Once You Love Me




Kyuhyun was sitting in the passenger seat of Changmin’s car, being driven home after a night out with his famous Kyu-Line. It had been hard with all their competing schedules and the likes but he had finally found the time to properly arrange a meeting in the middle of the week at a nice Norebang/Restaurant, were they could all just relax and have a chat. It had been a fairly long time since they were last able to do things like that. It was just one of the many pitfalls of being active, extremely successful idols. They never had time for themselves, but none of them would ever complain. They were living their dream; they got to do everyday what millions of people only dream about. It would be ungrateful to complain and as such they never would. They would happily enjoy every moment of it. Nothing last forever, well nothing expect one.Kyuhyun was going to ensure that did.

Due to the great lengths that they had to go to enjoy each other’s company, it meant that they always had a good time. Kyuhyun was relaxing in the passenger seat, happy to be with one of his best friends and glad he didn’t have to drive, considering that he felt rather lazy. Spending time with his now famous band of friends always tend to leave him feeling lazy, their activities being of the more relaxed genre. They spent time in a nice norebang, ate really unhealthy food, told terrible jokes (here is looking at you Minho) and basically just filling in each other in on their lives, which happened to involve mainly speaking of the not so nice things they did to unsuspecting hyungs or in Minho’s case complaining about having to eat chicken too regularly. It seems that they all had that one weird hyung, or in Changmin’s case a really nice hyung that he was starting to feel sorry for. It was an evening well spent. It ended with Changmin offering to give him a lift home instead of Kyuhyun having to call the manager that dropped him off after a schedule or one of the hyungs at home. Kyuhyun supposed he wouldn’t mind calling a particular hyung, but it was late so it was probably better that he stayed at home nice and bundled up.

There he was with his best friend Changmin, who was currently chatting his ear off about something or the other, with Kyuhyun not paying any attention. He supposed that Changmin knew he was far away, but perhaps was engaging in his one sided conversation to amuse himself. Changmin was an odd man. Kyuhyun supposed that he was rather fond of odd men, one in particular actually. That particular one was responsible for stealing his attention from Changmin, especially with the knowledge that he would soon be able to see him. He wondered for a second if he would be awake. Kyuhyun hoped that he was and that he wasn’t all at the same time. Ahhh….the beauty of love.

Any time love was mentioned, it would be obvious that he would only be thinking of one particular, extremely peculiar hyung of his, who happened to be the person of his dreams. Well…technically that would be inaccurate. Kyuhyun could swear under oath that he had not once dreamt of Yesung in such a light. When he envisioned the person he would love for eternity, it was always some beautiful girl, standing in a meadow somewhere, with long shining hair, warm smile and a nice sweet personality, of sunshines and brilliance. It was a cliché vision, but most dream loves were made of those generic clichés that never truly reflected reality. Instead he fell in love with a man, who probably never stood in a meadow in his entire life, with short oddly styled hair and a blinding smile, far from sunshine and sweetness, only weird, moody and adorable in its place. It would never be accurate to say that he had dreamed of Yesung. He didn’t even think he could have ever even fathomed such a thought when those dreams would have been occurring. Kyuhyun still thought it was a good expression though.

He never actually could dream of his circumstances, but in effect it was an appropriate analogy. The reason that such a person would be referred to as a person from a dream, is simply because you would never think it was possible to have such perfection in reality. As it was now, Kyuhyun still felt as if maybe this was some amazing dream, that he would be awoken from cruelly. Such perfection and love couldn’t really exist in a world as scary as the one in which they lived. The happiness he felt in his heart was too good to be true, the warmth that surrounded him and drowned him in everlasting bliss was impossible, the completeness and fulfilment was improbable. It was all a dream and Yesung could therefore always be a person that would have to exist in dreams, as he was too perfect to be real, to truly exist. Kyuhyun though, was just one of those very few people in the world whose reality was a million times better than the dreams he could create in his mind. He could never imagine or hope for something as warm as those freakishly small fingers in his hands, or any other aroma as intoxicating as coffee/cinnamon. It was an experience that was beyond amazing, of a surreal nature. It was too amazing to actually even dream about. Yesung was not the person of his dreams; Kyuhyun’s dreams won’t good enough to appreciate the pure splendour of the man. It was a dream though, for such perfection couldn’t actually exist in reality.

It had been seven months or so, since he had embarked on a reality greater than a dream, more stunning than a fantasy, more fulfilling than a mirage in a scorching dessert. He had found the courage from his depths to confess to his hyung, to the man that had stolen his heart in tiny increments, bit by bit, until all that was left was his name etched where Kyuhyun’s heart once occupied. He owned it completely and it really sickened Kyuhyun, if he was to be honest. Normally people work for love, they go on pretty dates, buy nice things and flaunt uality to start that spark. Yesung did none of those things. Kyuhyun was sure he had not once thought about making Kyuhyun fall in love with him. It was degrading in the worst way that Kyuhyun lost his heart to a person who was not even trying to steal it. Yesung was just his normal, infuriating, frustrating, weird, kind, adorable self and Kyuhyun was a man defeated. It was not pleasing to his self esteem to have full knowledge that he allowed himself to become hopelessly devoted to a person that had not once asked for such affection. Kyuhyun though would never regret, not once. He would just rather think that his heart was just so evolved, to find his hidden half despite camouflage, a fate that was certain. To say that he was delighted that his sappy never ending affection was also felt by Yesung would be an understatement of significant proportions.  He sometimes felt as if his life had started at that point, his life as a complete person. It was in that moment he had tasted heaven and he would swear on his life, that he would never let it stray from his arms.

Kyuhyun though, permanently floating on a cloud could admit that his perfection was a subjective one. He could admit that it was not an easy process and whilst when held protectively in a tight embraces, soothed by the of tiny fingers in his hair, he would claim he existed in heaven, he knew the world was not as heavenly. It was a difficult process adjusting to the new feelings, the status quo, adjusting to the fact that they had both fallen in love with a man. It was not an easy process, but little by little they were doing it. They were opening up their lives, opening their minds and opening their hearts, to accommodate each other, to ensure that they would always be together. It was weird trying to adjust to each other, to build attraction for each other, but little by little it was growing, coming to them in parts. It was not easy, but it was special and gratifying. It was earned and deserved, built to last a lifetime, not just one quick exercise of lust. Each action sensuous and meaningful, based on love and affection and most importantly comfort. Kyuhyun was thrilled beyond belief. He had no problem waiting till they were comfortable, until they wanted each action. He would wait patiently, enjoying each caress, each soft word, each shy smile.

He would store them away, deep in a sacred chest in the caverns of his heart, to be cherished as the greatest moments of his life. He would hold on to those memories, those feelings to guide them through the darkness that was to come, to pull them through the troubles. He would use them to strengthen his resolve, to give him the courage to fight, to be strong and be bold. It would be those moments that would be his shield when the world turned its back against him. It would be those freakishly small adorable, unnatural warm hands that would ease his heart and protect him. He was well aware that it wouldn’t be easy to face the world, to let them know that he was in love with a man, but those memories and those hands would be his motivation to fight for his love. He vowed to never let go and he was going to keep the promise. He prayed with his whole heart that Yesung would always be by his side, that he would never let go. ‘I see there is nothing that will stop these cheesy thoughts’ his mind sighed.

Kyuhyun sometimes felt sorry for his mind. It was once this cool, brilliant entity that existed to be witty and snarky, instead it was now forced to endure endless sappy, cheesy ramblings about love. Kyuhyun felt sympathy for it, but he couldn’t regret his love. He was beyond the point of regret. It was like those last few feet after you leap off a mountain. There is no point of return, all he can do is enjoy it before the end comes. His love was at that point. Feeling regret now would be pointless. There was nothing he could do to return to his original place, no restitution could ever be had. He was changed, scarred and moulded. He would never be the best again in life .No one could ever taste heaven and hold perfection in their hands and ever realistically be expected to return to earth. Everything else in the world would consequentially pale in comparison. His sort of happiness was the scarring type. The sort that you can never let go of, that you would crave your whole life. He would thank the stars and their creator for an eternity, if he had just got to taste it once, but to be able to hold onto it for a lifetime was a true act of benevolence for which he would spend his life in eternal gratitude. Anyway he would only tell his mind that it was not his fault anyway. It was all love’s fault. Or better yet his mind could blame Yesung. He was the one that did this to them. He was the one that did the bewitching. Kyuhyun was not to blame. Seriously it was Yesung’s fault. ‘You know I can’t ever blame him for anything….I guess we are both hopeless’ his mind conceded. Kyuhyun would only hold back the ‘told you so’, he would utter, except for how crazy that actually was. Was he really going to say I told you so to his own mind? Love had honestly cost him his sanity. He would worry, but soon Yesung would make it all better. He smiled like an idiot then,conveniently forgetting that he was not alone in the car.

