SM FAMILY: TRAPPED on an Unknown Island for 50 DAYS!!!

A/N: okay, so before you start the story. If you haven’t read the prologue or the ‘IMPORTANT INFO’s’ in the foreword then please do go back and read them now. This is because when you start reading; you might not get some stuff and have millions of questions spinning in your head ^ ^
But if you have read everything then do continue and do enjoy the story~! :DD



9:00 AM

“Finally!!!” Heechul breaths in the fresh air as he steps out of the plane followed by the others.

“I feel sick…” Shindong groans staggering out as is face shows a shade of green.

“Woah, woah!” Leeteuk quickly supports his mate, “you okay dude?”

“Just tired,” The staggering guy shakes his dizzy head; god I hate long flights!

“I think we all are tired,” Changmin chuckles from behind.

“Yah! Hyung! Stop it!”

Shindong goes for a spin toppling away as something bumps him from behind.

“Yah Yesung! Watch where you’re going!” Siwon bellows with a shake of his head at the immature Cloudy kid.

Shindong staggers back up only to have another person knock him out of the way, “what the…!”

“Come back here!” Yunho cries chasing after the laughing Yesung.

“I think I’m going to die!” Shindong sways from side to side only to fall flat to the floor.

“Get up fat boy,” Sungmin laughs teasingly as he softly kicks the dizzy man on the floor.


Ryeowook turns around and quickly steers Kyuhyun away from the wall, “put the game away man and watch where you’re going.” He can never get away from his addiction of games… Ryeowook mentally sighs.

“Not yet,” The maknae exclaims with his eyes still glued to his DS, “I gotta beat this guy! Awww! Damn it! Again!!!”

Suddenly, a rap like voice calls out, “Hurry! Hurry, hurry up guys!” Donghae jokingly raps the line ushering the others to hurry up; how can they be so slow? I’m so excited and can’t even stand still in one spot let alone walk like a snail!

“We should hurry,” Leeteuk speaks up in a mature like voice but no one is fooled because they all know that he is probably one of the must immature people they know in the group, “we gotta meet the others in twenty minutes.”

“And by the looks of it; we’re going to be late,” Changmin sighs heavily.


9:50 AM

Over at the girls, they wait in front of a big five star hotel waiting for the late comers.

“This is so weird…” Yuri mutters softly to herself; why is there are hotel here? I thought we were ‘trapped’. Not here for a holiday or vacation…

 “God!” Jessica exclaims in a loud pitched tone, “where the hell are they?! They are already thirty minutes late!”

“Boys,” Amber sighs from the corner; they are gonna get it when they come back, especially from Jess…

“No! No fair!” Taeyeon pouts as she jumps up and down trying to reach her small backpack, “you’re much taller than me!” This is what you call cruel!

Seohyun stifles a giggle, “come on unnie! Jump higher.”

“She can’t when her legs are too short,” Sooyoung teases; ahh… my beautiful long legs…

The kid leader turns a glare at her, “yah, what did you say?”

“Yah unnie,” Krystal whispers against Sooyoung’s ears, “you shouldn’t tease Tae unnie about her legs or she’ll go crazy ahjumma.”

Victoria raises her eyebrow at that, “I can hear you from here Krystal so I’m pretty sure Taeyeon could hear you as well.”

“This is so stupid!” Tiffany’s fluent English catches the girls attention, “why are guys always like this?!”

“Guys have problems,” Jessica replies back in English with a huff.

“They sure do,” Fany sighs, “if any girl were to date them in the future; I would feel really sorry for her.”

“Uhh… Korean please unnies?” Sulli frowns, “we can’t understand a single word you guys are saying.

“They’re just annoyed about how boys are always late,” Krystal implies with snicker.

“It’s soooo hot!” Hyoyeon whines knocking her head softly against the wall.

“We can’t go inside till the rest come so we have no choice but to wait,” Sunny grumbles with a fall of her head in defeat; I should have asked uncle to do something about this.

“Yoongie,” Yuri raises an eyebrow at the girl beside her, “you’re going to get fat eating like that.”

“I’m hungry!” Yoona defends through a mouth full of rice.

