Trouble in the danger zone.

Don't Tell


                                                                Mir p.o.v

“Can I bring my brother?”

I looked over at Thunder who was practically sitting on my shoulder trying to see the reply when Joon did reply. “I’m not covering for you if I can’t go.” He joked, only I didn’t know he was joke. I guessed he noticed my uneasy expression when I stared at my inbox waiting for Joon’s text message to come. “Hey, Mir looked at me” He pulled my shoulder back. “I’m only kidding, I know you miss him a lot. Especially since we’ve been gone for like five days with mom and dad to visit our grandparents so…”

I didn’t hear much after that, but I just smiled. He said “mom and dad.” And “Our grandparents.” IT came naturally out of his mouth and it was beautiful. He really was like a brother to me, no, he was my brother.

So after Joon texted “I’d love it if you bring your brother along but I didn’t know you had one. I thought you only had older sisters.”

I decided not to text “he isn’t really my brother just like a close friend…that lives with me” but “Yeah I have an older brother but sometimes he’s a pain so I pretend he doesn’t exist.”

Thunder read my reply and shoved my shoulder. “Yah!” he paused and looked at my face “And why are you smiling so much?”

“Nothing Hyung, I’m just happy.”

I loved my brother and we were going to a party to see my boyfriend whom I also loved.

… boyfriend that Thunder also once had some sort of feelings for….and I was going to shove his face into my relationship…with Joon the guy he had a crush on for a whole summer. Aish what will I do.

Well maybe he won’t recognize him because he’s blonde now. I hoped that was enough to change his appearance. Most college parties, well parties in general are dark so he probably wouldn’t even see his face clearly.  I was almost sure that he wouldn’t recognize or remember Thunder so that was okay, plus he decided to wear sunglasses to the party.

                                                                                Joon p.o.v


                 I sighed, a big sigh of relief of course. I was going to see my boyfriend and actually meet someone from his family I was thoroughly anxious about it, anxious, nervous, nauseous, afraid but overall excited.


                                                                                Mir p.o.v

It was dark, how convenient. Thunder had dropped me off early at the university to meet up with Joon while he went off to pick up his daaate. I saw, oh god did I see him and he looked …beyond amazing, hot, hot like an inferno. His blonde hair was perfectly ironed flat; his white V-neck hugged his body better than I ever could. The fabric of his black hoodie looked smooth and the silver studs on either side of the zipper shimmered under the moon’s gaze. He smirked at me when he noticed me slowly walking toward him, where he was leaning the school entrance gate with his foot up. He looked like a regular bad boy actually and I’m pretty sure I was blushing bright red looking at him.  I leaped on him to close the few inches of spaces left between us, he caught my body in his tight grasp and I caught his lips in mine. Electricity was circuiting through my body with the contact of his warm mouth on mine. I hadn’t realized how long it’d been since we’d kissed and how much I missed that embrace. I felt like my skin was on fire with him. He broke from the kiss as hard as I tried to keep him in it.

                He giggled and I felt like the sun was going to start shining just for me. I was so happy to hear that giggle and to see that smile on his face.   

“Well that wasn’t exactly the welcome I was expecting but I’m glad it’s the one I got.” He said frankly, blinking a few extra times in disbelief. I hugged his body, locking my index fingers together behind his back the best I could. I could’ve easily fallen asleep on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart and looking up at his angelic face without a problem but he just wouldn’t let me. He pulled my hands apart and forced my arms to my sides. “Can I talk to you for a second Mir?”

He started to get a little stiff and I was nervous about the way he was acting towards me. “What’s wrong?” I couldn’t hide the concern in my voice; I didn’t want him to invite me here to break up with me.

“Nothing, oh god nothing” He said looking at my probably watering eyes. “I was just wondering where your brother was.”

I sighed, my chest still felt heavy like I was lying under a bed of bricks. “Oh he just- he just went to pick up his date but he dropped me off first.”

“Mir!” He grabbed my wrist tight and my head shot up to look him in the face. “Relax; you’re breathing like you just ran a marathon!”

