Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream Chapter 18

Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream

(Wake up call)

It's a sunny morning, As far as I can remember...Wait! I don't remember anything, here, sleeping on the couch?!?!? Seriously?!?!? I slept here all night?!?!

 I can hear the birds chriping and of course I can smell the Vanilla from the coffee. It was past 7am when I woke up, I know. I'm not good at waking up so early so I might say that 7am is my earliest wake up call...But then.... I can hear some people talking at the dining room, are they home already? I mean, mom, dad and Eli oppa. Because I can more than 2 people talking, but still I don't want to open my eyes. Until........


Hyun Joong: You need her decision for that my friend...

Unknown: But I don't know how am I going to ask her...How am I going to tell her...

Hyun Joong:It's all up to you and to her...For the both of you.. I mean, come on it's been a while right?

Unknown: Yeah, but how?


So, after over hearing that conversation, I decided to get up. The girl with messy hair, a zombie face and most likely a girl with no sleep for a million years. That's me...

I rubbed my eyes to have a clearer vision while walking, as I approached Hyun Joong oppa at the dining table...I saw a familiar back, everything became cloudy again as I saw the back of the person that Hyung Joong oppa's talking to.


Me: I know this back....I know this person...I think...Oh no...You must be kidding me... (Whispering)


Not knowing that Hyung Joong oppa is looking at me...Puzzled and confused.......


Hyun Joong:Good morning Shiee......

Me:Please! Don't turn...Please... (Referring to the unknown)

Hyun Joong:What's wrong?? (Worried)

Me:Nothing, but please don't let your friend turn around and face me....

Hyun Joong:Why? What's wrong?

Me:It's just.......


Hyun Joong oppa's friend turned around..... I closed my eyes automatically....Hiding my face and eyes from his friend...



Me:Don't talk to me....Stay away!

Unknown:We need to talk..Please....

Me:I don't know you!!! Anymore~

Unknown:But I still do know you....

Me:I already..... (He grabbed my hands away from my face)

Unknown:Look at me...

Me:No...Never again....

Unknown:Open your eyes....Please..Do it as a friend to me...

Me:What if I don't want to?

Unknown:I'm begging you..


As I opened my eyes....I saw him...Tears started to fall from my eyes....


Me:What are you.....

Unknown:I waited for this, for a long time...(Hugging me)

Me:Let go of me...

Unknown:Can we stay like this for a while?


My body became numb as I fell on my knees....It was Xander....The guy I loved for more than 3 years...The guy I always give a back hug when he's troubled..The one I always give a cheek kiss when he's about to cry...The guy I waited for a long time...Is here infront of me....Hugging me...

Hyun Joong oppa helped me to sit down on the couch....


Me:What are you doing here?

Xander:I came back to see you, but when I knocked on the doo, Hyun Joong hyung is the one who greeted me...

Me:So he allowed you to enter my house? (Looking at Hyun Joong oppa)


Hyun Joong:I let him in, not as a stranger but a friend who needs confrontation...An explanation that he owes to you...

Me:I don't need an explanation.....

Hyun Joong:So I guess this is the end of this conversation my friend..(Looking at Xander oppa)

Xander:I guess...

Me:Still, thank you for dropping by..Xander....


Xander oppa was surprised that I didn't end my sentence with an oppa...


Xander: No problem Shiee, I just came by to check up on you and to thank you...(Giving me an envelope that is thick)

Me:What's inside of this envelope?

Xander:Open it later after I go....

Me:Okay..Thank you...I'll send your regards to Eli oppa..I'll tell him you dropped by...


Me:No problem..


Hyun Joong oppa escorted him to the door.....


I went inside my room and lock my door. Still holding the envelope he gave me.

I don't know if I should open it or not. But it're really tempting because of the thickness.


Hyun Joong: Shiee, open up. We need to talk/

Me:Can we talk later? I'm kinda busy looking for something (My lame excuse)

Hyun Joong: Okay, I'll wait for you downstairs then. Breakfast is ready by the way.

Me:Thanks oppa

Hyun Joong:Just let me know if you need help

Me:I will oppa


I'm sure he already went down, I stared at the envelope again.

Okay that's it. I have to open this envelope to see what's inside of it.

I searched for my envelope opener...


Me:, where is my opener? (Panic in my voice)


I scan all my drawers, looked inside the bathroom. Wait bathroom? I THINK i'm getting crazy now.


Me:Oh! Box! Under the bed!


I opened my box, memory box to be exact.

Everything that has a connection to Xander is still hidden inside this. But I don't know why, when I saw our photo together. Silly. Happy. Sad. Jealous. Worried.

Almost every single emotions were 100% sure on these photos.

But then again, I have to look for my envelope opener. 

I need it.



Me:Found it!


My hands are shaking when I reach for the envelope Xander oppa gave me. 

I'm having doubts.

Thinking if I'm going to regret that I opened it.

Should I really open it?





This is really hassle. I really don't know what to do anymore. Xander oppa suddenly appeared here again, without any announcement.


Never mind.

Maybe it's just that we're not really meant for eachother.

But why am I having trouble or getting worried what's inside this thick envelope?

Am i really worried?

Or am I just scared to know what's really inside of it.

Settling things out with Xander is really tough.

Especially that Hyun Joong oppa is already in the picture of the mess

My dad and mom is also in it.


Me:Argh! This is really annoying!!!! Help me....Please...


Of course I need to help myself also. Because if I don't, everthing will be back to zero. All the tough act infront of the people will be just nothing.

Like a trash.

Like me.






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Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 24: Update soon
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 20: Love you're story
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 16: Heeeeey I just want to tell that I love you're story but I'm kinda busy so il finish it when I have the time keep updating
Chapter 24: Yay! Yay! Yay!! He confessed!! Well... he sorta confessed.. anyway a confession is a confession no matter what! And im glad that shiee chose to ignore Xander intalking to him, because he kinda deserved it and please pleas pleas authornim dont let shiee fall in love with xander, because it happens in almost all cliche fanfics where the guy that leaves the girl comes back and when the girl has already got an awesome nice guy(hyunjoong) the mean guy comes along and makes up some sorry lame excuse and makes the girl fall in love all again and leaves the poor nice guy heartbroke :((
Buuuut any way, love the new chapters!
kaisooyoung #6
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
pinkypn #10
Chapter 22: i can see who seung gi likes and wants cherry to leave. cherry is so rude always interrupting, annoying and loud.
@SuperJuniorCookie i agree with you, its nice to see someone with the same opinion on her moving on and how sweet Hyun Joong is