Mir's Final Meal


 “So what are you going to do with him?” Sooyoung asked as she followed the two back into his office, watching him sit back down in his chair.

“Kill him, of course.”

This answer seemed to please Chul Moo as another wide smirk appeared on his face, looking at Sooyoung.


“What else do you expect? You’ve been through this scenario enough to know the drill.” He leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the girl as he narrowed them. “We’ve been too patient with him already. It’s time to finish this deal, my way.”

“Excellent, as always your way is the best way, boss!”

“Oh shut up!” Sooyoung scoffed at the man before turning her eyes back to Dong So, “You’ve hardly given him time to gather the money, how is this fair?”

“This business isn’t fair, you of all people should know that. I gave him ten years to find me and pay back the money that he owed me and he didn’t. He foolishly forgot but I did not. I gave him a blessing by sending you in the meantime so he had a chance to gather the money but he didn’t. And it’s been enough.”

Anger was building in his voice, he had been graceful enough to give the boy time to gather the money, an idol such as himself shouldn’t have any problems with gathering a large sum of money, especially considering how easily he borrowed it ten years ago. He didn’t like it when people didn’t pay back what they owed him and if they didn’t pay him back the money he would just have to take the most valuable thing they owned. Their life.

“What good would it do you if you killed him? You still wouldn’t have your money!”

“Consider it payment in kind!” He growled. “The same as you are. Or did you forget about that?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

He leaned forwards, “It means you should know where your loyalties are. Forget about the boy and continue doing what you are told. I so kindly raised you as one of my own, you should be grateful for that. But remember that I still owe you and you’d be wise not to cross me again. I might end our deal.”

She didn’t quite know what to say, mostly because this was something she hadn’t considered. True, though he had raised her as a daughter and taught her the ropes of being in the same shady business as them as some kind of hidden pawn, she never considered that if he had enough of her or she messed up he could end the life that she owed him.

“At least… let me bring the boy something to eat.”

Chul Moo scoffed in amusement, “You really don’t get it, do you? You are asking for a death wish.”

“I know where my loyalties are. But since you are going to kill him anyway, at least give me the chance to say goodbye. It won’t do anyone any harm, it’ll only ease my conscious so I can focus on following your orders like I used to.”

Dong So hummed thoughtfully, “Fine. Because I am feeling generous I will grant him his last meal and you a chance to say your goodbye, I’m sure he’s just dying to hear you say that.”

Sooyoung made her way up to the room they kept Mir in with bowl of noodle soup and a bottle of water. She felt horrible for putting him through this and even worse knowing there was nothing she could do to save him from his untimely death. At the end of the day, it was his own mess.

“Mir-ah… I brought food.” She spoke softly as she entered the room, finding Mir seated on the chair with his head drooped down, breathing heavily as he pretended to sleep again, hoping she would just leave him like she did earlier.

But she didn’t.

Instead she approached him and took off the blindfold, crouching down to look at his face with a frown on hers as he had his eyes squinted together. She carefully touched his cheek, “Yah, you can’t fool me, idiot.”

“G-go away…” he grunted, his voice hoarse and broken. He had no control over the way he sounded or how much of his feelings accompanied his words. He had given up fighting and trying to act strong.

“I brought you some noodles… You must be starving.” She plopped down on the ground in front of him, grabbing the chopsticks she had brought before.

“I said go away.” He sneered, glaring up at her though the bangs that were covering his eyes.

“Don’t be an idiot, I know you’re hungry so just be grateful I was considerate of you.”

“Grateful?” He scoffed, his voice breaking once again. “You tricked me! You betrayed me! I am here because of you! Why the hell should I be grateful for that?!”

“It was never my intention to betray you!” she replied, sighing softly. “I just had no other choice…”

“Of course you had a choice! You always have a choice! And clearly you chose to lie and betray my trust!”

“It was either this or get killed myself! “ She slammed her hand onto the ground, glaring up at him, “Is that what you would have preferred?! That he killed me because I tried to protect you before he went after you and killed you too?!”

“Then help me get out of here! We can both escape!”

“We can’t!” She scoffed, “Don’t you get it? No matter where you run to, he will always be able to find us! His people are everywhere!”

“Just admit it you don’t care about me, all you care about is your own life!”

“Wouldn’t you if you were in my position?!”

He stared into her eyes, his glare strong as he refused to look away. He was angry, angry that she chose her own life over his. That she betrayed him to save her own life. But then he realized that if he had been in her position he probably would have done the same.

