

When Mir woke up he found himself still surrounded by darkness. No matter how much he blinked, the darkness wouldn’t disappear and it was clear to him that he was blindfolded. He tried reaching up to remove whatever was clouding his vision but something held his hands back, tied behind his back.

Slowly he came to his senses and realized that he just woke up to a mess. He was sitting on what he assumed was a chair, his hands tied behind his back as well as his legs tied together and they had him blindfolded. He slowly remembered what had happened before he out and panic immediately rushed through him.

He hurriedly tried to get himself loose, struggling against the tight rope around his arms but it was no use, he was stuck.

“H-hello..?” His voice was broken and pitched, not being able to control his nerves as he spoke up. “H-help!”

“Yelling for help isn’t going to work, stupid boy…” A voice suddenly spoke out of nowhere, the tone low and cold, sending chills down Mir’s spine. “There’s no one around to hear you.”

“W-w-who are you?”

The voice chuckled softly as he heard footsteps approach him, sensing someone in front of him before a hand ripped off his blindfold and the light of the room blinded him for a moment. He squinted, his eyes adjusting to the amount of light before taking in the person in front of him, suddenly recognizing the voice as he matched it with the face.

“C-Chul Moo… ” he swallowed.

A smirk appeared on his face as the man stepped back, raising his hands casually into the air, “Surprise!”

“W-why am I here?” He asked hesitantly, swallowing nervously once more. “Where is Sooyoung?”

“Oh right, the girl… I guess your friendship helped out after all…” He sneered with amusement. “You made it way too easy for me to catch you.”

He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, “Helped out?”

“Oh, didn’t you realize it was a trap? She helped set it. That little message she send you that got you out of your dorm? All part of the plan, of course.”

“S-she tricked me?” He felt it hard to believe. “She wouldn’t.”

“Oh, but she did.” Chul Moo’s smirk only grew bigger as he spoke, crossing his arms proudly. “She lured you out for me to capture. All part of the plan.”

“No, she wouldn’t! She’s not like that!”

He chuckled, “And you know that, how? Because you’ve spend a couple of weeks together and felt like friends?” He shook his head, “Face it, kid. At the end of the day she was just carrying out a mission and her loyalties were always with us.”

Mir lowered his head, shaking it slightly. Was it really true? Was everything that she told him, everything she promised him, all a lie? All part of their plan to get him and kill him? Did she really betray him? The only person he thought he could trust in this situation?

“What’s wrong? Did I crush your little heart with that?” He laughed loudly, “Our Sooyoung is a great actress, for a little annoying twerp.”

“What do you want from me?!” He cried out, glaring back up at Chul Moo. He wasn’t sure if it was this adrenaline rush was caused by the anger and hurt of being betrayed or the fear from actually being captured and knowing that his life was in more danger than ever before, but it gave him the courage to shout out and hold in his tears.

Chul Moo’s glare turned serious as he stepped towards the young boy, lowering himself slight to stand eye to eye as his hands wrapped around his shirt, pulling him as close as the chair would allow.

“Your blood on my hands.”

 Mir’s eyes widened, his heart stopping for a moment as the words echoed through his head, tears burning in his eyes as he tried to hold them in.

His reaction pleased Chul Moo as the smirk returned to his face, leaning back to stand up straight again, “Unfortunately the boss wants you around just a bit longer, I believe he wants to have a word with you later. So count your blessings, for now.”

With that being said, he walked around the chair and reapplied the blindfold, patting the boy roughly on the shoulder before leaving the room.

Mir heard the door close before he finally broke down. With heavy breaths the tears began to roll down his cheeks, turning into soft sobs. This was it, he was screwed. There was no way out for him anymore. He didn’t have the money to pay back Dong So, he didn’t have anyone that could help him. All he had was his life to give to the person who eagerly waited to take it.

