Life , So Eat Ramyun

Minyoung, in a daze, found herself running down the stairs.  Her heart was beating extremely fast, and she had to stop and check her reflection, just to make sure she didn’t look stupid.  Wait, since when have I cared about my looks?

She finally made it into the courtyard, and she glanced around for Yukwon.  The red-haired boy sat, tapping his foot in what Minyoung assumed to be nervousness.  She couldn’t help but laugh.

“Kim Yukwon!”

He stood up, closing the distance between them in an instant.  “I bought you flowers.”

She grinned.  “Thank you, Yukwon.”

“Minhyuk said you like these.”

She examined the flowers, pleased to find out that they were daisies.  “I do, actually.”

“Minyoung, I—”


He smiled in embarrassment.  “You first.”

“No, you first.”

“Okay,” Yukwon replied.  He took a deep breath and placed his hand over his heart, in hopes of calming himself down.  He then thought back to all of the practicing he did with Minhyuk the previous day:

“Never speak about this.  In fact, after this, pretend that today never happened,” Minhyuk grumbled, folding his arms across his chest.

“Fine, fine.”

Minhyuk glared.  “I’m serious, Kim Yukwon.  You’re lucky that we’re friends.”

“Will you…go out with me?”

“Lame.” Minhyuk rolled his eyes.  “Don’t pause.  Have confidence.”

“Will you go out with me?”

“Better.  Remember to hand her the flowers before you say anything.”

Yukwon handed Minhyuk the potted plant that they had been using to practice his confession.  “Flowers…for you.”

“Look,” Minhyuk replied.  “Have confidence, okay?  And don’t screw up.”

Yukwon smiled at Minyoung, who smiled back.  “Do you want to go see a movie after school?  And then get something to eat afterward?”

“Like a date?” she replied.

He nodded.  “A date.”

“No horror movies this time, okay?”

“Ha.” He sighed in relief.  “Of course.”

“Then I’ll be waiting.”

Yukwon leaned closer to Minyoung, and he could smell her strawberry shampoo.  She closed her eyes in response, which Yukwon took as permission—

“Yah!  Kim Yukwon!” A voice screamed from across the courtyard.

Yukwon jumped away from Minyoung in surprise, immediately recognizing the voice.  Damn it, Minhyuk.  The boy stormed over.

“Oh hey, Minhyuk,” Minyoung said with a grin. 

Minhyuk pulled Yukwon aside so that Minyoung could not hear their conversation.

“Congratulations,” he said gruffly.  “I see that everything worked out in your favor?”

“Yeah,” Yukwon replied.  “Thanks for the help.”

“I expect you to bring her over to Taeil hyung’s restaurant before ten, right?”

“Got it, Minhyuk.”

“One more thing.”

Yukwon felt his heartbeat increasing again, though out of fear this time.

“Absolutely no kissing.”




Minhyuk stared at the clock in Taeil’s restaurant, completely focused.

“Minhyuk-ah, the clock isn’t going anywhere,” Taeil called out.  “Yukwon’s a good kid, so I know that they’ll be back in time.”

“But he specifically said movie and dinner.  I don’t understand how that could take a long time.”

“It’s Minyoung, you know.”


Taeil looked up from the pot that he was polishing.  “You seem to be taking this well.  Remember when Minyoung and Jaehyo broke up and you wanted to kill him?”  Taeil chuckled.  “Good times, huh?”

“Don’t remind me, hyung,” Minhyuk replied.  “Makes me wanna kill him again.”

“The only good thing that came out of that breakup was your sibling relationship improving.”

Minhyuk nodded.  “I paid close attention to Minyoung after that.”

“It’s great that you care for her, Minhyuk,” Taeil said.  “Especially since I can’t always be there for you two.”

“She looks out for me too.”

“I know.”

“Yukwon isn’t all that bad, I guess.”

Taeil chuckled.  “It took you that long to admit it?”

“If he makes her cry, I’ll kill him.”

“I’m sure he won’t, Minhyuk.”

The door opened, and Minhyuk’s eyes shot up to the clock.  9:30?  Good job playing it safe, Kim Yukwon.

“Nice to see you two,” Taeil called out.  “Did you have fun?”

Minyoung grinned.  “A lot.”

“Tell me all about it later,” Minhyuk said.

The twins, Yukwon, and Taeil talked into the early hours of the morning.  No one noticed, and no one cared.




