Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream Chapter 11

Brand New Flavor Of Ice Cream




7:00pm...............................Friday afternoon...............................I woke up..............LATE^^............................But it's okay.......It's Christmas vacation^^ Woot woot^^

I went downstairs to eat my dinner while my hair is a mess and my bed is not arranged.....Tonight will be waiting for Christmas Eve!!! Yay!! 

I open the fridge to get some fresh milk......And there's a note......


"I'll be out, there's no eggs left so I'll be back around...........Hmmmm...Let me think...Around 8:00pm^^ By the way there's a message on the phone it's for you^^ Wait for me because we're going to prepare our dishes for Christmas Eve^^, Love ELI^^"


Hahaha!! Silly brother^^ After pouring the milk in the glass.......I went straight in the sofa and checked the message.........


1st Message;

"Hi unnie...It's me Monica, how are you unnie?? You know what..I miss you especially Xander oppa......If you're confused where did I get your telephone number....It's from ELI oppa.........I miss you unnie....."


2nd Message;

Hi Shiee...........It's Xander...........I wanted to say that I miss you................And to tell you the truth.......I wanted to see you now......But I can't........I love you......"


Me:Is that for real?!?!?! This isn't right...........But what am I going to do?? What should I do??


Then our phone rang..................................



Unknown:Hello?? (Girl's voice)

Me:Who's this??


Me:Yeah...Who's this??

Unknown:It's me......Your mom^^


Amy:How are you little girl??

Me:I'm not a little girl anymore mom......

Amy:I called because we got a surprise for you^^

Me:Hahah!! You're coming here right??


Me:How about dad??

Amy:He's also coming baby^^


Amy:It's 8 years since we left you two........

Me:Yes mom^^

Amy:I miss you.......

Me:Me too mom^^

Amy:Tell me......


Amy:I heard you had a boyfriend.........



Me:Yes mom.......

Amy:Ahhhh....Is he handsome??

Me:Yes mom^^


Me:I don't know now.......

Amy:What do you mean??

Me:I'll tell you everything when you got here...Okay??

Amy:Okay....By the way...Is your big brother there??

Me:No..He went to the grocery store to grab some eggs^^

Amy:Ohhh..So he's busy.....


Amy:Your dad will talk to you.............


Alexander:Hi Shiee^^


Alexander:I miss you my little girl^^

Me:Hahaha!! I miss you too dad^^

Alexander:Even though we just had a great time last two months^^

Me:Yeah!! It's fun having a father and daughter bonding^^

Alexander:Yeah...So how's school dear??

Me:Doing good dad^^

Alexander:No love life??


Alexander:There is??

Me:Actually yes dad^^

Alexander:I see........Oh...Did your mom told you that we have a surprise for you??


Alexander:Are you excited??

Me:Of course dad^^



Alexander:Okay..I need to go now.......Secretary Yoon says that there's an emergency.......

Me:Okay dad....See you soon^^

Alexander:Okay...I love you^^

Me:Love you too dad^^


Me:Yes mom??

Amy:We're actually here.......Busy......

Me:Let me guess.....You’re in Macau??



Amy:We're here in the Philippines........

Me:Huh?? I don't remember having a branch there.......I mean the company......

Amy:After 8 years dear.......We already have^^


Amy:So wait for us there okay??


Amy:We’ll be going to the airport now…..We’re expecting you and ELI to fetch us….

Me:Sure mom^^

Amy:Bye bye^^

Me:Bye mom...We'll wait for you...Bye the way..What time are you going to arrive here??

Amy:10:00pm dear.....

Me:Okay^^ Bye bye^^



Yay!!! Mom and dad will be home this Christmas Eve!!! I can't wait!!! I want to see them again!!! We'll be celebrating Christmas together^^ And I was really surprised when mom told me that we already have a branch in the Philippines........

I hope I can go and have a vacation there^^


8:00pm......................My big brother is still not home........And I'm kinda worried.............Then I heard that he rang the doorbell......So I opened the door........




Me:Oppa...Mom and dad will be celebrating Christmas with us^^


Me:They want us to fetch them at the airport........

