At First Sight

First Sight

    Lately, there had been so much commotion going on next door to the university. Apparently, there was a concert of some sort going on there, pop music blasting through the walls as I finished up my lectures. With school finished for the day, I walked by the concert to check out what was happening. Judging from the signs and the posters surrounding me, this concert was for a group called '샤이니 (SHINee)' I rose on my tippy toes to try and make out the faces of the group amidst the screaming, jumping fangirls and occasional fanguys. My height of barely 5 feet didn't help much at all.


   At that exact moment, one of the five boys with shoulder length layered orange hair finished up his entrancing solo and seemed to look me straight in the eyes. That second, the world seemed to freeze in mid air and I felt shivers roll down my back, causing me to stumble before the boy turned around with a wink into the next chorus.

   I caught my breath while the concert continued on, brushing myself off and picking up my bag that must've fell when I stumbled. I hastily left the concert in a daze, those piercing eyes frozen in my mind as I made my way home.


    As much as I willed myself to, my mind just couldn't concentrate on the mountain of homework that sat before my eyes on my desk. I grumbled to myself, pushing my chair back and standing up. I was walking down the stairs when my younger sister, Yuri, started screaming in front of the TV. I sprinted to her, in fear that something bad happened to her, but I saw her, standing on top of the couch, a psychotic look upon her face. For a fourteen yearsold girl, she could really act like a toddler.


"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said over her excited squeals. My ears had almost gone deaf.

She looked at me and made a face clearly saying 'How could you not know?!' 

"IT FREAKING SHINee! Gosh, you can be so daft for a 20 year old!" She said with a sigh, sitting down.

"SHINee? I've heard that name before..." I said, trying to recall where I heard that name while plopping myself down next to her, examining the faces on the screen. "Oh! I saw them performing near my university as I was passing by. They were...interesting..." I saw my sister's eyes widen as she started shouting at me.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME, UNNI?!?! I SAT HERE DOING NOTHING AT ALL TODAY!!!" She glared at me through the corner of her eye as she focused the rest of her energy towards the TV. Deciding to fix myself a snack, I sat next to her with ice cream in my hand, curled up under a blanket. All of a sudden, I jumped up.

The same smile I saw earlier was beaming at me, and in full color and HD.

"Who is that? That boy with the orange hair? The one that just finished his solo?" I said in curiousity, feeling myself edge closer to the TV with every word. I felt that moment repeat in my head.

"Who, Lee Taemin? Yeah, he's the main dancer, the maknae and who is part of the SHINee couple, 2min." She stated proudly, eyes still glued to the boys' every move. "I think he's cute and all, but Jonghyun stole my heart already. He-" 

"Taemin..." I breathed out his name, ignoring the ranting fangirl next to me. I stood up, stretching, my mind reeling. "I think I'm going to sleep. Night." I said monotonous, walking to my room. She just waved me away, eyes never leaving the screen. I sighed.


I sat in bed, blanket spread all around me. 3:00 AM, the clock on my bedside said. I rubbed my eyes, wiping sleep away from them. I lay back down, breathing in. Finally noticing that I wasn't going to get back to sleep anytime soon, I took my laptop out of my bag, turning it on. The screen momentarily blinded me in the darkness as I typed in the password. Opening up the internet, I keyed in the name "Lee Taemin" on Google. Setting my head on my hand, I scrolled down.

Lee Taemin, SHINee

SHINee's Taemin is growing up!


I clicked on the last one, sending me to wikipedia.

Lee Taemin:

Age:17 (18/07/93)

"Wow, only three years younger than me..." I said to myself.

Part of SHINee, he is the maknae of the group...

I skimmed through the rest of the article, finally searching up "Lee Taemin" in Google images. Up popped several pictures, Taemin with blonde hair, orange hair, red hair, black hair...I giggled at a picture with Taemin dressed as a girl. I finally came to a picture that was close to what I saw today. I clicked it on full screen. Those eyes were still the same: endless, warm and friendly. I felt my eyes drooping as I sat in the dark, staring at the picture.



"Shut up..." I grumbled, hitting the snooze button. I dragged myself out of bed, checking the time. 9:30 AM. "OH MY GOD! I'm going to be late!" I shuffled around my room, causing a mini tornado while I got ready. I sprinted down the stairs, school bag in hand, bumping into my sister.

"What the heck, Unni?" She said, still dressed in her pajamas.

I looked at her wildly. "Why aren't you in your school uniform? You're going to be late too! Come on, I'll drop yo--"

"Unni, it's Saturday, go back to sleep." She tried saying calmly, as if she were talking to a 5-year-old.

I almost dropped my bag. I stormed up the stairs, mad that I got ready for nothing.

"Aigoo, why don't I just go shopping or something? No point in changing my clothes again..." I said to myself, getting my wallet and bag. "Lock the door, Yuri-ah, I'm leaving." I closed the door, hearing the lock shut.

