Chapter 8

Girl Got Game [HIATUS]

Yoseob woke up to the smell of western food floating in the air. He got out of bed and peeked through the kitchen door. Laid out on the table were pancakes and a cup of orange juice. A female dressed in an easily recognisable uniform was in front of the top stove, flipping eggs and bacon and catching them in the air with the frying pan. Yoseob pinched himself HARD and almost yelped in pain. So it wasn’t a dream, he thought in dismay. How am I going to hide the fact that there’s a girl living with me?! “You know, Yoseob-sshi, you can go get ready for school instead of staring at me,” she stated. He was caught off guard for one, because he didn’t know himself that he was staring at her and lastly because she hadn’t turned around, scaring the daylights out of him. His face flushed with crimson red as he stuttered in embarrassment. A hearty laugh escaped her lips as she sat down the plates. “Just go already, I don’t think going to school in your…” she giggled as she pointed at his pants. “… In your current childish attire is suiting.” Yoseob looked down and in an instance, he was in his room.
“I can’t believe she saw me in my pyjamas…” he mumbled, looking down at his duck-printed blue pants. “But they are cute, I do must say so myself.”

Yoseob came down and took a seat in front of Minjung who was already eating. The food looked amazing that he thought were fake, except that he had saw her himself, cooking the meals. He hesitantly took a bite from the pancake and almost died at the taste. It was one of the tastiest meals he had ever tasted that he thought it could surpass any five star restaurants. His eyes twinkled as he savoured each bite. A chuckle brought him out of his reverie as he continued eating. Yoseob looked up at Minjung and saw her eating slowly, observing his every move. “You seem to enjoy my cooking aye?” she teased playfully. He nodded furiously without any hesitation. A smile tugged at her lips as she resumed eating.

In the midst of the breakfast, Yoseob finished eating and chugged down his juice and eyed Minjung who was barely half way. “Why are you eating so slowly?” he asked curiously. She almost laughed out loud at his blunt question. She ate the strip of bacon that she had bitten and swapped her plate with his. Yoseob looked dumbfounded as she took a sip of her juice.
“You can have the rest of it, just eating the pancake made me full,” she explained. He opened to try to reason with her but she picked up his old plate and walked over to the sink. He sighed reluctantly before digging into the food before him. A thought stuck him while he was chewing that he quickly swallowed.
“Hey Minjung, can I ask why you…” he pondered on how he was supposed to ask her without sounding to nosy. Minjung had long stopped washing the plate when he called out her name.
“Why I ran away?” She finished for him. He numbly nodded while he resumed eating. She deeply sighed before just saying one sentence that shocked Yoseob to the core. “I was abused at home.” She finished cleaning the plate and placed it on the drying rack before picking up her bag, not planning to elaborate. “Just leave the plate in the sink and I’ll clean it once I come back.” He did what he was told and followed her out the door and locking it.
“Here, catch,” Yoseob suddenly called out. He threw an extra set of keys at Minjung who easily caught it. She nodded in thanks before following him.

It only took one bus to school and because it was early in the morning where adults usually leave to go to work, the bus was fully packed that there were only two spare seats. Both of them weren’t stupid to stand when there were free seats. Minjung took the window seat while he took the other. Halfway throughout the ride, Yoseob felt a weight on his shoulder. She was asleep on his shoulder breathing deeply. Her scent drifted to his nose, it smelt like… strawberries? He chuckled to himself at how childish she was before a slightly concerned look crossed his face. How long did she stay up? How many hours did she sleep? All these thoughts rushed through his brain that it made him dizzy. He softly shook his head to get rid of the thoughts before the image of vanilla popped in his mind. A sudden realisation made him ponder on some things. She must be friends with her… A small smile crept across his face if he could befriend the girl. His heart unknowingly fluttered as he thought on many ways on how to befriend her.