“Yah Yul unnie,” Luna grins, “did you forget? Yoongie unnie doesn’t get fat.”

“Where did she get food anyways?” Taeyeon joins the convo.

Yoona turns to her unnie with a mischievous smile, “always come prepared cause you’ll never know what might happen.”


10:00 PM

“Hurry, hurry!!!” EXO members practically yell at the driver.

“We are already forty minutes late! The hyungs and noonas are gonna kill us!!!” Kai cries.

“This is bad, this is bad, bad, bad,” Chen shakes his head in pure worry.

“Hurry up! Please!!!” All of EXO order the driver but it doesn’t change anything.

“YAH!!!” The van falls silent at a diva’s yell.

“Enough!!” Key snaps, “You guys are all driving me nuts!”

“I really feel sorry for you,” Minho pats the driver on the back in sympathy.

“Guys, calm down,” Taemin chuckles, “it’s fine. We’re going to make it.”

“It’s not,” D.O whimpers.

"Since when did you become so mature like Tae?" Kai laughs softly.

“We are the dongsaengs,” Tao states, “it’s rude if we are late…”

Jonghyun and Onew smile looking casually out the window with headphones in their ears blocking out all the noise. Peace and quiet… They both think at the same time.

“Driver Kim,” Se Hun slowly approaches the shaken driver with an innocent, pure face, “can you please make this car go faster?” At Se Hun’s failed attempt at cuteness, his leader approaches him with a frown.

“Aish!” Su Ho drags the maknae away by the ear, “you may be the maknae but you can’t act cute you babo.”

“Owwie~! Oww…” Se Hun yelps.

“Let me try!” Lu Han volunteers with a determined raised hand.



11:20 PM


SNSD and the F(x) girls all stand up tall and turn their heads towards the cries and noises coming from the corner.

“We’re nearly there! Hurry guys!”

“What the…” Amber blinks in confusion.

In seconds, EXO members all appear in front of the girl’s eyes huffing and puffing like crazy.

“Now where were you guys?” Victoria raises an eyebrow.

“You guys are more than an hour late!!!” Jessica yells from the top of her lungs making the dongsaengs shudder at the ice princess’s icy glare.

“WE ARE SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!” They all bow apolitically.

“It’s okay guys,” Yuri chuckles with a shake of her head at their politeness. Everyone is already familiar with each other and has stopped talking to each other so politely but EXO are still not exactly used to it with the girls.

“Where are the SHINee boys?” Taeyeon blinks, “aren’t they supposed to be with you guys?”

As if on time, SHINee appear from the corner walking slowly and coolly towards the group.

“Don’t you guys know that girls really hate waiting?” Luna sighs.

“Mianhae…” Taemin begins.

“Man you guys should have seen our Driver!” Jonghyun suddenly bursts out into a fit of laughter, “as soon as EXO emptied the van; he practically collapsed onto the floor.”

“O-kay?” Tiffany raises an eyebrow.

“No, really. He literally died,” Onew states with a shake of his head, "I truly felt sorry for him..."

“So where’s the Suju hyungs?” Key questions.

Lay looks down at his watch with a raised eyebrow, “More than one hour and eleven minutes late.”


11:55 PM


Heads look ahead to see the approaching group of twelve boys.

Super Junior and DBSK stop to be greeted by pissed off glares.


Shindong is the first to break the tension as he tilts his head in wonder, “Did I miss something or do you guys look like a bunch of fuming cows?”



12:00 PM

“Okay, okay we’re sorry!” Ryeowook cries with a raise of his hand in surrender, “we promise we won’t be late again.”

“Yeah girls,” Heechul inches closer to Jessica slyly, “there was too much traffic so…”

“Aish!” The ice princess jumps away with a glare, “oppa… what is wrong with you? You keep getting too close to me!”

“I can’t help it when my body gets attracted to such a beautiful girl…” Heechul smirks; love teasing this dongsaeng of mine.

At that, one of the guys in the groups shudders at his hyung’s words.

“Okay, enough with the teasing Heechul,” Yunho speaks up clearing his throat, “I think everyone must be tired now; let’s go on in.”