I put on my earbuds, bopping to the music as I casually strode from store to store. Nothing was catching my eye, until I stepped into a makeup store. I felt myself drawn to the back, SHINee's faces cluttering up the back wall. I touched the face of a cut-out of Taemin. I looked around me, feeling peoples stares boring into the back of my head. I walked out the door confidently, ignoring the stares.

I sighed, finally ending up at my favourite coffee shop. I stepped in, breathing in the scent of fresh coffee and looked around. I finally found a seat near the window, and ordered some coffee. I just sat there, looking through the window at random bystanders and waving to them, causing confused looks to appear on their faces. I felt myself slowly falling asleep, remembering the short amount of sleep I got the previous night. Even after two coffees, I felt my head slowly lolling as my hand caught my unconscious head, propelling it from the table.

"Noona..." I felt someone poking me.

"Go away, Yuri..." I said groggily, my mind still foggy.

"Noona." I felt the prodding get more annoying. "Noona! Noona, wake up!" I heard a male voice, instead of the squeaky voice of Yuri that I thought I had heard. I lifted my head up, trying to get a better look at who was sitting in front of me, finally noticing that the seat in front of me was occupied.

"Noona! You're awake now!" The boy said, glee lighting up his face. He was wearing a black leather jacket, with black pants and a black scarf. A brown fedora was obviously trying to hide his hair, when I saw pieces of orange hair peeking out from underneath. I looked at him in the eyes. Warm chocolate brown, unending and open. I gasped.

"You-You're Taemin!" I stuttered. "SHHH!" He warned.

He smiled sheepishly, his face glowing cutely. "I tried to hide it, but I guess I'm not as good at hiding as Key-umma..."

"Hahaha, next time, try to hide your flaming orange hair better. " I giggled, supressing the urge to take off the hat and ruffle his hair. "Wait, why are you here? You don't even know me!" I said dumbfoundedly, wondering why he was talking to something like me. I felt myself get self-conscious, noticing that I didn't take the effort to look decent.

Taemin looked at me nervously, smiling. " I saw you yesterday, Noona. Do you remember?" He asked me.

"...I do, but how would you remember me? There were so many more of your screaming fans around me!" I said.

" Noona, when I looked at you, I never knew anyone could be as pretty as you." His rosy lips were turned in a smile, and I couldn't help but notice how perfect they were shaped as he spoke. He took out a rose from his jacket. I blinked at him. 

" Wait, do you have a boyfriend?" He said, concern changing his features.

" A-aniyo, Taemin-ah. I don't think anyone would date me." I said dejectedly. I hung my head.

He touched my chin softly with his hand, pulling my head up and looked me straight in the eye.

" All I saw was you between the hordes of Shawols. You glowed. When the concert was over, all I could think about was you." His faced heated up." Even Key-umma thought something was wrong with me because I wasn't concentrating properly."

We just sat there in silence, Taemin waiting for a reaction while I took in what he just said. The coffee shop seemed to hold it's breath as if they, too, were waiting for an answer.

I took in a deep breath. " I...I have to confess. All day, I was thinking about you too. I would see your face appear everywhere...I've never felt like this before..." I lapsed into silence, my face burning up.

I saw his eyes widen, and a huge grin plastered upon his face. He got up from his chair.

" Then would you---"

" Min Hee..." I said, just noticing that he didn't even know my name.

" Right," He said, starting over again.

" Would you, Min Hee, be my girlfriend?" He knelt down, holding out the rose to me. I felt everyone turn to see us. I never knew my face could get any hotter.

I stood up too. I pulled him up into a hug, taking the rose and finally giving in to what I wanted to do ever since I saw him. 

" Yes, I'd love to." I whispered into his ear. Inside, I felt giddy with happiness. Taemin's arms wrapped around me, burying my face into his warm chest. I heard claps and cheers coming from the customers and workers alike, even a few cries from Shawols that were there coincidentally. He placed both of his hands on each side of my face, leaning down gently. Our lips touched, and my hands found their way behind his neck, clasping together. We melted into each other, before we let go. All I tasted was sweet honey and banana milk.

" Do you want anything at the counter, Noona?" He asked, sitting back down at our table. " Maybe something sweet?" He wondered, eyes twinkling.

I smiled. " Taemin-ah, When I first met you, I never knew anything could be sweeter than you. Nothing can match with you now."

He paused, smiling at me, before he dragged me with him to the counter, drawn to the sweets being featured.

I touched my lips, feeling them tingling under my fingertips.

I now knew that this was what love at first sight.


A/N: Yay! I finally finished this! It took me awhile...-.-....even though it is so short, it took me three days to finish because I kept slacking, getting distracted with Tumblr and SHINee (<3) I know this is pretty bad...BTW, any couple requests? I don't know who to write about this time so give me any kpop favourite is 2min :) and it doesn't have to be in SHINee, so it can be anyone like Infinite  with Woogyu(Love them too) or U-kiss...anything that comes to mind...

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D'awww. ♥ That's so adorable. :'D