

Innocent faces shouldn't be trust.


The others found it weird that despite having such a hectic work day the two wished to stay behind to practice. They members didn't complain, it was so close to their comeback more practice could only improve their already sharp skills. So they left , silently bidding goodbyes and well wishes then heading to their respective homes. 
      In the quiet of the somewhat large practice room the two boys where left alone in a bit of an awkward silence. The lithe boy had a small smirk gracing his thin face. His chocolate eyes checking out the much more muscular boy in front of him, his smirk still in place "Hyung, you know if you wanted to be alone with me you should have just told me,"walking closer to the obviously stunned boy threating to breaking every rule of personal space. "It's not like that" the other stammered at the bold accusation, looking away not daring to return his dongsaeng sultry gaze. "Really?" he whispered in a voice none of their fans could even dream he was capable of.
      The expression he held had no place on someone who name was often said after angelic and innocent. "Eli hyung do you honestly think I don't notice the way your eyes follow me" his smirk was almost audible in every word. Kevin tipped his toes trying to compensate for the height difference between them. Succeeding in making the distance between them virtually nonexistent. Eli's breath hitched as he felt Kevin's skinny body press against his own. Kevin leaned his cute face forward, he could tell Kevin's eyes were focused on his lips, he couldn't help but gulped as inches of distance became centimeters. Just as the older thought their lips would touch the weight against him disappeared. "I'm teasing" the other practicably giggled as he innocently skipped toward the stereo, his y  facade gone. He had no idea he was seconds away from being taken on the tile floor. 
      Eli blinked a bit bewildered, what just happened?, did he just get punk'd?, are the others going to prance in and poke fun at his expense. He looked at the door waiting but nothing happen.  As he heard the songs he's practiced countless time begin he noticed Kevin was already in the center of the room carefully putting the stereo remote in his pocket and began dancing the electric beat. Did nothing faze him? Did he have any idea how hard he just made it for Eli walk. Eli's eye's traced the younger's body doing just how he has done counts less times. He had no idea if this was the same person but he was sure of one thing, the boy in front of him, wholehearted dancing to their song, might just be the scariest person he has person met.


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Omg lol
Kevin! <3
Eli's reaction was funny haha ^^
Phaha y Kevin!~