Are you an Idiot?

With Full Knowledge


With Full Knowledge

Kyuhyun was feeling lethargic. He had just spent a few hours recording for Radio Star and having to constantly be witty had taken its toll. He would clarify that he was by nature a witty person.  In the course, biting remarks were just part of his unique personality and tend to occur naturally, without further thought having to be attached. That was the way he preferred it. He liked to just engage in discourse and have the wit flow naturally from the conversation. It was a lot of fun and was often rather entertaining. He honestly believed that MCing worked similarly. He was of the misguided belief that one hosted a program similarly to that, but was shown the error of his ways early on. It was a lot more formal and personalities were a lot more sensitive. He now had to evaluate everything he said and weigh his words carefully. This was particularly difficult for someone of Kyuhyun’s disposition and circumstance. He was a snarky maknae that spent his life with atleast nine elder brothers that had allowed him to act as freely as he chooses, despite the age difference. To be on constant vigilance to guard against his sharp tongue was stressful, then he had to couple it, with tame preconceived wit, which was slightly annoying. Despite all of that, he still appreciated the opportunity to host and the opportunities it provided not for himself alone but to the rest of Super Junior. He was too weary to even contemplate the benefits. All he wanted to do was get into the dorm, shower and lay in warm arms, as he smelt coffee and cinnamon, drowning in unbelievable warmth. That was the best way to drive weariness away he was certain. He would recommend it to all, once they found their own source of warmth, staying far away from his.

Any thoughts that involved the use of the word his, naturally lead him to think about Yesung. He was rather proud that he was able to call the man his. Well, in his mind atleast. He seriously doubted Yesung would appreciate if he went around proclaiming him to be his, despite the fact of the statement. It was probably one of those things that was self explanatory and was better left unsaid. Kyuhyun was sure, everyone was well aware that Yesung was his, or they had better be, especially that Siwon. ‘Would you stop? Seriously, when will you stop being so petty?’ his mind questioned, frustrated. Kyuhyun decided that it was best to not argue the point or to think of Siwon, it would just make him moody on top of being tired.

Instead he would rather focus on the fact that he and Yesung were together almost nine months now. He wouldn’t have believed that something like that was possible, when he was trying to build up the courage to confess, having those torturous mental arguments and wishing to bang his head into a wall to stop that scent from overtaking him. It had been nearly nine precious months of endless joy and contentment. Kyuhyun would never have believed it was possible to experience heaven on earth, but he had. He experienced every day, every time he saw a sweet smile that was meant only for him, every time tiny fingers brushed against his skin, sending tremors of warmth and happiness coursing its way through his body, every time he was consumed by that impossible but always present aroma of coffee and cinnamon, or every time he saw dark almond shaped eyes looking at him with love swirling from the soul. Kyuhyun lived in heaven, there was no disputing it. It should be impossible to dispute that fact, he couldn’t help but think. He was a man in love, which meant heaven was always in the arms of the person he loved. Heaven could always be found in the arms of Yesung. ‘You should look into treatment. It is probably unhealthy to be that sappy’ his mind suggested with a snicker. He would argue, but he had long stopped trying too. He was indeed that sappy, it was pointless to pretend otherwise. He would only like to state that it was Yesung’s fault entirely. Why did he have to be so adorable? Why did he have to make Kyuhyun love him so much that was willing to throw away all his coolness and suave to be turned into a true love sick kitten? The others were right. He was a love sick kitten for the man. He only thanked the stars above that atleast he had retained enough sense to keep most of his adoration fairly well hidden from the others, even if he couldn’t hide it from the man himself. ‘Glad you know how embarrassing it is to be you’ his mind lamented. Kyuhyun was a man in love, and therefore he refused to be embarrassed by his internal sappiness. That was just a by product of love, which he would never apologize for feeling, no matter how hard it was sometimes.

Whilst Kyuhyun existed in heaven inside Yesung’s protective embrace, he was well aware that heaven was not something that actually existed in the world, especially not outside blinding, all consuming warmth. The world they lived in was mean and cold and even more prejudiced. He didn’t want to think about what would happen when the public found out about the nature of his relationship with Yesung. He hoped that their fans would support them, and knew that some would wholeheartedly, but then there would also be those that would hate them and scorned them, and think they were the sin of the earth. Those were their own fans; he shuddered to think what the rest of Korea would think. He didn’t think he was particularly gay per say, implying that one had an attraction for all men, which he honestly without malice, had not, he was just in love with a man. No matter how he looked at it, it didn’t even make sense. It was like he was saying he was Yesung ual, which was ridiculous and generally impossible. He supposed maybe it was not the attraction that held them together, but it was that feeling of being complete. When Zeus said look for your soulmate, Kyuhyun supposed he didn’t say it would be a nice pretty girl, with dark eyes and shiny hair, but could also be a weird, turtle loving, moody guy with pretty eyes and a blinding smile. Kyuhyun wished he could go to the Korean public and blame Zeus but that was not possible. For all intense purposes they would perceive it as a homoual relationship and there was no doubt that their reaction would not be something he could look forward too, with their prevailing aversion to anything close to a gay relationship. Some might say he should stand up and fight for it, but he honestly didn’t care to be an icon or a martyr. He may be selfish, but that was alright. All he wanted was to go home at the end of the day and hold Yesung's hand and find comfort in his arms.

This was the environment in which he lived, the fear that was always in the back of his mind, always at the front of Yesung’s mind. The older man was hyper vigilant and sometimes Kyuhyun thought almost paranoid. Kyuhyun though, was well aware that it came from an endless need to protect him. Yesung would do anything to hide him away from the world, hide him away from the pain it could cause him. Kyuhyun wouldn’t say it wasn’t frustrating sometimes, and downright annoying and inconvenient, but he understood the need for it, the need to stay hidden.  They wouldn’t be able to hide forever, but that didn’t mean they had to expose themselves so early. They were comfortable and protected as they were and that had to be enough. Super Junior was safe from accusations and hate and they could be together comfortably. Kyuhyun was sometimes selfish, there was no point to deny it, but he was never ungrateful. He knew and was willing to be grateful for the blessings that they had. Even if they could never really venture outside, or had to stay hidden for the most part, it was all worth it. He would be frustrated sometimes, but he would never complain. Why should he be that bold? He was with the man that he loved more than all the cheesy phrases in the world could describe, and had the opportunity to bask in soft smiles and be lulled to sleep in a protective embrace. He had no right to complain. Even if he could only ever stay in that small room, he would be in heaven, once he got to hold those tiny hands in his and have them hold tightly onto his fingers in return. Maybe one day that would change, in the meantime he would be content and happy with what he was blessed with.

That also applied to their relationship.  They weren’t perfect and neither had they completely gotten over their intimacy issues, but once again he was grateful.  From where they started they had improved significantly. It was never forced or planned, but built up bit by bit by affection and love. He supposed it was easy to just force a situation and just get there, but Kyuhyun was adamant not to let that happen. Everything had to be earned through comfort and acceptance. He was building a relationship up, brick by brick, one that would last a lifetime. Even if he had to carve each brick slowly by hand and bound them with endless webs, he would take his time and do it. He wanted their relationship to last an eternity, not fizzle out as soon as the excitement faded. He intended to build the Taj Mahal or the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus. He didn’t think they would live forever, but he wanted their love to be of the forever sort of variety. Each of those things took time to build, but stood for centuries as tokens of everlasting love.

