[RE-OPEN!] Byeol☆Roleplay™ --Twitter based RP [NEW! JOIN US HERE! ^-^] Many Characters are FREE TO BE ROLEPLAYED! ^-^




1)  BE FRIENDLY AND RESPECT TO THE OTHERS: We all are friends so please be friendly and respect the others. Drama is allowed, but please don't be too much or else we will intervene ;)

2) CHECK & ASK YOUR CHARACTER BEFORE YOU MAKE THE ACCOUNT Make sure the idol you want to role play is free to be role played. You can check it on the lists or ask the admins by the comment box below if you're stil not sure :) (if the idol that you want isn't on the list, that means the idol is available to be roleplayed, furthermore, ask us! ^^)

3) PLEASE BE ACTIVE: online as much as you can, this is one of your responsibilty when you want to join, we will do the "active checking" once a week to make sure whether you're active or not. If you're not online without telling us more than a week, sorry, but you'll be kicked out. (Even if you're active just to say Hi, then offline, we'll consider you as inactive. We'll have a lot of consideration for it) ^^ talk to peole and interact with them. Surely, we don't want a 'dead-rp' right? ;)


4) MAGIC WORD: our magic word is BOMRATATA. If you wanted to join, you must drop a comment below with format:

"Can I be (name of idol)? Bomratatata!"


5) ONE PERSON, ONE ACCOUNT: We mean it. If we noticed that you have more than one account, we'll kick you out. Our admins are good in tracking it ^^


6) You cannot date before 5 days of joining here: It would be so awkward if you joined at 1 pm then you start dating at 5 pm, right? Please get to know each other first :)


7) YURI, AND AREN'T ALLOWED: This is a free- RP, of course, and please be straight, boyxboy and girlxgirl relationship aren't allowed (sismance and bromance are okay though). Keep on dm IF YOU WANT, don't do such a thing on timeline. Some people are easily annoyed/uncomfortable by such thing :)


8) Use brackets [[]] / (()) / {{}} if you're talking about OOC: and please don't bring your real life problem to our RP. We want to have some fun, right? :


9) DON'T FOLLOW PEOPLE FROM OUTSIDE: don't follow/talk/date and don't make make another interaction with people aside from this RP. Just follow and interact with people from our RP only. We want to keep our RP exclusive, isn't it? ;) (Hmm, actually the new magic word is: starstarstar ;) we've changed to make sure you guys have read the rules :p)


10) NO BOOKING: If you wanted the character, comment below and you have make the account within 2 days. and PLEASE TELL THE ADMINS WHEN YOU'RE GOING ON HIATUS OR LEAVE (but still don't make it too long, and please don't leave us ;A; think about the admins'and the people's feeling :D)


11)  INTEREST TO JOIN? :) Comment to the story below (please do comment instead of posting of the admins' wall. To make sure we do read your  application--since sometimes we barely check our wall :D) with the format we've told you in point number 4.

You have to say the magic word to ensure us that you've read the rules ;))




 Enjoy your RP life! ^-^

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Chapter 5: did this rp still active?
MrsPoliceMan #2
Chapter 3: May I be Sunggyu from Infinite? Bomratatata!
LuhanxKris #3
Chapter 4: Are you guys taking ulzzhangs?
Chapter 12: can i be snsd's jessica?
domoden #5
Chapter 3: Can i be suju's Donghae?
I miss byeollies ; ^ ;
Chapter 4: Can I be Girl's Day's Minah? Boomratatata!
4minute_sistar00 #8
Chapter 12: Can i be SISTAR Bora ??? Bomratatata!!!
sayonaracrawl #9
i miss this rp -_-
Chapter 8: Ahh I miss byeol :"(