“You are rather distracted these days Kyuhyun ah” Changmin pointed out, looking to Kyuhyun with questioning eyes and a lifted eyebrow before returning his attention to the road. His voice tainted with a teasing connotation. Changmin had realized when he had spaced out and strongly suspected the reason, but the teasing was so much more entertaining. Kyuhyun had informed that he was a lot closer to Yesung but had not specified the type of relationship they were involved in, but it was unlikely he didn’t think Changmin would figure it out. From there and the goofy grin his normally suave friend was wearing it was rather obvious to know where his mind was currently located.

“Just thinking about something” Kyuhyun responded evenly, trying to keep the embarrassment out of his voice. He was furious at himself for being caught in such a tame state. He was sure he was grinning like a fool. Did he really have to think about Yesung then? That was always the result. ‘That is what I have been saying…you have no self control’ his mind reprimanded. Seriously now was not the time for it to be snarky, instead it should have been trying to curve his thoughts ‘Like anything stops you from thinking about him?’ his mind snorted. Fine! He took the point. It was his fault for doing it in public, or rather it was Yesung’s fault for making him miss him so much. He hadn’t seen him since the day before in the afternoon and it was about that time where he starts to crave for the older man. He was also faced with the possibly that he wouldn’t even get to speak to him, till late in the evening since it was currently after 2 in the morning and Yesung would probably be asleep. It was difficult to not think about him. His mind conceded the point but still insisted that it was Kyuhyun’s weakness and he was not to blame. Kyuhyun agreed, he would take the blame. He wouldn’t deny feeling the need to see the person he loved.

“Must have been quite interesting” Changmin teased with a chuckle, looking at Kyuhyun with playful eyes briefly. There would be no way Kyuhyun could miss the insinuation in his words. Changmin was quite enjoying himself. Kyuhyun rarely gave the opportunity to tease and if he had it there was no way he was going to waste it. It was lots of fun for him, who was just of a natural teasing nature.

“It was” Kyuhyun said nonchalantly, not meeting Changmin’s eyes, trying instead be appear bored with the conversation. He was well aware of what Changmin had successfully implied and refused to take the bait. Changmin, like himself was sly. He was not going to help Changmin open that line of discussion. If Changmin wanted, he would have to do it himself; Kyuhyun was not going to help. Kyuhyun knew that the best way to deal with people like himself and Changmin was to be nonchalant. They fed of reaction and attempts to appear innocent. He was always grateful that his hyungs had yet to learn that little trick. Of course Changmin could just try another angle, but it was late, so it was unlikely that he would chance that game with someone like Kyuhyun, who was definitely not as easy as Yunho. His supposition was confirmed when Changmin just looked at him with a smirk, then let out a loud chuckle. He knew there was a reason that he and Changmin were so close. They were very similar as people, so their understanding of each other was made simple.

Kyuhyun sat in silence for the rest of the short journey, ensuring that this time he kept his face mutual and non reactive and tried his best to keep Yesung from his thoughts. There would be no way that he would be able to think about the older man without grinning like a fool soon after. All his thoughts of the man always seem to have that conclusion, so it was best not to think about him at all. The not thinking about him was also difficult. All thoughts, once in a position of relaxation like he currently occupied, led back to the smaller man. It was a rather vicious cycle, and Kyuhyun realized that he was utterly saying hopeless ‘ I have been saying that forever’ his mind snickered. He couldn’t help agree, considering that he had just made the pronouncement himself. He really was especially hopeless when it came to Yesung. A part of him prayed that Yesung truly understood what he meant to Kyuhyun and as such never hurt him. Kyuhyun wished he could claim that he could protect himself, protect his heart, protect his wellbeing, but at this point he was sad to say that the only one that could do any of those things was the older man. The thought absolutely scared Kyuhyun senseless, but really at this point, he could only trust the older man, to never hurt him, as he would never intentionally hurt the older man .

Kyuhyun was so lost in his thought that he did not even realize that they had arrived at this dorm, till he heard Changmin clear his throat a little. Changmin for his part sat there for about a minute, before he actually acted. He was desperately trying to prevent the laugh from escaping when Kyuhyun broke from his daze and then looked embarrassed for a second, then his usual nonchalance, speaking his gratitude, before he made the attempt to open the door and descend. Changmin however had a brilliant idea. He really couldn’t pass up the opportunity. He was curious as to how Kyuhyun would react. He knew that Kyuhyun probably had his reasons for not specifying the nature of the relationship, but he also knew that Kyuhyun was aware that Changmin had figured it out. So now they both contently played this game.

“Say hello to Yesung hyung for me. I haven’t seen him in a while and I miss him” Changmin said as nonchalant and genuinely as he could, keeping his face neutral, dying on the inside from the laugh he was trying to hold in, amplified by the expression that Kyuhyun’s face took on instantly. If looks could kill Changmin would be dead in seconds. It was amazing to see him react that way naturally in that split second, then seeing the face he forcible tried to alter the expression that graced it.

Changmin had confirmed that he was the irrationally possessive sort. He suspected as much from before, but now that it was properly confirmed he was going to have so much fun. Changmin though in his heart wished them well, and genuinely worried for the future of his best friend. He wished he could tell him, let it go, that there would be another easier relationship out there to pursue, but he could never have the heart to even utter the words. Kyuhyun had never outright said that he had a romantic relationship with Yesung, but it was hard not to know, when he had gushed for atleast ten minutes about six months ago, about how amazing the man was before he calmed himself, blushed briefly, then acted as if it never happened. He would mention the man in passing, stating that they were close friends now, but the stupid grin was a dead giveaway. Changmin knew that Kyuhyun would have expected him, if not Minho to figure it out. He was not upset that Kyuhyun had not told him exactly. Sometimes being a friend is also about keeping secrets. He ensured that if Changmin was ever asked by the company or anyone else, he could say that he was not informed. What he suspected was something else entirely. Changmin wished his friend and his hyung eternal happiness, vowing that he would support them quietly and truly, though with his few snarky comments. He was also an evil maknae…it was hard work trying to be kind.

“Why would you miss him?....What I meant was that I am sure you can tell him the next time you see him. I will tell him though, if I see him” Kyuhyun responded to the request, wanting to slap himself. Did he seriously just say that? Talk about over reaction. He tends not to like when people insinuate that they had a special relationship with Yesung. It annoyed him irrationally. He had asked the question before he could control himself.

It was not as if he suspected  anything untoward between the two, he just didn’t like the idea that Yesung was close to someone else. He really did not want to have to deal with another Siwon. That was already robbing him of sanity and rational though. There were only so much crazy thoughts he could deal with at once. Then it had occurred to him that Changmin was teasing him and had to scramble to make a nonchalant response. It was rather ridiculous the way he automatically reacted, and he was furious at himself. Changmin and Yesung were not especially close, but were rather friendly since their trainee days. Kyuhyun knew they were close at one time, but had long since lost that sort of connection. Changmin didn’t annoy him in the way someone like Siwon would though. He supposed his reaction was just a reflex thing rather than any belief that Changmin was suggesting something else. He hoped Changmin would buy his late, shabby cover up, but judging at from the smile that he was biting back, it was rather wasted hope. Kyuhyun had not especially informed about the romantic nature of the relationship, not wanting Changmin to have to be burdened with hiding it. It was better if he could claim he was not told. Kyuhyun was aware that Changmin had figured it out, but didn’t acknowledge it. It was just as is, one making remarks, the other ignoring. He knew he should have been more careful about what he said that one time; all the damage had been done. He had been so happy after Yesung had accepted his confession that he was beyond consumed. All he could talk about was his one love. It was what it was, he lamented. ‘That is what you get for being a love sick fool’ his mind chuckled at him. He couldn’t care though.

“Yeah do that. Tell him only if you see him” Changmin stated suggestively before chuckling in repressed glee, as Kyuhyun exited the vehicle. He specifically indented on the word if, then looked at Kyuhyun with raised eyebrows and big teasing eyes. Kyuhyun could hit the snarky bastard but he was reminded that he would probably do the same thing and was forced to chuckle as well.

With one final wave and Changmin repeating ‘only if’ then smirking devilishly and Kyuhyun calling him an idiot, he left the garage, heading to his own dorm and Kyuhyun headed to the elevator, happy to be heading home. He wondered if he should go see Yesung, glancing at his watch. It was 2:30 am, Yesung would probably be asleep. He wouldn’t be able to speak to him, but he really needed to see him. He supposed he would just have to content himself with sneaking in quietly and stealing a quick glance. ‘You could just wait for later’ his mind suggested. That would be good, but he didn’t know Yesung’s schedule for the morning and since he didn’t have anything till near noon, he would be allowed to sleep. He didn’t want to chance not being able to see him till late in the night. He didn’t think he would last that long. He would settle himself with a quick glance and let him sleep. With that settled he entered the dorms, took of his shoes and walked towards his room, but was detoured when he heard voices in kitchen. It was odd that anyone was still awake, so Kyuhyun decided to investigate.