How he regretted trusting Sooyoung even after finding out she was a part of the mafia. How he wished he had told someone, s or his family, anyone who could have helped him. If only he hadn’t been too afraid of something happening or too stubborn to ask for help to get out of the mess he made ten years ago.

In his mind he was starting to say goodbye to all the people he loved, knowing that he would never see them again. He knew that there was no way for him to get out of this mess other than death, and in his mind he apologized to his family for causing them harm. If what Sooyoung had told him was true, they might be going after his family next in order to get the money back. And that was all his fault.

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Finally got around to updating Bullseye ^o^


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Hello! Keep up the good work. n_nb
n_faqihi #2
Really curious about how Mir borrowed the money...ugh Chul Moo what does that cow want now?
n_faqihi #3
This is one of my favourite fics I'm reading right now :D
I think the plot is really original, can't wait for more!
OH LORD what is gonna happen next?
Keep the updates coming (:
sofiaissocoollike #4
She seems so cold.. but i'm sure in the end Mir will get through to her and she will love him back..or at least, that's what i'm hoping for.. kekeke ^-^
oh dag . that bastard trashed the apartment ?! he is so sneaky - so annoying ! but OH NO ! She let information leak ! -___- gah . she definitely screwed up . if push comes to shove, she'll have to pretend like she saw the message when she looked over his shoulder . yeah , she could lie about that . now Mir is going to get completely suspicious - and . . . now things are quickly turning bad ! -__- but . I can already see that maybe . . . SooYoung is falling for Mir

Yay , I've caught up ! <3
so she was being followed . UGH ! I definitely HATE Chul Moo ! gah . he is so annoying and irrelevant ! he is too cocky for his own good and I hope he gets what he deserves . how did he hear the conversation between SooYoung and her "father" and IS HE STALKING THEM ?! ugh ! how does he know whenever they're out together . he enjoys his job a little too much and deserves to get the crap smacked out of him -__- gah . he is so annoying !

I think that is so sweet for Mir to be concerned for her and for him to have some innuendo . he KNOWS he wanted to take her for coffee anyways ! haha . as in a "date" . haha . he is just so cute . go ahead . . . tell her how you feel
Aw . Mir immediately wanted to protect SooYoung - but he was so nervous . Seriously. Chul Moo is definitely an . he really is . -__- and I don't like him. He has nothing to be cocky over - as though he is the best . he better get to stepping ! I love how the tension between Mir and SooYoung has technically been ended . I can see that they are both very happy to be around one another and somewhat , it's a little easier for them even during this entire . . . situation =)) . wow . your writing just gets better and better . I just hope that there doesn't have to be any bloodshed . anytime soon . or EVER . but we all know it's coming . and hopefully . . . it isn't Mir.
wow . this chapter was really suspenseful. I was so nervous for Mir ! I'm glad he wasn't supposed to be roughed up or anything like that. And I just love how SooYoung is quick to answer things on her feet. I would have definitely got caught when questioned about that, so, bravo! haha . In the end of the chapter, I see that the two, in a weird way, are starting to know--get along a little more. They're laughing together and the mood is less tense than before . so, I'm happy with that. hmm ? let's see how this will turn out. He definitely got to come up with the money - but, if he knew exactly that he was supposed to pay the Mafia back one way or another - he should have been saving up all these ten years in order for him to save up (sure it would have looked suspicious) but, at the same time, at least her wouldn't be... DEAD!
I loved this chapter and I also love your writing style (if I haven't told you before . keep up the good work =))
Aw . I just feel so bad for Mir. I mean, to have his life threatened non-stop .. . .. especially with the Mafia ?! gah . that's just . . . well , that's just AWFUL ! I just hope that it doesn't have to get . . . deadly . . . anytime soon . And no , you take your sweet time . you don't have to rush on the story AT ALL . Besides, it lets us know a little more about each person - I know I won't mind you having hundreds of chapters =)) <3 On to the next chapter (I'm trying to catch up)