New Lodgings

Away from Loneliness

                “This is your new home. I’m the dormitory manager but I don’t live here though.” The man in his late twenties said. “You can call me Hyoan. Here’s my number; don’t hesitate to call if there’s any problems in the dormitory.” He said.

                “Hey, Hyoan-hyung.” Another man in his late twenties waved. He was leaving the building. “The boys are in.”

                “This is Youngjun, he’s one of the two assistant managers that help out with the management of the dormitory. We handle a few other blocks too but this is the only place that’s available. You may not fit in but it’s only for a short period that you’ll be here, right?” Hyoan introduced the new face.

                “Hello!” Youngjun greeted Myungsoo happily. “The other assistant manager is called Jungryul. He hardly comes around here though.” He said. “Go on in, the boys are in the living room.” He added as he walked off.

                Hyoan led Myungsoo into the building, after giving him his own access key and the password in case he forgot to bring the card key out. They entered the entrance hall. “The boys put their shoes here.” He gestured at the shoe cupboard. “Sometimes it gets really messy since it’s only boys.” He added. He gestured at a door just nearby. “That’s the storeroom. Most of the shoes are in there and there are coats in there for cold weather as well.”

                Hyoan brought Myungsoo to the living room, where six other boys were lounging, watching television and playing cards with each other. “Hyoan-hyung, hello!” The boys chorused together. Then, they noticed the new boy. Their faces darkened, if by a while but Myungsoo noticed nonetheless. “Who’s that?” One of them asked.

                “Boys, this is your new housemate, Kim Myungsoo. Boys, introduce yourselves, alright? I’m going to check the kitchen for food.” He said, patted Myungsoo reassuringly and walked off towards an open archway and entered the kitchen.

                “It’s nice to meet you.” Myungsoo bravely attempted a smile.

                It was returned with glares. Myungsoo felt his insides give way. This was what had happened at the previous boarding house he had been to. He was rejected and that had almost led to his suicide attempt if not for the manager of the house finding out quick enough. He had been placed under social care for a month before he was taken off suicide watch and opted for a dormitory this time round, hoping things would be different… but it was exactly like the boarding house, only the occupants were younger.

                “Kim Sungkyu, I’m the oldest. That’s Nam Woohyun, my roommate. You’ll be sharing a room with Dongwoo. His full name is Jang Dongwoo. Those three share a room together; Lee Hoya, Lee Sungyeol and Lee Sungjong.” The one with the sternest face finally said. “Dongwoo will show you to your new room. We all share one bathroom so take your turn, alright? We normally cook for each other so you’ll have to deal with whatever we cook and just eat it.” He said. He glanced at Dongwoo.

                Dongwoo stood up. He had blonde hair and looked just as fierce, maybe fiercer, than Sungkyu. Myungsoo now wished that he hadn’t opted for a dormitory. He followed Dongwoo as the others stared. Dongwoo opened a door. Myungsoo pulled his small suitcase after him. Dongwoo showed him around the room. Once Dongwoo directed Myungsoo to one of the beds and a table as well as a small place to put his clothes, his roommate left the room abruptly.

                Myungsoo looked after Dongwoo and met eyes with Woohyun. He seemed to stare intently at Myungsoo. Myungsoo looked away, shivering within. He didn’t like this dormitory. All he wanted to do was to go home now… But he couldn’t. Sighing inwardly, he began to unpack.


                The knock on the door rapped quickly and loudly, jerking Myungsoo from his sleep. ‘Curses.’ Myungsoo scolded himself. He had fallen asleep while he was studying despite promising himself not to. He sat up and glanced over at the other bed. Dongwoo was still sleeping. Myungsoo trudged out of bed and opened the door. He squinted at the sudden light and his eyes focused on Sungjong.

                Sungjong stared back, eyes growing wide for a moment before he said, “Breakfast is ready.” He said in a small voice and ran off, scuttling towards the kitchen. Myungsoo stared at him, shook his head, mumbling and went back into the room, grabbed a few clothes, his towel, toiletries and walked towards the bathroom.

                It was apparent that only Sungjong and Woohyun were up after a moment. Both were on cooking duty after all. Myungsoo mumbled a good morning to both, who were in the kitchen, and entered the bathroom. He failed to notice that he didn’t lock it.

                He began to wash up first then he the shower and let himself be absorbed by the cool water and splashed the water on his face. Once he was done, he grabbed his towel and cleaned himself up and had just worn his pants over his underwear when the door opened.

