
Sherlock's Lost Chapters: II
A soft, yet haunting sound of the violin filled the room. The creator of this music was a teenaged boy. He sat with his legs crossed and his eyes closed in a leather armchair next to a once roaring but now peaceful fire. His brown hair glowed in the light, almost giving off a deep red colour.

This boy was not the only in the room though. An older teen by about a year was sprawled on the rug, his light brown hair covering his eyes after just completing a set of sit-upset. It wasn't normally something you would expect to see a gentleman doing but he was an exception. This boy found it easier to concentrate when blood was rushing.

In the next room over two older teens were sat at a large table which would normally be used for dining. This though, was an exception. Papers covered the whole of the wooden surface as the two filled out different documents.

One looked up, his feline like eyes filled with frustration.

"Well, I don't see any reason why we should have to pay for a new window. It's not our fault that man fell out of it, well even if I did push him... but still, we caught the bugger didn't we?!"

The boy swept a strand of hair behing his ear then blew wind through his lips, causing it to fall back down from it's hiding place again. He slapped both palms down on the varnised wood.

The other teen looked up and sighed. Then his face formed into a smile which spread across his chubby cheeks up to his eyes. The sight was enough to swoony any girl.

"Always complaining Kibum!"

His smile disappeared again though as he stared back at the documents. Most of them had numbers on. In some cases quite a few, but in others, not enough.

"Oh how are we going to get any money in when we don't have a case to work on?"

The elder pressed his finger tips against his temples.

"Don't worry Jinki we'll get a case soon enough... we just have to play the waiting game."

"Ah but that game's boring, what if I told you we don't have to play,"

A third voice joined the conversation. The owner leaned in the door frame trying to hold back a grin which resulted in him looking like he was in immense pain. His dinosaur like features contorted.

"Elaborate dear Jonghyun, if you don't mind," Kibum turned in his seat to face the door. But Jonghyun had gone.

Seconds later the music in the other room stoped and the two others entered. They all took a seat at the table, Jonghyun at the head.

"Lestrade called, he said he needed help so I went down the station and he gave me this,"

He placed a folder down on the wood and opened it, spreading it out to show notes. Each of the teens picked up a sheet or two.

"5 people missing in the space of about 15 days. So meaning one every 3 days. Last one being a Mr Toby Hough. He was last seen by his driver who dropped him off at the train station late last night... The problem is I don't see any corrilation between him and the other 4. Mr Hough had money, lots of money but this one, Miss Margret Scrum, was poor, she worked as a e. Poor woman." Jonghyun stopped talking, giving the others time to look over the papers. It was silently for another 10 minutes until the brown haired boy spoke up.

"I have and idea, but first we need to go to the butchers!"

This to any other person would not make sense and well to the others it didn't make much sense either. The thing was though, even if they didn't go to the places the youngest would suggest, straight away, they would still end up there sooner or later. So now they had gotten out of the habit of asking.

The brown haired boy stood up and left the room, leaving the others just sitting there.

"I really hope Taemin knows what he's doing. It's only a matter of time before we go to one of these places just because he felt like it!"

"It's ok Minho, he's not that type of... wait no what am I talking about? He once made me take him to a bakery just because he said it was a life or death situation... good cake though!" Jinki smiled before following Taemin out of the room. Minho sighed and stood.

"Alonzi," Jonghyun gestures, one arm out stretched, the other behind his back to Kibum who had collected the paperwork.

They both skipped down the stairs to put on their winter jackets. Then followed the other three teens out of the building to call a carriage.

Kibum closed the door behind them. 221B shined on the polished gold metal that stayed fixed to the perfectly carved piece of wood standing in the frame.

A loud whistle was heard and the sound of hooves grinding to a halt was herd as a young teenager gave directions to the driver.

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Wow, this is so good!
hav I ever mentioned before that ur sherlock series remind me of john grisham?!

Dude! This is really making me curious..
Update soon!