ELI:Okay......Then who'll drive??

Me:Of course you.......


Me:Let's start cooking now......^^



We cooked a lot of dishes......Because this is the 3rd time that our family is complete when celebrating Christmas^^ And I'm very happy^^

We finished cooking the dishes around 9:50pm..................And we're still not ready to go to the airport.......So we hurriedly take a bath and leave the house.................


10:15pm.............When our parents arrived................My dad is still the same....While mom.......Can't remember if something changed or.....Never mind.......


Me:Mom!! Dad!!!


Alexander:My little pumpkin^^


ELI:Hi dad^^

Alexander:Hey my pigeon^^


Amy:Omo!! My boy!!!

ELI:Hi mom.......

Amy:You're so tall now^^



Amy:By the way Shiee.......



There is someone from her back faced me.....................It was........................Hyun Joong oppa!!!!!!!!! My ged!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the reason why there's a lot of bodyguards who's guarding my parents......


Hyun Joong:Auntie.......

Amy:Yes dear??

Hyun Joong:Don't tell me she's your daughter??

Amy:She is Shiee......

Hyun Joong:Hi Shiee^^

Me:Hi sunbae......

Hyun Joong:No...Just call me oppa^^

Me:Okay~~ Hi oppa^^

Hyun Joong:I didn't know that you're much more prettier than I thought....Nice to meet you.....

Me:Thank you...(Blushing)

Amy:I hope you two will have a good time^^

Hyun Joong:We will auntie^^


Hyun Joong:Yes^^


Me:You know him??

ELI:Of course!!!

Me:Ahhh.....I see........

Hyun Joong:Nice to see you again ELI^^

ELI:Me too hyung^^

Me:I don't get it......X.x

ELI:Boys talk^^


Amy:This is our surprise dear^^


Amy:Your brother told me that you have a crush on him.........

Me:Where in the world did you get him??

Amy:He's the son of the next heir of KHJ company.......

Me:KHJ?? You mean Kim Hyun Joong company??

Amy:Yeas dear.......That's the reason why the company is named after him......

Me:I see........

Amy:I hope you're happy.....

Me:Of course mom^^

Alexander:Shall we go now??


Hyun Joong:Let's go Shiee (Put his arm on my shoulder)



I looked back and looked at mom and dad......But they only gave me a thumbs up........Aigoo~~~




Monica:Come on oppa....We have to hurry^^

Xander:Okay okay.......

Monica:Omo!! Is that unnie??

Xander:Where?!?!? (Panicking)


Xander:It can't be her.....She doesn't like that.....

Monica:Doesn't like what??

Xander:A guy putting his arm on her shoulder...........

Monica:Then shall we find it out for ourselves??

Xander:Go ahead.....(So sure)


Walking towards our direction...............................................






See you in the next chapter^^





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Hello! New reader! Hope you'll update real soon! :)
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 24: Update soon
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 20: Love you're story
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 16: Heeeeey I just want to tell that I love you're story but I'm kinda busy so il finish it when I have the time keep updating
Chapter 24: Yay! Yay! Yay!! He confessed!! Well... he sorta confessed.. anyway a confession is a confession no matter what! And im glad that shiee chose to ignore Xander intalking to him, because he kinda deserved it and please pleas pleas authornim dont let shiee fall in love with xander, because it happens in almost all cliche fanfics where the guy that leaves the girl comes back and when the girl has already got an awesome nice guy(hyunjoong) the mean guy comes along and makes up some sorry lame excuse and makes the girl fall in love all again and leaves the poor nice guy heartbroke :((
Buuuut any way, love the new chapters!
kaisooyoung #6
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
Chapter 22: Yay! @pinkypn some one who understands how I feel!!! Thank you author mum for updating, it was an awesome chapter and I totally enjoyed it!! Shipping ShieJoong till the end!! :DDD
pinkypn #10
Chapter 22: i can see who seung gi likes and wants cherry to leave. cherry is so rude always interrupting, annoying and loud.
@SuperJuniorCookie i agree with you, its nice to see someone with the same opinion on her moving on and how sweet Hyun Joong is