Ring Me

Played by Fate |HIATUS|

Chapter 7
Ring Me

Dara waited for her cousin to emerge from the sea of people exiting the terminal. She stretched her neck in search for her Hanbyul silently cursing the lack of inches in her legs and torso. If she had made a cardboard sign that said, "Park Hanbyul, over here" then it would have made things a lot more easier for her.

"Where is she Dara?" Chae  Rin asked reluctantly not taking her eyes off of her iPod touch's screen. By the looks of her face and the way she held the gadget, it was obvious she was playing temple run.

"I'm looking for her Chae Rin, just keep on running away from those monkey's." She told her, earning a sigh from the latter. She wanted Chae Rin to come with her to the airport, mainly because she was the one who knew the way to Hanbyul's new apartment. And besides, Chae Rin was the one who agreed to come. Though it would have helped a little if she was actually helping her look for Hanbyul in this sea of people.

Dara shook her head and turned back to the crowd of people.

Just when her eyes landed on the automatic doors a very familiar face stepped out carrying a few baggages. The girl wearing big sunglasses beamed when she caught sight of Sandara's face. She immediately stumbled (yes she stumbled because of the many bags and the stilettos) over to her and gave her a big hug.

"Sandara!" She exclaimed squeezing her cousin tight with one hand.

Chae Rin looked up from the iPod when she heard Hanbyul. She locked the small device and stuffed it in her pocket, directing her full attention to the girl in front of her.

"Chae Rin!" Hanbyul greeted also hugging the girl.

"How are you unnie?" She asked after breaking the hug.

"I'm great and still alive. How are you girls?"

Dara and Chae Rin helped her with some of her bags and started to walk out of the terminal and into the car parked  right outside the main building. The bags were heavy and weighed a ton that the two girls would have guessed Hanbyul packed rocks.

"We're great too, so is the university." Chae Rin replied stuffing the huge bags into the baggage compartment or the back of the car rather. She let a huge puff of breath out before proceeding to walk to the driver's seat.

The three of them entered the car with Chae Rin on the steering wheel, Dara riding shotgun and Han-Byul at the backseat.

After putting on her seat belt Dara twisted her body about face to talke with Han-Byul at the backseat.

"Hanbyul-sshi, would you like to grab lunch first before we take you to your new apartment?"

Hanbyul smiled. "Nae."

Dara nodded and sat upright back to her seat. "Let's eat at the same place where we ate last night. What was that again?" She asked Chae Rin her mind searching for the name of the restaurant.

"Nol Boo House?" Chae Rin remembered as she turned into a curb.

"Yeah that one!" Dara exclaimed. "Their dokk bokk kii was really great there."

She her lips at the thought of her favorite dish. She could almost tasted it at the very tip of her tongue.

The 15 minutes drive to the restaurant wasn't neccessarily quiet. What with Dara, Hanbyul and Chae Rin talking their hearts away and sharing experiences.

Well mostly it was just Hanbyul sharing her experiences and memories.

She talked much about one person in particular. She said she met him in LA while he was said to be on vacation and she was on spring break. He was korean so they instantly clicked, but they never got the chance to exchange contact information due to the fact that he needed to leave in exactly two-weeks time.

Hanbyul stared out the window as she finished relating her story. Turns out they were already in their destination so it was basically the perfect timing. She changed the topic after they stepped out of the vehicle and into the restaurant. After their orders arrived no more words were exchanged between them.

In the middle of their lunch Dara's cell phone started to ring. When she checked, it turns out it was from se7en. He rarely called her personally so this was a little bit of a surprise to her.


"Dara-sshi, I'm sorry I didn't call yesterday to ask for the results. I called Jiyong and he already told me that you guys didn't win."

"Yeah... but I guess it's okay." She replied.

Dara noted that se7en was probably on the set of a video due to the noise of someone shouting, "make up!" on the other side of the line. She could also hear someone talking to se7en and a few low, "I'm on the phone" statements.

"There's still a next time." He encouraged. "How about we have dinner? Tonight."

Now that offer really surprised her. Did he want to go on a date with her?

"Chincha? Where?"

"Do you know that restaurant a few blocks away from the YG apartment?"


"Meet me there at 7 tonight. I already told Jiyong so no need to inform him. Tell your members too. I want to meet them."

Before Dara could say yes, se7en already hung up. Dara guessed she was needed in the set because she can hear someone scream his name in the background wildly.

Guess she really did misunderstand. He wanted to have dinner with BIGBANG and 2NE1. Not just her. Well that was a big relief.

She put her phone back in her pocket and faced her plate full of dokk bokk kii. It was half-eaten and she was more than happy to finish it up.

