Take Me Home

Take Me Home


Sooyoung clenched her fists, her heart pounding in her chest and adrenaline coursing through her veins. As her circular disc rose, she got a better look at her terrain and sighed with relief. The Gamemakers had selected a thick jungle, with lots of trees for camouflage and plenty of places to run. She thought about what Silk and her have discussed during strategy meeting, then took a glimpse towards the others in the circle around the Cornucopia. The monstrous boy from District Two was smiling, his eyes trained on the weapons littering the centre. He was going to be the one who will start the bloodbath, along with his ally from his own District, Four and then Six. It was unusual for any other tributes to group up with the Careers outside of Districts One, Two or Four, but the tributes from Six had scored a magnificent ten. The careers had seen chance, and now they proved to be unbeatable. Until they were down to just the six of them and Sooyoung smiled; it was all fun and games until five of them had to die. She was glad she declined their invitation to join them. 


 Sooyoung caught the eye of the other tribute from her District. He held her gaze for a few moments, before he started sprinting towards the center. Sooyoung's eyes widened before she realised that everyone else has gone, and she almost cried out to the boy for distracting her. Sprinting towards the nearest backpack, she yanked it from another tribute's grasp and ran for the jungle, the branches slapping against her as she ran deeper and deeper into cover. She stopped running when she couldn't anymore, and looked up at the gigantic tree she was resting against. She supposed she couldn’t stay on the ground, since many people will be able to reach her.


 Using her minimal weight to her advantage, she climbed to the highest point of the tree. She reached the top and looked for the Cornucopia, and her mind went blank. Even from this distance, she could see the blood that the tributes spilled, their life splattered across the ground as their earthly vessel lay unmoving. Sooyoung sent a silent goodbye to all the tributes dead, and prayed for death to whoever comes crossing her path.





Sooyoung had been had been told by Silk that she would get many sponsors for her. Being from District One, it wasn't hard to gain favour. It helped that Sooyoung was especially beautiful, and this morning she found a silver parcel waiting for her on the end of her branch. She reached for it and opened it, finding a dozen of the sharpest poison-ended darts inside. She smiled to herself and looked up, waving them in the air. She climbed down from the tree and decided to go back to the Cornucopia, to hopefully salvage whatever she could find in it. She was quietly creeping along, minding her own business, when a sudden force knocked her from her feet and slammed her to the side. She didn't have time to see the attacker's face, before she stabbed one dagger into its back, hearing a final groan before it rolled off her. Sooyoung kicked her attacker off, looking down to find a girl not younger than she was. She quickly looked up to find three more people in front of her, all looking at her with a predator-like gleam shining in their eyes. They held no grief over the loss of their companion.


 "Come now boys," Sooyoung breathed, crouching as thought about to attack. "You wouldn't harm a lady, would you?"


 "Stop kidding around One," the furthest to the left spat, and Sooyoung felt hate radiate from him. "Your people are so pampered, I bet you haven't seen hard work before. How does it feel like now huh? Spilling blood and watching other tributes die. I bet you're shaking in that ridiculous outfit of yours."


 Sooyoung ignored the comment; she knew her showy silver jumpsuit was ridiculous and did nothing to camouflage her, but she smiled back and slowly took out the only weapon she managed to get from the Cornucopia. She slowly brought it around to show her attackers, silently daring them to come. But they crouched like she did, bidding their time until they figure out their strategy. "You're no different from any of us One," the figure at the center said, readying his sword. "You're a killer, just like the rest of us."


 She smirked. "There won't be many of you for long." And she charged forwards, jumping up just as the man in the middle slashed his sword. She swiftly avoided it, landing behind him and inserting her combat knife into his heart. He fell to the ground as she turned to intercept the attack from her right, kneeing him in the groin before stabbing him on his back too. As Sooyoung plunged it deeper, he spat blood onto her shiny silver suit, before dropping like his companion. Unfortunately for Sooyoung, she forgot that there were three of them, and she was once again forced backwards. As she lay gagging on the grass, she looked up at her enemy. The number over his heart was a Ten, and she remembered his face when they announced the training scores. This boy only scored a six, and she could feel a determination to prove himself in the way he held her hands above her head. His companion's sword is in his left hand, while his powerful thighs clamped on either side of her.


