Shindong, the evil dictator?

A Weird Tale

OMG im fat he screamed. Shindong comforted him and migrated to America together

but actually shindong was this evil dictator that wanted to control the world and he uses fat people to power his factory of robots! siwon's in trouble! siwon found out and  started exercising to no avail, but it's too late.his hormones were reconfigured and he cant stop craving for fast food, he also got addicted to lipsmakers.little did he know,that he was slowly evolving into shindong! He called his petals minions to help too there was a battle field between shinbots and petals and one by one the petals fade away... ( by song who am i that siwon sang) but heechul had a plan b. 

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bettykz #1
love this fic
Please update, I want more of your randomness ^0^
KaHyun #3
Apparently Leeteuk's wings broke thus hitting the ground and died. He met baengshin in heaven and they married. LOL just nothing xD
LittleAriel #4
OMG this is totally hilarious xDDDDD<br />
Poor Heebum and Baengshin, they got involved in all this, and never returned alive xDDDD
guitardrums #5
yeah, if i get more inspiration. what characters would you all like to appear in this story
ha ha<br />
it is so so funny<br />
But my heenim is killed his own son?????<br />
ha ha<br />