“Sorry that we convinced you to stay out late.” Minyoung winced.  “Your parents must be worried.”

Yukwon shook his head.  “They know I’m out with you guys anyway.”

“Thank you for the date…and that.”

“Thank you for not talking about that in front of Minhyuk.”

Minyoung laughed.  “I would never.”

“You should wear strawberry lip gloss more often.”

“Maybe I will.”

He wrapped his arms around her.  “Thank you, Minyoung.”

“Hm?  You already thanked me.”

“Thank you for letting me become your friend…and boyfriend.”

She smiled.  “Hey Yukwon, can I tell you a secret?”

“Sure.” He leaned closer.


He obliged.

“Don’t you think that ramyun solves all problems?”

“Yeah,” he replied, taken aback.

Minyoung kissed his cheek.  “Just joking.”

Kim Yukwon never believed in love at first sight until he met Lee Minyoung.  She spent most of her time in the library, believe it or not, reading and doing homework.  Despite the fact that she was the second best student in their year, according to the rumors, she had a strange obsession with ramyun.  People even speculated that she loved ramyun more than boys and school combined.  

And although Yukwon had to learn the hard way, he knew that it wasn't true.

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ilovekpop81897 #1
Chapter 21: hihihi super cute! loved it!
Chapter 21: Catch up time! You don’t have to read or reply to any of this, Lyndsey. I know I talk too much OTL I’m going to reread this from the beginning, but I’ll comment from where I left off. It’s gonna be fun~

13- Minyoung isn’t just the glue between Minhyuk and Taeil but between all four of them, isn't she? ^^

14- *whispers* Yukwon, just reject her >:) I’m just kidding. Just kiss already!

15- I like how Minyoung confesses her love of Yukwon to Minhyuk. Their brother-sister relationship is cute~
Minyoung, tell me what day is National Ramyun Day and I’ll celebrate with you XD

16- When Yukwon says, “Spending time with you is the best thing in the world,” I suddenly imaged Mikorin (from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun) saying that. And then I saw his face slowly turn red from embarrassment and then he hangs in head in shame because he realizes what he said was just so lame and cheesy~

17- I think you meant “He’s way ‘too’ obvious.” :)

18- Minyoung’s embarrassment is so endearing~ I like how she hid under the blanket ^^
Is Yukwon really going to get her ramyun for her birthday? O.O

19- Lol. He really did buy her ramyun XD
HAHA Coupons for free meals and Taeil made sure to write “only one coupon per day.” It’s not like she doesn’t get free ramen already XD
Jaehyo’s letter makes me pity him a bit more, but still. What he did to Minyoung... At least she gets some closure and he does too ^^
I snorted upon reading Yukwon’s ‘emergency’ XP

20- Aww. What a cute and cheesy confession :3
It’s nice to see Minhyuk’s protective side again. I was beginning to wonder where it was XD
They kissed! Yayyy~ ^_^

I’m going to miss this story. It was a joy to read all over again. I remember bits from when you first started and now…you’ve finished it. A huge congratulations to you!! :D It was (and is) a wonderful journey, being able to witness the blossoming of Yukwon and Minyoung's love and your continuing development as a writer. Thank you so much for writing this lovely fic~
jiminswifey #3
Chapter 21: woah.. I read this fic in one hour.. keep the good work up author nim♥
Chapter 21: it's 3AM and i just finished this story.. started and found this about 2 hours ago as i browse tag ukwon. there's lack of ukown's fanfic here bcuz u know haha.. he got his love already.

i love this story. it flows smoothly. and there's not any complicated scenes that is hard to understand.
i just love this story and how i wish i can write like you. it's simple and i can easily absorb and understand the storyline as well as grasping the feeling u trying to deliver. i just LOVE this...the start the flow the end is all perfect for me.

i read your note too. and yeah... how i feel the same about Block B and Cho PD... ^^
I'll be happy to read ur Block B's fics again in the future...
Thanks for writing this... =)

sorry for my bad english.... ^^
McFassy #5
Chapter 21: Aww well thank you so much for updating and finishing this cute story! I really loved every chapter :)
Chapter 20: I laughed so hard at Minhyuk's short ing session. Are all, or most, brothers, regardless younger or older, keen to acting that way - protective over their sisters? XD
DreamSparkStar #7
Chapter 19: Awww~~~ that was such a sweet way to confess! :D

Hmm~ I'm really happy I found this story ^^
Chapter 19: ahhh he finally asked her ♥