“Well I’m glad I’m sacrificed to save your life.” He glanced away, sighing in defeat.

“I’ve tried talking to father… But there is nothing I can do… He made up his mind…” she spoke softly. “Now… let’s eat before it gets cold.”

She held up some ramen towards him, waiting for him to take a bite.

Mir bit his lip slightly, “I… I’m scared… I don’t want to die yet.”

She stared at him, feeling her heart break as she watched the boy that once was filled with so much energy and happiness, drooped on that chair broken and defeated.

“You promised… You said you wouldn’t let them kill me…”

“I-… Mir…-”


She tilted her head slightly, “What?”

“I don’t want to spend the last of my life as Mir the idol…” he swallowed. “I want to be Bang Cheolyong, the idiot farm boy who messed up and has to pay for his mistakes.”

She closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh. The more she sat there talking to him, the more her guilt started to eat away at her.

“Just eat already…” 

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Finally got around to updating Bullseye ^o^


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Hello! Keep up the good work. n_nb
n_faqihi #2
Really curious about how Mir borrowed the money...ugh Chul Moo what does that cow want now?
n_faqihi #3
This is one of my favourite fics I'm reading right now :D
I think the plot is really original, can't wait for more!
OH LORD what is gonna happen next?
Keep the updates coming (:
sofiaissocoollike #4
She seems so cold.. but i'm sure in the end Mir will get through to her and she will love him back..or at least, that's what i'm hoping for.. kekeke ^-^
oh dag . that bastard trashed the apartment ?! he is so sneaky - so annoying ! but OH NO ! She let information leak ! -___- gah . she definitely screwed up . if push comes to shove, she'll have to pretend like she saw the message when she looked over his shoulder . yeah , she could lie about that . now Mir is going to get completely suspicious - and . . . now things are quickly turning bad ! -__- but . I can already see that maybe . . . SooYoung is falling for Mir

Yay , I've caught up ! <3
so she was being followed . UGH ! I definitely HATE Chul Moo ! gah . he is so annoying and irrelevant ! he is too cocky for his own good and I hope he gets what he deserves . how did he hear the conversation between SooYoung and her "father" and IS HE STALKING THEM ?! ugh ! how does he know whenever they're out together . he enjoys his job a little too much and deserves to get the crap smacked out of him -__- gah . he is so annoying !

I think that is so sweet for Mir to be concerned for her and for him to have some innuendo . he KNOWS he wanted to take her for coffee anyways ! haha . as in a "date" . haha . he is just so cute . go ahead . . . tell her how you feel
Aw . Mir immediately wanted to protect SooYoung - but he was so nervous . Seriously. Chul Moo is definitely an . he really is . -__- and I don't like him. He has nothing to be cocky over - as though he is the best . he better get to stepping ! I love how the tension between Mir and SooYoung has technically been ended . I can see that they are both very happy to be around one another and somewhat , it's a little easier for them even during this entire . . . situation =)) . wow . your writing just gets better and better . I just hope that there doesn't have to be any bloodshed . anytime soon . or EVER . but we all know it's coming . and hopefully . . . it isn't Mir.
wow . this chapter was really suspenseful. I was so nervous for Mir ! I'm glad he wasn't supposed to be roughed up or anything like that. And I just love how SooYoung is quick to answer things on her feet. I would have definitely got caught when questioned about that, so, bravo! haha . In the end of the chapter, I see that the two, in a weird way, are starting to actually...you know--get along a little more. They're laughing together and the mood is less tense than before . so, I'm happy with that. hmm ? let's see how this will turn out. He definitely got to come up with the money - but, if he knew exactly that he was supposed to pay the Mafia back one way or another - he should have been saving up all these ten years in order for him to save up (sure it would have looked suspicious) but, at the same time, at least her wouldn't be... DEAD!
I loved this chapter and I also love your writing style (if I haven't told you before . keep up the good work =))
Aw . I just feel so bad for Mir. I mean, to have his life threatened non-stop .. . .. especially with the Mafia ?! gah . that's just . . . well , that's just AWFUL ! I just hope that it doesn't have to get . . . deadly . . . anytime soon . And no , you take your sweet time . you don't have to rush on the story AT ALL . Besides, it lets us know a little more about each person - I know I won't mind you having hundreds of chapters =)) <3 On to the next chapter (I'm trying to catch up)