyun go with their best friend, Prince Onew, to New Orleans to meet his soon-to-be wife.


By some ungodly force, all six somehow get mixed up in a pretty odd situation that involves frogs, lizards, and a random chick.


One principle rule that you always abide by if you ever go to New Orleans:


Never mess with the Shadow Man.


Ello again! ^^


I was watching the Disney version of 'The Princess and The Frog' when this idea popped up xD


So if you see many similarities between the two, that's why :P


Oh, and all rights reserved xD


Enjoy and R&R! ^^


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Chapter 3: I can't WAIT for an update! You just combined Disney and SHINee... 2 of my absolute FAVORITE things on the planet. Needless to say, I love you, author-sshi! Update soon please!
New subbie here! I can't wait for an update! I wonder what the three turned into to...I mean, when are they ever not kissable ^^;; keke, update when you can~
Eh is this going to be fantasy/magical-like