Jenny didn't see it coming?!

Writing Stories of Our Life


~~~~~Your POV~~~~~

We got to the hotel and once again, there were a lot of cameras. Everyone all stopped to take pictures for the public before walking into the hotel. When all the guests arrived, the reception started off with people saying their speeches which included me as well. It was then the time that most women were looking for, the throwing of the bouquet, since I technically didn’t need to catch the bouquet, I just pretended to look like I wanted to catch the bouquet.

“Jenny ah, you’re already married, you don’t need the bouquet.” Said Hyuna unni as she pushed me away a little.

“Yeah Jenny, why don’t you just stand a little bit further back?” said Gina unni as she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me backwards before she got in front of me.

“Unni, you should move her to the front since Som is going to throw it far back.” Said Gayoon as she pushed me to the front.

I feel like such a pinball, moving from one space to another.

“Come on! I want to throw the bouquet already!” Som shouted out impatiently.

Everyone laughed while all the other ladies got ready to catch the bouquet.

“Okay, I’m going to throw it, one, two, three!”

I watched the bouquet as it flew upwards. I put my hands up and reached for it and amazingly I caught it. I jumped for joy as I turned around; I then saw a huge gap between me and the others. I looked at them with a confused look, then So Hyun then pointed to the bouquet and the other followed, I looked down at the bouquet and saw a piece of paper. I pulled the piece of paper out and read it.

Dear Jenny/Woon Joo/Jung Jae In,

When you look up, can you please smile and nod your head?

I smiled as I slowly looked up and saw Key standing in front of me. Key bit his bottom lip as he took what I already knew was a small box out of his pocket. He then knelt down and opened up the box, I swear my jaw was going to drop.

“Can you please do the thing that I told you to do on the piece of paper?”

“I’d be more than happy to.” I smiled as I nodded my head. I bent knelt down and hugged Key. Everyone cheered as Key stood up and spun me around.

“Wait.” I said as stretched my neck out to look at the girls that were going to catch the bouquet. “You guys knew all along didn’t you?!” I pointed at them.

“Actually… we all knew.” Said Kevin as he raised his hand.

“You mean, everyone here planned it?” I asked.

“Yeah, even to the last minute when we lost the piece of paper on the bouquet and we had to replace it.” Said Jun Hyung.

I then looked at Key with a touched expression before punching his arm.

“Ow! What was that for?!”

“For being able to hide if from me for so long.” I said shyly.

“She’s only doing that because she doesn’t know what to do.”

I smiled as hugged Key, “Thank you.”

“What? No, thank you.”

“Alright, let’s get this party going again!” Gi Kwang shouted out.

“YEAH!” Everyone shouted out before the music started again and they started dancing.

“Oh, right, there’s one more thing.” Key smiled as he took the ring out of the box and put it on my finger. “There, done.”

“You know, we’ve only been dating for a few months. Some people would say that we’re going too fast.”

Key jerked his head to the side, “Really? Because to me it feels like seven years.”

 “Me too.” I smiled as I leant in to kiss him.

“I’m sorry Jenny and Key but kissing won’t still the attention from the two main stars today.” Jun Hyung joked.

“Yeah, yeah. Just get back to what you were doing.” I said as punched his arm.


After sending Som and Gi Kwang off at the airport Key and I walked towards the car.

“I still can’t believe you proposed to me.”

“I can’t believe I did that today. It seems so unreal. You actually said yes.”

“Of course I had to say yes, you know too much about me already so I had to do it to shut you up.”

Key looked at me with a shocked expression, “You-you only married me because I know too much about you?! Omo!” Key put his hand behind his neck.

“Aish, don’t be such a drama queen, you know the other reason too.” I said as I linked arms with him.

Key smiled as he bent his knees and leant his head on my shoulder. “I love you.” he said in a cheesy tone.

“Don’t you think you’re going a little bit too overboard with showing public affection?”

~~~~~End of your POV~~~~~

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 52: Cute story haha
goofygal14 #2
Omo! This one is good too! I finished reading the other one this morning. XD
goofygal14 #3
Omo! This one is good too! I finished reading the other one this morning. XD
PryankaM_ #4
Omg! Can I hug you? *puppy eyes* lol
HUGG!!!!!! :D <3
Love itt! ^.^
I giggled too much when I read this story ^^ kekkee
KPOP_lover_girl76 #5
the ending was funny!! kekeke XD
I'm really like all of your fanfic
its so nice story :)
Key is so ......<br />
I'm dying of sweetness here!<br />
*giggles* hehehe ~
ukissme_lee #8
I loved the ending! It was such a good plot. :)
Nice plot. ^_^ ...Is this based on a true story? *suspicious look* haha
I love the cute ending!!