“I wanted to talk to Yesungie hyung, but he kicked me out. I don’t know why he is mad” Eunhyuk informed somewhat dejectedly as he sat by the kitchen table with Sungmin. He had returned from a late schedule and saw Yesung’s light on. He had to ask him about a part in the song he had to record the next day and since he was up, decided to ask one time. Yesung however was not in a good mood and told him to come back tomorrow. He wasn’t mean or anything, but Eunhyuk knew he was upset about something. He wanted to ask, but decided that perhaps he wasn’t the best person to. It was something that people like Kyuhyun and Siwon or even Donghae got away with. He may not be willing to open up to him, so he would leave it to the experts. He saw Sungmin the kitchen having a drink of water and  was in the process of telling him what happened when a voice disturbed them.

“What did you idiots do to upset him?” Kyuhyun questioned, voice firm and serious, eyes set and looking fiercely at Eunhyuk and then Sungmin. He was entering the kitchen to ask why they were up and heard Eunhyuk relating his story. He only focused on the part that Yesung was mad and instantly became displeased. If those idiot hyungs did anything to upset him, they would have to deal with him. He looked fiercely at Eunhyuk, since he was the one relating the story. Eunhyuk looked at him confused, but it was Sungmin that spoke.

“It’s you that should be worried Kyuhyun ah” Sungmin said suggestively, looking at him with playful knowing eyes and a smirk that transformed into a hearty chuckle, with him looking at Kyuhyun and then laughing once again. Kyuhyun was confused. He needed clarification, but so did Eunhyuk.

“What do you mean hyung?”Eunhyuk asked with questioning eyes directed at Sungmin who had not yet stopped laughing softly. Kyuhyun also following suit, staring at Sungmin with marked interest. Sungmin just scrunched his nose at both, smirking in Kyuhyun’s direction.

“I am not telling…Kyu will find out soon” Sungmin teased, adorably shaking his head or if you looked at it from Kyuhyun’s perspective, frustratingly shaking head. Seriously Sungmin was being childish. He was taking so much pleasure from the little knowledge that he had. Eunhyuk was still trying to pester him into telling, but Kyuhyun was just sort of over it.

“I never have to worry. You are crazy hyung” Kyuhyun informed with a smirk of his own. He didn’t get whatever Sungmin was on. Yesung was rarely ever upset with him and if even so , Kyuhyun was not the worrying sort. His curiosity was peaked though. He resolved to find Yesung right away. Eunhyuk had implied that he was awake, and Kyuhyun was anxious to get answers. He really wanted to know what had upset Yesung. If it really was one of those idiots, they better be ready to face the repercussions. He tolerated the teasing and the playfulness as it never really upsets Yesung, with him being a good sport about it all, but if they had indeed upset him, Kyuhyun was not going to let that go. They had no right to upset his Yesung hyung. Kyuhyun purposely strode out of the kitchen, heading to the man that may or may not need his comfort. Sungmin watched him go, finally turning to answer Eunhyuk’s questions.

“Yesungie hyung is jealous” Sungmin said with a giggle as he turned to Eunhyuk, speaking lowly and whispery, as if sharing the gossip he had heard. Sungmin himself found it to be rather adorable and love the whole idea of it. He was the only one home when Yesung returned, and instantly realized that he was not in a good mood. Sungmin made brief inquires, and discovered that Yesung was jealous, though he didn’t have the particulars. He knew that Kyuhyun was in for an interesting evening and the rest of them in for an interesting morning if things carried on over. He lamented the fact that neither were into gossip, so wouldn’t spill the beans properly. That is nothing though, between him and Ryeowook, they would get to the bottom of this. He wondered if Eunhyukkie would help.

“Oh really? But Yesungie hyung never gets jealous. This will be interesting” Eunhyuk responded like a true gossip, exaggerated expression, leaning forward, eyes bright and interested. Sungmin would only shake his head in agreement, before both continued to giggle, like the gossiping school girls they were, except for the school part. Both, rather looking forward to tomorrow….well later in the day.

It didn’t take Kyuhyun long to be in front of Yesung’s bedroom door, having been rather purposeful in his journey. He was determined to get to the bottom of this situation. He didn’t bother to knock, just on the off chance that Yesung had fallen asleep, and as the general custom, Yesung never really cared if someone knocked or not. If he wanted privacy he would lock the door. Judging by the fact that the door was not locked, the knob turning easily in Kyuhyun’s hand, Kyuhyun was going to take that as invitation to enter. He pushed the door open slightly, sticking his head in cautiously, looking about the room. He immediately saw the man lying on his side, plushie held tightly in hand against his chest, back facing away from the bed. Kyuhyun would have thought he was asleep except for the shrugging of his shoulder and what sounded like muffled grumbles. Kyuhyun thought it was adorable, as he pushed open the door wider and slid past it, pushing it back into place, as he took steps forward. Yesung had yet to turn in the direction of the door, but Kyuhyun thought he heard a muffled go away. Yesung had sensitive hearing and would have definitely heard the door open. Kyuhyun however never for a second believed that instruction was meant for him. It was probably meant for one of his pesky dongsaengs, not the person he loved most in the world. Kyuhyun could pretend that ‘go away’ was meant for Siwon. He smiled. He would really like if Yesung said something like that to Siwon. ‘Would you stop daydreaming? That won’t happen’ his mind informed with a snicker. It sure had a way of stealing his moments of joy.

Kyuhyun found a scrunched up Yesung as beyond adorable and would swear later that it was the adorableness of the situation that made him do it. He supposed he should have been more conscious of individual space, and perhaps be concerned that Yesung was supposedly upset and all that, but the small man was just calling out to him. Kyuhyun crossed the distance swiftly and was within seconds, placing himself on the vacant space behind the man, fitting himself against his body, wrapping his arms around him and his plushie by default, resting his head in the crook of his neck and shoulder, immediately being intoxicated by the scent of coffee/cinnamon, that always just seems to cling to the man. He held on tightly, using one of his legs to hold him in place, squeezing probably tighter than he should have. In hindsight he would look back at his actions as entirely childish and juvenile, but would reminisce that the action was definitely worth the benefit that he received, especially the feeling of warmth that consumed him or the  fulfilment of the closeness that he often longed for. Yesung however did not seem to find the action necessary though, shrugging his shoulders for the first time ever, trying to dislodge Kyuhyun’s grip. He just knew the second that the door opened that it was Kyuhyun and didn’t want to see him, but instead he ended up being suffocated by the spoilt maknae.

“Go away” Yesung grumbled, still not looking in Kyuhyun’s direction, trying to shrug the attached maknae off as non-violently as possible. Yesung was not in the mood to play with Kyuhyun, feeling too many emotions all at once. He should have known that Kyuhyun, who never listens to anyone, wouldn’t actually listen to him.

“Hyung” Kyuhyun nearly sang, in a sickeningly sweet voice, that was almost close to aegyo, tightening his grip on Yesung, moving even closer to him if that was possible, both practically one now, except for the plushie that he refused to release, though it was now squished into his stomach as Kyuhyun pulled him tightly against him, rocking the both of them gently, seemingly unperturbed by the previous action. Yesung was not amused and was unwilling to respond to the maknae and mad at himself for enjoying the warmth way more than he wanted to or ever admit. He needed Kyuhyun off him as soon as possible, or this would not end well for his hurt feelings. It needed it’s time to speak its grievance or atleast exist. If he allowed Kyuhyun to keep holding on, he would squeeze the dissatisfaction away.

“Hyung what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun practically cooed, making no effort this time to hide the blatant aeygo, voice sing song and childlike, dripping manufactured cuteness, snuggling his head into the crook of Yesung’s neck, rubbing his nose teasingly against his exposed skin, causing him to squirm a bit, the older man trying to pry Kyuhyun’s tightly clasped hands around him off, Kyuhyun having stuck one under his stomach, whilst he was trying to shake him off.

Kyuhyun felt no shame, nor would he make any apologies. He was fully aware of his actions and so intended for them to be. He supposed people would think that he would not use aegyo, which was exactly what he wanted. He would admit that he was not Sungmin and was not naturally cute and it did hurt his pride a bit to have to use aeygo, but he was willing to pull it out in difficult situations. A smart person would know what actions were beneficial to himself and Kyuhyun was smart enough to know the value of aegyo. The fact that he rarely used it, made it precious and extremely effective. You don’t get to do evil things to ten hyungs plus and always escape un-scrapped without having a few tricks. Aeygo was what enabled him to be the famed evil maknae. They couldn’t resist it and were putty in his hands as soon as he did it. It was not something that he enjoyed but he quite enjoyed the effects of it. It was often unsuspected which made it even more effective. Yesung was particularly susceptible to his aegyo, for years finding Kyuhyun cute. This was a fact that Kyuhyun was well aware of. He would smirk how easy this was going to be after those few cute words but didn’t want to ruin the effect of the cuteness. He kept holding on, brushing his nose against the skin, just waiting for Yesung to give in, and he didn’t have to wait long. Yesung had stopped struggling, instead shifting his body to face Kyuhyun in slow increments as he had to wait for Kyuhyun to release the hold he had on him bit by bit, so he could actually move, until finally he was lying flat on his back, looking up at Kyuhyun with emotional eyes, lips set in a thin line, as Kyuhyun also shifted his body to the new formation. This meant that Kyuhyun had to release his hold, instead staying on his side, holding his head up with a hand, though still kept his other hand, spread across Yesung’s stomach and plushie.