"Who was that?" Chae Rin asked as she forked her steak while Hanbyul got a drink from her glass of water.

She finished chewing her dokk bokk kii first before answering in a plain voice. "Dongwook."

Hanbyul choked the second Dara had mentioned se7en's given name.

"Unnie, are you okay?"

Chae Rin rubbed Hanbyul's back trying to ease the coughing even if just a bit.

Hanbyul fanned herself with a hand trying to calm herself as she took another drink.

"I'm fine..." She reassured after putting the glass down. Her eyes shifted to the plate of food in front of her as she continued, her voice sounding melancholic. "Just... the name sounded familiar."

"It probably- "

Dara was cut off by the insane ringing of her phone again. This time from her borther Sanghyun.

Her eyebrows scrunch up knowing her brother rarely called her unless it was really important. She stood from her seat and excused herself, walking outside the restaurant.

She contemplated the call a few more seconds by tapping the side of the phone with her finger.

She pressed the answer button and held the phone up her right ear. "Yobose- "

"Noona!" He exclaimed a little louder than he expected causing Dara to pull the phone away from her ear for a bit.

They both said at the same time, but Sanghyun still cut her off. It seems he didn't wait for a greeting and decided to just speak (scream rather) the minute the phone stopped ringing.

"Eomma is here! She said appa is hell sick."

Her eyes became wide with shock. "Mwo?"

He could hear the shuffling of feet and the constant sound of drawers geing pulled open.

"She's here to pick us up. We need to get back to the manor fast."

Dara bit her lower lip and stared back at the two-figures laughing and eating inside the restaurant. If she goes back to Busan now, she'll miss the dinner with se7en and the others. Particularly- as much as she hated to admit it- with Jiyong. But her father was far more important right now. She needs to set her priorities straight after all.

"Arasso. You guys can just go ahead. I'll get there myself."

She hung up the call and dialed another number without another thought. The end line started to ring and when it stopped a familiar voice spoke.

"Funny you decided to ring me."

She could just imagine the smug grin on his face when he saw she was the one calling for his help.

"Shut up and listen." Dara commanded trying to make her voice sound superior.

The other line silenced and she knew this was the oppurtunity she had to start talking.

"Jiyong, you're the only one who knows about my father so I'm gonna ask you this favor."

She heaved a deep breath before continuing to speak. She was a little unsure of what she was doing but she thought she could trust him enough already. What her dad does... it's something beyond the line and not even her best friends know about it. They all think her dad already went bye-bye and up to heaven. But she knows when her dad dies, he won't be going anywhere near heaven for the things he'd done. And Kwon Jiyong knows about this! Or at least he claims to know all of it.

Know or not, she plans to keep him close to study his motives more closely and trusting him for now was the best thing to do it.

"Can you bring my car to the park near Nol Boo House?" She asked of him. She could almost see his face twist in some sort of puzzlement when she asked for the favor.

"Waeyo?" He half-whined.

"Mom came to Sanghyun and told him appa is sick. I need to go back to Busan right now but I don't have my car with me. I can't go back to the campus either because Bom and Minzy will probably be there."

He was silent. Dara didn't know what he was thinking because she couldn't read his facial expression. It almost made her panic.

"A'ryt." He agreed making her sigh with relief. "Where do you hide your keys?"

"In my room right at the drawer of the right bed end table. Don't tell them you're taking the car to me."

"Then what do you want me to say?"

"Anything. Lie to them, you're probably good at that."

"Yah..." He groaned. "Arasso. You'll owe me for this."

"I will not insult you ever again if you pull this off." She could almost kiss his cheek, but she's not giving him that satisfaction by telling him that. Instead she just directly hung up.

When the call ended Dara went back inside the restaurant. She told Hanbyul and Chaerin about the dinner that se7en was hosting and asked Chaerin to go there with the others and that Hanbyul should come too... in her place. When asked where she was going, she said she needed to run some errands for her mom and she probably won't be back until the next day. She said her apologies to Hanbyul for not being able to help her move and finally left avoiding Hanbyul's offer of helping her auntie.


Jiyong grinned after he ended the call. He was just staring at his phone's screen trying to remember how he almost jumped when he saw Sandara's name flashing on the screen. He turned to TOP- who was in front of the TV yet again with Seungri and Daesung- the grin still present on his face.

"TOP, would you like to visit Bom?"

Without taking his eyes off the screen he answered, "No. She doesn't want me to go there as she prepares for the dinner tonight."

The other two stayed silent thinking they weren't even in on this conversation and just listened on, in case it got interesting. After all they were really bored with what they were watching on TV right now, but they initially had no choice because TOP had the remote first.

