
Just like everyday you are sitting in your favorite spot in your friends cozy cafe thinking about the fight you've had with your brother. The expenses you have to pay for the month and the stress from your work. Thinking about all these stuff makes you really frustrated. Then. The door of the cafe opened and your heart starts to beat like you have just run in a marathon. He's there. Like how a sun comes behind the clouds after a heavy rain. He makes everything feels right. "hi! Have you been waiting too long? Sorry im late." He said while smiling awkwardly. Even then he just takes your breath away. "No. Its okay! I just got here as well." You replied. He takes his seat in sual spot. The one across from you. You heave a sigh but it didnt go unnotice by him. "Are you alright?" He asked. "I'm okay! Its just i have a lot on my mind lately." You said. He smile and took your hands in his. And you know its his way of comforting you and telling you he's there. You smile back. he suddenly stood up and said. "Why dont we go to the park today? ill just skip work today and lets have some fun. So give me that smile okay?! " And then he hug her and they went out. "Hey!" Your friend nudge you. "Looking at him again?" She said. "Yeah". Its all you can say. "You know he wnt know you if you dnt introduce yourself you know." "I just wish it was me! I wish he would look at me that way. But i know that i am invisible to him. He only sees her."
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