Joon got closer to me, cupped my face in his two hands and kissed me passionately. I stumbled forward a bit, pushing his back, back onto the gate of the school. We stayed like that for a while, our lips locking tighter for what felt like an eternity. “Oooooh so this is how Joon gets down” chirped an unfamiliar voice.

It started Joon, I could tell because he jumped, his chest jumped and he forcefully pulled away from the steamy make out session we were having. “Oh hey.” He said awkward, raising his hand to the girl standing just beside me.

He motion to me “This is-“

”So this is Mir! Aww you guys are adorable together. And omg” She got incredibly close to my face, I couldn’t breathe it was like she was taking away all of my air she was so close.

“He looks so much like the little boy that my dorky little sister likes at her high school back home. How interesting. But like he’s way more attractive from what I remember. Hmm…”

She examined my face a bit more, my heart was beating like crazy, and I was in a huge danger zone. There was a weird girl back in school that had a huge crush on me. But her little sister could be anyone, with a crush on anyone at a high school anywhere. I had to calm my nerves.

“You know my best friend right?”

Joon nodded to the question “The chick with the short hair cut?”

“Yeaaah” The girl’s face changed as if she was offended that Joon didn’t remember her friend’s name.

“Well anyone my sister has this major crush on her little brother they go to the same school. Isn’t that cute! Like if the guy ever comes around and they get married, then we’d become sisters!” The girl squealed relishing in her thoughts. Joon just sighed loudly as if he was bored and annoyed with the presence on the girl.

“Yeah well…” Joon started

“Oh I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Joon I didn’t mean to intrude on your love scene.” I started to blush when she called out make out session a love scene.

“But you two should really head inside to the party, security should be around soon and they’ll be wondering why you guys are just hanging out around the school gate at this late hour. We all know you don’t need to be getting in any trouble here Joon.”

I looked right at Joon, whose face was red as a bell pepper.

“What is she talking about Joon?”"Nothing Mir.” He cut his eyes at me, Barely even looking at me. And I knew he was lying.

“Gosh I wish I could remember the name of her little brother. It’s Ch…Chul…gosh I really can’t remember.” The girl went on but paused when she realized me frozen in place and Joon unmoved.

“Ar-are you guys waiting for someone?”

“My older brother and his date should be getting here soon.”

“I’m sure they can find their own way in Mir.” Joon said in a much deeper more serious voice.

“Well like I said you guys can’t just stay out here, head inside, I’m going to pick up some friends and bring them by myself so if I run into anyone in the parking lot I’ll send them this way.”

Joon quickly grabbed me by my waist and sprang toward the door. “Okay well thanks!” Joon waved. I wonder why he was in such a rush to get away from her, I mean I know I didn’t want to be near her any longer. For some reason I felt like the guy she was talking about really was me, her sister was the girl from the office that gives me permissible late passes in the morning and her best friend was my older sister Go Eun ah. She was so close to saying my real name, I could feel it. My sister didn’t attend this university though so I wasn’t too nervous, but I was nervous enough.

                “Nice meeting you Mir!” I looked back to wave goodbye to the girl while I tried to keep up with Joon’s speed.

I knew why I wanted to be away from her, I wonder why he did.

                                                                                Joon p.o.v

Things went back to normal, gradually, as we walked over to the dorm building that the party was being held in. I stopped sweating so much and Mir’s heart rate finally slowed down.

“I’m really sorry about that Mir, she can really be a pest. I’m sorry if she bothered you. If you don’t leave her side abruptly she’ll just go on and on forever so that’s why I just pulled us away like that. I’m always really sorry that she ruined our little moment.” I said slyly as while walked up the stairs to an old friend’s dorm. The music was getting louder as we got closer.

I looked at him, “mianhae” I grabbed a nice percentage of his make him gasp and when he did I pulled him into a long deep kiss in the narrow stairway. He leaned back onto the railing and wrapped his arms around my neck. “But there will be other times to have other moments I suppose.”

I gave him an evil smirk then broke from his embrace again, taking his hand and leading him the rest of the way to the party scene.

We danced a bit, I drank a ….bit. Then we just relaxed on the couch. I don’t think I had ever had the change to just hold him like that, around people that I knew and that knew me and just show that Mir was mine and I loved him no matter what. But I saw trouble coming….trouble times four. It was sure to ruin the moment.