"You told her about the dinner?" He asked as he watched Seungri steal the remote from TOP's hand and switch the channel.

"Yuhp. I texted her the minute you told me about the dinner. What's difference anyway, Sandara will tell her either way." He grabbed the remote from Seungri's hand and switched the channel back giving his dongsaeng a deathly glare that said, "do that again and I'll throw you off the Himalayas".

Seungri backed off and sinked in his seat with his arms crossed on his chest.

"But I need someone to go with me to their penthouse."

After saying that, Taeyang walked in the room casually with his shirt off. "What are you gonna do there?" He asked, his tone somewhat suspicious. It seems he was listening to the conversation too.

Jiyong cocked an eyebrow at the way he implied that he was gonna do something erted. "I'm gonna raid her drawer." He remarked sarcastically.

After finishing the sentence the leather pillow from the couch flew across the room and landed on his face. He caught the pillow, but it was already too late as it hit him smackdab in the middle of his well-sculpted head.

Seungri was kneeling on the couch facing him obviously the one who threw the pillow. "I thought you were gonna treat Sandara differently from your past flings!?"

Jiyong scowled at him and threw the pillow back a little harder causing him to fall off from the couch. TOP, Daesung and Taeyang laughed hysterically when they witness the little fiasco between their friends. None of them even bothered to help Seungri off the floor and just kept laughing at him like typical best friends.

"I wish I could... have recorded... that." Daesung remarked in between chuckles as Seungri helped himself up the carpeted floor.

"Don't you get sarcastic when you hear it Seungri?" Jiyong asked.

"How was I supposed to know you were kidding!" He retorted rubbing his . "I think I need to put some ice on to this." He stateddragging his feet out of the living room and into the kitchen while rubbing his sore .

Jiyong shook his head and turned back to his three remaining best buds when Seungri disappeared. "So who's gonna come with me?"

"You're on your own bro." Taeyang said rubbing the back of his head and walking out of the living room. He flexed his back muscles and yawned at the same time as he turned to another hall.

Jiyong narrowed his eyes mischievously at his well-toned back. Seeing this TOP immediately pointed it out.

"Yah... you're thinking of something."

"Of course I am..." He muttered going after Taeyang.

Daesung and TOP watched as he turned to the same hall where Taeyang turned. After a few more moments they could hear mufled arguements, some begging, some bribing and a few no's.


"Minzy go get the doorbell."

Bom was draped in the towel and was fresh out the shower. She was heading to her room when someone rang the doorbell to their penthouse.

"Nae." Minzy replied going down the stairs with heavy footsteps. She went to the door and opened it, revealing a Dong Youngbae with a scowl on his face and a Kwon Jiyong with a grin on his.

"Oppa? What are you two doing here?"

"Minzy-yah..." Taeyang spoke up his hands burried in both his pants-pockets. He turned to Jiyong slightly throwing him a stare dagger for a brief moment before continuing. "I was wondering if you could help me with a choreography for a project?"

He asked, his eyes not leaving the ground.

Minzy was in shock, but she nodded her head none the less. "Nae." She anwered letting the two men in.

When they stepped inside the spacious loft Jiyong immediately asked for the bathroom. Minzy pointed him towards the direction of the staircase, but when she was about to give instructions he dashed up of the stairs with no word uttered leaving Minzy hanging.

"He'' find his way" Taeyang reassured her.

"Now which is Park Sandara's room?" Jiyong asked himself as he eyed the many doors that lined the walls of the second floor. He spotted one door with a pink ruffles on top of it.

He grimaced and approached that one. "Sandara Park, you are too obvious like hell." He snickered and turned the doorknob only to find it locked.

He could've pulled his hair out when he realized she never told him where she hid the key to her room.

He shoved his hand inside his pocket and took out his phone dialing a familiar number.


"Where the hell is your damn room key!?" He half-screamed trying his best not to disturb the others inside his house.

"Omona, I forgot it's around my neck."

Jiyong almost dropped to the floor.

"Then how the do you expect me to get inside your ing room!?"

There was a moment of silence in the other line. Jiyong guessed that the girl was thinking.

He tapped his foot on the floor impatiently as he waited for Sandara to speak, when the door to one of the rooms  creaked open and a fresh looking Bom stepped out. He froze on the spot and awkwardly put his phone down even if he heard the girl speak again.

"Jiyong? What are you doing here?" She asked, but then noticed he was right in front of Dara's door. "In front of Dara's room?"

Maybe if he played it cool enough he could get away with this.

"Oh this is Dara's room!?" He reached for his neck and scratched it awkwardly. "I thought it was the bathroom."

