Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream Chapter 13

Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream


(Merry Christmas^^)


We both talked to each other calmly.......As hard as we can.....But he's very unstoppable....He keeps on talking and talking until you want to say okay okay.....I GIVE UP!! My ged!! I think I will have an headache for this guy.......He keeps on asking me if I'm already over him.....And I didn't dared to answer that......Not because it's true.....But I'm scared to tell him that I'm still not over him.......And I'm sure that my parents will be hurt if they are going to found that out......It's Christmas Eve.....And I'm still here stuck with him........

This is the first time I saw him crying......I know that he's not slightly drunk or even drunk......He's just in the state of shock seeing me with another guy.....I know that's very mean on his side and it's wrong......But what can I do?? I'm at the middle again.....Don't know what to do....And to choose......I feel like I don't have the right to say something at this issue......Really........


Me:You know what.....You should have called me first.......

Xander:How?!? You don't even answer any of my calls!! You even told me that if I'm going to call again you will call the police!!


Xander:It's true!!

Me:So you're the one who called me?!?!?

Xander:Do I look like I'm lying to you??

Me:But why didn't you introduced yourself that time??

Xander:I don't know.......

Me:See!! It's your fault not mine!! And tell you what.....


Me:Monica is the only one who's calling me all this time while you are away.......

Xander:I know.......

Me:So don't tell me that I'm not answering any calls from you!!!


Me:I need to go now.....It's already Christmas Eve........

Xander:I came back here.........


I stopped when he started talking about his come back.........


Xander:I came back here....To celebrate Christmas and New Year with you......


Xander:You heard me......I came back just to celebrate our first Christmas together......


Xander:What am I going to do now?? Tell me!!!

Me:Celebrate your Christmas with Monica.....My family and Hyun Joong oppa is waiting for me......(Aigoo!!!)

Xander:Okay....Go ahead then......

Me:Have a Merry Christmas.....Xander........


I opened the door.......To get out of his room.......Them my mom is calling me.......So I answered my phone.....



Amy:It's okay honey......You can stay there.......

Me:Huh??? I don't get it mom......

Amy:We talked to your big brother.....And he told us that you are having difficulties with Xander......

Me:What?!? How?!?

Amy:Darling.....You need to stay there and clear out your issues first.......

Me:But mom....What about our first Christmas together with Hyun Joong oppa??

Amy:We already talked to him......We made white lies..Telling him that you have a friend in the hospital.....


Amy:Your dad will talk to you......


Alex:Little pumpkin??

Me:Yes dad??

Alex:It's okay if you're going to stay there.....We admit that it's not good celebrating Christmas if the whole family is not around....But it's okay dear.......


Alex:I know that your conscience will keep on bothering you.....But it's true...It's okay with us......So stay there and calm Xander first......


Alex:Merry Christmas my little pumpkin^^

Me:Merry Christmas dad^^


Aish!! This is really not good!!! After I went outside to tell him that I'm going home....What am I going to do now?!?!? Should I go back or...Should I go home now.....But if I'm going home.....For sure my parents will kill me.......Aish!!!


Me:Xander.......(Opened his door)Aigoo~~ He's sleeping already........


The way he sleep is very uncomfortable.......So I moved him to make his body relaxed.........But as I stood up and get some water to cool his fever down...........


Xander:Please stay.......(Grabbed my hand)



He putted his head on my lap to sleep...........What can I do....He's heavy........

As I my fingers to his hair........I can't stop the memories coming.......Then I started crying.............


Me:You're really stupid......How am I going to move on if your shadow keeps on following me........

Xander:That's what we called holding onto something you can't let go.........(Eyes closed)

Me:How are you going to celebrate your Christmas if you're here lying on your bed......And having a fever.......

Xander:Celebrating Christmas with you like this........Is precious to me.....So don't leave me.......

Me:And how am I going to leave you if your head is on my lap??

Xander:Don't even dare to get up and leave me.....Or else.....

Me:Or else what????

Xander:It's already 12:00am........Merry Christmas Shiee.......I Love You.......(He's unconscious)

Me:Merry Christmas oppa.........(Cries)


I looked at the window.......And I saw many fireworks......It made me smile....And wash away my tears......


See you in the next chapter^^






Fireworks Outside The Hotel^^



Closer Look At The Fireworks^^
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Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 24: Update soon
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 20: Love you're story
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 16: Heeeeey I just want to tell that I love you're story but I'm kinda busy so il finish it when I have the time keep updating
Chapter 24: Yay! Yay! Yay!! He confessed!! Well... he sorta confessed.. anyway a confession is a confession no matter what! And im glad that shiee chose to ignore Xander intalking to him, because he kinda deserved it and please pleas pleas authornim dont let shiee fall in love with xander, because it happens in almost all cliche fanfics where the guy that leaves the girl comes back and when the girl has already got an awesome nice guy(hyunjoong) the mean guy comes along and makes up some sorry lame excuse and makes the girl fall in love all again and leaves the poor nice guy heartbroke :((
Buuuut any way, love the new chapters!
kaisooyoung #6
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
pinkypn #10
Chapter 22: i can see who seung gi likes and wants cherry to leave. cherry is so rude always interrupting, annoying and loud.
@SuperJuniorCookie i agree with you, its nice to see someone with the same opinion on her moving on and how sweet Hyun Joong is