Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream Chapter 20

Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream

(For Free)


As we walk by, people turn around. Like they are ready to break their necks just for him. Kim Hyun Joong, one of the most flawless guy in Korea. Mainly in South Korea.

Sometimes I really don't know if I deserve such life like this. Close to celebrity people, rich and famous. Business people who's probably already knows me because of mom and dad. 


Hyun Joong: Penny for your thoughts? (Holding me close with his arms around my waist)

Me:Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking if I deserve things like these

Hyun Joong: And you're referring to?

Me: To be close to you.

Hyun Joong: You don't want to be close to me? (Worried but held me more closer to his)


I looked around and I can see people staring at us. Whispering, giggling. But hey, I don't expect that all of them are thinking good about us. Especially to me.

Maybe because this is the first time they saw Hyun Joong oppa being with a simple girl. He's popular while I'm not.

We stopped walking when he noticed that I'm not myself...


Hyun Joong: Hey (Pulled my chin and looked through straight to my eyes)

Me:Hmm? (Not looking to his gaze)

Hyun Joong: Look at me

Me: Can't

Hyun Joong: Why? (Smiling at me)

Me: Because I can see that we're already making a "scene"

Hyun Joong: I couldn't care less

Me: Yah!

Hyun Joong: Look at me and listen to me 

Me: Fine

Hyun Joong: Straight to my eyes please :)

Me: There 

Hyun Joong: This is the first time I'm out in public without any body guards

Me:Shoot! I forgot

Hyun Joong: So, I'm sure that sooner or later my manager will call me. Ask why this, why that, when,. Then whatever (He's teasing their manager)

Me: Silly, stop being mean to your manager

Hyun Joong: I'm not, I'm just saying that I can take all the risk being in public with you as long as you're enjoying my company

Me: I like your company

Hyun Joong: So why worry about the people around us?

Me: I'm worried because of you

Hyun Joong: Why worry about me?

Me: Because you're a well known celebrity/singer/idol/leader/artist

Hyun Joong:Well that's quite a description

Me: I'm just stating the facts

Hyun Joong: Well, disregard those facts. Because I'm "MYSELF" when you're around.

Me: That means? (Seriously confused)

Hyun Joong: It means I'm no "SUPERSTAR" I'm just a normal person with a special girl?

Me: Special girl or you mean special child? (Trying to make the air light)

Hyun Joong: Silly girl. Come here (Kissed my forehead) Don't worry too much okay?

Me: I'll try

Hyun Joong: I know you will.


After walking and walking and worrying. We reached the boutique.


"Lee Sang Bong"

There's a big "WHOA" stuck on my forehead. 

This is the boutique he's talking about?

Does he know that I can't afford his designer?!


Hyun Joong: Seems like I drained your blood sweetie

Me: You did

Hyun Joong: Let's go in

Me: Wait! (Grabbed his arm)

Hyun Joong: Hmm? 

Me: I don't want to buy my dress here

Hyun Joong: I thought you want to buy your dress in where I'm going to buy my suit?

Me: I changed my mind

Hyun Joong: You sure?

Me: Yeah

Hyun Joong: Hey, if you're thinking about the price. Don't

Me: How?

Hyun Joong: Yep he's a very expensive designer but he's one of our designer

Me: Designer?

Hyun Joong: Yes, this is where your dad, mom and Eli buys their clothes

Me: Huh?! (Mental head slap)

Hyun Joong: So don't worry

Me: But I don't know him

Hyun Joong: Because it's Auntie Amy is the one doing your clothes shopping

Me: True

Hyun Joong: Let's go inside

Me: Still

Hyun Joong: I'm here. Don't worry


Since I've got an assurance that Mr. Lee Sang Bong is my family's designer. I've got nothing to worry. Except for one thing. I don't think that my credit card ca afford this kind of clothing line.

My blood drained again


Employee: Good afternoon Mr. Kim. (The manager greeted oppa nicely)

Hyun Joong: Hello Thea, this is Shiee. Kim Kyoung Shiee.

Thea: Oh the Mr. and Mrs. Kim's daughter

Hyun Joong: Jackpot

Thea: Hello Ms. Kim (Smiling at me and looked at oppa)

Me: Hello Ms. Thea

Thea: Just call me Thea

Me: Okay :)

Thea: So how may I help you lovers? (Giving me and oppa a smile)

Me: We're not.

Hyun Joong: She needs a dress and I need a suit (Oppa smiled back)

Thea: Any color in mind?