Bom arched an eyebrow. "There's the bathroom." She pointeed her thumb to the tainted glass door at the end of the hall. It was obviously screaming, "Hey look I'm the bathroom!" to his face.

"I... I gotta go now. Bye!" He ran out of the scene and out of the house. He passed by Minzy and Taeyang working on some dance moves at the living room not even stopping to listen to what Taeyang had to say to him.

He huffed and tried to regain his composure once outside the house. After catching his breath he brought the hand  with the phone up to his ears again glad that Sandara was still on the other line... singing happy birthday...

"Blow out the candles now Dara-sshi." He joked still a little out of breath.

"Where did you go?" She scolded like a mom.

"Bom caught me you pabo! You never told me you're room was locked. Now what were you telling me?"

"I was gonna tell you to ask Bom for my spare room key and lie about doing a favor for me, but..."

Jiyong mentally slapped himself. "That's it, I'm driving you to Busan." He stated firmly, stomping towards his car.

"No!" Was her only reply.

"Whether you like it or not, I am driving you to Busan! You can insult me all you want for not getting your keys, but I am not gonna go back in there and embarass myself again."

He knew she would retort so he ended the call right before she could even manage a squeek. He was already inside his car starting his engine when he saw Taeyang go out the door of the house.

He rolled his windows down and drove pass him shouting, "Mianhe Youngbae! I'll make it up to you some other time!"

He laughed at the expression Taeyang wore and rolled his windows back up.

"I guess appa's gonna get a visit from me tonight..."

He muttered as an image of a big house with really tall barricades flashed before his eyes.


Dara chewed on her lower lip when she saw Jiyong pull up from a distance. He obviously saw her because he honked the annoying horn right when he slowed the car down.

Left with not much choice she skidded over to his car and let herself inside the passenger seat.

"Seatbelt." He pointed out.

She obliged like a little girl and put her seatbelt on. "Are you sure about this?" She asked staring straight ahead into the road when he started driving.


"Where are you gonna stay the night?" 

He smirked. "Get my phone out of my pocket will you?"

She turned to him, eyebrows arched. "Mwo?"

"Get it out of my pocket." He commanded.

She wasn't about to do it, but it looked like he was serious and wasn't telling her to do it just to troll on her.

She reached her hand across and took his phone out of his pocket.

"Now speed dial 2 and put my phone on speakers."

Dara was confused with his instructions. Even more confused as to why she was actually doing what she told her to do.

The phone rang 4 times before a woman with a nice lucid voice picked it up.


"Noona, have someone prepare my room for tonight arasso? I'm coming home."

"Mwo? Why so sudden? Did something happen?" The voice on the other line sounded worried.

"Aniyo. I just missed my family so much..." He grinned from ear to ear when he said this. Sarcasm was dripping from his voice and Dara knew all too well that when there's sarcasm in Jiyong, there's irritation.

"Right..." The girl responded sarcastically in return. "Arasso. I'll have Kyuyoung-sshi prepare your room."

The call ended and Jiyong turned to Dara with a smug grin on his face, his eyes not leaving the road.

"You have a house in Busan?" She asked, realization dawning on her.

"Ms. Obvious gets it!"

Dara swatted him in the shoulder and sulked on her seat. "How was I supposed to know you had a house there?" She huffed out.

He just laughed cheekily and became silent after that.

The silence wasn't awkward, but it wasn't comforting either. The soft purr of the bently's engine made  her eyes droopy and soon enough, she was already resting her head on the closed window drifting off into a place she could either call fantasy or nightmare.


"Sandy!" A tiny voice of a little boy called out of nowhere. She looked around to find him, but could only see flames and smoke everywhere. She was becoming scared.

"Yongie!" She screamed hoping the boy would find her, but as the seconds go by the nearer the flames became to her. The tears streamed down her face as she desperately tried to find refuge, but  there was nothing but red and orange dancing around her.

"Sandy!" She heard the voice call out again, this time in a different tone. It sounded llike it belonged to a man rather than a kid. It was achingly familiar but she can't put a finger on it...


Dara woke up with a start from the nightmare she was having. She jolted upright from her seat and was met with Jiyong's face only inches away from her.

The heat crept up into her face as she brought a hand up to push him away.

"Don't startle me like that!"  She whined looking away.

"I only wanted to wake you up!" He defended. "Anyways, we're here."

Dara turned to the window and saw the familiar manor that she hadn't been in for a long time now.

"You researched enough to even know my adress?" She asked, her eyebrows cocked. If she didn't know Jiyong she would have accused him as a creepy stalker.

"I have my sources. Now get out of the car. I'm tired and I want to sleep in my soft bed." He reached across and opened her door for her.