“What’s wrong Hyung?” Kyuhyun once more inquired, this time much more serious, looking down at Yesung with slightly worried curious eyes, face set in question, intently waiting for a response. Aside from his playfulness from earlier, he had indeed realized that Yesung was upset and judging from the fact that he had actually shrugged him off, he was involved in some way in regards to the anger. He truly wished to know how he was connected.

“Were you with him? Did you guys have a good time together?” Yesung asked voice testy, eyes fierce, concealing mild anger, face firm and serious. Yesung chose to ignore the question directed at him, and instead asked a few that have been biting at him all evening when he returned home and realized that Kyuhyun wasn’t home. He supposed that he could just call him, but refused to so when he was informed that he was with him. He felt instantly angry and just annoyed so thought it best not to have to deal with Kyuhyun right then. That blasted aeygo. Why did he have to fall for it every time? Kyuhyun was so frustrating sometimes. Why did he have to spend time with him? He felt sick for feeling that way and even worst because he still wanted the answers.

“If you mean Changmin, then yes. We had a good time” Kyuhyun responded rather dumbly, apparently he hadn’t picked up the underlying implication in Yesung’s words. He was still male after all, there was only so much you could expect from him. He was rather confused actually. He thought that Yesung was going to tell him what was wrong, then why was he asking about what Kyuhyun did? Was he trying to change the subject? He had to realize that Kyuhyun wouldn’t leave that alone. He wouldn’t stop till he had his answers, which was something that Yesung should be well aware of.

“Is that so” Yesung stated rather than questioned, voice tinged with a sarcastic undertone, his eyes still fierce, looking Kyuhyun up and down, teeth in a grimace. Kyuhyun also had the audacity to say they had a good time. He really didn’t care about his feelings in this regard. He glared at him a little, before looking away, not wanting to see Kyuhyun.

It finally dawned on Kyuhyun what was upsetting the man he loved. Kyuhyun could give himself a good kick for not realizing it sooner. Was he that oblivious? He felt stupid and happy all at the same time. Yesung was jealous. It was jealousy that was making him that moody and grumpy. He know that he shouldn’t feel this way, but his only reaction was absolute glee. He was over the moon with the idea that Yesung was jealous. Yesung never gets jealous. Not once had he even seemed even put off with the fact that Kyuhyun had so many close friends and numerous female admirers. Kyuhyun was starting to worry that he was the only one that had unnatural irrational thoughts, that he was the only weirdly possessive one. He supposed that Yesung would never be as possessive as he naturally was, but the idea that he was feeling jealousy made Kyuhyun unnecessarily happy. He had wondered ever so often why Yesung never got jealous and if he was to be truthful, he would admit that it often worried him quite a bit. He knew that he got irrational thoughts and weird inclination [‘You mean jealous right?’---No , not jealous, they are just weird irrational thoughts. It was not jealousy because Kyuhyun doesn’t feel jealousy, he would  have all know] came from a place of love and affection. He would only feel that way because he was sick in love and the thought that anyone stealing him away ripped his heart to shreds. He knew full well how amazing Yesung was, and how easy he was to love.

There was nothing stopping someone like Siwon or some pretty girl from falling in love with him and wanting to steal him. Kyuhyun couldn’t lose him, he refused to lose him. It was the fear of losing him that made him want to keep Yesung to himself. It was not that he didn’t trust Yesung; it was just that he didn’t trust Siwon. The man was a nuisance, that couldn’t keep his hands to himself. It would annoy anyone if their significant other was continuous being touched by some other guy and just any other guy, but one that they shared a close, affectionate relationship with. He honestly thought that his reaction was rather typical, and it didn’t help that he was naturally possessive by nature. Yesung was his and that was all there was to it! It was for this reason that Yesung’s lack of jealousy sort of worries him a little. His reactions [seriously not jealousy!] come from love, so by correlation does that mean that Yesung’s lack of reaction means that he doesn’t love? Kyuhyun knows that is impossible. He would swear on his life that Yesung loves him, but he can’t help the question as to how much or how far does Yesung’s love extend. How can he not feel something similar to what Kyuhyun feels? Does he love Kyuhyun less? Kyuhyun never wants the answer to that question. Deep inside behind everything, he fears; he fears that it’s true. He ignores it though, instead vowing that he would just love him enough for the both of them, enough to make that possible gap a non issue. He supposed that isn’t really a solution, but again love isn’t a competition. If he loved more, that was his choice. All that matters is that Yesung did love him. He was sure the moody older man both, loved and was in love with him, so that would just have to be enough, it would be more than enough.

“You’re jealous! It’s cute” Kyuhyun teased with pure happiness, looking down at the man with smiling eyes and a devilish smirk. A jealous Yesung was an adorable Yesung. He wanted to pinch his cheeks but strongly refrained. He doubted Yesung would appreciate the action in his current mood. Kyuhyun though whilst pleased that Yesung was expression jealousy couldn’t help worry about it all a little. He is happy in a way that Yesung was jealous, but it worried him a little.

 It would be weird for Yesung to be jealous of Changmin. He hoped that Yesung knew well that he was the only one for him. Then again Changmin was a guy. Kyuhyun found it awkward and weird to have romantic thoughts about the man he was actually in love with, much less some other man. Yesung shouldn’t have even considered that he could possibly like Changmin in that way. Being with Yesung was weird enough; he was definitely not going there with someone that wasn’t possibly his soulmate. The only reason he entered into a relationship with Yesung was because he was hopelessly in love, soul mate sort of love, so the gender thing just had to be overcome. It was unlikely that he would ever feel romantic affection for another man or another person in general if he were to think about it.

He supposed that Yesung could be feeling friendship jealously, which would be akin to his reaction to Siwon [Still refusing to call it jealousy I see]. Aside from his fear of Siwon falling in love with the very lovable Yesung, it just sort of annoys him the closeness that the two share. It made him weary that Yesung could possibly feel a stronger connection to Siwon than he did to him. It was annoying to wonder if Yesung considered Siwon as someone he could trust above Kyuhyun, if they understood each other better. He supposed that Yesung could be feeling the same thing in regards to him and Changmin. Both were close and Kyuhyun considered Changmin to be his best friend. The connection he felt to Yesung was different though, it existed on a different plane. ‘Why can’t you apply that logic to Siwon?’ his mind questioned. Kyuhyun would only state that Siwon was just different. Siwon was the one that would assault and molest Yesung on stage in front of thousands. That wasn’t normal….It just wasn’t! He couldn’t be expected to deal with it calmly…it would be illogical for him to, with his natural possessive tendencies.

“Why would I be jealous?” Yesung scoffs his response eventually, tired of seeing the smirking face of the maknae. Seriously he would swear that he was not jealous. He was just upset that was all. It was just not fair how things worked out. All he really wanted was to be his friend. He wasn’t asking for much. Why couldn’t he just spend his time with him? It was not like he was saying he couldn’t spend time with other people. Honestly he just wanted to spend time with him. He really didn’t think he was wrong. Instead he chose to spend time with someone else. It sorta hurt a little bit, but he was not jealous. He really wasn’t he would claim.

“You are clearly jealous Hyung” Kyuhyun snickered; chuckling softly at the harsh look Yesung was giving him. Yesung was obviously jealous, it was written all over his face and his voice. The cuteness of it was hurting Kyuhyun especially refraining from burying him in his arms and not letting go. Even his fierce eyes were the most adorable thing ever. He was going to be the death of Kyuhyun.

“Why would I be jealous that Changmin wants to spend time with you. I can’t force him to be my friend” Yesung spoke bitterly, looking at Kyuhyun a little harshly. Kyuhyun was the cause of all his problems and yet here he was with his stupid adorable self and cute teasing words, being all warm and loving. He was getting Yesung mad. He was the one that Changmin chose to spend time with instead of Yesung. Why did Changmin want to spend time with Kyuhyun instead of him? He was just as much fun and he was nicer than Kyuhyun anyway. He knew why he loved Kyuhyun, but that was different. Kyuhyun was not better than him. Why did Changmin want to be Kyuhyun’s friend only? It really wasn’t fair. That didn’t mean that he was jealous that Kyuhyun got to spend time with him. When Sungmin said that Kyuhyun went out with Changmin, it just reminded him that he and Changmin were close a long time ago and now that relationship had fallen away. Instead of spending time with him, Changmin only wanted to spend time with Kyuhyun. It was just sorta annoying that was all. He really wasn’t jealous.