 "You're very pretty, One," he said, his breath fanning over her face. Sooyoung struggled against his hold, but he tightened his grip on her body. He traced the sword over her jaw, then down over her curves slowly, almost lovingly before he stopped on her hip. "Should I have some fun before I kill you?" He lowered his head to kiss her, but Sooyoung moved her head to one side, avoiding his unwanted caress. He pulled back his lips in a snarl, and raised his sword to end her life. Sooyoung met his eyes and stared into it defiantly, as if wanting to sear this memory into his brain. 


 Suddenly he gasped, his body swaying forwards slightly as a pointed object appeared in his chest. He spat out blood onto Sooyoung's face, before being tossed to one side. Cannons boomed. Sooyoung looked up to see the same guy from her District, the one who managed to distract her before the Games started. He stared down at her, his lean body turned to one side as he gripped his bayonet. Sooyoung propped herself up on her elbows and stared back at him. "You gonna finish me off? Or do I have to anger you first?"


 He said nothing, and reached down for her hand. He wasn't wearing the same shiny silver she wore, but he was black through and through. His khaki pants matched the midnight black of his shirt, and his toned muscles rippled as she accepted his hand and was hauled to her feet. She stepped back and assessed him, before he turned away from her started to walk the other way. Then she decided that she's never felt so alone before, and wanted to stick to this strange boy. She ran after him and heard the whirring of choppers. She looked back and saw the bodies of the fallen tributes being taken up, their limp bodies being heaved up by an invisible rope. 


 And then they were gone. Sooyoung thought about how silly her life in District One had been, how stupid that she would think the Capitol would spare her. She was the daughter of the mayor, and the people of District One all knew and loved her. When she was selected at the Reaping, she thought that someone would at least step forward to save her. But they remained silent as she walked up to the podium, oblivious to the agonized crying of her family. She looked up to watch the boy watching her intensely, unmoving as she walked up to him. "Perhaps we'd survive better if we're together." she said.


 His expression was blank as he started to move again. "Just remember that one of us needs to die in the end."


 Sooyoung looked up at his face, to see them clear of all emotion. She wondered if the past Careers looked like that, no sign of human emotion as they hunted down the other tributes. She grew up watching the Hunger Games, wanting to take part and experience the real thing herself. What many people forgot was that there was only ever one survivor, and she was one of them. She thought about how stupid she was, thinking that people would step in to take her place. Even though Careers were formed in her district, she was still just another tribute. She didn't realise the fear that would grip her when they called out her name, neither rank nor fame shielding her from the terror of the Hunger Games. The boy was right; she was no different from any of them. 





 "Sooyoung," he called out. She turned to him. "Here, you can have my bayonet." He held out his arm as he passed the weapon to her. Sooyoung took it and tested it out, feeling the weight of the handle and getting accustomed to the swish of the blade. She turned and crouched, her blade poised and pointed. She then stabbed at the air, turning sharply as she sliced her blade through the air. It made contact with his sword, the same one that she was almost killed with. The clang of the two swords rang out in the night air, Sooyoung looked up as she felt captivated by his eyes. They were looking at her expressionless, his arm dragging the two weapons down to the ground. His free left hand suddenly seized her chin, and then his lips collided with hers in a fierce kiss. 


 Sooyoung melted. She's seen this happen to her classmates in school. Being the mayor's daughter also brought her curses; no guy has ever dared to touch her, in fear of her father. She always wanted to try it, but as she never made friends, she was destined to never find a lover. How ironic that she might have her first kiss in the midst of chaos, and she moved her lips against his. He was soft against her own, surprisingly gentle as he caressed her back. He dropped his sword and she did the same, his arms encircling her waist as he deepened their kiss. Sooyoung was flying, the way his hands rubbed against her as she let his tongue explore the cavern of , her knees growing weak at the growing ferocity of this intimate kiss. 


 All of a sudden, he pulled back. He still looked at her blankly, but they held a certain fire underneath the dark shadows of his orbs. "I had to do that," he said, swiping his thumb over her pink lips. "I've never been able to do that; so before I die, I want you to remember me." 


