A Scoop of the Sky - Chapter 2

A Scoop of the Sky


Play this to set the mood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go_tRctLmbc



Sunggyu and Dongwoo were sharing a chicken wing wen suddenly , Dongwoo pulled out a wishbone. He looked up shyly at Sunggyu and for the first time, he met Sunggyu’s charming eyes (A/N: Because his eyes seemed closed before lol).

Dongwoo stammered, “Make a wish, hyung.”

Sunggyu grinned, “No, you make a wish!”

Dongwoo blushed, “My wishes have already come true… because I’m with you, hyung.”

Sunggyu wished, “Then I wish we can stay together five ever!”

Dongwoo leant in closer and whispered seductively, “Pass me another chicken wing, hyung.”

Sunggyu leaned back, appalled. “You greedy dog~.”



Back on the ship, the battle was unfolding

  •         L and Myungsoo were loading cannonballs into the cannons whereas B-Bomb was also loading cannonballs into his own cannnon that his mommy gave him. He loved his mommy. B-Bomb thought, “I love my mommy.” He was lost in thought until he noticed the smouldering boulder that was L and Myungsoo’s cannonball coming just for him.
  •          The two baby maknae’s were having a nap because they were both tired and it was 2pm, the hottest time of the day which made all maknaes tired, globally.
  •          Meanwhile, as it was 2pm, it was very hot which made U-kwon feel very hot. And when U-kwon was hot, he took a nap with the maknaes, using P.O. as a pillow and Sungjong as a footrest.
  •          Kyung and Sungyeol were engaged in a rap battle. Sungyeol said, “Let’s end this now.” He let out one of his infamous dolphin screams which caused all of the dolphins in the surroundings to spring into A C T I O N and they all landed on Kyung.
  •          Hoya held Zico by the hand. “Come with me, Jiho.”

Zico seemed startled. “How did you know my real name?” His expression softened.

“Because… It’s on you nametag.”

“It’s like you can see right through me,” said Zico softly.

“No… I can see your nametag.”


“Let’s put and end to all this feuding and sorrow. Let’s jump over board…~together~.” Zico nodded.

The two captains stood on the plank.

Zico said, “Ready?”

Hoya nodded. “On the count of two. One….two!”

But only Zico jumped.

Howon laughed, “Moron, who really jumps on the count of two?”

                Woohyun was surrounded. He held one spear in each hand and kicked out with his bare foot- he was going Jesus style. The he realised he didn’t actually know how to use his spear or his spare so he chucked them away to the side.

                Jaehyo opened his musical lighter and belted, “JAI HOOOOOOOO!”

                “You are the reason that I breathe~” it responded.

                “NOOO! Bollywood!” yelled Taeil, who proceeded to leap overboard.

                Jaehyo closed the musical lighter and put it back into trench coat, lamenting the loss of his best friend lover, Mushroom Pants. In an attempt to avenge his best friend lover Mushroom Pants, Jaehyo seized one of Woohyun’s spears. “DUN



                He sound affected.

                He threw the spare spear at woohyun namja but since Woohyun was as graceful as a horsie pie pie, he ducked. Consequentially, they all watched as the spear sailed through the air and landed right on Myungsoo’s big toe, decapitating it. He shrieked in pain bansheely like a banshee.

                Angrily like a angry, L chanrged and headbutted Jaehyo who sailed like a spear overboard. His smirk said, “That’s what you get for touching my man!” Still in a rage, he ran to headbutt Woohyun as well. The headbutt was so powerful that it caused Woohyun to blast off Team Rocket style back to his own ~dimension~.

                Everybody except the napping nappun maknaes and the hot Yukwon ran to the side of Myungsoo who was writhing on the ground in pains. L fell to Myungsoo’s side inmediatamente.

                “It hurts so much, hyung! It hurts so much,” swept Myungsoo. Then for the first time in five ever, L did more than smirk. He spoke.



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Chapter 4: Gull...I can't explain what I feel...
Chapter 4: That.

I loved it <3
FeCkIn CrEyInG!!!