“Are you really upset that Changmin is my friend and not yours?”  Kyuhyun asked in extreme interest. He needed immediate clarification. He could have sworn Yesung had just said that he was jealous that Kyuhyun got to spend time with Changmin and not him. Kyuhyun was sure he was hearing things. That couldn’t be possible, in reverse. That was just not possible. If he heard right that meant Yesung was jealous of Changmin and not him. Kyuhyun could facepalm literally or better yet, he could slam his head against a wall repeatedly. He lived in wonderland apparently. It was a surreal thought. Apparently Yesung was completely misinformed about how jealousy worked in a relationship. He got it wrong entirely. He was supposed to jealous that Kyuhyun spent time with someone other than him, he was supposed to be jealous of that fact, he was supposed to want to be the one that Kyuhyun showed attention to. Seriously face palming wouldn’t be enough in this situation. How could Yesung be that oblivious to a standard custom? Was he really feeling jealousy about his lack of a relationship with someone else? Kyuhyun could pinch himself. This had to be some crazy dream, where he fell down a rabbit hole and the world was opposite. Then it occurred that with Yesung this was something entirely possible. The guy was possibly that weird; to not even understand how jealousy worked in a relationship. He must have lost his mind when he entered a relationship with him. He must have been stark raving mad, to enter a relationship with such an odd man. This was absolutely unbelievable. At this point he was hoping that he was wrong and just misunderstanding, but he felt he got it right. This was going to be interesting. He had to stifle a deranged laugh. It was always interesting with Yesung.

“Changmin was my friend first. He and I were close, then you came and he became your friend instead. What do you have anyway? Just because I have a low alcohol tolerance….it’s not fair. He really was my friend first.” Yesung practically whines, whilst he has his face in an adorable sulk, eyeing Kyuhyun with would be contempt, but the tenderness won that battle, making the whole expression an experience in plain crazy.

Kyuhyun was practically dying from all the emotions and thoughts swirling inside his head. He could facepalm repeatedly just on the plain ridiculousness of the situation. He was expected to believe that the love of his life was indeed jealous,  but not on his account, but rather on the fact that Kyuhyun could to spend time with some other guy, had also accused Kyuhyun of stealing his friend and was now complaining to him of all people. Then he had to do it in the most crazy, adorable way. Kyuhyun could strangle him for the ridiculousness of his whole concept, and at the same time, Kyuhyun wanted to hide him away from the world, where he would always be safe and away from anything that could touch the ridiculous innocence that he still somehow seems to possess, despite the hard times he had to endure to achieve his goals. Kyuhyun could seriously laugh like a mad person. Yesung had really just complained that Kyuhyun had stolen his friend. It was too ridiculous to be a dream even. He had once heard that a story could be so ridiculous that it could only be the truth. He supposed that it what this was like. Kyuhyun had to hold back a sigh. He really had to be mad to willingly enter a relationship with this crazy guy, and even after all this, just love him more. He had just crushed Kyuhyun’s glee and still all Kyuhyun could see was the fact that he couldn’t even glare properly at him. Seriously it should be illegal, the amount of mixed emotions Yesung makes him feel. Sigh. What on earth was he going to do with him? Life would never be boring with Yesung, who was currently sulking, no longer looking at Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun could do nothing but fall flat back onto the bed and take deep breathes, before pulling the man into a half embrace, tightening the one arm that held him, whilst Kyuhyun pulled himself near the older man’s shoulder. Finally he chuckled out loud about the ridiculousness of it all. What a life!

“Are you really upset that Changmin spends time with me and not you?” Kyuhyun asked once more, eyes closed, voice just resigned and slightly inquisitive, just for absolute clarification. At this point he was willing to accept that he had a crazy significant other that was intent on driving him insane, but it was always best to clarify, just to be sure.

“ You stole my friend you know. We were close before you came” Yesung expressed his grievance, missing Kyuhyun’s near disbelief and exhaustion, instead squishing his plushie forcibly, since he couldn’t squish Kyuhyun, the friend thief. Yesung was completely caught up in his distaste for the friend thief, but couldn’t actually dislike Kyuhyun, so was just caught in that crazy point, where he hated the idea but not the person. It was safe to say, that having to deal with the general repercussions of his own crazy dilemma inducing thoughts, led to him being especially oblivious to Kyuhyun lying next to him.

Kyuhyun removed his hand and buried his head in the pillow near Yesung’s shoulder and head, taking deep breaths. It would be acceptable to say that the last half hour had been the craziest of his life and that was saying something. He was the maknae of one of the largest boy bands in the world, and lived with people like Heechul and Leeteuk. He continued to take deep breathes and tried to rationalize the situation that he was in. He recaps in his mind. He was happy that Yesung expressed jealousy, with him assuming that Yesung was jealous that he was spending time with Changmin and not him. He was then informed that he had it in reverse. Yesung was actually jealous that Kyuhyun was the one that got to spend time with Changmin. Kyuhyun’s everlasting love, finally expressed jealous and it was not over Kyuhyun but some other guy. Kyuhyun chuckled humourlessly into the pillow. Yes, that was his current situation. Yesung was actually jealous over Changmin and not him. The next time he saw Changmin he would deck him, just for causing him this stress. Why on earth was Yesung even jealous over Changmin? That was another reason to deck him. Yesung was actually jealous over Changmin and not him.

He sighed then. He was truly in love with a crazy person. The fates were cruel and magnificent at the same time. He was in love with a crazy person, so that meant that he had to adjust to how Yesung thought. He was giving up. If he continued to consider that jealousy issue he would finally lose his sanity. Instead he was just going to go with it. Something told him that he would have to do that a lot in his life with Yesung. He needed to stop thinking about it as he would, but to see if from Yesung’s perspective. It was time to deal with this using Yesung logic. It was something that Kyuhyun had become quite capable of using. He smiled then, pulling himself from his depressed disposition, instead returning to his side to face Yesung with a bright smile, once again throwing his arm over him, pulling him closer, drawing Yesung’s attention. He had an idea and it could potentially be lots of fun.

“I think you should steal me from him” Kyuhyun suggest playfully, eyes now bright and shining or as bright as it can be at 3:00 am, face in a mischievous smile. It hurt his pride a fair bit that Yesung was not jealous over the fact that he was spending time with another man. He didn’t like what it could possibly be insinuating. He wouldn’t question whether Yesung loved him or not, as that was pointless. Yesung loved him, evident in the fact that even though he was complaining about Kyuhyun, he was using Kyuhyun as comfort. It was a surreal situation, but that was Yesung for you. He was an odd person that reacted to situations differently. Kyuhyun loved everything about the man and in a way he loved this too. Yesung was just like that and Kyuhyun was just going to have to adjust. It was not as if he didn’t know what he was getting into. He had full knowledge in long advance that Yesung was rather unique in how he approached different things and this was just one of those things. Kyuhyun decided that it was best that he learnt to approach certain things differently from now. He couldn’t throw temper tantrums if he wanted this to work. Instead he would have to find a different way to deal with things like this. It would be great practice for their future together. Kyuhyun was sure this won’t be the last time he would be thrown for a loop. That was the one he loved though, always so interesting and unique. Kyuhyun didn’t want him to ever change.

“How does that make sense Kyu ah? I will only have you and not Changmin. I want him to be my friend again” Yesung asks puzzled, looking at the smirking Kyuhyun looking down on him. He didn’t get it really. All that would mean was that he would have Kyuhyun and no Changmin. Didn’t he already have Kyuhyun? It was weird. Kyuhyun was being weird, so Yesung looked on carefully, trying to figure out what was going on with his Kyuhyunnie.

“It’s perfect actually Hyung. Changmin gets to know what it feels is like to have a friend stolen and you get to keep me all too yourself. It’s brilliant” Kyuhyun expounded with a smirk, eyes bright and playful, voice suggestive and coercive. Kyuhyun was determined to have fun with this.  It was already a surreal experience, the least he could do was ensure that he got some entertainment out of it and well he could do a bit of teasing. Yesung was adorably confused and the sight warmed his heart unexpectedly. At this point he should just enjoy what he could out of the situation. It was odd, but he sort of liked Yesung whining to him. He took no pleasure in the content, but now he sort of saw the fact that Yesung thought he could get comfort from Kyuhyun, as a good thing. It was also good that Yesung was no longer holding any resentment against him. He supposed that it was just too hard to feel anger towards someone he loved, which was another positive. His time with Yesung had definitely been an experience, and he really couldn’t wait for me. He would love to spend his life being thrown for a curve ball ever so often.