Dara sank in her seat acting as if his hand was a live flame and that when she touched it she'll get burned.

"Kamsahamnida." She thanked before getting the seatbelt off and scurrying out the car.

He watched as she tread her way towards the big gates of the manor. She didn't even look back to bid him a final goodbye before the guards let her inside. It sorta hurt him a little.

He stared at the big house on the lot for a long time before shaking his head. "It's not like they'll just make-up like that. It's a matter of pride after all..."

He laughed bitterly at how immature adults can be sometimes and drove to his own house right at the next block. Recognizing his car's plate, the guards just let him inside instantly.

"Nice of you to show up here." Boa greeted giving him a quick hug when he parked the car right on fron of the big doors.

"I figured you miss me that much noona." He said a huge grin spreading on his face. He handed over the keys to one of their men so that he could take the car to the garage.

"Miss you that much huh?" She replied dryly her eyebrow arched. "Father's ecxited when he found out you're coming home. He thinks you're not running away anymore."

Jiyong scoffed insultingly. "I did this for someone else. Not for him."

He and Boa made their way up the manor, the guards bowing at a 90 degree angle when they passed. One of them opened the huge double doors for the Kwon siblings.

"Jiyong-ah! You're home!"

A man of his late 50's had greeted him, arms spread wide open for a hug.

Jiyong purposely ignored this and instead bowed. "I will be going to bed now appa, I am tired from driving."

He brushed pass the man he called his father and went straight for his bedroom.

The man's smile pulled down and turned into a frown at how his child could treat him so coldly.

Bo went over to their father and said, "You need to win his trust appa. After all. You arranged him."

Boa's tone was icy and accusing directing his father the message that she wasn't really on the up-side of the deccission his father made.

"Can you tell him Boa?" He asked- no- he begged of her. He knew Jiyong would listen more to Boa than he would to him. That boy trusted his sister more after all.

She almost glared at him, but she knew better than to disrespect her father. So instead she just turned around, her hands balled up into fists and walked away. "You got yourself into this, you tell him yourself."

Author's Note:

Well... this is where the story starts! Consider that the prolouge? I don't know...

I'm not too happy with the chapter, but an update is an update and I guess you could guess what Dara and Jiyong dad does for a living right? Of course... if you haven't read the new foreword.

Subscribe and Comment!

louiegoksss11 ---> let your imaginations run wild, maybe they are true after all ;)

myjoyce1986 ---> you love your daragon don't you?

sujukat ---> in time Ji will tell, but not now :)

icegirl ---> Byul and Se7en will meet in the next chapter... or at least it will be like that.

Loveless3 ---> soon, but not too soon.

lovethynne ---> whose relationship? Bom and TOP's? LOL

star12341998 ---> there were more pairs than I had anticipated XD

Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
Okay my whole mind is going blank for chapter 17, so I am gonna look for my muse to inspire me~! Please be patient readers because I will definitely finish this


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cherrymint #1
i thought it was an update,anyway the story is getting interesting..i hope her father would leave them alone to think that it's her daughter's life/happiness his trying to destroy by
getting his revenge thru jiyong. pls update soon.thanks
Awww... It's okay authornim!
I'll patiently wait till your next update! :)
LittlePenguins-- #3
So.. Ive only read he description and the prolouge and im already hooked :D i would read more today.. But it's currently late right now. So, tomorrow.. Im for sure gonna start reading this story :D
Ahh. I hope you are able to continue soon. :|

I will patiently wait for your next update. ^^
Update soon! :)
ApplerJiDee #6
i hate Dara's dad! the bodyguards would sure to ruin DARAGON moments..haist! hope you can update soon ..thanks:)
Seungri always does things at the wrong time :))))) Daragon moments :"""> Can't wait for Byul and Se7en to make up :) And I really hate Dara's dad. :| How are Dara and Ji supposed to enjoy their vacation and their own time together if she has bodyguards. :(

You really used my idea :D Hihi. Your welcome though :D If you need help, don't hesitate to PM :P
Daragon so sweet! ;DD
Awww! Se7en and Han Byul should really make up soon!
And Dara's dad better not ruin Daragon moments!! Hmmmp! They just started having their moments!
icegirl #9
omg those bodygaurds better not ruin the fun, and her dad really needs to stop, omg sanghyun to the rescue! lol, again this chapter is so awesome! finally their at the house and sharing rooms :D hehe. cant wait for the truth and dare game and the epicness that comes from it! :D seungri's ertness is highly amusing lol :D
Grr. I hate Dara's dad. He better not ruin their vacation. >.<

I hope you update soon :)