somewhere in the summer air


Jonghyun suggests a road trip even though summer is ending but Kibum doesn’t mind- maybe he gets to feel Jonghyun’s warmth now.


There’s exactly three days left before their summer break comes to an end and Kibum is all wailing and whining because he hasn’t find a liking in whatever activities that he has been doing all summer; he does actually- find a liking, that is, but he wants something satisfying; something that creates memories that he would look back and makes him thinks that life should have stopped at that moment. He wants something new- fresh and memorable that he would keep forever within himself.

“All I did this summer is ing about those stupid movies that we watched at our crap mall,” Kibum has bombarded, hands gesturing up in the air while his legs easily swing up and settle on Jonghyun’s lap but it’s not like he dislikes the idea of spending time with Jonghyun anyway- just hoping that maybe something will happen.

“Yeah,” Jonghyun nods, just agrees with whatever that Kibum is talking about. He’s half listening, trying to concentrate on the rerun of a football match that he missed watching two days ago because Kibum has dragged him once again to their ty mall and catches some movie.  “And stuff your face with chocolates,” he adds later.

You gave me those,” Kibum accuses- oh, he loves the chocolatesactually, and he lifts up his left leg before dropping it like heavy weight towards Jonghyun. Jonghyun only flinches but grabs Kibum’s legs later and secures his hands around the ankles.

“But I’m so bored now,” Kibum whines not a minute later and he shakes his legs- disturbs Jonghyun from watching the match because it’s not fair that the other is occupied when he’s bored as hell; just wants his attention. “Jesus, why is everyone away during this summer? I’m stuck with you alone and you’re boring.”

“Kibum,” Jonghyun pulls a grim face- doesn’t appreciate to be called like that.

“You’re boring,” Kibum repeats and he looks at Jonghyun with a determined look and his mind actually creaks with you’re boring but that’s okay because it’s you and I get to be with you.

Jonghyun sighs and then switches off the TV completely before turning to look at Kibum; Kibum’s legs still in his hold. “Okay,” he says, “let’s go on a road trip.”

“Yeah?” he tries to sound uninterested but he knows Jonghyun catches the glint in his voice- can imagine himself like a puppy with its ears perk up when a sound wins its interest. Jonghyun wins him over.

 Jonghyun shakes Kibum’s legs now and leans towards him, smiling lopsidedly and his dark brown eyes touch Kibum’s inside as warm as the ending of summer air right now and Kibum doesn’t say this- never really admits this before but he puts all his trust away inside Jonghyun then, like he’s been doing so for the years he has known Jonghyun.

“Okay,” Kibum mutters quietly, “let’s go then.”


3 291 wc


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taemspenus #1
*crying*AMAZING*crying* Y-you s-should make a sequel*hiccup*becu-*hiccup*ause it was so*hiccup*amazing!~
atomicfusillade #2
imsocuriousyeah #3
it was perfect oh my god!
Who said 'i like you' that .he should said 'i love you' instead of i like u mah!!
sssonia #5
this was adorable <3