His truth

My Stupid Fiancee

"WHAT?!!" i yelled in disbelieve

he rub his neck "well it's not all of my fault, because you started it first. i got the main idea from you" i clenched my fist. seriously i'm not showing any sorry in my face, and he didn't look guilty at all. i was busy with my self while jonghyun laughed so hard till it annoyed me so much. no one can disturb my fantasies. i stepped on his foot, he flinched.

"seriously? you just ruined my childhood. everyone's childhood" i crossed my arms in front of my chest and pouted.

he chuckled "no one believe in vampire these days girl, not even a kid" he sipped his coffe. i furrowed my eyebrows

"you fooled me all this time being a vampire? i can't believe you.." i stopped my finger from pointing at him.

he smiled teasingly, but i really believed his word. my fantasies ;__; "i hate you" i yelled which easily catch all of the attention in that small cake shop.

"wow wow, hate is a strong word miss" he playfully smirked towards me, and jonghyun laughed, he didn't help me at all.

"i know, that's why i used that word" i pouted "but really, i'm really into those fantasies, and i really believe you were a vampire" i frowned. i checked his pale skin, and red lips, his tall figure. he looks exactly like a vampire

"there's no such a creature exist in this world min hee" he ruffled my hair "stop it" i yelled. He laughed even harder "aigoo you are so cute like this" he pinch my cheeks "like a kiddo"

"well, i have to leave now i guess, someone was waiting for me" he wear his cardigan

"who?" i asked bluntly

He smirked and move his face closer to mine "my girlfriend" i blushed a bit because of the distance of his face from mine. He ruffled my hair "try not to hate me that much, kiddo" and he left

"geez i hope he pay for our bill" jonghyun said after he left. We laughed

We finished our cake and talked a little before leaving.

"so we go straight to dorm?" i asked

"it's up to you" jonghyun sipped the last drops from his cup

I think for a while " i think i want to watch movies. You wanna go with me or go straight home?"

"what movie?" he seemed a little bit interested

"vampire" i smiled sheepishly

He laughed "really?! You shouldn't believe in those creatures. They don't really exist"

"no, they exist. If they don't exist, so explain to me. What is exorcism? There's no way an exorcism exist without a ghost!" i crossed my arm in front of my chest

He smirked "maybe ghost only exist for people who believe in them. And maybe one time they will kidnap you and eat you like a spagethi" his word makes me got goosebump. I punched his shoulder 

"don't scare me!" i yelled, he laughed

"let's go" he pulled my arm while i'm still busy grabbing my stuff "wait" i said as i put my phone into my bag

He slipped his hands on my bag and carried it "hurry up" i stopped for a while. "let me bring my stuff" i tried to take it from his hand, but he wouldn't let me

"it's okay, anyway. Pay the bill" he order me. I pouted and walk to the bar

"the guy who left earlier has paid the bill" the waiter said, a grin was appeared in my face 

"thankyou" i bowed a little

"you're welcome. Please come again" then we left the shop and drive to video rent. 

Fyi : because vampire is not so popular anymore, there's no other choice except to rent a video. I decide to rent two vampire's film, the exorcist, and tangled to clear my creepy mind. While jonghyun tried to rent a y movie but i immediately throw it away. He tried to tease me, i know that.

Finally we went back to the dorm and jonghyun put popcorn into the microwave, and i made dinner for the others. It's only around 4 P.M and we decided to spend the whole time watching movies together in the living room.

We started the movie marathon with "underworld". jonghyun sat beside me, holding a big popcorn cup for both of us. The film was more into thrilling than scary movies, but still really good. Sometimes jonghyun flinched a little which makes the popcorn spread on our lap.

"that was good" he complimented the film after we finished watching it 

I smirked "told ya" and prepared for the next film i choose. It's "30 Days of night" this one is pretty scary. I hold on jonghyun's shirt everytime the vampire bite people, and tightened the grip everytime it appeared suddenly. Jonghyun seems scared too, but he act like he wasn't.

"scaryy" i said after we finished watching

Jonghyun chuckled "not that scary", i pouted

"let's move to the next movie" he said and ready to bake a new popcorn. I decide to use the toilet before the next movie start because i know the exorcist is really a scary film.