                Myungsoo’s eyes went wide when he saw who had just opened the door without much thought. Sungkyu stared at him. “Hyung…” Woohyun’s voice came too late. “The kid’s… inside.” He lamely said and came to stand next to Sungkyu. Both stared at Myungsoo. Myungsoo realized what they were staring at and turned away.

                After a few seconds, Sungkyu closed the door sharply and reprimanded Sungjong for trying to peep. Myungsoo closed his eyes and took a few breaths, like the therapist had advised him on. He pulled on his long-sleeved shirt and then washed his face, successfully washing the tears that had appeared at the corner of his eyes away. He quickly arranged his hair to cover his eyes, grabbed his clothes, towel and toiletries.

                He came out of the toilet abruptly and ran to his room. He bumped into Hoya and Sungyeol on the way, mumbled more ‘sorry’ and into his room. He didn’t even hear Sungkyu practically shouting after him. He closed the door and locked it. He sobbed silently, his face in his hands. Dongwoo didn’t even stir despite the loud banging and shouting on the door.

                After what seemed like an eternity, the banging and shouting ceased. Myungsoo’s tears ran until they were dry. His eyes were now red and puffy. He never thought anyone would have seen what Sungkyu and Woohyun had seen. He didn’t want anyone to see them. He hugged himself tightly. He hated his life, his body and him self.

                He must have fallen asleep since Dongwoo was shaking him when he opened his eyes. “What’s wrong?” Dongwoo asked, using a gentle tone. He didn’t look that scary when he was talking softly.

                “Nothing.” Myungsoo answered softly. Myungsoo stood up and shuffled over to the bed. Dongwoo glanced at him worriedly before he unlocked the door and left the room to wash up.

                Myungsoo lay on his bed, curled up, until Dongwoo returned. “Are you going to stay here the whole day? Everyone already went out, there’s only both of us left. I’m going out soon too.” Dongwoo told Myungsoo as he packed his bed.

                Myungsoo sat up slowly. “There’s no one here?” He repeated. “The others aren’t here?”

                “Yeah,” Dongwoo nodded. “Sungkyu-hyung, Woohyun-hyung, Hoya and Sungyeol are working. Well, Sungyeol is working part-time since he’s still schooling. Sungjong is off to school already. I’m going to work soon too.” Dongwoo said. “What about you? You’re studying hard to get into university, right? Don’t you have any work to do? University fees are expensive, you know.”

                “I know.” Myungsoo nodded. Dongwoo took his bag and began throwing things inside. “What time is everyone coming back?” He asked softly.

                “Around dinner time, I suppose. That’s the time I usually come back. Sungkyu-hyung and Woohyun-hyung usually arrives later than I do since they work long hours. Hoya’s a trainer at the gym so he’ll most likely be home once his shift is over. Sungjong will be the earlier though, once his school is over… And…” Dongwoo walked over to the door and looked out, at something. “He’s on dinner duty today.” He added. “You aren’t on any duties yet since we don’t know your schedule but once your schedule is fixed, you’ll have to start doing your part too.” Dongwoo said.

                “Oh… I see.” Myungsoo nodded silently. “That’s how things work in a dormitory?” He asked.

                “Yeah, most of the time. All of us are really close to each other too so you can just talk to us any time you want to. After all, that’s what living in a dormitory means, right? We all just end up growing close to each other naturally since we’ve been living together for such a long time.” Dongwoo said.

                “But… I won’t be here for a long time.” He whispered.

                “Why not?” Dongwoo blinked. “Are you on like those trials? Or did your parents boot you out for only a week or something?” Dongwoo realized he had hit a sore subject and immediately apologized. “Sorry… I guess I’m prying too much.” He said.

                Myungsoo didn’t reply or react anymore. He just curled up and watched Dongwoo move around the room. “Get some food to eat, okay?” Dongwoo said, more like ordered. “Your body is too skinny.” He said. Dongwoo threw on a simple jacket and grabbed his bag, wallet and keys. “I’m leaving now but…” He trailed off. “Sungyeol doesn’t have work today so he should be back after his classes.” He said. “Look after the house!” He left the room and a few minutes later, the front door opened and closed.

                Myungsoo slowly stood up and left the room and tentatively entered the kitchen. There was a plate set aside for him. There was even a note. Dongwoo didn’t touch it, it seemed. He had taken some cookies from the plate but that was all and there was still plenty left.

