Sincerely Yours


Could you possibly love someone you have never spoken to?

For Jonghyun, his love life is like that. At English class, his teacher assigns each student a 'penpal' from America, and Jonghyun receives a student named 'Kibum Kim'. The two start writing to each other, blind of how each other looked, but all they really were stricken by was each of their honesty, sweetness, and their thoughtful letters.

Maybe it's not possible for everyone, but it happened to the two high school students that were drawn to each other's stories, unexpectedly.


Courier New font = Letters
Georgia font = Story



Title: Sincerely Yours

Rating: 13+

Main characters: Jonghyun, Key

Minor characters:

Pairings: JongKey

Chapter lengths: Pretty short, but I will try to update daily

I promise you a cute/y/funny/etc. JongKey picture/gif/comic/etc. after every chapter^^


November 15, 20--
Seoul, Korea

Dear Key,

    Today we dissected a frog in biology. I did not expect a frog's insides to be so complex and disgusting. And did I mention my friend Minho looked like one? I hope his insides don't look that that ^^;; Anyway, I also wrote a song! I don't have much written down, but this would probably be the ending.

At the end of this very long connection
At the end of this train stop, unaware of where it'll reach
We learn as we go on and feel many things
I'm always late at expressing my emotions

You won't be forgotten in my heart, right?
You'll remain in my eyes as you smile, right?
If my joy can become your happiness
I'll be thankful.

    How was it? I don't think it's my best, but I thought you might like it :) Anyway, I just received a B+ on my math test. I don't think the test was hard, but I have a feeling the teacher dislikes me ;; He says I am a troublemaker. Do you think I'm one? I don't think I am. I hope he forgives me for whatever I had done for him to think of me that way. Did you notice it has gotten colder these days? I think it's because I have been writing too many sad poems and songs. It's going to rub off on me;;



November 17, 20--
Los Angeles, California

Dear Jonghyun,

    Ah, yes, I did remember you mentioning your friend. I think you also sent me a photo of him too kekeke~ He does look a lot like a frog...big eyes and everything ;; Maybe he's related to one ;) You're a funny one, Jonghyun.

    Aigoo, you're songwriting is daebak! I sang it, and it came out really well. Maybe if we meet, we could make it into a real song! Then we could become famous! x3 You're very talented, Jonghyun. Don't stop writing! ^^

    Does someone think you're not a good student? Well, that's too bad. They don't know the true Jjongie I know^^ They're jealous the other students can't do as well as you. I know you're much better than whatever the teacher sees you as. 

    I did notice it got colder, but it's a shame it doesn't snow in Los Angeles; you'd have to go to the mountains for that, and my family doesn't really have that time. I wish you could send me some snow, but it'd melt... ;; That's a silly thought, but I have to go. I'm sorry for the short letter! Dx




Picture cr: Tumblr


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OMG! Im looking forward to this LD
Please update!
P.s. I love the Jongkey pic ><