Normal Girl...

Normal Girl?... Pff No way!


* IMPORTANT!    "-" Means that they are speaking and -x- are Boomy's thoughts ^^


It's nine o'clock on a Saturday the regular crowd shuffles in ~

 "Hello?" My phone rang so I answered 

"Hey! Where are you!? I've been waiting for 20 minutes you know?" -Emily- I thought

"Oops, Sorry! I'll be there in 5 minutes ok?" I was walking as fast as I could to arrive there as fast as I could I knew she didn't like to wait

"Ok, but if you come late just one more minute I'll leave" -Please don't!-

"Ok, Ok I get it. Bye!"

​I was walking down the road after a long day at school, my friend was waiting for me at the "dorm", I was nervous it's true, but who wouldn't? Isabel told me last night that I would had an Interview the next day, I was finally going to be adopted...

​I was really surprised at the moment, no one on my 17 years of life had wanted me... I wonder why?, but this time was different. ​I asked her about them... the ones that will become my new family but she told me I would have to wait until tomorrow, too bad for me.

​I finally arrived at the orphanage "LFC Orphanage" was read on the plaque, and a petit girl around my age was standing in the gates. 

"Emily!" I shouted

"Finally, I thought you would not appear"

"Sorry, I had to stay after school ended"

"And it had to be today"


"Yeah I heard you the first time"


We stared at each other for a time before exploding in to laughs, we would always act a little mean to each other but just for fun, Emily and I had been friends ever since I remember, we were both left by our parent at a very young age, I don’t remember why anymore, since we were the only little girls at that time we became best friend, we would play all day, eat together, go together to all places we even shared rooms.

That was until she was adopted, a little more than a year ago, at first I was angry and sad… well they wanted to take away my best friend the only close to me on this world, but then I realized how much she needed that family, I have always describe her as a really cheerful and lively girl but I knew that deep in her heart she was hurt and sad, she jus couldn’t accept the fact that her biological parent just wanted to get ride of her, and I understood her, If that was my case I would probably felt the same way.

So she moved out to a new house with a new family while I stood there, but that didn’t affect our friendship, I would always visit her on weekends and she would come to see me after school every day…

“Hello~ ”

“Ah?” I came back to reality

“Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something in my face?”

“Oh no, I was just… thinking” I said as I gave her a small smile

“Ok.. C’mon let meet your new family!”

My new family

My new family

My new family

That phrase sounded in my mind… realization hit me again, I wasn’t prepared for that, what if they change their mind? What if they are just two heartless people?

“S-sure” I said trying to be calm but I failed -.-‘

“Are you nervous?”

“Not at all! ”

“Don’t lie, I have known you ever since I remember” She said in a matter-or-fact way

I sigh “Ok, yes I am. Happy?”

Emily smiled softly “It’s normal to be nervous but don’t worry I’m sure they are going to be the family you have been waiting for ”

I have always told her how much I wanted a family, how I wanted to feel what is like to have 2 persons that love you and care about you

“I hope you’re right”

“Well, we will only know if we go now, we’re already late!”

I smile gratefully at her and we both went to the reunion’s room.

To meet my new family…



“Boomy, Meet your new parents the Lee’s” Isabel told me as I walked in.

I stood there a little startled, in front of me was a marriage Korean couple about in their 40’s looking kindly at me. The man had black, short hair, he had some wrinkles in his eyes but he surely look young to me, he look calm and kind, the type of father I had like to have. And the woman… she looked at me the way a mom looks at her baby, she had short, curly hair, it was dark brown, her eyes look small but caring and her presence made me feel so… right.

“Hi dear” she spoke first

“H-hi” I managed to say

“You’re Bonnie right?” the man asked me giving me a smile

“Yes, but everybody calls me Boomy” I said a little hesitated

“Boomy, how cute that sounds” The woman beamed

It was quiet for a bit so I decide to ask something

“So… are you really going… to adopt me?” I said anxious for the answer

They looked to each other and giggle “Of course! We already think of you as our daughter”

My eyes shined in happiness –they liked me!- I thought, I was finally going to have a family

“Let’s pack your thing you’re moving with us starting from today”

I blinked and then grinned happily

“Ok!” I said and when straight to my room with Emily who had been with me the whole time

“See? Told you they were going to be amazing people!” Emily laugh with me while we packed my thing even if there wasn’t to much to pack

“I guess you were right”  





It's me! ^^ I know, it's a short chapter but this is just the beginning so wait for more!

​Also sorry if i't boring u.u it's late and as I said I don't have any... well maybe 4 or 5 chapters written but  I will not post them until I reach a point in the story


Any ways hope you enjoy this ^^  

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