He never thought it was going to be easy. He knew it would be hard adjusting, fighting, feeling, yet he made that choice, because Yesung was worth it. The love in his heart was worth fighting for, worth waiting for. Yesung was worth waiting for. He was willing to wait however long it took to get comfortable, to let it grow naturally. He was not blaming Yesung, though the man was shy, incredibly adorably so, he was also the one a little hesitant. It was not something he was accustomed to and it was weird sometimes. He relished their few kisses, but he knew he also did so after; he dispelled the thought of how weird it was to have such a firm jaw line against his. In those moments, he always just chose to focus on the warmth of the soft lips and the love he felt in his heart. He was certain, that it was the love that they felt for each other that was making things easier. Love was something that they would always have between them, so he was more than content to allow the love to wash away the awkwardness bit by bit. He wasn’t in a rush; as far as he was concerned they would have a lifetime together. All these little moments would be precious memories that he would bury in his heart to give him strength on stressful days or days of partings, which were soon in coming. He was starting to hate the Korean Army. He sighed.

He didn’t want to think about that right now. All he wanted to focus on was getting in that dorm and eventually holding the man in his arms, to help him push away all other thoughts. He was in a way anxious to see the man. He hadn’t really been near much in a couple of days, something that happened far too frequently. Once again Kyuhyun wouldn’t complain. Both got to live their dreams and had received the love of millions. It was just one of the necessary sacrifices that they had both willingly decided to make. It would be ungrateful to complain now. Despite his resolve not to complain, he would only say it was weird to go so long without sleeping with the smaller man somewhere in arms reach. That was the effect of having many late schedules and counter schedules.  He was just going to have to get accustomed to it, it was his life after all. Though it necessarily meant he would make no apologies for missing the man terribly or try to justify his anxiousness to see him. It was simply the necessary consequence of being in love and being parted from the object of said love. He was now feeling angry with the elevator. Why was it taking so long anyway?

He was glad when the door finally opened, making his way swiftly down the short hallway into their dorms. He stopped to remove his shoes and hang his coat, taking a detour to the kitchen to drink some water. His throat was killing him and had actual thirst rather the one he always felt to be near fiery cooling warmth. His mind silently congratulating him on not being so far gone that he could still distinguish which was reality, but he choose to ignore the dig. He would not deny he was fraught with endless mushiness and even worst cheesiness but he would protest any accusation that he was detached from reality. No matter how much he felt as if he were floating on a cloud, he had always kept his hand tied to the earth, especially when Yesung was not in his presence. He could concede that reality seemed to take a backseat when he was wrapped in the man’s arms, but then again that was just to be expected from a man hopelessly in love wasn’t it? ‘Can’t really argue there…you are beyond hopeless in love’ .He and his mind had come to an accord. He made his way into the kitchen, heading straight to the refrigerator, intending to grab a bottle of water and head immediately to Yesung’s room. He didn’t bother to greet Ryeowook, who instead greeted him.

“Kyuhyunnie I am glad you are back. Yesungie hyung wanted to see you” Ryeowook informed a little excitedly, smiling at Kyuhyun from his position at the table, flipping through a recipe book? Kyuhyun wasn’t sure, but it had food on the cover, so he was just going to assume that it was. Ryeowook was also excited for some odd reason, but Kyuhyun wasn’t going to try and figure out why. Ryeowook had been particularly supportive of their relationship and Kyuhyun was grateful, though he suspected that Ryeowook was looking at them as if they were characters in one of his dramas. Whatever his reason, Kyuhyun was still happy to have his support.

“He should always want to see me…I mean come on, I’m me” Kyuhyun boasted with a smirk, before he gulped the contents of the bottles, happy to quench his thirst. He only intended to play with Ryeowook a bit, no really intention to imply that Yesung was the only one that felt longing, instead a projection of his hope that Yesung did indeed miss him.

“Kyunnie, we both know it is the other way around. You are the one that looks like he is dying when you don’t see him” Ryeowook pointed out slyly, smiling suggestively at Kyuhyun. Ryeowook was well aware that the maknae was all talk. He had seen his behaviour in recent days. Whilst Kyuhyun was in no way ridiculous or creepy, he was obviously the one that had a harder time dealing with the days of separation. Ryeowook found it to be adorable really. It was heart warming to see the maknae soften so much in regards to Yesung, even if he was still a little brat when dealing with the rest of them. Ryeowook hoped that he could be happy for a long time.

“Anyway have a good night” Ryeowook says with a blinding smile as he left the kitchen winking suggestively in Kyuhyun’s direction. Kyuhyun watched him go with confusion.

What on earth was that fool on anyway?  Either way Kyuhyun resisted the urge to boast that every night was a good night for him, especially when he got to snuggle with Yesung. Yes! It was true Kyuhyun was a snuggler. He was embarrassed to his bones. He never thought he would ever be one of those people that snuggled. Come on! Snuggle? Kyuhyun in his adolescence would scoff at dramas that made a big deal out of it. It was just to people depriving the each other of comfort in his opinion, which had greatly changed in recent time. He would deny it, if ever questioned out loud, but would silently reaffirm it in all his actions and thoughts that he was nearly addicted to the act, thankfully it was not as bad as the handholding. He found that he genuinely missed the weight pressed against his chest or the smell of coffee/cinnamon that would surround him .He was even having trouble sleeping by himself now. He hoped that he wasn’t getting too attached, but lamented the fact that such hopes were pointless now. Why wonder if he was getting to attached, when there was no way to fix it even if he was? He was already impossibly attached to the man; it was no stopping it now. He even realized that he was attached even before he had confessed to Yesung. In all their years around each other, he had long fostered an attachment, that would be difficult to break. They had developed that silent friendship thing of theirs long before. Kyuhyun marvelled how it had persisted even now, just getting stronger and stronger each day. The only difference now being that he got to sleep with him in his arms on a regular basis, their closeness having always been there if not ever actually spoken. Kyuhyun smiled broadly. He really enjoyed the sleeping together though. It was much better, he beamed. With that thought occupying his mind he made his way to the man he was anxious to see.

“Kyu ah I am glad you are back. I was waiting for you” Yesung informs a bit excitedly, smiling blindingly, face bubbly and cheerful, voice quirky and just happy, with him immediately shutting his laptop and pulling himself to greet Kyuhyun would was in the process of returning the smile. Kyuhyun was not wondering why Yesung was so happy to see him, just glad to see the man and being distracted by his beaming smile. Truthfully that was all Kyuhyun was concentrating on, until he felt Yesung wrap a hand on his arm, bringing into the room faster. His attention then shifted rapidly to the warmth on his clothed arm, enjoying it.

“I want you to go somewhere with me” Yesung happily informs, continuing to smile at Kyuhyun, who was just doing the same thing. Kyuhyun felt happy to be in the man’s presence and felt instantly reenergized seeing him this happy, all his weariness washing away instantly. Kyuhyun now wondered what made him so happy or excited as he was. Kyuhyun would love to tell himself it was simply his presence but even his ego was not that big.’ Its close though’ his mind snickered, which Kyuhyun choose to ignore. He had a happy Yesung in front of him; only a fool would waste time arguing with their mean subconscious. He was sure in his swallowing of smiles and warmth; he had heard that Yesung wanted them to go somewhere…which automatically called for some teasing

“It better not be star gazing. We need to have some self respect hyung” Kyuhyun warned cheekily, smiling at the man with a wicked smile. He always protests against star gazing after Yesung made them watch a sunrise together. Yesung never likes the accusation that he is cheesy and Kyuhyun finds it amusing. He never discloses that even if it is beyond cliché as star gazing is, he would jump at the opportunity to do anything to spend time with Yesung. Once he got to hold his hands and smell coffee and cinnamon he would never hesitate. Hell! He would grab hold tightly of the opportunity. The teasing he did was to placate his self respect, who has taken a beating since he fell hopelessly in love. He felt sorry for his self respect.

