Chapter 3

The Best Concert of Our Lives Changed Our Lives

Yonghwa's POV~

Wow thats just perfect... I carried her bridal style to the van.Gosh shes heavy...What does she eat these days! Then i thought again " n" i shook my head ANIO no food!! Well i am hungry...i sighed ill get food later. I got to the van and pushed Eunhee into her seat...i took deep breaths after carrying her all the way to the van. After i jumped into the car and we drove to the hotel. I immediately saw fangirls out side the hotel waiting for us...Aish...why does everything have to be so hard...i asked the driver "can we take the back parking lot?" he nodded and said "sure" i thanked him and said "kamsamnida" giving him a bright smile. We entered the parking lot and it was deserted and full of cars...perfect...i dragged Eunhee out of the car and she was still unconscious. I had piggy-back her into the hotel room. It took forever sneaking away from the fan girls. I finally got the the hotel room and smacked-down her on the bed. I had no more energy left and fell on the bed next to Eunhee. I saw her still unconscious with a little hair on her face. I was too bothered to see hair on her face so i pushed it away. I then saw her gorgeous face. I was shocked that an ugly girl like her can look pretty beautiful with a little adjustments. I then looked at what she was looked so tacky,the coffee stains made it more tacky... I then noticed that she would get a cold if she keeps wearing this...i then thought for a while... .... ... !!!!! I stood up from the bed all shocked. I cant change her!!! Ugh!!! What am i going to do!!! Really!!! I tried thinking of a solution to solve the problem...i held my elbow and put my hand on my chin. After a few seconds i snapped my fingers and unwrapped the bed sheets. I put her inside the bed and tucked her in... Phew...this is hard work... After a few minutes my phone vibrated. I picked out the phone from my pocket and unlocked it. It was a text message from Minhyuk it said

Hyung! We have a photo shoot at the grove at 12:00 kamsamnida! Your the best hyung,fighting!

I scoffed and locked my cell phone. I had a serious face and slowly looked at Eunhee...Ugh... Do i have to stay might as well take a shower and get dressed for the shoot... I looked at the coffee stain and walked over to the restroom

-private time-

Eunhee POV head hurts what happened? I scratched my hair a couple of times and looked around... Im in a hotel room...oh...okay... ... !!! WHAT IM IN A HOTEL ROOM?!?! I unfolded the bed sheets and saw i still had my clothes on with stain of coffee...Phew...well might as well get washed up in a nice hotel. I giggled and walked over to the restroom. I opened the door and looked around with the door half open. I then saw Yonghwa wet and ...!!!! I quickly screamed and shut the door. He then opened the door and yelled "YAH HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?!?!" I kept squealing because i was shy just seeing with his wet hair, shirtless glossy body,and just having a towel on his waist. Eeeepppp!!! What should i do?!?! >.<

Soohyun's POV

Hm...i wonder what Eunhee is doing...I picked up my phone and was about to call her...wait...oh yeah...shes with yonghwa...i made a deep sigh and thought how bored i was. I layed on my bed next to my phone and looked over fanfics...I sighed even more wishing that i was in one of those fanfics...Suddenly my phone rang. I quickly answered in after being buried into my own boring life. "Hello? Soohyun speaking..." i said with excitement after the few minutes of not planning anything to do. A stanger answered and "Hello? Um...Yes Miss Soohyun...You have won the fanfic contest congrats." Wow this dude has a very big accent...Wait...WHAT?!?! I WON?!?!? I answered back "Oh my gosh, Thank you~!" The man said "Since you won you get a reward, You get to meet one CN Blue member and get to go on a date with him for a day. He will pick you up at your house and your date would start off there. Please give us your address." I gave them my address and said goodbye. Once i hanged up i started to jump on my bed and screamed. Oh My Gosh~! Finally! My moment~! To be with-! I then sat down on my bed again and wondered...Who am i gonna meet? I put my hand on my chin wondering and thought of the 4 boys

Yonghwa-Very very scary...but...He is gonna be with EunHee so thats impossible...

Jungshin-He's sweet and funny but, he said he was gonna go shopping and looking around with Minhyuk

Minhyuk-Sweetest Boy ever~! but, he shopping with Jungshin

Jonghyun-...hehehe....Handsome....sweet...wait~! and he has no plans....

I snapped my fingers i bet its Jonghyun...its so Jonghyun... ... ... !!! Oh my gosh~! What am I gonna wear~! I need to make myself look...look...IMPRESSIVE! Ugh~! Ottoke?!?!?! I ran around in paces messing up my hair. I then layed down on my bed and cupped my face with my hands. Im dead...


Sorry Its too short ^^""

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Happy Birthday Jonghyun~! :D


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i dont know really both of the lucky girl but i like your foreword . would you mind to write the chapter?