 School finished quickly for Minjung since her thoughts had been occupied on how to repay for Yoseob. She was at the shopping district looking for a job. She had already prepared a resume and was looking for a suitable job. She visited a restaurant where she obtained a part-time job of four hours from four in the evening to eight at night with a pay check of 14,000 won per hour. Her job days were every day of the week except Sundays. Satisfied about her pay check she scrolled around the shops where she met IU with her granny. It would seem as though they were out grocery shopping. “Halmeoni, shouldn’t you be at home resting?” she asked genuinely worried. IU’s grandmother laughed it off and waved it off.
“Don’t think of me as those old ladies cooped up in those houses knitting all day, my dear!” IU nodded her head in agreement before whispering something into Minjung’s ear while her granny was taking a look at some fruits.
“She was jumping around and dancing to my Taeyang album instead of sleeping!” she giggled. Minjung couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. They glanced at the granny who was picking up the fruits and walking up the cashier. Their eyes widened at the sight and quickly appeared beside her, paying them in her place. “Granny, you shouldn’t be using your money so freely,” IU sternly yet softly chirped. “We’ll pay for them, okay?” Her granny laughed lightly and nodded before stumbling backwards and collapsing. Minjung quickly caught her using her reflexes before tapping her on the cheek. She was sound asleep.
“Aigoo,” Minjung sighed softly, shaking her head in the process. “She fell asleep.” IU laughed at the statement before quickly dialling her dad to pick them up. Minjung swore she heard a loud groan come from the other end before she wrapped IU's granny's arm around her neck and wrapped her arms around the granny’s waist. “How can she fall asleep here out of all the places?” IU innocently shrugged before helping Minjung on carrying her granny to the car.

“Okay, you girls continue with the shopping and I’ll come pick you up later, okay?” IU’s dad asked. They nodded in unison before waiting him to disappear around the corner. IU instantly clung onto Minjung’s arm the moment the car turned. They shopped for the things that were needed before IU stopped abruptly.
“Let’sgo  album shopping~” she grinned. Minjung just shrugged in response before being dragged to a store that they frequently visited. IU had already disappeared down the aisle where her all-time favourite idol as located. Minjung was looking at the merchandise, picking things up and settling them back down again. Her eyes darted left and right to see if there was anything she wanted when it landed on her biased group.
“Ah, it would seem UKISS’s album has already sold out,” she sighed dejectedly. Not like I could afford it anyways, she thought. Yawning slightly, she walked outside and stretched. She always had a habit of closing her eyes when she stretched so when she felt eyes staring at her, she instantly snapped her eyes open. In front of her were the kingkas of her grade eating ice-cream. She nodded in acknowledgment at them where her eyes settled on Yoseob. He had a raised eyebrow questioning why she was there. Minjung shrugged and pointed to where IU was at the cashier paying for an album. His mouth unknowingly curved into a smile to which he hid behind his ice-cream and walked off. Minjung was surprised at the smile – something that she wouldn’t admit in front of him – when IU tugged at her hand.
“Unnie, let’s go,” IU was already dragging her somewhere. “My dad is here to pick us up.” Minjung’s mouth formed an ‘o’ before she nodded and followed.

Minjung stepped out of the car and bid farewell to IU and her father. “Thank you for driving me, even though it wasn’t necessary,” she smiled. IU’s dad chuckled at her honesty before smiling softly.
“Well, this is the least I can do since you’re always looking after my clumsy daughter here,” he winked. A chuckle left both their lips as IU let out an embarrassing cry. Minjung thanked them once again, bowed and turned around once the car left. A figure was standing in the garage with a basket filled with laundry.
“You! How dare you show your face here again!” they cried. A smirk crept onto Minjung’s face before she walked away.
“Oh, don’t worry. You won’t see me anymore, mother,” she called out sarcastically, waving her hand good bye before she disappeared at the corner, heading to her new home.

A/N: This chapter is just a re-upload because of the maintence thing so yeah...

I hope this was fine for you guys.

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Mistlea #1
aww minjung you should open up to ppl more, they're just being friendly :)
and thnx for updating ^^
Joann926 #2
Ahh... Your story is so good!!! Please update regularly????
Mistlea #3
thanks for updating ^^
Mistlea #4
finally an update!! :D
he didnt know she was coming? aya whats going on?
hope u start updating often!! ^^
Please let that be Seobie!!! :3
Inspirit7_love #6
eesh update soon! cant wait! your preview's killin meeee
I like it :) I hope Yoseob ends up with Minjung!
COOL! :D keep writing! :3 <3 i love it. GO YOSEOB!