“We are going to have or second date actually. Isn’t that great?” Yesung continued excitedly, choosing to ignore Kyuhyun’s previous tease. He was too happy that they would be doing this again to play with Kyuhyun, which was actually weird, since a date meant he would be playing with Kyuhyun. Yesung didn’t want to think about whether or not it was an oxymoron, instead focused on the fact that they were going to go on a date finally. He was too happy to care about anything else. Kyuhyun grumbles inwardly. Yesung didn’t even know they had their second date already, one that he planned and was excited for and everything. That was until Yesung brought Siwon along and everything was ruined. Stupid Siwon and oblivious Yesung! ‘Are you an idiot? He just said that you are going on a date and instead you think about Siwon?’ his mind was apparently flabbergasted by its charge’s inability to determine what priority brain processing was. Kyuhyun was feeling stupid, for wasting time. He had a real date to look forward to now, why was he focusing on the messed up one. Finally a date! He was rather excited, but wanted to play cool, just nodding his head, failing to restrict the blinding smile that took over his face.

“Great! Now go shower and change. Wear something casual and warm. I will wait for you here” Yesung instructed rather efficiently, smiling at Kyuhyun brightly, eyes still having that happy excited glow about them. He was really glad they were going to try this again. He had made all the plans and he hoped that he didn’t mess it up. He really wanted Kyuhyun to enjoy this as best as he could.

“I am not a baby you know” Kyuhyun practically whined, not liking that Yesung was telling him what to wear. He didn’t see the point in complaining though, Yesung seemed to enjoy coddling him, and whilst he didn’t think it was amusing, he knew it came from love so he allowed it once it remained reasonable. Yesung didn’t respond, just instead reaching up to pinch his cheeks and chuckle when he pouted, pointing to the door, making shooing motions. Kyuhyun grumbled a bit, but still did as he was told. He was rather excited to go on this date and was determined to do it.

He returned half an hour later wearing a black form fitting jeans, a blue shirt and a black cardigan. He thought it was warm enough, especially after he added his coat. He realized that Yesung was changed as well, also dressed in dark jeans, but with a gray shirt and a sweater of some sorts, but not exactly a cardigan.  From a general perspective, Kyuhyun thought it was a nice outfit. Maybe he should steal clothes? Or make Teukie hyung buy him a shirt like that? All good possibilities he supposed. Yesung smiled happily when he noticed him, walking towards him with a smile. When he was finally in touching distance he stretched out his hand to pull pieces of his hair that were displaced back into order chuckling about the fact that he still had puppy hair, leaning back to smile happily after inspecting his work. He also smiling at the man in appreciation for the care he had just received. Without the stylist Kyuhyun wasn’t much for hair maintenance and the likes.

“We are going to have dinner together…in a restaurant I chose” Yesung informed, ensuring to clarify when he saw Kyuhyun about to remark, probably something snarky. They tend to have dinner together where possible as a regular thing, so he wanted to state why this was date worthy. Once they were in the dorms at the same time for a meal period, they often ate together or with the others, so it was not as if having a meal together would be new. It was just rare that the two of them would have actually gone out and had a meal together and never on an actual date, if you exclude the meal had they at the river on their first date. This one would be different Yesung hoped, much better and special.

“A restaurant you selected? Should I be worried?” Kyuhyun teased, eyes playful and bright, voice dripping with mock worry. Kyuhyun was thrilled that they were going out together. It was something that rarely happened and basically never happened on a date. Well so far they only had that failed first date and that interrupted second date that Yesung didn’t even know was a date. Maybe Kyuhyun shouldn’t be worried about Yesung’s unique choice of restaurant and instead worry about the chances of success. So far they didn’t seem to have much luck. They do say that the third time is the charm, so maybe luck and a little bit of fate would be on their side.( A/N: Or a kinder…I am sorry Kyusung!)

“You are not funny. Seriously though, Kyuhyun you need to be careful alright. We both need to be careful. We can’t touch each other unnecessarily or in a weird way when people can see us alright? Do you understand me Kyu ah? This is important” Yesung spoke seriously, voice firm and stringent, eyes sorry and full of hope that Kyuhyun would understand what he meant. He was sorry to start their date this way , but he had no choice. He wanted them to be together and have a good time and tried his best to plan a scenario for that to occur, but they still needed to be cautious. He was regretful that he had to burden Kyuhyun was that much stress and make it less enjoyable for them, but he was the older one and he had to be responsible. Kyuhyun was young and guided by that boldest that came from young love but he was the older one. It was his responsibility to think about the possibilities and to protect them as long as he could. He felt genuine lament for the situation Kyuhyun had to endure though. He sighed.

“I am not Siwon hyung , so that shouldn’t be a problem. He is the one that has problems keeping his hands to himself” Kyuhyun observed, voice laced with mocking and hidden displeasure. He tried his best to tame the remark, but it was what it was. He was not upset that he had to be retrained. He had accepted that it was part of their lives and he would just have to make the most of it. It still annoyed him though, that someone like Siwon could hang all over him in public even and he didn’t even bother to prevent it. He supposed the reason being that even if the allegation of something inappropriate was made, both could and would easily dismiss it without much care, but Kyuhyun knew it would be rather difficult for either to deny each other if the question was ever asked. Therefore it was better that the question was never asked.

“You are so childish sometimes Kyu ah. I am serious though, we have to be careful.’ Yesung reiterated, with a stern posture and an voice that instructed Kyuhyun to comply. Kyuhyun just nodded his head, seeing no need to prolong that exchange. Yesung was happy with his acceptance, hugging him surprisingly. Kyuhyun was shocked by the contact and was once again surprised by the lack of contact, Yesung pulling back before Kyuhyun could properly response, reaching to touch his cheeks, smiling brightly at him, before he swiftly grabbed his hand and led him to the door.

Kyuhyun was confused by the swiftness of it all, though as always thoroughly amused by the antics of the man, happy to follow where ever he led, especially with warm fingers pressing into his wrist. Both proceeded to the door, hand in hand, with only Ryeowook shouting out a “Have Fun” from the living room and Yesung returning a “Thanks”  spoken. With Kyuhyun finally understanding why Ryeowook was being so suggestive. He had prior knowledge of the date. Kyuhyun supposed he would be gushing now that his two favourite characters were going on a date. He was such a fan boy sometimes. Kyuhyun was pulled from his thoughts, with Yesung instructing him to put on his coat, Yesung already finished with the action. Together they made their way down the elevator and into the garage, Yesung heading towards his car, Kyuhyun following behind diligently. Yesung it seems knew better than to open doors, allowing Kyuhyun to take a seat next to him at the passenger side, before he pulled out of the garage.

“Where are we going Hyung?” Kyuhyun inquired as he watched the buildings pass by. They didn’t seem to be leaving Seoul and he figured that the restaurant was not too far away, with Yesung being casual about the whole thing, singing along to the radio, focusing on driving.

