Time to go.

Which one do you like the best?

"Umm,~~~~~?It's time."

I turned around to face the person.

"Ok.I'll be down in a while,Aunt."

"They are your mother's friend's cousins and they are slightly older than you.They are really nice.I'm sure you LOVE it there!"She smiled at me and clasped her hands.

"....."I turned back,putting my elbows on my legs which are folded like a pretzel and supported my chin.

"~~~~~,I know your parents died,but you have to do something!You can't just sit there for days!"My aunt sighed.

"....."I kept quiet but I knew she was right.I had to do something about my life.

"I'm going to be independent."I muttered.

"Hmm?~~~~~?Did you say something?"My aunt asked.

"I just said I'll be down.."I answered.

"Ok then...I'll go to work then!"

Then I heard footsteps and the door lightly closing.

I sighed.

This was not going to be easy.Going to a new school and house..Leaving all my friends...

Well,I'll just try to survive all this.I got my suitcase and went downstairs to the car porch.

There was a guy standing beside the car,slightly leaning on it.He looked near to my age,but slightly older.He was also wearing shades.

I just walked towards him and he immediately noticed me.

He beckoned me into the car and got into the driver's seat.I took one last look at the house and got in.

The ride was silent and I soon drifted off to sleep.


Hey there!I know this is really short but it will slowly become longer.Probably.

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Chullie12 #1
@MalanaBear Waiting for what? :S
OMO! Niel is your bias tooo!!! I is dead nows. x-x i've been waiting....
Chullie12 #3
@MalanaBear Hehe,Me too.:)Niel is my bias.
I wish Niel would Love me. T~T Hoping it changes~
It sounds great ^^
cant wait i hope you update soon fighting unnie~!