                Myungsoo opened the note and read it, ‘Myungsoo, we’re sorry about this morning. Here are some cookies as our apology. Eat them for your breakfast, okay? Sungyeol will buy your lunch back after his classes. Rest well. –Sungkyu and Woohyun.’ Myungsoo smiled, for the first time in months, and took a bite of one cookie. It was delicious and seemed to melt in his mouth. He ate another, and another. Before he knew it, the plate was clean. He blinked then he went to wash up.

                Now he had nothing to do. He knew that he would eventually have to leave the dormitory but he didn’t want to. Not yet at least. He stretched and sat down in the living room. He looked at the clock. It was eleven forty-five, almost twelve. He looked around. There was nothing to do. He stood up and walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There were all sorts of labels and names inside, indicating who owned whatever. There was a small empty space there, where there was a label; ‘Myungsoo’. It seemed as if the others had cleared out a small corner for him to use. Not that he’ll ever use it, especially since he was leaving in a few weeks time.

                He didn’t even know why he bothered unpacking most of his things in the first place. Maybe it was because he felt like he wanted to find a permanent place to stay instead of having to move around so many times.

                Myungsoo was so absorbed in his thoughts as he returned to his room that he didn’t notice Sungyeol entering the dormitory with Hyoan. Both of them blinked as they stared at Myungsoo who walked to his room in a trance-like state.

                Sungyeol walked straight to the kitchen to place down the bags of food. Hyoan followed him, also doing the same. Then, Sungyeol went to his room to put down his bag and things while Hyoan began to take out the food packages. There were four food packages; one for Sungyeol, one for Hyoan, one for Myungsoo and one for Sungjong, who was due to be home soon.

                Sungyeol peeped into Myungsoo’s room, where he was standing in the center of the room. He knocked on the door lightly, startling Myungsoo. “Myungsoo, lunch is back.” He called.

                Myungsoo blinked and stared at Sungyeol. “Oh… thank you, hyung.” He smiled at the elder. He caught himself but Sungyeol was already walking away. ‘Why did I smile?’ He thought to himself, scolding himself again. Myungsoo can’t believe he was breaking back into the soft boy he used to be. If he did that, he was going to get hurt again and he couldn’t risk that. His heart and soul would shatter.

                After gathering his wits, he came out and brightened when he saw Hyoan. “Hyoan-hyung,” He greeted.

                “Ah, Myungsoo… So how was it? Have you gotten used to life around here yet?” Hyoan asked. “Have you considered extending your stay yet?”

                Myungsoo bit his bottom lip. “I…guess…” He said softly and slowly.

                Sungyeol stared at Myungsoo. “He caused a loud commotion this morning.” He reported to Hyoan. “Sungkyu-hyung and Woohyun-hyung were on panic mode when he ran past us and hid in the room.” He stated. “I don’t know why though.” He shrugged.

                Hyoan looked at Myungsoo. He sighed. “Sungyeol, would you mind going to the living room for awhile?” He asked.

                Sungyeol looked curious but he took his food, Sungjong’s food and left. He settled himself down on the sofa and the television and watched shows while he ate his lunch. Hyoan turned to stare at Myungsoo. “What?” Myungsoo muttered.

                “Look, Myungsoo, I know that you’re finding it tough, especially after being abused by your family, being beaten non-stop in the previous boarding homes, but this is your chance to change. You have to learn to accept people again. This kids, the six of them, they also have their own problems but they’ve overcome them. You can overcome your problems too, if you just give it a try. They’re here to help you, just as you are here to help them.” Hyoan advised. “Try to talk to Sungyeol, maybe he’ll understand you.” He said.

                “I don’t want to.” Myungsoo said in a very soft voice.

                Hyoan grew slightly impatient. “Myungsoo, this is advice from your therapist. She says you have to open up to others.” Hyoan sighed. “Just think about it, okay? You might actually want to stay here once you make friends.” He said.

                He took his food and walked out to join Sungyeol. Myungsoo watched them interact, laugh and smile. ‘I can never be like that.’ Myungsoo told himself. ‘Never ever.’ He could just feel the scars on his body, of which Woohyun and Sungkyu had seen, aching up and shining through his long-sleeved shirt. He swallowed his saliva and ignored the feeling he was feeling. He turned away from the two and sat down in the kitchen and ate, alone.



And that's the end of chapter one! I wasn't sure I'd even have subscribers since this is a two-chaptered story but still, thanks for subscribing!

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rupture #1
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