“It’s close by actually. We are nearly there. You will see for yourself soon” Yesung responded knowledgably, sparing a quick glance and smile in Kyuhyun’s direction before he returned to looking at the path ahead of him. Kyuhyun was satisfied with the answer, content to just see where they ended up.

True to his word they arrived less than ten minutes later, with Yesung pulling into a nice parking lot covered with tall willows and fortunately limited vehicles, which hopefully meant that they wouldn’t have to cover up to much. Yesung smiled at him happily, before he invited him to descend. Kyuhyun did as he was told, admiring the front of the edifice, which was beautifully covered with flowers and a large wooden gate that covered most of it , preventing Kyuhyun from seeing inside. As he was going to ask Yesung about the specifics he saw the man talking rapidly into his phone, Kyuhyun doing the polite thing and waiting till he was finished. Again before he could ask a question, Yesung approached him and grabbed his hand pulling him forward. Kyuhyun was too shocked by the action to actually ask a question. Firstly Yesung was holding on to his hand and secondly he had not insisted that they cover up. Kyuhyun was the one frantically glancing around to make sure no one saw them. Kyuhyun did not notice when he had passed the first threshold, only returning to the present when Yesung released his hand, now speaking to a lady dressed in a kimono.  That snapped Kyuhyun out of his reverie properly, coming to realize that they were in a traditional Japanese restaurant. They were not especially common in Seoul but was not entirely foreign either. The rather pretty lady led them to a private room, that was already filled with food, before bowing quickly and leaving. Kyuhyun took one of the low seats, looking around the room. It was gorgeous, to say the least. The lighting was soft and it opened to a small garden, the walls wooden and crafted, comfortable and perfect. To say he was surprised would be an understatement. Yesung was not exactly the most organized or romantic so this was rather out of what you would possibly expect.

“Ryeowook chose the place and arranged for the room” Yesung clarified with a chuckle, having seen the confused expression Kyuhyun was wearing. He knew that confusion had to do with the fact that Yesung had brought them there and not the actual room itself. Yesung was well aware that he was not the most romantic person out there, so had smartly asked Ryeowook for a suggestion. The eternal maknae gushed for a few minutes, before he promptly informed Yesung to leave it all to him and be ready to have a good time. Yesung saw no reason to complain and so far it had worked out. The room was gorgeous and private, so that meant that they wouldn’t have to be so jumpy. Also it was sort of exclusive looking, so they didn’t have to worry about people recognizing them. Even the attendant didn’t seem to pay much attention to them, so far so good.

“Now that makes sense” Kyuhyun remarked chuckling as well. It was truly unlikely that Yesung had selected the room or the location. Not that Kyuhyun wouldn’t have appreciated anything he did, it was just that things like this were not in his usual conduct and it was definitely not what Kyuhyun was expecting. He was happy though. It was a good that they were alone together like this. He really looked forward to the rest of the evening. Kyuhyun naturally reached out to take Yesung’s hand in his across the small table. Yesung did not pull away, instead letting their fingers be joined, thumbs rubbing against each other’s palm, smiling at each other brightly for a long time, not even bothering to eat any of the delicious looking things before them, just happy to be with each other and happy to not have to hide their hands.

“I don’t know what we are supposed to talk about” Yesung admitted shyly, having realized that they were just staring at each other smiling. He was a bit nervous actually. He knew they promised to be normal on all future dates, but he wanted this to be special and enjoyable. He wanted Kyuhyun to have a good time and for this to feel like a date. He had never really been good at dates, not having done it very much prior and the few he had been on had always been slightly awkward. He was not the most romantically suave so he was rather out of his element then.

“We can talk about the things we normally talk about or things that we found interesting. Isn’t that what we always do anyway? That would be a step as any” Kyuhyun suggested, smiling at the man fondly. Kyuhyun saw the light blush he was trying to hide and knew he was slightly nervous and was trying to calm him a little. Kyuhyun was happy to see his words having intended effect, which Yesung just chuckling lightly and smiling at him, squeezing his hand a little in gratitude.

Kyuhyun genuinely believed his words though. He truly believed that whether it was a date or not they should be able to talk about things naturally and not have to force it. Part of love was being able to have the same conversations over and over again or hear the same stories numerous times and yet feel like it is the first time. If you intended to spend forever together that was just one of the steps. Kyuhyun truly didn’t mind talking about the same things over and over; it always gave him a better opportunity to enjoy the expressions and the emotions. He had found that recently the man’s voice had been doing odd things to him. It was so deep and husky, he felt as it was consuming him, surrounding him, living within the rise and fall of its melody. It was super weird and even more distracting, but he didn’t want it to stop no matter what happened. He enjoyed the sensations it caused in his eardrums, and deep in his heart, sometimes reaching to the pits of his stomach. He only wished he could focus on the actual words more though. They always seem to be happy things judging by his expressions most of the time, which were another distracting thing. He had to force himself sometimes to focus on his words rather than how his eyes would contract when he got excited or the way his lips curled into a barely there half smile. He was really enjoying noticing these little things though. He was sure he would never stop finding little things that would make his heart flutter.

“Kyu ah you are not listening. Do you not like what we are talking about? Is it boring? Or do you not like the restaurant? We can do something else then” Yesung looked at him with questioning eyes, his voice was soft, but Kyuhyun could see the hint of annoyance he was trying to conceal. Kyuhyun could smack himself. He was so distracted by listening to the soft melody of his voice that he actually forgot to focus on his words. This is why he hated doing that. Yesung was obviously annoyed and now he was sure the older man doubted whether this was going well or not. He was really an idiot sometimes.

“No hyung. Sorry I was just thinking about something. This is perfect” Kyuhyun reassured, putting pressure on their still joined hands, smiling at the man blindingly, hoping to push away whatever doubt he was sure was creeping into his mind away .He felt a little panicked when Yesung still looked at him with unsure eyes, so just said what popped into his mind.

“Your voice is pretty” Kyuhyun nearly purred, before he could catch himself, free hand flying to cover his mouth in horror, face turning instantly red, eyes looking down at his untouched food. He could kick himself. Did he really just say that out loud? Why on earth was he even thinking that? He was never supposed to say something that sappy or cliché. It was one thing to think it and another to actually say it. Just because he was distracted, his mouth actually betrayed him. Like seriously! Where was his subconscious?  Wasn’t it supposed to protect him from having slips like those? He wanted to hide under the table from the embarrassment. He was mad at himself as well. He had heard Yesung’s voice for years and could admit that he had always had appreciation for the man’s singing, but then again who wouldn’t? He was beyond amazing, yet he couldn’t understand his sudden fascination with his speaking voice. For the most part he hid the admiration in short exchanges but it was much harder when he spoke at length. He had just made the whole thing awkward. Way to go Kyuhyun! He scoffed at his own self.

“Thanks I guess…Yours is nice as well I suppose. Maybe we should eat?”Yesung said shyly, a soft smile on his face, eyes looking at Kyuhyun tenderly, face red as well. The whole thing was very weird. He thought Kyuhyun was not having a good time, then he just said that he had a pretty voice and looked ready to kick himself. It was adorable and Yesung wanted to squish him, resisting the urge, settling to squeeze his hands to get his attention. Kyuhyun finally looked up at him shyly, with Yesung just smiling at the cuteness. Kyuhyun darted his eyes away soon after, but returned to look at him with stronger eyes. Yesung knew he was willing the blush away and once again chuckling at the adorableness.Yesung would once again encourage him to eat, and this time he complied. It was something to do other than wishing to be swallowed by the earth. Once they started eating, Yesung once again started talking and the awkwardness passed bit by bit, with both feeling comfortable. Kyuhyun was adding to the conversation this time, both enjoying the various treats on the table as well as the company.