                                                                                Mir’s p.o.v

                “See look Go Eun ah! Doesn’t he look just like your little brother?” I heard the girl’s voice again, and it was more threatening now than it was before because now she had said my sister’s name and all my fears had been confirmed.  I just kept my head rested on Joon’s chest, pretending I hadn’t heard anything.

“Omgosh he really does! I mean I have had a few too many tonight but he does look a lot like my little brother.” The girl zoned in on my face a bit and I flinched, alarming my boyfriend.

“Could you two crazy drunks back off for two seconds?” He glanced over the girls’ heads and his eyes widened. I just buried my face in Joon’s white shirt while clutching it tightly in my hand, like a frightened little kid, which is what I was.

“And what, you two had to bring Seungho and G.O with you. Aish, it must be my lucky night.” Joon scoffed, hopping up from the couch and pulling me up with him. I kept my gaze down and held close to Joon as he found his route around the four people who had crowded around us.

She was staring at me, I could feel it, and it was burning. I wasn’t focusing and I kicked the coffee table, it hurt so bad and I yelped in pain. I have a very unique yelp. I exposed my face.

“Mir?” I heard my sister’s voice call. Despite everything that was riding on me to keep my true life hidden I still looked up at my noona when she called me.

Her eyes widened immediately when she saw my face.  She searched my eyes, looking back and forth between my round eyes with hers. “Do mom and dad know?”

Joon was still pulling my arm but I had stopped moving I felt like everything around me had stopped moving and the music had stopped playing.

“Mir what’s going on, do you know her?” He asked me looking down at me.

“Uh yeah he IS my little brother, Joon you’re dating my little brother!” Her tone went from calm to enraged she broke Joon’s grip on my wrist. “Mir what about omma and appa? You can’t do this, it’ll destroy them!”

I saw the two guys giggling behind them. “What can we say Joon? We knew it. You’re a e. I mean he’s a high schooler bro, you’re disgusting!”

“ off Seungho!” Joon said pushing the guy with dark circles under his eyes down on to the floor, then climbing on him to continue punching him in the face and chest. I didn’t know what to do. I ran, it was over once Joon realized what just happened he’ll hate me, for lying to him, for embarrassing him. For loving him. I had to go.

I was running to fast towards the doorway that lead to the stairs, I was crying hysterically and I could barely see where I was going. I tripped and I stumbled down a few stairs until I fell into Thunder.

I looked up at him, the light under our heads, reflected through my tears, blinding me. Thunder was shaking me, shaking my wrists and calling my name but I couldn’t stop crying long enough to answer him.

“Mir talk to me”

He date was staring at me, I knew that much, she was concerned and I didn’t even know her, or recognized her at least. “Joon knows thunder! It’s over Joon knows…he knows everything. I just want to disappear!” My body was in so much pain, I could feel the burning in my chest like my heart was actually separating into pieces.

“What about Joon Mir?....What about Joon!?”

The corners of my sight got darker and as I listened to Thunder say Joon’s name, I realized that he never knew my boyfriend’s name, that my boyfriend was Joon, how I had betrayed him.  I really just wanted to disappear I had no one else to run to then. I just remember seeing nothing but darkness…..

{Okay this in like an extreme update, I hope it makes sense...I just typed a marathon and I didn't really want to go back and edit it because I just really wanted to update lol, I'm sorry,,,,,, :x.}


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Chapter 9: Loved this! Well done!
HappyMonster #2
Mireum~ you have to pick up the phone!!
HappyMonster #3
Wah this is really good ;-; I like it alot!! Hope you van update soon:D
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, and I hate to throw errors in people's faces, but...this was a big one.

"we were coming upon our one year anniversary "

"that's how met Joon six months ago"

;~; Sorry.
Interesttinnggg , i wonder what happened between Thunder and his Dad...... also i wonder when Joon will find out that Mir isnt a collage student..dun dun dunnnn :D Update soon !!!
Ooo i like this story as well ! Im reallly curious how dramatic it will be when joon finds out mir is not in collage !!! :D
OMG thunder found out now OwO
I will try that ^_^ thanks so much~^_^