its time :3

I want you by my side


Minhee Pov: {Seung Ho’s wife}


It was true I was pregnant

We went home and Oppa made me dinner but then said it was too unhealthy for the baby. I loved his smile that wouldn’t stop, even more when he would talk to my stomach every moment he could. “I’m going to order those salads you like from that place near my job” he went to make the call while I sat there thinking of how I could not wait to tell our families.

“You’re going to be a very spoiled little prince or princess” I rubbed my tummy, and then Oppa came and sat next to me “I agree! Our son will be the brightest and handsomest of the whole world” He boasted. “What if she’s a princess? Huh? You won’t love her?” I acting as if I was mad.


“Of course I will our daughter or son very much” he kissed my neck. “I just want them to be healthy” I hugged him.

“That’s the mommy instinct in you. You have made me the happiest man ever, first by accepting to marry me. Then second for giving us a baby” He kissed my hand. “Oppa I’m so happy, I pray that it never ends” He held me tight.

~Across Town~


Jin Ju Pov: {Cheondung’s wife}


I have not been feeling well lately, my husband brought me to the doctor fearing it was something bad. I told them my symptoms and they drew blood and told me to wait for results.

We sat waiting, till finally my name was called after what felt like it was forever.  We went over and I ripped open the envelope with the results…………………………. PREGNANT!!!

I just couldn’t believe it !!! We are gunna be parents! “Yeobo!! We are gunna be parents finally!!!” Oppa hugged me tight. “No we are a family” he corrected himself, I nodded “I’m so happy” But there was this feeling of something was gunna happen.


~ 6 Months later ~


Both mothers were rushed into the labor rooms, the moment that both couples had been waiting for finally!!!

Minhee Pov: {Seung Ho’s wife}


I was in sooo much pain!! But I didn’t care it meant our little princess would be here soon! Oppa stood next to me very worried, “Princess I wish I could do something” He wiped my tears for me.

“You are just by being here, soon our little angel will be born to be daddy’s little girl” He nodded and kissed my hand

~ In a room down the hall ~


Jin Ju Pov: {Cheondung’s wife}


The pains are sooo strong,  but my mind was only on our miracle our son about to be born into this world. I never could understand this feeling but I know something is going to happen once I give birth but I could tell Oppa was so nervous. I choose to not say anything,  “How are you feeling love?” He asked me making me smile “Its strong but not as strong as our son, I would take all the worlds pain for them as long as they are born healthy” I assured him rubbing my tummy. He nodded and sat next to me rubbing my tummy now, Just then Dr. Joon walked in with a big smile “Ms. Park it is almost time for your little one to be here, may I have a word with your husband?” He asked checking IV. I nodded as they both got up and went outside I thought of how I couldn’t wait to hold my son.




“Mrs. Park is not doing well, all of her tests show that they both will not make it. I’m sorry but once she goes into Labor, you must choose” Dr. Joon told Cheondung who stood there pale, “How can this be happening?” he cried.


How could he choose one or the other?????


“ I know that is hard but it’s God’s plan, once more I’m sorry” He told him leaving down the hall, Cheondung took a long breathe and went back into the room,  he saw his wife rubbing her tummy still with that loving smile.

Jinju Pov: {Cheondung’s wife}


Oppa came in with this look of sadness that over whelmed the room, “What’s wrong Oppa?” I asked as he just stood there like a zombie.

He finally looked me in the face “they want me to choose between you or…..” he was cut off by busting into tears…

“My life or our Baby’s?” I asked surprised but not really, I knew it since I was brought into this room. “Oppa you know whose life you’re going to save is our son” I told him, he turned to me with a look of disapproval. “No” he told me simply and looked away from me, I was so hurt by this but I prayed to God…

“God I beg you please save our son, I can’t choose to live over our baby’s life” I squeezed Oppa’s hand, which made him turn to me and touch my stomach “I’m sorry but I can’t lose you, we could try again once you are better. I’m begging you not to leave me” He told me kissing my hands.  “Promise me you will always be strong and watch over them protecting them for us both” I cried begging him.

Then out of no where a huge pain was coming over me, “Oppa! It’s….time!” I knew it was coming but there was no turning back now, Oppa ran out to find the doctor. I had alone time with my son, “My sweet angel Omma will always be with you. Daddy did not mean what he said earlier, he is just scared. You must protect him for us both I beg you my miracle” I cried.

Cheondung Pov:


“I NEED DR. JOON PLEASE MY WIFE!!!” Dr. Joon and a nurse came running in down the hall, Dr. Joon told Jinju to push, and I watched and held her hand as she pushed with all her strength. After three to four pushes cries filled the room…….

Jinju Pov: {Cheondung’s Wife}


There he is our angel ….his beautiful face. I couldn’t help but cry to think I won’t be around to show you all of my love, but you have your strong father who will do that for us both. “He should have a strong name like his father…. Leo William Park” I told everyone then I felt like I couldn’t breathe……..


Dr. Joon went over and tried to resuscitate Jinju but it was no use she was gone……

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Chapter 2: Leo~ :3
kekeke that wild little boy that hit Joonie kekeke
update please. wanna know what's gonna happen :)