Once they had tried everything that interested them, they concluded the meal, just happy to sit together in a pretty room and talk about random things, filling each other in on anything the other would have missed or just talking about the others, Kyuhyun sneakily ended that line of conversation when Yesung had mentioned Siwon, diverting his attention by asking about his brother and parents. Kyuhyun felt relaxed and happy, though was conscious to ensure he focused on the words and not that melodious husky voice. He genuinely thought he was doing a good job, with the conversation flowing, mainly thanks to Yesung who could be rather talkative when he wanted to be, but only when he wanted to be. Kyuhyun was happy that Yesung was comfortable to be with him, in such a setting. The idea gave him much joy. Yesung was the one that planned this date. On their first date he was hesitant, but now he was more comfortable and not so reserved. He even said the word date without a reaction. These little things made Kyuhyun ecstatic. He was not having a race, but was running a marathon. They would be in this a long time, and as of now all they needed was to be slow and steady. After a while they were both drawn out of their discourse by the same pretty lady entering with what Kyuhyun assumed was the check. He then realized that it was actually rather late and they had been in there for hours. He didn’t want it to end, but wouldn’t mine being home. Either way Yesung would be with him and that was all that was important.  Comically they both reached for their wallets at the same time, stopping to look at each other.

“It’s my treat Kyu ah. Don’t even bother to complain.” Yesung says with a smile in Kyuhyun’s direction, eyes a little serious, but no reprimand evident. He was just interested in being the one to pay. He had invited Kyuhyun out, so it was his duty to pay. He knew that Kyuhyun was not the type that liked others to pay and he especially prefers to be the one to pay on a date. He didn’t want Kyuhyun to think he was treating him like a girl though, which judging from the forced smile on his face was exactly what Kyuhyun was thinking. He honestly didn’t want him to be upset, but in this situation he really ought to be the one to pay. It was something that they both were just going to have to get accustomed to. They couldn’t always be the guy guy. Yeah they would always be men and that wouldn’t change, but sometimes one would have to give way just a little bit. Yesung though, was well aware that compromise only worked if both were willing to do it. He was more than willing.

“You can pay next time. Then we will do something even more expensive than this” Yesung chuckled, trying to appease the maknae a little. To him it was a good solution. If they took turns or just based on who initiated the date they wouldn’t have a problem. None of it was set in stone, but little by little they had to find ways to adjust to their situations. Kyuhyun for his part didn’t like the idea of someone else paying. He much preferred to pay. He was a man it was just good upbringing, but then he realized that Yesung was also very similar and they if they wanted this relationship to work, they both had to compromise sometimes. Yesung was willing and so would he. He nodded at the man, smiling his acceptance, to get a smile in return. Little by little, it would all fall into place. Kyuhyun was happy.

They made their payments, grabbed their things and casually made their way out of the building, once again thankful that the patrons looked the sort that would be unlikely to recognize them based on their street appearance. Kyuhyun was content the night had progressed so well, except for his slip that he would reprimand his subconscious for once again later. He happily slipped into the passenger seat, prepared to send the rest of their date in gratitude. Yesung though seemed oddly energetic still, though Kyuhyun didn’t question him. He had long come to realize that the man was on a good day odd, so he didn’t bother to find out all that went through his mind. He was sure he would love all of it anyway. ’Seriously you need help. I will pray for you’ his mind vowed evilly. Now it showed up, after abandoning him in his time of need. Seriously sub-consciousness had no loyalty. He roused from his thoughts by Yesung asking if he was tired to which he responded no. Whilst he could use some rest, he was too happy to actually feel tired. He then noticed that they were not heading home exactly, having missed the turn off road. He looked to Yesung quizzically who just smiled that comforting, make Kyuhyun do whatever I want smile of his and Kyuhyun was once again in too much of a daze to really ask any real questions. He didn’t have to either, as soon after they pulled up onto a car park overlooking the Han River. He couldn’t believe they were actually going to this now. He remembered last time he thought it would be nice, but they couldn’t do it then. Well it wasn’t all bad, he did get a kiss…not a bad trade in his opinion.

Kyuhyun happily exited, asking Yesung why he didn’t just say they were going to the Han River, with Yesung just shrugging his shoulders, Kyuhyun chuckling at his usual weirdness. Kyuhyun was glad they were going to do this, anxious to head to the river, before Yesung drew his attention, handing him a hat, then pulling one onto his own head.

“Sorry Kyu ah, but this time we will have to cover up a little” Yesung informed a little sadly, smile dimming a little, not looking as excited as he was before. Even if what he planned was theoretically safe, they still had to be cautious. This was an open area and as such the possibilities were endless. It was nearly midnight but people would still be around. The persons here were in a much better position to recognize them and whilst they wouldn’t need to go to huge extremes, they needed to make sure it was not to obvious

“That’s fine hyung” Kyuhyun assured with a bright smile. He was just happy to be here with Yesung, wearing a hat was in no way an inconvenience. He was willing to do things differently to be in his current position. He knew that they couldn’t be out in the open anyway. Even if they were not in their position, it would be necessary to have some sort of cover anyway. They were after all members of Super Junior. Their popularity in its current fever pitch was definitely no joke. Yesung smiled at him fondly, obviously appreciative of his understanding in the situation.

Yesung then took the lead, heading towards the River , but unlike what Kyuhyun expected he instead walked on ahead in the opposite direction, towards the lower part of the river. Kyuhyun had been there before. It was significantly less well kept than the higher part, being bereft of the nice walk and the botany that Up River possessed. It was as a result less populated as it was less pretty, but it still gave a fairly good view of the river and had a path that could be ventured upon. Kyuhyun wondered why they were heading in that direction, but made no inquiry. He figured Yesung had his reasons. He followed along as to be expected .It was obvious by now that he would follow the older man anywhere he wanted him to. ’Yes we know. Its rather obvious…might wanna try working on that’ his mind continued its running commentary, which once again he was choosing to ignore, as Yesung had stopped walking ahead of him. He would have his mind know that Yesung was a lot more important than it was. ‘Whatever!’

“No one should recognize us here” Yesung finally informed, smiling at Kyuhyun brightly, but Kyuhyun knew it was not as bright as it should be. His disposition seemed to be pleased though, so Kyuhyun was just going to let it go. He understood the logic well. Yeah he would rather the pretty side, with the nice flowers and the tall willows and the well crafted path and railings rather than just the concrete, generic railed, grass only path that they were facing, but the point of walking along the River was to be with Yesung, which he had covered. He was happy and saw no reason not to be, especially when Yesung reached down and took his hand in his, wrapping his small fingers tightly around his, smiling at him lovingly, Kyuhyun returning the gesture.

Together they silently walked about the less worn path silently. There was no need for words in that moment. The warmth from their joint hands surrounding them, engulfing them in perfect happiness, contentment cradling their hearts, burrowing into their souls. Both lost in their own thoughts of appreciation and affection, for the person standing next to them, the person they hoped would be there in all of eternity or atleast their own lifetime if God wouldn’t grant them eternity. The little squeezes or soft touches of their fingers, the only communication required between the not, not even bothering to look into each other’s eyes. Both knew they were reaffirming the promises they made to each other. Reaffirming that they would love each other for an eternity, that they would fight for their love, that they would never let go no matter how hard it got, that they would face the world together , that they would be by each other’s side as long as humanly possible, that they wished to be each other’s other half for always. Both grateful for the silent communications, happy that they never really needed to say the words, that it was always held in each other hearts. Kyuhyun’s mind could mock as much as it wants to, but this was his reality. He would put forth that all his sappiness came from genuine emotion and at the end of the day that was all that mattered.