“No, that would hurt Changmin. I don’t want to hurt him. You have to be his friend okay? I admit it. I was just a little jealous that he wanted to be your friend and not mine, but that doesn’t mean I want to hurt him” Yesung explained dutifully, once again missing the teasing nature behind Kyuhyun’s words, looking at Kyuhyun worriedly. He really didn’t want to hurt Changmin or Kyuhyun for that matter. He knew they were god friends and his stupid little jealousy should not affect that. He felt stupid for even feeling jealous. He was much older than Changmin and really he should be above it all, but it still hurt to be pushed aside for Kyuhyun. He didn’t blame Kyuhyun in truth. Kyuhyun was amazing and anyone would be lucky to be his friend and also didn’t help that he found it hard to even fathom a bad thought about his Kyuhyunnie. It was pointless to be jealous when you couldn’t get have bad thoughts about the friend thief and on a serious note, it was really not beneficial to him. He was positive he was sounding childish and petty, confirmed by the fact that Kyuhyun was chuckling. Kyuhyun knew he shouldn’t be pleased that Yesung was actually so concerned about Changmin’s feelings but he really wasn’t. Yesung was naturally a nice considerate person. Even if he was upset, he still wanted to protect his old friend’s feelings. It was amusing that he was actually encouraging Kyuhyun to spend time with someone else. Kyuhyun genuinely had to chuckle. Yesung would always just be special. It was amazing that he was actually feeling his affection grow towards the odd man. He was starting to think that he was the weird one now. He would only blame the bewitchment….yeah he was bewitched, that was it.

“It’s okay Hyung. You don’t need that stupid Changmin anyway. You still have me” Kyuhyun was honestly just being patronizing and playful at this point, but it would in effect soothe the man he was in love with, in that warped logic they were following. He chuckled at the face Yesung was making and finally decided that he had enough.

He really didn’t have that much self control to begin with and with the cuteness explosion happening next to him, he really couldn’t be expected to have restrain in a time like that. He moved swiftly, shifting himself until he was positioned against Yesung, head resting on the crook of his shoulder and neck, stretching his hands across his chest, dislodging his plushie finally, to hold the man tightly beneath him. This time Yesung made no struggle, instead also moulded himself against Kyuhyun, wrapping his hands against his shoulder and the other coming to rest on his side, holding Kyuhyun equally close, basically clinging to each other, as Kyuhyun chuckled at his teasing words. Despite the teasing playful nature of the words, Kyuhyun in a way hoped they offered some solace to the man. He was one that was feeling uneasy that Yesung wanted Changmin to be his friend, but did not want Yesung to feel hurt.  It was funny how everything ended in reverse. He was happy that Yesung was showing a reaction to Changmin and instead he was the one having a not so kind reaction to Changmin. His life was just full of surprises and confusion, but that was what you get when you spent it with someone like Yesung. It was now time to re evaluate everything and in doing so, realize that he had real meaning behind his words. He hoped that he would be enough for the man. He hoped that Yesung would think that he was an apt replacement and hold him close. He really had to strangle Yesung one day for making him feel so many conflicting emotions all at once. If this continued his heart would give out soon. He wouldn’t lie though, he could admit that the loved the fire of it all. He loved the fact that Yesung could always invoke so many emotions, even if it made him frustrated and tired. It was always better to feel everything than not feel anything at all.

“ You are being very patronizing you know. You thought I didn’t notice?” Yesung scolded lightly, looking at Kyuhyun in the eyes, with mild reprimand, but his face was set in a warm smile, so his admonishment didn’t really have any effect, so he did what he could best do, smacking Kyuhyun a couple of times on the back, for treating him like a child. He had noticed that Kyuhyun had started to treat his complains like a joke, he supposed that he couldn’t really blame him. His reaction to the whole situation was retarded. Why was he even feeling jealous? He was sometimes even too weird for him to even understand himself. Even so, for some odd reason, Kyuhyun’s words and actions gave him unbelievable comfort and all his residual anger and ill feelings had lost effect. He was in a much better mood now than he was in before Kyuhyun had returned. He felt comfortable and security, lulled by unimaginable warmth and closeness. He supposed that was always the result when he had Kyuhyun in his arms, everything else just fell away and all he could focus on was the weight on his chest and the thumps of his heart, the affection overriding anything else. Kyuhyun was right. He didn’t need anything else, he would always have Kyuhyun and that was more than enough. Nothing could compare to the little demon suffocating him anyway.

“You did?” Kyuhyun asked with a laugh, looking at Yesung with playful eyes, grinning when the older man just confirmed with a nod or his head and smile of his own, smacking Kyuhyun as punishment for his ill treatment, but at that point both were too caught up in each other to think about offence. Both men chuckling at the crazy little games they play.

“You really are lucky to have me you know” Kyuhyun boasted with a suggestive smirk, looking like the little demon he really was, turning into a grin when Yesung just rolled his eyes in his direction. Kyuhyun felt much better about everything. Yeah Yesung puts him in crazy situations, but things like his current position were more than worth it. He just wanted to laugh with Yesung right then, and hold on forever. The warmth was blinding and the aroma intoxicating. It was surreal, but for a different reason now. That much contentment couldn’t actually exist in the real world.

Yesung just scoffed in response and looked at Kyuhyun, rolling his eyes and then looking away. Kyuhyun could not stand for such indifference. Didn’t Yesung know how lucky he was to have Kyuhyun? He was much better than Changmin anyway. ‘Isn’t Min your friend?’ his mind chuckled. Kyuhyun would content that is because they are friends that he knows he is better. Better to be Yesung’s friends anyway. He supposed that Yesung was just teasing, but he didn’t like to feel that he was the only one that got irrational reactions [Can’t you just say jealousy?], and for his troubles he should atleast be praised. He was going to remedy this situation immediately.

“Yah Hyung-“  Kyuhyun protested , pulling away slightly so that he could glare at Yesung. He had a few choice words for that scoff and even more pokes to be administered, but Yesung interrupted him, cutting him off cleanly.

“I am very lucky to have you” Yesung spoke sincerely, cutting Kyuhyun off, chuckling at the expressions flittering across the maknae’s face, firstly indignation at his scoff, reprimand, annoyance then finally a soft smile and barely there blush, eyes now bright and shining, as Yesung pulled him back into place against his heart, head fitting just in the crook of his neck, tightening the grip he had on the younger man. He would tilt his head downwards to press soft kisses to Kyuhyun’s temple and forehead and basically anywhere he would easily reach, Kyuhyun settling against him, reaching across to grab his hand, holding it in his, rubbing his thumb at the back. Yesung was going to continue the teasing but Kyuhyun’s quick anger was too adorable and he felt intense affection. He really was very grateful to have Kyuhyun and was well aware that he was extremely lucky. He is normally too shy to actually say things like that, but he did it to pacify the maknae, for him to know that Yesung was genuinely grateful to have him. He wanted to just hold him close and never let go. Kyuhyun anger or any other feeling disappeared the second his head rested against a thumping heart, all rational thought obliterated by the soft lips pressed against his forehead, all thought gone after warm fingers found his own. Kyuhyun was a sap and there was no hiding it. He was a fool for this man. All he could feel then was happiness unimaginable, burrowing his head into the smooth skin at the base of the elder’s throat, intoxicated by the sweet aroma. He didn’t care about anything else. He didn’t care about how crazy his evening was, he didn’t care that Yesung was not jealous, he didn’t care that he was essentially in love with a crazy person, he didn’t care about anything other than the erratic thumps of his heart and the fact that every cell in his body were vowing wholeheartedly to never let go, to fight for an eternity, just to stay in that position.

“Wait…Why aren’t you drunk or atleast tipsy?” Yesung questioned after a short while, breaking the silence, returning to their normal state. It was late but he was not especially sleepy, and it just occurred to him that Kyuhyun actually returned home without smelling like alcohol. He knew that when Kyuhyun met his Kyu line, they tend to have drinks and so on. Yesung himself was not a much of a drinker, so it was not something he engaged in generally, though it would be weird if they didn’t drink. Was something wrong?

“We didn’t bother to drink. Everyone had schedules today and no one really cared for a hangover, since Min and Minho had early activity schedules, so we just didn’t bother”  Kyuhyun informed matter of factly. He shifted a bit so that he could have a clear view of Yesung’s face as they spoke, but ensured that his hold was not loosened significantly. He was happy that they were just back to their usual conversation, that consortium they were building.

“Did you have a good time?” Yesung asked as he rubbed his hand along Kyuhyun’s shoulder and upper dorsum. This question carried no tone of animosity or anger, or even an inkling of jealousy. It was just Yesung inquiring into whether his BabyKyu had a good time whilst he was out with his friends. He wanted Kyuhyun to have fun. Their lives were always so stressful and whether either admitted it or not their relationship was also a source of stress, with constant worry and need to be cautious. They were lucky that the benefits were always much greater, exemplified by Yesung pressing an unexpected kiss to Kyuhyun’s forehead. He often hoped that Kyuhyun could atleast find an outlet to be happy and stress free. He regretted that was not always the case in their circumstances, but couldn’t bring himself to even conceive regret for having entered into their relationship.

“Yeah it was fun” Kyuhyun responded with a nod of his head. Despite the scheduling conflicting and the fact that they couldn’t drink, he still had fun with his friends. It was a good evening in general and despite the earlier craziness, it was a perfect ending.