With a nod; everyone heads towards the gate and into the five-star hotel.

“Woo- hoo~!” Lay jumps around as the cold air of the air conditioned hotel hits him.

Everyone sighs in relief by the freshness of the different atmosphere.

“Heaven…” Yoona sighs.

“Okay everyone!” Changmin takes the lead, “let’s all just place our bags down.”

“Don’t we go into our hotel rooms first?” Victoria blinks in confusion.

“Nope,” he shakes his head in response earning multiple groans from the bunch.

Leeteuk rolls his eyes at that, “come on guys! We are here to have fun! We can’t start the first day like this!”

“Agreed!” Jonghyun shouts, “We gotta have fun right? We’re already on tv so we should make it fun for our viewers’ guys!”

“Then what do we do?” Taeyeon questions meekly.

“What do we do?!” Sooyoung jumps up onto one of the couches and shouts out with her hand against her ear, “what do we all do when we are free guys?!”

And almost suddenly, the crowd shouts back;


“HIT IT!” Shindong yells from the top of his lungs as music suddenly blasts the receptionist area of the hotel.

(Let’s Go Party! - 2ne1)

“GO AMBER!” Everyone starts to yell as they quickly drop their bags forming a circle as F(x) move to the centre to perform with Amber starting the party with a, “LET”S GO PARTY!”

D.O. quickly hands all F(x) members their microphones for them to sing.

The small entrance way of the hotel goes wild with people dancing, singing along and going crazy to the music.

“Let's go party!”
“Let's go party, now work that body!!!” They all yell out loud and bursting out in laughter.


F(x) smile widely as they perform then ending the song changes to…

(Heartbeat – 2PM)

“Can you feel my heartbeat!?”

“Can you feel my heartbeat girls?!” Siwon yells making the girls all cry out…


Heart, beat, heart, beat…”

This causes more laughter amongst the family.

Super Junior all run to the middle while F(x) move out of the way as the crazy Suju boys clutch their hearts to the song.

“Listen to my heartbeat!” Kyuhyun sings.

“It’s beating for you!” Eunhyuk follows.

“YEAH! Go oppas!” The immature SM girls jump up and down singing along to the music.

“Woo Hooo~!!!”

“Feel my heartbeat ladies!!!” Taemin suddenly cries out before he could stop himself; oops…

“Ladies?” Sulli raises an eyebrow at Shinee’s maknae.

“Hehe… it just came out,” Taemin chuckles lightly.

Heartbeat comes to a stop as another song plays…

(Lovey Dovey - T-ara)

“Lovey Dovey!” Hyoyeon screams.

“Come on girls!” Sunny ushers as SNSD make their way to the middle for their turn.

“Go girls!” Kris cheers jumping up and down.

“Lovey Dovey Dovey! Uh uh uh uh!”

“Lovey Dovey Dovey! Uh uh uh uh!”

“Shuffle!!! Do the shuffle!”


As the afternoon continues to go on, one of the guys sneak out to a corner with his phone in his hand.


To _______

Oppa, I miss you.

From ______



I miss you too, but we can’t see each other for 50 days… *sighs*

From ______



Leeteuk jumps around in shock at the voice looking like he’s been caught doing something bad, “Taeyeon! You scared me.”

The kid leader tilts her head curiously, “what are you doing? Everyone’s having fun; are you tired? Do you feel sick? Do you want to go rest oppa?” The worried ahjumma side naturally comes out as Taeyeon’s minds fills with concern.

“It’s not that,” Leeteuk shakes his head with a grin, “just texting my wife.”

“Sora?” Taeyeon looks down as Leeteuk nods his head in confirming that she’s right, why do I keep worrying? Of course he wants to have time for his wife…

“Oh… ummm,” Tae starts to back away, “I’ll leave you alone then…”

Before Suju’s leader could say anything; Taeyeon turns away and disappears into the crowd.

 Leeteuk frowns at that; did I do something wrong?


(Amazing - Infinite)

“Who are you staring at?”

Yuri jumps and snaps out of her daze averting her eyes to a curious Minho, “Hey; uh… nothing.”

“Oh,” Minho smiles shyly, “wanna dance noona?”