 Eventually they came across a bench and Yesung took a seat, Kyuhyun doing the same. It was a plain rickety bench, nothing like the nice carved metal and wood ones on the other side, but it was just enough. They were comfortable and on it together, Kyuhyun wouldn’t care if it was a stool, once he got to do the aforementioned. It was made even better by the fact that Yesung had not released his hands, perhaps comfortable because they had yet to come across anyone in close vicinity, so the action would not be noticeable to anyone and they had to worry less. Kyuhyun thought he needed a new word to describe his feeling then. Happiness was a gross understatement. Despite the other factors involved, this was so precious in so many ways. The warmth that spread through his body from their joint hands, looking over a calm river, just side by side; it was an indescribable feeling of contentment and happiness. Kyuhyun shivered then slightly as the wind picked up a little, but he didn’t mind. He liked the contrast of the cold against his inconceivably warm hands then.

“I’ll be right back Kyu ah .Just stay here okay” Yesung informed as he stood up, breaking the hold they had on each other. Kyuhyun was ready to whine a protest but he was already walking away, and he decided to protect whatever dignity he had left. He disliked the coldness that he felt now though, with no warm hands holding on to his.

Kyuhyun observes the area, bereft of any adornment and found it to be beautiful. It was analogous to their relationship in a way. It was the less used path, which was not filled with needless adornments or beautiful creations, yet it could give comfort and opportunity.  The path they both took was often less used and their awkwardness made it less beautiful, but just as he would look at this path and see the beauty associated with it, he could do the same with their relationship. It was perfect due to what they added to it. They made it into something beautiful and enticing, because of the emotions involved. It was more than fine that they wouldn’t walk along pretty paths adored by flowers. Instead they would walk long along a darker path and make it beautiful and everlasting in their wake. It would all be touched by the love they had in their hearts. Kyuhyun was interrupted from his sappy, would be philosophical thoughts by Yesung’s return.

He smiled at Kyuhyun as he returned to his previously vacated seat, handing Kyuhyun a cup of convenience store coffee that was still fairly hot. Kyuhyun would blush from the sweetness of the gesture if he was not adamant in protecting whatever dignity he had left. It was a sort of pleasing in the deepest way, that Yesung got him the coffee, he assumes due to his slight shiver a few minutes ago. He just felt the silent love and affection so deep he could actually scream. Seriously they were men. They were supposed to be stupid and ridiculous. In a way he supposed they still were, but now that stupid was guided by genuine love and affection. Kyuhyun accepted the drink with a smile of his own, not caring that it was cheap convenience store coffee, but instead, mesmerized by the idea of the whole thing. He wasn’t even offended he was sorta treated like a girl. He knew it was just a Yesung thing to do. He was the caring, protecting sort. It would have been a natural reaction for him. He wouldn’t have even considered it. That was just the sort of person he was and Kyuhyun was grateful that out of all the people in the world he could care about, he choose him.

“I am sorry we couldn’t go to the pretty side” Yesung apologized with a sad smile, looking at Kyuhyun. He was truly sorry that they missed all the nice things on the other side, and sorry that somehow Kyuhyun had to get the short stick each time. He was not doing a great job at this protecting thing.

“Don’t worry about it. I rather like this view anyway” Kyuhyun assured, resisting the urge to gush about how perfect everything was, instead choosing to reach out and take the escaped prisoner back into his hands and smile fondly at the man, whilst both resisted the urge to lean into each other. Both were just smiling at each other, content to enjoy their cheap coffee and enjoy each other’s warmth.

After some time, the air got colder, encouraging the two to depart. Wordlessly they stood up, with Kyuhyun reaching for Yesung’s hand, holding firmly in his, smiling warmly at each other as they walked once more on the path, this time leading them their car. Yesung this time was not as quiet, instead pointing of various things, making cute observations. Kyuhyun was just interested in listening to his voice, amused by his interest in various things. They returned to the vehicle, though having to pause and wait a few minutes near a tree, as there were a few people in the vicinity. It felt odd to have to stand beneath a tree, but it wasn’t all bad, Kyuhyun got to smell coffee and cinnamon that much closer. Eventually they made it to the car, getting in and happy to head home. The return journey was generally silent, both just letting the day wash over them and perhaps look over happy memories, indicated by the way they would smile at each other occasionally. Upon arrival at their dorms, both descended and casually made their way to their assigned floor. The dorm was quiet surprisingly. Kyuhyun had expected Ryeowook to be lurking about somewhere waiting for the details. He didn’t mind though. His mind was a little hazy from the generally happiness and thought it best not to have to pull himself out of it to deal with any teasing. Finally they both entered Yesung’s room, with Kyuhyun having a devious idea.

“Wait hyung” Kyuhyun called out to Yesung who was a few steps ahead of him, reaching his hand out to grab onto his wrist and turn him around to face him. Kyuhyun was sure he was going to blush burgundy but it must be done. ’No you want to do it’ his mind countered. Well maybe that was true.

“It’s not a date until I get a kiss” Kyuhyun informed with a smirk, watching as Yesung’s face turned red instantly, taking on a surprised look, stuttering a “Kyu ah” embarrassed. Kyuhyun didn’t mind having to be the one to act. Since his two idiot hyung had interrupted their last kiss, Yesung had indeed gotten more shy. He made them pay appropriately of course, but he was still the one left to mend the damage. The older man was generally shy in those areas and sometimes lacked the confidence to act in regards to intimacy. Kyuhyun was not upset though. He was well aware that was the position and he wholeheartedly still entered into the relationship. He did not mind having to be the one to chance it ever so often. The only thing that unsettled him a little was that he did not know where the boundaries were found. He didn’t want to push to far forward and cause awkwardness, between the both of them nor for his own self. It still felt weird sometimes to have a firm jaw pressed against his, but he always choose to focus on the softness of the actual lips and the warmth that coursed through his body. He always wanted the acts to be based on love and affection and not necessarily pressure or force. It could build slowly and delicately, once it last a lifetime.

Those were his guiding thoughts as he leaned down slowly, as always giving the older man enough time to withdraw if he did not want it to happen. Seeing him nod slightly, Kyuhyun smiled before he removed the small distance between pressing his lips against the soft reddish lips of the older man. As usual the sensations were drowning him and he had not even started moving his lips, and he didn’t have to. Yesung was the one that was moving his lips against his. It was shy and soft, but not exactly timid or reserved, just gentle and sort of loving. Kyuhyun brought his hand around to draw the man closer to him, his hand resting on Yesung’s back, forcing the smaller man to place his hands on Kyuhyun’s chest for support. Kyuhyun whilst loving the soft sweet brushes wanted them a little closer, capturing the lower fold between his, caressing it tenderly, then a little more forceful, holding the man close to him as possible. This continued for a bit, much longer than ever before. Kyuhyun released the tender flesh, then released the breath that he had been holding on to, brush his nose lovingly against Yesung’s, placing soft closed mouth kisses to his red cheeks, before the older man opened his eyes to stare at Kyuhyun shyly, before resting his head against his chest, trying to will the blush away. Kyuhyun just tightened his hold. No matter how shy he was he had never once pulled away or not reacted. Kyuhyun was always pleased with that fact. Little by little the shyness would fade as he had been doing before those clowns interrupted. Kyuhyun didn’t mind though, slowly but surely.

