
Drabbles: YunRi

 "WHAT THE HECK?!"Yunho exclaimed, his eyes glued to the screen. Yuri looked up from her book and smiled to herself, her CF with Daniel Henny playing on the TV. Yunho whirled toward Yuri and glared. "WHY ARE YOU GRINDING AGAINST THAT MAN?!"


 Yuri rolled her eyes and put her book to one side, sitting on her boyfriend's lap as she eased him. "Don't worry babe," she cooed, kissing his neck. "I'm just working. Besides, he'll never get to see how I can really grind." She winked and left him open mouthed.

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Chapter 43: So sweet! So good :-)
Chapter 43: Missed this to bits! ❤️
Chapter 43: love you ma dear~!
Chapter 43: Thank you for the update ♡
exoticsonecassie #5
omg my yunri feels <333333333333333 thank you for updating!
Chapter 38: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ This is so sweet! Thank you for updating!
GuiLD15 #7
Chapter 35: Sweet! Aww
omg why didn't i suscribe to this earlier? the overflowing fluffiness i can't even tbh
Chapter 35: awww these are so cute!!!!