Yuri grins slightly, “how many times do I have to tell you that you don’t have to call me that?”

“Mianhae…” Minho lowers his head slightly making the blackpearl let out a soft giggle.

“Arasso, arasso. It’s okay, let’s dance then,” Yuri pulls the shy boy by the hand and begins to dance with him.

The flaming charisma of Shinee at first dances nervously but eventually warms up and sways to the music along Yul but somewhere in his mind; he can’t help but think that the girl he is dancing with has her mind elsewhere the whole time they dance.

“Hyung!” Minho calls out to Donghae seeing him pass by.

“Omo!” Without a warning; Yuri quickly pulls away from her dancing partner and lowers her head.

“Hey you two,” Donghae grins.

“H-hey oppa,” Yuri stutters nervously biting her lips; oh my god. I knew I shouldn’t have danced! What if he gets the wrong idea?

 Instead of replying to his hyung, Minho stares at the girl who roughly pulled away from him leaving him stunned and confused; is something wrong with her?



Everyone comes silent and the music comes to a stop as a squeal cries out.

Sehun lets out a groan as the heavy object continues to stay on top of him, “crap.”

“I’m soooo sorry,” The girl giggles lightly making it more than obvious that she’s high.

Exo’s maknae’s eyes widen and he holds his breath at the angelic face in front of him; I never noticed that she’s so pretty…

“Oh my god! Krystal!” The sharp voice yells and the others make way for the fuming ice princess to walk through.

“Get off him!” Jessica quickly yanks her little sister up, “What are you doing?!”

“Hehe… sorry sis,” Krystal grins changing to English, “I tripped.”

From beside them, Chanyeol quickly helps Sehun up and drags him away.

“Well you should have gotten off him straight away,” Sica frowns also starting the line of English, “you cannot trust erted guys.”

The others blink and stare at the two sisters talking in a foreign language, well; there are those who also know English but don’t bother to get into the little mess. Getting involved with the ice princess is like asking for your eardrums to pop.

“Uhh… Jess,” Krystal raises an eyebrow at her sister, “you should really stop overreacting. Sehun oppa didn’t do anything. I was the one who fell on top of him.”


“Okay enough!” Another fluent English voice stops Jessica before she could utter another word. Tiffany walks towards the sisters and stops with her hands on her hips, “enough already. Look what you two are doing. It’s a party here and your little ridiculous argument is just ruining the whole mood.”

“I should really learn English,” Jonghyun whispers softly as he continues to listen to the foreign language.

“If I was you I wouldn’t want to speak English,” Amber sighs from beside him, “when Sica unnie comes over and talks to Krystal. They yap and yap on and on in English which drives me nuts. And they always argue over stupid things!”


“I need some water,” Krystal turns on her heels and stumbles away from her annoying sister.

“Yah! Come back here!” Jessica runs away from the spotlight and towards her little sister; god this girl!

Tiffany lets out a sigh with a shake of her head, those two… seriously… cannot go through a day without arguing.

The frown on her face slowly disappears as Tiffany slowly brightens up with a smile, “DJ. PUT IT BACK ON!”




A/N: So that’s part 2 (AFTERNOON)! Part 3 (NIIGHT) COMING SOON! ^  ^


I know this update really ... I'm serious but I don't hv time to fix it up but I promise I'll fix up all my updates properly in the future :)

Oh and mianhae for not updating in a while guys. It’s nearly the end of the term for me and so I’m bombarded with assessments and tests all in one week so I need to study. School is ending in a week so I promise I’ll update more often and as quick as possible.



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update soon~~ im eager to
SM ent version of Total Drama Island lol
Little Minyul and Taeteuk there!
Love it:))) is there soowon?xD hahahahah!!:)
Update soon:)
Ohhhh~~~ Since I'm SM biased, I find this very interesting~!! <3
there's a little Minyul :D
update soon!!!!
this is so going on my subscription list!
I see potential couples already.....TaeTeuk, MinYul?, YulHae, Sehun and Krystal^^ Haha, update soon!!! :D
snowbunnytl #10
Luv it <3333 :) Keep up the great work unnie!