“Now it’s a date” Kyuhyun announces with a chuckle, causing Yesung to do the same, lifting his head to look at Kyuhyun smiling at him before he leaned in to pecked him one last time, before smacking Kyuhyun on the chest for making him blush like a tomato, pulling himself out of Kyuhyun’s grip, turning around to smack his own cheeks to make the blush go away. Kyuhyun was amused by the action, but decided that he had things to do before he could engage in one of his favourite activities. With a short word, Kyuhyun left to go get changed and whatever other night time rituals he had.

Kyuhyun returned half an hour later to find Yesung sitting on his bed, turtle plushie against his chest, apparently lost in thought, though he did smile when he saw Kyuhyun, who as usual took up his seat beside him, shoulder against shoulder. Kyuhyun wondered what he was thinking about. It was obviously not the kiss, since he looked pensive and maybe regretful? Kyuhyun was sure no matter how awkward their kisses were, they were in no way enough to make anyone regretful. Yesung had better not be regretting his kiss! He needed immediate answers. He couldn’t let such a vile thought persist. His thunder was stolen however when Yesung spoke.

“Kyu ah I am really sorry that things were like that.I am sorry we couldn’t go to the pretty side and that you had to cover up.I am sorry that things are so hard sometimes, that you can’t do the things you want to do or better things. I am sorry I always make you be careful and cause you stress” Yesung spoke with regret, turning to look at Kyuhyun with sad eyes and a sombre continence. Kyuhyun couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was this guy an idiot? He really just snapped, causing him to reach across and grab Yesung’s face, though not forcefully enough to hurt him, he could never hurt him, staring him in the eyes, his own eyes tinged with anger and frustration.

“Are you an idiot? Can’t you see that everything was perfect? Why are you even upset? We just spent a great evening together. Can’t that be enough for you? It’s always enough for me. I knew full well what I was agreeing too and accepting when I confessed. I know you treat me like a child sometimes, but does that mean you thought I wouldn’t understand? I wanted this despite how hard it would be. I knew and I chose to be here. I don’t care how hard it is, once I get to be with you. Seriously can’t you just be happy to be next to me?” Kyuhyun questioned frustrated, eyes bearing forcibly into the shocked older man, that just looked embarrassed as Kyuhyun gritted his teeth in his direction. Kyuhyun was tired of the doubts and tired of the apologies. Why was he always sorry? It was not as if he tricked Kyuhyun or something, well Kyuhyun was bewitched but that was his own choice. He didn’t understand why Yesung couldn’t get it through that thick skull of his that everything was perfect just because they were together. Did he think Kyuhyun was materialistic and shallow? The world didn’t end because they had to walk along a less pretty path, but instead they created their own world. Kyuhyun was aware that things were hard and inconvenient sometimes, but that was what Kyuhyun signed up for. He not once even in the heights of his cheesy never ending rambling about love, thought it was going to be easy. He never minded though, because Yesung was worth it, he was always worth it. Did Yesung think otherwise?

He swears the man was the most frustrating person he had ever met in his entire life but he was also the most loveable, which made him even more frustrating. The man was looking at him with the most innocent eyes he had ever seen and it was annoying him. He had just caused Kyuhyun to lose his mind for a couple of minutes, but now he was the embodiment of innocence. He even had those soft eyes, gentle barely there smile, and that faint blush. Kyuhyun wanted to scoff at the man, but was to overcome with the adorableness of it all. He really hated this. He couldn’t even stay mad properly. He really was a little kitten now. He smiled. Now Yesung was smiling at him and that was it, all his anger vanished. He loosened his hold, eyes softening considerable, face no longer tense but forming a begrudging smile. He was compelled he swears, compelled to lean down and press a few light kisses to the blushed cheeks still in his hands. He was hopeless, was all he could think, as he pulled the man into a hug.

“You didn’t have to be so mean you know. I am still your hyung” Yesung indicated still held in Kyuhyun’s arms. He understood what the maknae was saying. He always worried if things were too hard for Kyuhyun, if they were not perfect enough or special enough. He worried that the stress would affect Kyuhyun, but in reality he was just letting it affect him. Kyuhyun was right. He needed to stop worrying about the details and look at the big picture. No matter what they did, they were together and that was all that mattered. He was well aware that things would be hard but still chose to be with Kyuhyun and perhaps Kyuhyun had made the same choice. Just as he loved Kyuhyun to not care about anything else, once Kyuhyun was beside him, perhaps Kyuhyun felt the same way. It was not that he thought Kyuhyun didn’t understand, just that maybe the maknae didn’t know the extent to which he would have to suffer. Kyuhyun though, seems adamant that he wanted to be there and he understood that things were not going to be easy or perfect. He would just have to trust Kyuhyun and learn to go on faith.

“You knew what you were getting into as well when you said yes to someone like me. It would have been dumb to expect kindness always wouldn’t it?”  Kyuhyun chuckled, pulling Yesung forward so he could look at the man teasingly with his smirk firmly in place. Really though Yesung knew exactly what he was getting into, when he said yes. He was well acquainted with Kyuhyun’s personality so he shouldn’t really complain.

“Really must have been an idiot to agree to spend my life with a rude brat like you” Yesung rejoined teasingly, a smirk of his own forming, turning into a smile when Kyuhyun pouted.

“Yah hyung” Kyuhyun protested, lunging forward to poke the now grinning man in front of him, happy that his tease had the desired effect.

Kyuhyun intended to be merciless. He would regret his words and Kyuhyun would avenge the slight to his personality. He held him in one hand as the other poked him in the rib area, the older but smaller, trying his hardest to push Kyuhyun off with his small hands being rather ineffective against Kyuhyun’s broad chest. It didn’t help either that he was either grimacing from the slight pain or trying to hold back the unintentional laughter caused by the fact that he was ticklish. He sincerely regretted that Kyuhyun knew he was very ticklish and often chooses to seek revenge this way. It was not extensive but it was uncomfortable and embarrassing, to be caught squealing like some girl, but he really couldn’t control it. Kyuhyun eventually being satisfied with the torture he inflicted, choosing instead to use his arms to drag the man down with him to the bed, just wanting to be wrapped in his arms comfortable. Yesung did not protest the action, allowing himself to be dragged to the bed, his plushie long lost in the war. Kyuhyun positioning himself to be against his chest, hands surrounding him. Yesung following what seemed like muscle memory now, wrapping his hands protectively around the younger man against his chest.

“Kyu ah you sure you don’t mind?” Yesung questioned one last time, rubbing his chin against the mat of hair just beneath it comfortingly, the comfort being for himself. He knew Kyuhyun said that he didn’t mind the difficulties but he just had to clarify, to ensure that Kyuhyun was happy.

“You really are an idiot. It’s obviously less fun and sorta inconvenient but I am happy to just be here like this. Everything is perfect.” Kyuhyun spoke seriously but the happiness was evident in his voice, as he shifted his body against Yesung, bringing his head closer to be placed just beneath his head and throat, nestled perfectly, his hand pulling the man against him, then reaching to hold the small hand closest to him, both adjusting until they were wrapped up with each other comfortably.