"the other must be on their way back to dorm right now. Should we wait for them?" i asked before starting the movie

"it's okay, just play it" he waited for the popcorn to be done

I walked towards his place "let me handle this. You better go to the toilet right now, because this film is really scary, or you won't be able to go to the toilet since you're scared" i nudged him and chuckled playfully

He laughed "what's so scary about a ghost? They don't exist" i punched his shoulder, he flinched

We started the movie. it's really scary even if it just in the beggining. Roo was awake and watched with us. 

i hold on jonghyun's shirt and pulled him near me. i put blanket around me with roo on my lap. jonghyun laughed at first but in the middle of it he move closer to me and we shared the blanket. roo was running across the room, but we don't really notice him because we were too much into the movie

then the girl in the movie turn her head 360 degress which made me screamed a little and hide behind jonghyun, jonghyun was scared too and hold me tighter. we ended up hugging each other during the film.

finally we finished the film, and the others came. we decided to have dinner

i saw jonghyun whispered to onew, and they went to the toilet. jonghyun use the toilet while onew was waiting in front of the door. i laughed silently. our eyes met right after he left the toilet, i smirked.

"what so scary about a ghost? they don't exist? bleh" i imitate jonghyun, he blushed

"what? i'm not afraid" he said

i smirked "oh really? 'hyung, please accompany me to the toilet'" i immitate him once more, he blused and palmed my forehead softly "shut up" and headed to his chair to have dinner

 the other followed as well and started to eat. after that we decide to watch tangled since tomorrow is weekend.

then i suddenly remember about yoochun's necklace. i check on my uniform pocket. it was gone. i open my bag and search for it but i couldn't found it.

"min hee-ya! hurry up! we are about to start now!" taemin shouted

i hesitated for a while then yelled "you guys start first, i've got something to do"

i tried to remember where did i lost his necklace. i checked on my accessories box, my clothes, cardigan. but i couldn't find it

i must've lost it in the crowd this afternoon. i wear my cardigan and went outside

"yah! park min hee!! where are you going?" jonghyun yelled while i open the door

"i'm gonna go downstair, just enjoy the movie" i shouted before i closed the door

i rushed to the street where we walked earlier and started to look down and search for my necklace, it was pretty dark even if the street lamp is on, so i use a small light to help me. i start from the bus stop.

people was looking at me in confusion and disgust, but i ignored it. i keep on focusing on my search

"what are you doing?!" jonghyun pulled my hand that caused me to get up

i'm not aware that tears were formed, and jonghyun's expression become a little worried

"what happened? was i too harsh? did it hurt?" he cupped my face with his hand. i shook my head and shed my tears

"what happened?" he searched my eyes softly

"i lost it" i said

he frowned "what?"

"i lost his necklace" i said. another tears were falling

he was lost in his mind for a second then said "it's okay, we will find it, don't cry. okay?" he ruffled my hair and smiled softly.

i nodded. we searched for the necklace about an hour and still can't find it, my mind knew this already but my heart won't let me stop.

"it's useless min-ah, let's continue searching tomorrow" he got up and lend a hand to help me get up

"it's okay, just go in first, i will search for it a little longer" i smiled weakly, he sighed

he stood still while i continued on searching. "i can't leave you here alone. it's getting late. come on min hee. it's an order" his voice getting serious

"i'm okay. just leave me" i said, still focusing on my search

then there's this another silent moment and suddenly he whispered "is it that important?"

i look at him, confused "huh?" i stood up and approached him

"if it was my necklace that was lost, will you search for it like this?" he looked hurt

"i-i-" i was at loss of words. i feel guilty. "mian" i whispered and look down

"no, don't apologize. Just forget it" he smiled sadly

"Let's go inside, hm? You'll catch a cold if we stay too long outside" he ruffled my hair and took my hand softly

"jonghyun-ah, gwenchana? you feel..warm" i said as i held his hand

he didn't answer, instead he burried his face on my shoulder.

"yah, your forehead is burning. you ok?" i started to grow panic.

"jonghyun!" i shook him, he didn't answer, but he groaned. his body was extremely hot. it's winter and his body was really hot.

"hold on! i will drag you to the dorm" i said, he nodded. i drag him to the dorm

the other was suprised when they saw jonghyun, so technically i screwed their watching time.

they stopped the movie and help me to bring jonghyun to his room. i got a thermometer and a moist towel before heading to his room.

