With Wings of a Phoenix

 After the accident, the circus was destroyed and hopeless. The performers began leaving in search of a new place in the entertainment industry. Soon, you were alone again and only had one person to turn to- Myungsoo.

"I'm surprised you still know where my apartment is," was the first thing that came out of his mouth when you entered Myungsoo's home.

"Myungsoo..." You looked at him with teary eyes before collapsing onto the carpeted ground.

Myungsoo didn't hesitate to drop to the floor and embrace you, cradling you in his arms.

"I've lost everything, again," You choked out between sobs as you cried into Myungsoo's chest. "Everything's gone now."

Myungsoo ran his fingers through your hair and continued rocking you back and forth. "It's going to be okay. It always turns out okay for you in the end, doesn't it?"

You didn't hear any of the comforting words Myungsoo said after that because the feeling of being in Myungsoo's arms was so right that you swear you almost forgot about the world collapsing around you.


Around a week later, you found yourself living with Myungsoo (because he insisted that you be in his sight at all times), even though you felt bad he was going out of his way to feed and take care of you when the only thing you did was sulk around the apartment.

One morning Myungsoo had gone to get the daily newspaper while you started making coffee for two. When he came back, Myungsoo sighed and slipped the morning newspaper next to your coffee. You looked at the headline before putting the paper down and began rubbing your temples. You felt a migraine coming on.

Ringleader Woohyun dies of tragic accident, and the Phoenix Circus dies with him.

He was really dead. Woohyun had been stupid enough to believe that he could be reborn again like some mythical creature that only exists in fairy tales, and no one even tried to stop him. Perhaps the circus knew it was going to happen. Woohyun was mad after all, having killed his father in the first place.

His body was found after the tent had collapsed and the fire had been put out. Woohyun hadn't been reborn, he had died. He was found under large pieces of scorched tent fabric; his flesh had been serverely burnt, and his face was barely recognizable anymore. The reporters said he was the only one left in the tent when it burned to the ground.

"So how do you feel about it?"

"I don't know, Myungsoo," You said, your voice barely audiable. "This whole time I was in love a psycho ringleader just to find out he was planning to burn everything down."

"It's not your fault; you didn't know."


You never forgot to thank Myungsoo for saving you from the fire, even though you did it about two weeks later.

"You could have killed yourself."

"I could have, but it would have been better than letting you kill yourself and living alone for the rest of my life."

You brought the white bed sheets over your body and scooted towards Myungsoo, cuddling into his chest. Myungsoo had given you your own room in his apartment, but you decided you got a much better sleep whenever Myungsoo was with you.

"Oh, and one more thing," You mumbled before closing your eyes. You felt Myungsoo's arms wrap themselves delicately around your waist.


"I love you."

If you weren't so eager to sleep, you would have looked up and saw Myungsoo smiling so wide his face would have been permanently stretched.


You never found out what exactly happened to everyone from the circus. You regret losing contact with everyone there, especially the guys. There were rumors circling around that most of the performers had disappeared due to the reputation of the circus. All you could hope for now was to coincidentally run into them while all of you were living a new life. As for Woohyun, you finally got over the crazy ringleader and found yourself back with Myungsoo, who was your first love to begin with. 

You also found a way to get into Business school afterward, even with the fact that you haven't fully completed secondary school (you swear Myungsoo had bribed the university head to let you in). Turns out you were great with marketing, and business was easy for you to understand. When you graduated, you worked alongside Myungsoo as his ever so reliable secretary. Together, the two of you brought Kim Inc. (which was inherited from Myungsoo's parents) to high ranks and sky-rocketed the stock markets. Soon, you two became the most successful couple for someone your age in the business industry.

How you went through each day acting like you've never joined the circus, you weren't too sure. But you were content now working as Myungsoo's secretary and lover. You never forgot the fact that you were a Phoenix; but unlike the others who burned to the ground with the circus, this little Phoenix learned how to fly.


A/N: Oh my god, after 25 chapters this thing is finally DONEEE. I'm surprised I actually finished a whole fanfic, but I think this story made a turn for the worst after chapter 5 lol. Did the fic seem pretty bland to you guys? Because I kind of died in the middle of writing this then forced myself to come back to life just so I could finish it. Oh well, at least it's finished now and won't have to touch it ever again. Criticism is needed, and lots of it too. Thank you so much for reading!<3

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Chapter 27: That was strange haha. I feel bad for everyone in the circus and I really want to know what had happend to them. As for her feelings .. I just feel like she didn't really love Myungsoo, or woohyun ... she forget them for the other too easily.
I don't really get why woohyun did that at the end .. or if he's really crazy, why it's took him so much time to done it.
Behind all this questions and incomprehension, this was a well written story. Thanks for sharing your mind. m(_ _)m
OhNoItsCheli #2
I love reading your story! Thank you for writing such an amazing story! :)
bettykzz #3
love this fic
♡ ^^
I AM YOUR FAN. Your fic is awesome , great, fantastic , spontaneous, interesting , amazing & more. What more shall I say? This fic is so good, I'm going to print this out and read it whenever I want. I mean it's really good I'd really buy tons of copies and tell my friends to read it!
It's kinda crazy and sad about woohyun's parts. It's so soon for him :(
Anyways, please keep up with your stories ^_^
are you doing this to me
my feels are IOKDGHJ
you're mean :c omg WHYY
The67thKnight #7
can you make a sidestory of the old performers?
I'm dying to know how their life go..
flabbycow #8
I enjoyed reading this story. I actually wanted 'myself' to end up with Woohyun. But then he went crazy and . And i was hoping he would come into his right mind somehow but he died instead so... Okay. Thank goodness for Myungsoo. :D
ohHEYthere #9
I really enjoyed this story, ALOT! but I was really sad and upset when Woohyun DIED!!!! I felt like jumping into the story and grabbing him out of the tent and slapping some sense back into him! but then again I guess there's no perfect story :P BUT this was great!!!