They're my classmates

Super Junior ... MY CLASSMATES ?!?!

Hye Jul's POV

"Why is something wrong with us being your classmates?" Sung Min asked. He probably felt it was really sarcastic

"Nothing..." I lazily went in the class

"Excuse me?" The teacher raised his eyebrows

I rolled my eyes and sigh  "Sorry we are late teacher." I bowed and so did Sungmin

"Take your seat... Oh there's is actually a seating arrangement so all of you stand up! This arrangement is arranged by class number..." The teacher then showeed us where we all can seat

I'm Girl # 13 Because my last name is starting with the letter K and there everything changed

On my right is Lee Sung Min then infront of me is the fugly Cho Kyuhyun and on my left is the diva Heechul and behind me is the weird Yesung...

"Uhmmm... Excuse me but don't you think I'm too surrounded by boys?" I asked the teacher

Then he just smiled and transfered Sung Min...

WAIT! Not him! I mean he's the only one who is a little friendly!!! NO!!!

"Sung Min transfer to Ms. Jung's seat and Jung transfer to Kyuhyun's seat and Kyuhyun transfer to SungMin's seat.. It's still arranged but by cleaners everyday" The teacher smiled at me then continued

He introduce us to the school since it's our first time applying for it after he dismissed us.

Worst day ever!

Everybody went out leaving me, Kyuhyun, Sung Min, Heechul Yesung there... well the other Suju members were guided by their other fans..

"Hey Kim Hye Jul!" Kyuhyun was blocking the door way

"What do you want?" I asked as I was cleaning my desk which was full of papers that are used.

"wan't to eat recess with me?" He asked then grabbed me out 

"Let go Kyuhyun!" I was trying to stop well he was pulling me

We bought our food then went to a grassy place behind the building

"Do you know how much it hurts?" I asked looking at my wrist... a hand was formed by the reddish of the skin...

"Eat faster... Many girls are taking pictures of us..." He pinched my nose then ruffled my hair

"AIISH! Stop that!" I glared at him then drank my juice

He asked me for a favor

"I heard you are doing great in academis subjects... I was thinking if you can tutor me..." He avoided eye contact

"No." I clearly said while glaring at him

"C'mon! If you help me ... I'll ........" He was thinking alot

"You'll what?"

"I will be your best friend?" Kyuhyun was waiting for my answer

I just sigh and then walked away

"Wait! Where are you going?! I mean there's still an agreement waiting to be sealed here!" Kyuhyun shouted

"Somewhere away from you weirdos..." 

"Where are you going?" Sung Min met me at the luch hall

"Away from Super Junior..." 

"What?" He scratched his head

"Just... get away from me."


I went to the Library alone. And I liked it there... cozy and it has it's little fuzzy feeling.


"Yo! Where's Hye Jul?!" 

"Do you know who Kim Jul is?" 

Blah blah blah... Super Junior was causing trouble at the library

"Who dares to talk loudly in this Library?!" The Librarian Shouted loudly

"Shhh!" I gestured to the bullies

"Oh there you are!" Kyuhyun put his arms around me

"If you are going to chit-chat here please go somewhere else!" The Librarian really hates noise even a little squeek can hurt her.

"Let's go outside." I went out to the hall and asked them why they are hunting me down.



To be continued...



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-x-pinky-x- #1
Chapter 6: Tutoring? ,Bestfriends?
I felt butterflies in my belly ,Haha!
Update As soon as possible but don't push yourself
if your having a hard time!xD
-x-pinky-x- #2
Chapter 1: You Serious ,Dude?
Its hella awesome!
julhaelianne #3
well sorry ...Kirst I Changed the picture of a girl ..She's J_ _ _ _ _ Park in my other FF ^.^ well I'll reveal her tom bye ^.^
foreversuju120 #4
her name is krystal!!! hahaha joke .. well i don't know really... update soon unnie!!!! your ff is getting better ^^
Annyeong babo unnie!!! I miss you!!!! Saranghae!!!!! Update soon! :P~ FIGHTING!
wah.. jinja?? hm update soon ne.. so fun to read this story..
Babo Unnie, UPDATEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
foreversuju120 #8
hehehe funny update .... ^^
julhaelianne #9
haha mianne !!! I'm feeling Lazy always haha
foreversuju120 #10
Finally uupdated :))