"i can handle it" i said to onew, he checked jonghyun once again and nodded. he hesitated to leave for a second

"i'm sorry, i didn't know he's feeling unwell" i spoke to onew, tears started forming on my eyes

"it's okay. he will be okay, don't cry okay?" he smiled and ruffled my hair

"i'm not crying" i said but then i feel warm liquid on my cheek. it was tear. i didn't even know i cried

he smiled and pinched my cheek then left. i started to check jonghyun's temperature, and put the moist towel on his forehead.

he shivered. i feel bad for him. i helld his hand. it was so warm. i should have noticed it.

I should have realized that he was sick but still helped me to find the necklace in the cold. another tears fell.

God, why am i so weak like this? Tears never fell easily from my eyes before, but now they won't stop falling

suddenly i felt a warm hand on my cheek sweeping the tears

"i told you not to cry" i looked up to see jonghyun gazing softly at me. i sighed in relieve and hugged him spontaneously

"are you okay?" i asked and looked at the thermometer it shows 40 celcius degree.

he frowned and about to snatch the thermo "what's wrong?" he said weakly

i hid the thermometer "you are sick jonghyun. now sleep" i said and pushed him to the bed and covered him with blanket

"i'm gonna turn off the light and leave you here, so you can sleep" i said and get up but stopped by his hand

"don't leave me alone" he whined

i sat back to where i was "okay i'll stay" i said. he hold my hand and place it on his cheek

"your hand is so warm, minhee-ah" he chuckled

wtf? he changed? because of the fever? "you know what? you sound funny, i think you should sleep now jonghyun" i said

he seems like didn't hear what i say and keep on talking about everything

"jonghyun, come on. you have to sleep now" i said as i change the towel with the new one. he pouted

"i don't want to sleep now!" he whined and pouted.

he grinned "let's chat instead"

"no, you need rest. now go sleep" i ordered

"but i wanted to talk to you!" he pouted which made him look really cute

"okay, just tell me everything and sleep, okay?"

he smilled and nodded. "i want you to wear my necklace. why are you wearing hyung's necklace instead of mine?" he sulked

i nodded guiltily, "don't make that face" he said while pinching my cheek. i grinned

"but honestly, will you do the same if it was my necklace that's lost?" he stared at me with his puppy like eye

"of course!" i pouted. He grinned satisfiedly

"ah, don't scare me like today! i was scared to hell. honestly i don't know why i'm so scared, but it really haunted me. the thought of the fans are hurting you. it never happened before. i even think about trapping you and let the fans separated us instead of protecting you like today. i'm sorry tho. but i really enjoyed today, i thought today will be the loneliest day ever because i just had a little quarrel with sekyung 2 days ago. but you made my day" he smiled sheepishly and pinched my cheek

"what? quarrel?" i frowned

he nodded eagerly "we had that little quarrel about you and her. i guess she hate you so much? why?" he frowned and look at me

i stared at jjong blankly. she hates me? why? i thought we made up that day. "what's that about?"

"i don't know. she just hates you naturally, she said. and i couldn't take that reason. i said that you are not like that. but she refused to listen and we fought a bit" he said and yawned

"now i've said everything. time to sleep" he said and pulled his blanket around him

i fell too deep in my own mind.

then jonghyun drag me back to reality by holding my hand "so you won't leave me" he said with his eyes closed

i smiled slightly, but in my mind a lot of thoughts were lingering

she hates me that much? why?

is it because i'm being selfish? or because i did something wrong to her?


so jonghyun kissed my forehead that day because he wanted to make her jealous?

i smiled bitterly at the thought


AND YAYYYY AN UPDATE!! *cheers alone*

well, i want to apologize about the non-daily update, and now the comments really stopped ;__;

it was my fault anyway, i understand.

BUT could you keep leave some comments? because it boost my mood A LOT T__T

anyway, thankyou for reading!


comments and subs are waited !

our jinki grow up well T__T

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Chapter 49: Please update soon!!!...
Alfini27 #2
Update please
Blingsterswds781 #3
Update soon pleaseee...
breeranisar #4
Chapter 47: update next chapter soon
breeranisar #5
Chapter 46: U updated
thnx for this chapter update next chapter soon
breeranisar #6
Chapter 45: hahaha author but dont take this long in updating next chapter
well enjoyed reading this chapter
Yam_aldriana #7
SHINee_flamer13 #8
breeranisar #9
Chapter 44: finally thank u soooooooo much for this sweet chapter :)
plz update next chapter soon :)
Excited to read this!