Ep 1

Falling In You


"Get away"

"Stay away from me."

Comments with disgust were made to Hyeryun as she walked to class. She looked down in shame, trying to hide her imperfect face. Big mistake. She bumped into Chunji. And dropped everything she had in her hands. "Watch where you're going, nerd!" he yelled. Hyeryun apologized formally and quickly bent down to grab her stuff. She was about to grab her book until L.Joe stepped right on it on purpose. Hyeryun's eyes started to fill with tears. "Why does everyone hate me?" she whimpered to herself.

After all her classes full of throwing paper at her head, calling names, and made fun of, she finally was happy to go home. Before she could walk out the door someone grabbed her elbow. She turned her head and faced Seulmi. She turned around and bowed her greetings. Seulmi scoffed, "Ch. Next time you touch my boyfriend again, your gonna regret it." Hyeryun gulped and nodded. After Seulmi left, she saw Chunji and the gang passing by. She scurried out the door and ran all the way home, thinking about what Seulmi had said to her. 'They're not dating..' she told herself.


The next morning, Hyeryun reluctantly got out of bed, not looking forward to school. She slipped her uniform on and washed up. After she put her glasses on and looked in the mirror she realized something. "Oh my gosh. I'm going to America today!" she squealed. "I won't have to deal with those people for another month." she said.

Hyeryun was waiting for the school day to be over, just so she can hop right on the plane. Some people actually took some interest in her and asked her questions about her going to America.

"Hyeryun you're going to America?"

"What are you going to America for?"

"Why are you leaving?"

"When are you coming back?"

Hyeryun had to explain over 50 times today to each person.

Finally the day was over. Hyeryun walked out of class with a smile of anticipation, until a hand grasped her shoulder and spun her around. Her smile faded away as she faced Teen Top. She greeted and tensed up, getting ready for any punishment. Chunji sighed and put out his hand. Hyeryun looked at the hand and back to him. "W-what?" she spoke up. "We just wanted to say have fun in America." Chunji told her. Hyeryun couldn't help but feel happiness explode in her. 'Teen Top. Wanting me to have fun in America.' she thought. She shook his hand, and to Chunji's surprise, she had the softest hand that any girl could have.


Seulmi walked around the hallways during break time in school, looking for "her boyfriend". She spotted Chunji and flipped her hair, getting ready to flirt. She stood up straight and walked like a model towards him. Chunji's eyes drew from the group to her. For a second Seulmi knew he was interested until he simply looked back to Niel, showing no interest in her what so ever. Seulmi pouted and tried to come up with another plan. She grabbed a book and put on a pair of glasses without the lens. She opened the book and pretended to read and walked towards them again. She purposely bumped into Chunji, dropping the book. She took her glasses off, "Ah! I'm sorry~!" she said with aegyo. Chunji leaned against the locker and watched her. She squated down and grabbed her book, doing a y wave as she got up. Chunji smirked, "not working." he patted her shoulder and the boys walked off. Seulmi looked back at them, "M-mwo?!" she shouted. The boys just laughed.


Back at the dorm, everyone but Chunji was asleep. He had to much things on his mind. Things about Seulmi, about the band, about himself, and strangely about Hyeryun. He still couldn't believe how incredibly soft her hands were. Every guy likes a girl with soft hands. He cleared his mind and closed eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep.

The next morning, the boys lazily got ready for school and reluctantly went.

Everything was awkward whenever Seulmi passed by Teen Top. She was still a little shocked at their reactions. She regretted doing such a stupid cocky move. "At least he doesn't like anyone else- especially that disgusting nerd." she referred to Hyeryun. "Once she comes back, I'm going to get her for touching him."

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syazayu #1
pls update i wanna know wht's happen next