 Then he released her, and disappeared into the bushes. Sooyoung had never felt so cold in her entire life.





 "SOOYOUNG!" he screamed, sprinting towards her. She was still struggling to gain the upper hand, the raging hulk of flesh that was the tribute from District Two slashing at her. The female counterpart stopped him; her small green eyes alight in malice as she took a stab of him, the pain slicing through his lower abdomen. He roared and whipped out another knife from his ankle, plunging the knife deep into his enemy's back. It shot through her heart and the cannon boomed. He looked up just in time to see the action unfold in a sick slow motion, the spear he held making contact with her stomach. He watched it go up... then come back down.


 He yelled profanity at the man, hurling his knife with such force it met with Sooyoung's attacker. The knife embedded itself into his skull, throwing him to one side. He stumbled a few steps backwards, and then collapsed into the ground. He sprinted as fast as he could towards Sooyoung, his wound flowing with blood. Pain screamed at his body to stop moving, but it was nothing compared to the agony that burned in his heart. He threw himself beside her, sobbing as he gathered her in his arms. He pulled the spear and threw it to one side, knowing full well that she would never heal.


 How strange. He was crying, his tears falling onto her cheeks as if they were her own. She didn't feel the pain that the Career from District Two inflicted on her, and an eerie sense of calm washed over her. Just because her pain was not felt, she knew that the blow was fatal. She smiled, the action draining her as reached for his hand. He took it and clasped it, warm as hers was cold. "Are you... crying for me?"


 "Yes," he gasped, crouching lower towards her.


 "You volunteered for the Games, didn't you?" she asked him. Careers voluteered all the time, and they were the most frequent in her district.






"To protect you."


 She gave his hand the tiniest squeeze. "What's your name?"


 He looked at her, gathering strength from the way her voice sounded. It was sweet and quiet, reassuring him even while she lay dying. "My name is Shim Changmin."


 "Well, Shim Changmin," her voice was barely a whisper now. He could see the light leaving her eyes. "I hope you remember me. I can't..." she shuddered, and his grip on her hand tightened. "... kiss you. But I hope you would do the honours...?"


 He didn't need encouraging as he bent over her lips, still soft and flicked against his lightly. He wanted to imprint on her a lifetime of gazing every moment he can, every dream he's had, every moment he could've shared with her. He pulled back, his eyes still swimming with tears. Sooyoung thought him handsome; even through his grief, the angular structure of his face, the shape and feel of his lips and the eyes that now held an unnamed emotion. She paused for a moment, trying to identify this certain emotion. She realised she should've lived a little more, and found herself smiling at how she has done so much more in death. She heard the voice of the man who have become so dear to her, pleading with her as he called her name. "Sooyoung! Sooyoung I-"


 Was it possible in the end? She'll never know as she closed her eyes to the sound of a cannon.


- - - -


I can't believe I just killed my bias, and destroyed my OTP.
At least it's just a fanfic haha.
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Tzarista #1
Chapter 1: why did she have to die :'(
Chapter 1: it is so sad
oh no sooyoung died
please write more
NOOOOOOOOO. >.< Why did Soo die?? DDDD: I'm so sad right now T^T
But this is awesome~~ I wanna have your writing skills. :DDD
Please make more ChangSoo~~~ :D
oh my ing god. you didn't. but that was seriously... i want to say cute, but i'm looking for a deeper word. this was great.
Oh gahd. I like this a lot. So dang descriptive.
feliciti #6
you're such a ing good writer!!!!!
i love your stories and this was perfect!
but sooyoung died T^T WAE
still flawless ♥
The story was so damn awesome that i am ing speechless.
I would say more and stop ing cussing but no words can describe your writing. It was soo detailed and you could really visualize the scene and feel the emotions.
loverpanda #8
i love this so much ;__;. i love the plot and everything and the fact that this is changsoo+the hunger games <3 fighting!
love this XD eventhough in the end they broke yet still omg the tension is just... sweet *weird* anyway love this ^^
AHAHAH I LOVE THIS. esp the author's note. LMFAO. you killed zoo ): tragic, but well written <: keep up with the good work! <3