Me: What party are we going to?

Hyun Joong: A homecoming party

Me: Motif? (Now I'm being stupid)

Hyun Joong: He told me the special guests should wear aquatic color

Me: So we're stuck with blue

Hyun Joong: Seems like we are

Thea: Then blue is the color.

Hyun Joong: Yes please. Ah! Thea, where is Mr. Lee?

Thea: Back to Paris 

Hyun Joong: Busy fashonista huh

Thea: As always. I'll be right back. Amanda, give the couple a glass of champagne (Thea is referring to her another co-employee)

Amanda: Yes ma'am

Me: Champagne.

Hyun Joong: You don't drink champagne?

Me: I do but 

Hyun Joong: Let's have orange juice perhaps? :)

Me: No, if you like to drink champagne I'm okay with it. Don't worry

Hyun Joong: Okay then


Thea took 10 minutes before she came back. She's holding only my dress?


Thea: This is good for you.

Me: Uhm where's Hyun Joong oppa's suit?

Thea: Didn't he said to you that whenever he buys a suit he doesn't want to show it especially when he's with a girl?

Me: Why is that? (Looking at oppa, he's busy drinking his champagne)

Thea: I don't know, but this is the first time he brought a girl with him in this store buying his suit. He usually just order it and we deliver what he ordered

Me: Oh, the mysterious type of guy huh

Thea: He is. That's why most of the his friend probably the girls, they are having a hard time making him smile. But when I saw how he smiled and cared fo you. There's more that meets the eye (She winked at me)

Me: You're kidding me Thea

Thea: I'm not, even Amanda noticed it.


Thea: So, here's your dress and you can fit it 

Me: Thanks

Thea: Just call Amanda if you need some assistance, I'll be assisting him

Me: Got it :)


I went straight to their fitting room, took off my clothes. But something stopped me and it's really bothersome. Okay, now I'm losing my mind. I don't have any idea why did Thea said those stuff to me. 


Thea: So, what suit do you want?

Hyun Joong: As always, simple yet sophisticated

Thea: Okay, shall we deliver it?

Hyun Joong: No need, I'll take it from here

Thea: That's first time

Hyun Joong: Never thought that it'll happen too (Grinning)

Thea: Starting from smile to grin.

Hyun Joong: That;s the effects of being around her

Thea: I can obviously see that

Hyun Joong: So what dress did you gave her?

Thea: The kind of dress that is suitable and perfect for her pesonality and figure

Hyun Joong: Thanks

Thea: Oh, Mr. Lee called a while ago that;s why it took me some time to look for her dress. I told him that the Kim's daughter is here with you buying clothes, personally.

Hyun Joong: What did he said?

Thea: He said that I should give her the best dress that he designed for this month

Hyun Joong: And you did

Thea: I did but he said something else too

Hyun Joong: What?

Thea: He said that I should give it for free

Hyun Joong: For free?

Thea: Yes

Hyun Joong: How thoughtful of him

Thea: Tell me about it, I'm also surprised.

Hyun Joong: I know how much his designs costs so. I guess I have to thank him personally for this

Thea: I guess it'll be more great if you and her thank him personally

Hyun Joong: Good idea. So when is he coming back?

Thea: Next year

Hyun Joong: What?!

Thea: You heard me, he's coming back next year

Hyun Joong: Okay, I guess Shiee and I will be having some vacation in Paris

Thea: Sounds wonderful




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Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 24: Update soon
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 20: Love you're story
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 16: Heeeeey I just want to tell that I love you're story but I'm kinda busy so il finish it when I have the time keep updating
Chapter 24: Yay! Yay! Yay!! He confessed!! Well... he sorta confessed.. anyway a confession is a confession no matter what! And im glad that shiee chose to ignore Xander intalking to him, because he kinda deserved it and please pleas pleas authornim dont let shiee fall in love with xander, because it happens in almost all cliche fanfics where the guy that leaves the girl comes back and when the girl has already got an awesome nice guy(hyunjoong) the mean guy comes along and makes up some sorry lame excuse and makes the girl fall in love all again and leaves the poor nice guy heartbroke :((
Buuuut any way, love the new chapters!
kaisooyoung #6
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
pinkypn #10
Chapter 22: i can see who seung gi likes and wants cherry to leave. cherry is so rude always interrupting, annoying and loud.
@SuperJuniorCookie i agree with you, its nice to see someone with the same opinion on her moving on and how sweet Hyun Joong is