“That’s good” Yesung agreed, smiling brightly at Kyuhyun, continuing to rub his comforting across his shoulder or run his fingers through his hair, whilst Kyuhyun did the same in effect to the hand that was held in between his. They both stayed like that for a while, settling into the warmth and each other, content to be in each other’s presence, letting the thoughts settle and be clear. Kyuhyun though that something that wouldn’t leave his mind and thought it best that he just come straight out and ask it. He was a genuine person by nature and he preferred if things be in the open. He was not going to let it have the opportunity to drive him crazy. He was just going to get the clarification he needed.

“Hyung, do you ever get jealous? I mean I am so close to Sungmin hyung and Changmin ah, or even all those girls, yet you never seem to care.Why don’t you get jealous?” Kyuhyun asked hesitantly yet seriously, eyes piercing into Yesung, lifting his head so that he could properly gauge all his reactions. It was not an easy question to ask. He had to swallow a bit of pride and gather a bit of courage, but he honestly really wanted the answer. Yesung should feel some sort of jealousy. Why wasn’t he reacting at all? Kyuhyun supposed he should be glad that Yesung never thought he couldn’t trust him or maybe Yesung thought that their love was strong enough, but it still made him curious, if nothing else. Kyuhyun was particularly close to Sungmin and Changmin, yet Yesung had never batted an eye at the mountain of Kyumin shippers or ever looked the tiniest bit concerned that Kyuhyun spent time with anyone else. He knew that Yesung did not have a natural possessive nature. The thing with Changmin was not even possessiveness instead that came from hurt feelings and insecurity. Why it was that Yesung never really reacted? Kyuhyun didn’t think he would care about the reason, but he just needed to sate his curiosity in the matter.

“Should I be? Is there reason to be?” Yesung questioned with a neutral expression, except for the slight lift of his eyebrows and the thinning of his lips, his face a mask of confusion, or what appeared to be confusion. His voice whilst extremely calm was laced with a deceit that Kyuhyun picked up instantly. It was soft but present, that faint doubt that he concealed so well. Kyuhyun was in a predicament. He had a decision to make. In his mind he wanted Yesung to be jealous, he wanted him to be as irrational as he was, he wanted Yesung to want to possess him, to want to keep him and never let go. He supposed that he didn’t need to feel jealous to feel those things, but it would be a good indicator. However by simple logic it was obvious that Yesung had nothing to be jealous about. Kyuhyun in his own mind had made it abundantly clear that he was hopelessly irrevocably, eternally in love with him. In truth Yesung never had anything to actually feel jealous about. He didn’t think in his life he would ever feel anything close to what he felt for him. No one would ever compare, ever touch or conceive the sort of love he felt for the man. He was practically his soulmate, that elusive other half. Something like that is never recreated; everything else would always be a pale imitation of perfection. Yesung definitely had no reason to feel romantic jealousy of any kind. He didn’t even have a reason to feel friendship jealousy.  Kyuhyun would admit that Changmin was his best friend, but what he had with Yesung was something entirely different. The connection they shared was not just a friendship, but existed in a perfect understanding. It was the same but fundamentally different. He made good friends but none would ever be able to complete him like Yesung did. It was a hard choice to make. He could insinuate jealous or he could clarify. He did what his heart thought was best.

“No. There is no reason for you to be and there never will be” Kyuhyun responded with force, his face sincere and determined, eyes strong and firm. He was lying to rest any possible doubts the older man had. His words before may have seemed nonchalant, but he couldn’t hide from Kyuhyun. He saw the doubt he was concealing, he saw that tiny bit of fear that would eat at him later. Kyuhyun noted that he had essentially given up all the power he could possess in the relationship. He had deprived himself of all opportunity to test love and play those nice little games. It was worth it though. If he implied anything else, all he would do was cause pain. Yesung would allow doubt to creep in, to torture him. Whilst Kyuhyun would just react crazily, Yesung would withdraw, he would lose faith; he would lose trust in Kyuhyun and the relationship. Kyuhyun supposed it was meant to show that those relationship stereotypes didn’t apply everywhere and to everyone. Jealousy could be a good thing, but not necessarily for them at that point. Right now Yesung needed to trust him wholeheartedly, he needed to trust the relationship, trust that Kyuhyun would never abandon him. Kyuhyun knew the fears he hid, he could see it his eyes sometimes. He only needed Yesung to know that he truly loved him. Playing games would bring nothing but heartache to the both. Kyuhyun may get instant gratification but the long term effects were not worth it. It was best to be truthful, to ensure that no doubt could exist. He was glad that he was in the end.

Yesung at smiled truly at his response, in a sort of brilliant manner, looking down at him with sparkling eyes and pure affection. This was worth more than a jealous reaction anyway. This was true love and affection, genuine trust. Even if he tried to appear that he didn’t care, Kyuhyun could see that he was invested. From the sparkle in his eye, Kyuhyun wondered if he really was as oblivious as he often appeared. Kyuhyun strongly suspected that Yesung was well aware of his actions, in a sly shy sort of way. This especially applied to the last question. It was a well placed trapped if Kyuhyun was to examine it. There was never any other way he could respond and Yesung would get a confirmation of any question in his mind, without ever having to ask. It was a simple question, asked with brilliant fake nonchalance, that had many connotations and could be applied to every aspect. It was a confirmation of love and devotion without him having to even propose the question, as well as an eliminator of any games that could be played. Kyuhyun was genuinely impressed. It was rather amusing how sneaky he could be behind such an innocent face. He was currently smiling sweetly at Kyuhyun, his hair gently. Kyuhyun just chuckled, reaching his head upwards to press a soft kiss to his cheeks, before returning to burying himself in the crook of his neck once more, chuckling at the awesomeness of it all.

“I prefer you to Changmin anyway. You are much better” Yesung mused somewhat suddenly. Kyuhyun though supposed that was Yesung’s way of thanking him for his previous confirmation. He really does have some odd experiences with the older man. Kyuhyun just laughs in response, rubbing his head against Yesung. Kyuhyun wanted to respond but decided to leave it there. That would just be enough for him.

“Do you think he would really get mad if I hold you hostage though?” Yesung asked somewhat seriously. Kyuhyun couldn’t really find the intention of the question, unless perhaps Yesung was just curious to know if that was a real possibility or he could just still be contemplation what to do to ensure that he and Changmin were friends again or he could be taking Kyuhyun’s words seriously from before. With Yesung it could actually be all three. Kyuhyun was at the point that all of it was just hilarious to him now. He didn’t even care anymore. Yesung had empathically stated that he liked Kyuhyun more than Changmin, so it didn’t bother Kyuhyun that he could still possibly want to be Changmin’s friend. Actually, now Kyuhyun was wondering why they weren’t friends anymore. He supposed that he could try and repair the relationship, but he was more tempted to keep Yesung far away from Changmin. There would be no real reason, but that was just how Kyuhyun was. Yesung was his and he would keep it that way.

“Either way, you should keep me away from him” Kyuhyun advised in jest. He was just enjoying the craziness and the unique logic that Yesung follows. He would truthfully rather like it if Yesung wanted to keep him away from the world, but in fact the statement was stated in jest, as he would like to maintain his friendship with Changmin. He supposed he should be glad that Yesung didn’t have a problem at all that he spent time with his friends and so on.

“I will. You will be mine only. That will be Changmin’s punishment” Yesung said with a chuckle, voice strong and playful, tightening his hold on Kyuhyun, wrapping his arms around Kyuhyun’s body, unbelievably close, almost like a plushie. He would have suffocated Kyuhyun if he was smaller. Kyuhyun just laughed at the exaggeration of the action, also holding on tightly. He was treating Kyuhyun as a precious stuff animal that he wouldn’t let go, that he was going to hide away. Kyuhyun realized that the entire thing was based on some crazy warped logic, but at the end of the day he had actually achieve his purpose. Yesung had decided that he wanted to hold Kyuhyun close, to hide him away from the rest of the world. He wouldn’t worry about how they got there, but instead enjoy the bone crushing hug that was making him blush slightly.

Kyuhyun was happy, he was content, he was pleased. He realized from this whole experience that he didn’t need jealousy, instead he needed loved. Jealousy was not love, it was a by product of it. He could live without the jealousy, once he had the love. He supposed that the reason that Yesung did not feel jealous was because he trusted Kyuhyun to never hurt him. He perhaps didn’t think he had anything to worry about. This was a good and a bad thing. It was good in the sense that it showed the strength of the relationship and the level of trust being exhibited. It was bad in the sense that Kyuhyun would now have no power to exert. Forcing jealousy and those reactions, allowed a party to have some level of control of reaction, but in this formulation Kyuhyun wouldn’t have that ability. He couldn’t play games but maybe that was a good thing. Games in a relationship only truly ended in heartache. No one truly benefits. 