“Now who is the cheesy one?” Yesung teased, chuckling happily, dropping light kisses to Kyuhyun’s head, something that gives them both comfort and fulfilment; an event that was expected to occur before they fell asleep.

“Even so,you’re whiny” Kyuhyun rejoined, smirking even if Yesung could not actually see it, he was sure the older man could hear it in his voice, then coupled with the light chuckle. Yesung was right his statement was cheesy, but rather tame compared to what he usually thinks about, but he was more than willing to keep that bit of information to himself.

“Shut up and sleep you brat” Yesung instructs with a chuckle and a swat to his head, that he immediately soothed with a soft kiss. He was happy to have Kyuhyun in his arms. In his mind this was how all days should end. He was committed to just trusting Kyuhyun and this relationship.

Kyuhyun didn’t respond, instead just rubbing his head playfully against the older man’s chin, making his hair tickle him, causing Yesung to chuckle and protest against the tickling sensation. Kyuhyun laughed at his tiny revenge, even if he was swatted a few times gently. Kyuhyun was thrilled to be in his position. He was content and satisfied, especially with the knowledge that he was getting a promise he had made to himself. He had promised that he would end each day with the man in his arms and he had thus far kept that promise as best as was possible. Kyuhyun mused that life wasn’t always easy, but he didn’t mind one bit. He didn’t think it was going to be easy, not once. He had entered into this relationship with his eyes opened to the possibilities of discomfort and inconvenience. Despite all of that he truly wanted this relationship; he truly wanted to spend his life wrapped in a warm protective embrace. The day had been perfect, despite the little moments of awkwardness and uncertainty. He hoped that Yesung would come to understand that he never needed anything other than to be near him, to have his hand hold onto his. He also realized that he really needed to work on that anger thing. He feared they would never be able to have a proper argument if he didn’t build up some resistance against those damned powerful innocent eyes of Yesung’s. It was actually quite sad he lamented. ’Your general disposition towards him is in itself sad and pitiful’ his mind meanly informed. He supposed it was right, but with the warmth surrounding him, the arms that held him protectively holding him close, the soft thumps of the heartbeat nearby and the faint movement of the pulse near his ear, not to mention the enticing aroma of coffee and cinnamon that was entertaining his nostrils, he really couldn’t care to be anything but pitiful. He truly lived in heaven and he would be an idiot to mess with that. It was okay that he had no longer had an ounce of coolness when it came to Yesung. It was worth it. It was always worth it.


A/N: This is the embodiment of sappiness, but come on, it’s a date. They are allowed to be sappy and well I am just a sappy person. I warned everyone a long time ago.  It seems I am incapable of writing a short story any longer. I am sorry that it was so long, but hey more to hopefully enjoy?

Now to something more serious. One of my beloved Commentors suggested that Yesung was becoming the weaker one so to say, so I thought it best to explain how I view them generally, if anyone else had similar doubts.

My Interpretation

I view Kyuhyun as being the one more in love. I see him as being more attached in the relationship. It is not a weakness, it is just the benefits of being young and confident. He comes off as being more certain, not because he is so confident, but because he is afraid of any other possibility. He holds on tightly as a defence mechanism, unable to handle any other possibility.

Yesung on the other hand is a little more hesitant. It is not that he doesn’t love him just that he thinks he loves him too much. He doesn’t want to get too attached, because he lacks confidence and is afraid that Kyuhyun will abandon him a little. It is not a rational fear, but one that comes from his own issues. This is tied as much as possible into his real confidence issues as a person. It is because of this he is more likely to sweat the small stuff, hoping for perfection. Kyuhyun on the other hand is more confident and uses his brashness to ignore everything else, even the fact that he knows he is slightly more attached.

I don’t see either as weaker or stronger. I just see them being able to help each other overcome each other’s weaknesses and become stronger. Kyuhyun will have to help Yesung with his emotional insecurities from time to time, but Yesung will provide that stability and comfort to anchor Kyuhyun, in the process helping him be more open and less closed off. I see it more as a balance. Sometimes one will be weak, sometimes the other. They each have their own strengths and their own weaknesses, but together they would both make each other stronger.

This is just my view of them in general and with regards to the story. You can all have your own views obviously, but I hope you can still appreciate how I chose to portray them. My views of Yesung were greatly shaped by this analysis done by a psychologist. Give it a watch and make your own conclusions.

Please comment and let me know that I am not here talking to myself…I feel lonely :(

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Chapter 1: Finally another cute date (I miss siwon cof cof)
392 streak #2
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun indeed - a man in love hahaha

Love the story sooo much! I feel their love through your story! Can't stop loving kyusung ❤️
Chapter 1: I seriously believe that your Yeye and Kyukyu are spot on, and yes hat is based on that psych tests done to the 4 members, and even until now with the magazine interviews I've read with Ye, and that tarot reading in one of the recent super camps. He really has issues regarding being confident with himself, being a perfectionist of some sort and just questioning his abilities in general (except for his vocals, that is). I also relate this to his extreme dieting, gosh he is too thin right now. I hope he eats well.. He lost a lot of weight this year of 2016.

Ok anyway, my point being, I understand where the characterization is coming from. I do. And I love your stories for it! The internal monologues are amazing
Chapter 1: Ahhh, I love the Japanese restaurant themed dinner, I could so clearly picture the two in one of those beautiful wooden rooms, sitting in the floor holding hands... ^_^ I also love how that river seems to be like their ultimate meeting spot, something they always end up going back to. I'm sooo glad that this date went better then the other, they deserve a happy ending.. okay now I'm being cheesy lol. Thanks for another wonderful story. <3
Chapter 1: awww my kyute sweethearts, they are so adorable XD
Really love your story...
each of your story is like a flow of kyusung love everyday...
their love goes slowly with full of love, a bit of jealousy, trust and very sweet...<3<3<3
ice420 #7
Hey, finished this last night but was tooo sleepy to form coherent words so doing it now.

YEY!!! Yeah, that's basically what I was thinking last night. A successful date, at last. And Siwon-less!!! *lol* It was really sweet. I think at one point, in a relationship, a quiet stroll should always be in the agenda. It's really romantic and with hands held, the experience is... *sighs* You'd see rainbow even if you're facing a storm, believe me. So I guess I can say for a fact that regardless of the 'unpretty' side, it was, as Kyu said, PERFECT!!!

I applaud Yesung for thinking of Wookie. At least he knows he's not the romantic type ^^ The restaurant setting was *thumbs up*. You sure there weren't hidden cameras? :D Kidding.

All in all, this chapter brings warmth and hope that there IS such a love out there. I now see why they can't have an argument. Kyu is a SAP! How about Yesung bathe in garlic and starts drinking ginseng tea then maybe Kyu's sense of smell would change? *lol* I doubt it.
thursday #8
sigh. lovely. feel free to keep up with the sappiness. I'm a fan. :). Also brought back lovely memories. My husband took me to a park along a river on our first date. I highly recommend it as a dating activity :). And even with the general sappiness(which, again, I adore), you incorporporated a bit of conflict at the end and Y. finally understands that K. doesn't need perfect.
So cute! OMG! OMG! OMG! I love them so much! And YAAAAH why is Yesung is so hesitant >.< He really should trust his baby Kyu :D 'cause he is right :D:D always xD
So came on Yesung! You two are so cute my sweetheart <3
aww can't wait for more!
Your stories is amazing! It like we live a story with every passing day. And we follow their relationship so closely, step by step. *o*
Hope that they will be stronger in the future ^.^
Thank you for this new chap ;)