Instead he was able to achieve his true goal. At the end of the day knowing that Yesung trusted him was worth way more. He was trusting Kyuhyun to love him and protect his heart. That was worth more than petty jealousy anyway. Trust was vital for any future they would want to build together. He was in love with the fact that Yesung trusted him. Jealousy was a fleeting feeling that had a quick result, but trust and love were the foundation of everlasting love. He could do without jealousy once he had the man’s love. Trust was necessary. ‘Then you should stop wasting time getting jealous about Siwon. You trust Yesung don’t you?’ his mind questioned meanly. He would only contend that firstly he wasn’t jealous okay! And secondly he trusted Yesung with his life, much less his heart. Yesung would never hurt him, its Siwon that he doesn’t trust. The guy was just too touchy feely, it annoyed him. Honestly he was just protecting what was his. Yesung may not wish to react that way, but for Kyuhyun it was natural. Just because he felt something akin to jealousy, but not jealousy [Yeah, we believe you], does not mean he loved more or trusted less, it just meant that he had a different way of expressing his affection, and it really didn’t help that he was naturally sort of possessive.

“Glad you are home Kyu ah” Yesung whispered drowsily, eyes closed, his hold loosened from strangling to just intimate and comfortable, pressing a few light kisses to Kyuhyun’s head. It was after 3 in the morning. How on earth was he still up anyway? Kyuhyun found it adorable, as he drifted off to sleep, Kyuhyun feeling the breaths even and the calm over take him, yet his hold not relaxing. Kyuhyun realized something in that moment. Yesung was not jealous but he had his own way of expressing his love. He didn’t worry about where Kyuhyun was or who he was with; just that Kyuhyun came home to him. He was giving Kyuhyun freedom to have a life outside of him, to live on his terms. He was trusting Kyuhyun to always return to him, to be trustworthy and to love him. Yesung was at a point where he could appreciate the end result. Kyuhyun felt warm all over. This was Yesung’s expression of love, his form of jealous. He didn’t want Kyuhyun to always be with him, he just wanted him to be near him at the end of the day, in his arms. They felt the same thing, just expressed in a different way, swayed by their personalities. Kyuhyun was reactive to small things; Yesung looked at the bigger reality. In the end both just wanted the other’s love.

“Me too” Kyuhyun mumbles lovingly, staring briefly at the man holding onto him in a strong protective embrace. Kyuhyun was always happy to be home, happy to be in his arms. This was his home that he would always return to. No matter what happens, this would be where he always belonged, would always be protected, always be loved. ’I think I have endured enough sappiness for one day, don’t you think?’ his mind asked tiredly. Kyuhyun ignored it, as he pulled himself into a comfortable position, nestling his head under Yesung’s chin, unintentionally tickling the man, that swatted him out of reflex, chuckling at it, before he shifted, causing Yesung to mumble something Kyuhyun couldn’t understand expect his name, a warm sleepy smile on his face as he returned to sleep.

Kyuhyun didn’t need jealousy, he only needed love and trust, two of which he had in abundance. In the end of the day that was all that really mattered. It didn’t matter that Yesung didn’t chose to express his love in the form of jealousy, just that he loved Kyuhyun. He didn’t only love Kyuhyun but he trusted him as well. Honestly life couldn’t get any better for Kyuhyun. To have that sort of love and trust was unbelievable, the existence of a reality greater than a dream can envision.

Well…maybe it would have to be a qualified perfection. Yesung was still jealous of Changmin and not him. Seriously how weird was that? He had realized that the jealousy just came from hurt feelings, but it was still a surreal experience for Kyuhyun. How on earth did those things just happen to him? He wouldn’t even hope for there never to be a repeated, because the only way for that to be fulfilled was if there were no Yesung. He really wanted Yesung, so that meant that he just had to get adjusted to crazy situations and be ready to face a few curve balls. He would gladly accept all that, once he could be with the odd man. He didn’t even want him to change. He was perfect as he was. Kyuhyun chuckled internally. He still couldn’t believe he was jealous over Changmin. He swears he will never figure out how that man’s mind works.  He would look forward to trying though. He would have a long time to do it, which was enough to make him smile like a fool. He reached downwards and found the hand that had escaped in the interim, joining fingers, pressed his body against Yesung’s side, nestled his head comfortable against the side of Yesung ‘s throat and closed his eyes. The peacefulness allowed the warmth to rush through his body, touching every part of his being, burrowing into his soul, consuming him entirely as he felt the effects of an intoxicating aroma engulf him. Kyuhyun smiled beautifully.

He was right. It was better than a dream.


A/N:Not what you guys expected huh?...lol…No it’s not a April Fool’s joke. I just saw this [Link beneath, credited as sited] and thought this would be fun to write. I was supposed to finish much earlier but was kinda sick, so here it is finally. I know this is not what most of you expected, but I do promise to write a proper Yesung jealousy chapter. I am waiting for the right point in the relationship, where there will be real consequences and based on stronger emotions. I hope this was fun anyway. I was also asked to announce that April 13th will be Kyusung day …so let’s get ready to celebrate!!....Yayyy!!!...lol

Also I have a little game in mind. I have dropped clues through the oneshot series about the other couples I like. Four are blatant and one is a ninja. First person that gets them right,will get a prize {Originally cookies, but that’s impractical, so it will be a story of your choice, including setting, pairing and plotline, only exception being full and Kyumin} Anyone want to play with me?..lol


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388 streak #1
Chapter 1: It's still funny tho I've read this before! The way Yesung got jealous, and not with Kyu, but with Changmin! Super! 😂
Chapter 1: Omg this is a funny kind of jealousy. Kyuhyun is going insane. Nyahaha
388 streak #3
Chapter 1: wuaaah! WUAAAH! So much for my heart XDDD~
Chapter 1: Awwwww.... just awwwww, can I please gush over how cute this is? Yesung my crazy bias I love you and your abnormal quirks. Seriously? jealous of the wrong person. *Sigh* Only Yesung. I smiled the whole time I reread this. I love reading your fics again and again they truly make my day. Honestly kyusung is just perfect, and they way you write them is even more perfect <3. I love that Kyuhyun wanted Yesung to be jealous, I suppose I would feel the same way, but we all know with Yesung you don't know what to expect. But that just makes everything he does more adorable. Thank you for this.
Chapter 1: OMG!!!! jealous Yesung is...... so kyute!!!! but it's so funny that he was jealous of Kyuhyun instead of Changmin XD poor Kyuhyun
carolina #6
omooo, yesungie is too cute here... they look so adorable.. when yesung got jealous to changmin.. omoooo, omoo, I love you're stories..
lahdeedah000 #7
Aigooo, Yesungie is just too kyute! >.< I literally burst out laughing when I finally figured out that Yesung was actually jealous of Kyu being with Changmin, not the other way around. They are both way too adorable. <3
ok couples: yewon, minwook, eunhae, teukchul and yehae?

now about the story,
I loved it, good job!!!, when changmin said: I haven’t seen him in a while and I miss him. i remembered that cut from come to play but i no expect this reaction on Yesungie...hilarius...;)
How ever Kyu is so mischievous with his answers and pure love. Srsly you, i mean kyu has a sever obsession with Siwon. Poor kyus mind always worried.
Paris is coming, so i hope find more yekyu moments.
PreciousKyu #9
So I finally got my lazy to comment. I'm such a bad, bad, bad dongsaeng. This was indeed not what I expected, but it was an awesome way too keep it interesting. I was like: Are you freaking kidding me, Jongwoon?! And I felt totally stupid for feeling jealous on his behalf. lol But with Yesung one should expect the unexpected. 

I was floating along with lovesick Kyu while reading the ending, as always. I secretely wanted to lay in between them in a total non-y way. But that would mean that I'd deprive them from each other's warmth and I wouldn't wanna do that to my OTP(Aaaawww). I'm particulary fond of the fics that take place when the relationship is a bit advanced, cause they're just that bit more fluffy and sweet. I don't know...

I hope you'll forgive me for not commenting in your previous stories. But you know that I always enjoy reading them. To think of it; you're actually the first writer who got me commenting. Hehe Keep up the good work unnie!<333

Ps: It wouldn't be right for me to guess your other favourite couples, since I already know them.

thursday #10
Okay, I finally had a chance to reread! I love the allusion to wonderland(I am an Alice addict). I like odd guys, too(and I live with several), it does keep life interesting because you really never know what they are thinking, and it is usually nothing what you think it is.

This sort of love is hard, as ice420 said. The highs are higher and the lows are lower. But I like that they have still maintained their independence, and besides Siwon, there is little jealousy. It is easy to lose yourself in love and in the one you are in love with. But that is dangerous. They seem to be avoiding this trap(I do realize that I am talking about fictional characters, but you do such a lovely job of making them real)

I also love it when K. argues with himself. It was so funny when he kept getting caught daydreaming with Changmin. And that they both remembered him gushing about Y right after the confession. That sort of detail really makes the story much richer.

Of course I don't mind if you call me Unnie. Just don't call me ahjumma. lol. :) I got sad news this morning. We just got a new computer, but it has some issues, so we have to ship it back tomorrow--so I have no idea when I will be able to access the internet again. Until I can sneak off to the library maybe. So don't think I have abandoned you.